Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Involved

Chapter 414

Zhang Yutong is fighting for the monk, using the sword to repair the secret technique, exhausting the body mana, falling from the air! Seeing her delicate body falling like a green leaf, in the thick blood fog, showing a secret blood shadow, the blood shadow will wave a hand, a red blush on the forehead of Zhang Yutong, then The blood-red brilliance flashed through the body of Zhang Yutong, and Zhang Yutong was deeply enveloped! Look at Zhang Yutong's body shape in the air, the blood shadow flies into the blood fog, disappeared!

Then, outside the **** fog, Liu Weigang and the confused monk showed their stature!

"The good means of the Sovereign!" Liu Weigang looked at the huge blood fog in the air, and his eyes flashed with fascination. It was very respectful. (, watch the latest update of this book)

"Well, this is nothing!" The confused monk said faintly: "I am infinitely infinitely wise. This is just a little magical power. It is nothing. You just follow this sect. It’s just that Yuan Ying is a good one!”

"Thank you for the success of the lord!" Liu Weigang said: "The injury in the next place has been cured by the lord, and the lord of the lord is merciful. It will be upgraded to the foundation of the building, and the five bodies that admire the lord will be cast in the next. Joining the celestial being is really in the heart." Attached!"

"Liu deputy lord, Ning is not a chicken tail! You Changbai Zong is a famous martial art, but you can not build a foundation, what is the future in Changbai Zong? I am now a disciple, you are now rushing I took the opportunity to be the deputy lord of my demon sect. I don’t say that the repair will not stagnate. It is to be famous in the realm of comprehension. It is absolutely possible to achieve a master!” The confused monk said with a smile.

"Tolders thank the Lord!" Liu Weigang said respectfully.

"Well, let's go, and take Zhang Yutong's scorpion, this sect is useful later! You also go back to the mountain with other disciples, practice well, and strive for early condensing!" The lost monk took out the flag and swayed in the air. The thick **** fog was inhaled by the flag very quickly. After a while, it was said that the weather was restored, and the flag was bloody!

"The disciple will go back!" Liu Weigang took the ceremony and flew into the air. He grabbed his hand and put Zhang Yutong in his hand. At this time, from the bottom of the sky, four or five refining seven layers were revealed. The monks were all sacred to the lost monk, and then flew away with Liu Weigang!

Waiting for everyone to wait, the confused monk looked around and left. After flying for an hour, he fell on a cliff, then found a cave and drilled in. //.com novel network //

"Hey! Jian Xiu... It really is the soul of the sword! Only one flying sword can be between the heavens and the earth! It is really powerful! Even though the old man is the mid-term repair of the foundation, there is a magic weapon, but she is still hurt by her. The confused monk whispered, removing the confusion, revealing the white lips and red lips, a handsome Zhang Qingxiao!

At this time, Zhang Qingxiao’s robes, some blood, is the gift of Zhang Yutong’s flying sword!

When Zhang Qingxiao changed his clothes and took the medicinal herbs, he sat down on his knees and thought: "Fortunately, this sect is a high-ranking man. When you get two swords to meet, you will escape. If the two fight together, Even if you can take it, you will hurt a few people! Hey, the mid-term repair of the foundation is still nothing!"

Then, Zhang Qingxiao took out a medicinal medicine and took it hard to cultivate.

Far away in the Xi country, a misty, dangerous mountain, a monk who is also confused and confused is appearing in the air. The monk holds a one-foot-sized French dial in his hand. Holding the French disk, he shouted: "Hey? How come... Is this Lei Lei's thunder boat changed direction?"

After listening to the words of the monk, in the midair outside the ten feet, the distortion of the scene, also showed two monks dressed in confusion, two monks flew to the vicinity, a closer look, is also a strange road: "Uncle Xiong Shi, this... This is the second time I have turned the direction! Yu Leizong... Did you find me waiting?"

“How is it possible?” Another monk who flew together retorted: “Bear Xi’s uncle’s layout here, how can the gods not know how to know, how can Yu Leizong’s monks know? And this place is not too far away from Yu Leizong. Even if it is to be prepared, it is impossible to think that we will lie here!"

"Don't say it, pack up the array and other things! Hurry and go ahead!" The bear master uncle took a hand and put away the legal disk. The other two disciples flew to different places and stopped from midair. A dozen or so battles, and then with the monk, the path flies in front of you!

Another day of flying, the uncle Xiong Shi took out the French martial arts, and the law slammed it on it. He took a closer look and then swept the gods and pointed at one place: "Just here, you will wait for the speed. The law is good!"

"Yes, the disciples listened to orders!" The two disciples were busy arranging the squad, and the bear's eyes looked at the distance and stared for a long time.

After a while, the two disciples arranged the phalanx and flew to the front of Xiong Shishu.

"Well, yes, although this Royal Leizong changed direction twice, it is fulfilled that you wait for two people. This array of arranging is more and more sophisticated." Xiong Shishu was very satisfied with the laughter.

"This is all cultivated by Xiong Shishu!" A disciple respectfully said.

Another disciple whispered: "Xiong Shishu, Yu Leizong's thunder boat, but in addition to lyrical a Jindan period monk, there is also a monk who built the base period. I am afraid that it is difficult to wait for three people. Do it!"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this!" Xiong Shishu pointed his hand and said: "This law is set by the imprisoned mana. Even the Jindan period monk should cut his repairs by 30%! Besides, I wait. Just take back the storage bag, and the lyrics of Yu Leizong will not be uninteresting!"

"Yeah, I really didn't think that Fan Tong was really a rice bucket! He was killed by Xiao Hua in his hand!" The disciple added: "I will choose him to bring the storage bag back to Changbai Zong." It is wrong!"

"Oh, I am not waiting for the election, but the Changbai Zong is quietly appointed by the real person!" Xiong Shishu sneered: "This Fan Tong is a descendant of a quiet person, and there is a magic weapon given by the real person! Because of this magic weapon, Fan Tong It should have won at the Yuxian Conference! Who would have thought... He died when he died, and he actually brought the storage bag that I gave to the person who was still thinking about it. This storage bag The things are naturally taken away by others, Lei Zong!"

"But, Xiong Shishu, we don't know whether the storage bag is in the hands of Yu Leizong at this time, or in the hands of Changbai Zong!"

"If it is in the hands of Changbai Zong, then the storage bag will arrive at Changbai Zong, naturally it is to be presented to them. Fan Tong is a quiet descendant of real people. He is also an elder of Changbai Zong. This storage bag will naturally fall on him. In my hand, do you still have to worry about me?” Xiong Shishu sneered: “If it is in the hands of Yu Leizong, I will only take Xiao Hua’s Xiao Hua’s, and take the storage bag away?”

"Xiong Shishu, disciple thinks that the storage bag must be in the hands of Changbai Zong. After all, some disciples have seen the contents of the storage bag. Liao Zhouquan is unlikely to let the contents of the storage bag fall into the hands of Yu Leizong! "The other disciple said with a smile.

"Hey, do you dare to decide? If not?" Xiong Shishu whispered: "The head sent me to do this, but there is such a flaw, although it is not my fault, but if it can not be remedied, it is still me." Wait, so you can't confirm it!"

"Yes, yes, the disciple understands!" the disciple said quickly.

"Well, go hide!" Xiong Shishu put his hand on the table: "When the royal boat of Yu Leizong falls into the squad, the old man will drag the lyrics, and you will wait for one to drag the shackles, one will take Xiao Hua Although Xiao Hua has some means, it can be a urchin in your hands! He killed Fan Tong and offended the quiet person. I will kill even if I can't get the storage bag from him! After all, I am waiting to be quiet and consider the real person!"

"The disciple understands!" The two men were merciful, and their bodies were turned into a circle of law.

That Xiong Shishu is holding the French disk in his hand and watching it carefully...

After saying that the grievance left Xiao Zhou after Xiao Hua, my heart was also a little vigilant. After all, Xiao Hua said that there is some truth, but after two days of flying, the boat did not encounter any abnormal situation, and the lyrics were fully released. At the same time, my heart is already a bit disdain! Some secretly blame Xiao Hua’s suspicious ghosts, and Xiao Hua, who is a spokesman, is really a big problem!

The disciples on the thunder boat, I think that Xiao Hua has other thoughts, but now I am even less vigilant in my heart, but in a sunny day, I am too far away from the hustle and so on, smiling at me. What, suddenly, the entire thunder boat stopped, and then fell straight from the air, everyone was caught off guard, feeling the instinct of the meridians, the mana of the body was eliminated by 30%, the body shape is with the Thunder fall!

"Who!" The lyrical figure was slightly stagnation, and then the figure was flying in the air, with a wave in his hand, the row of cockroaches was in his hand!

"Oh, 艮道友!" The confused Xiong Shishu turned out from inside the circle, his hands were empty, without any instruments, he said with a smile: "There is something in the poor road to discuss with the Taoist friends!"

During the conversation, the same two disciples dressed in confusion are rushing to the already stable position in the air. One will release the mind and look for Xiao Hua!

"Hey!" In the cold, the pressure was released, as the mountain pressed against the bear master.

"Oh, 艮道友..." Xiong Shishu still smiled, and the same pressure ushered in.

The sound of "Boom", the two powers are evenly matched by the previous battle, the previous strong wind!

The lyric face is slightly changed, and the hand is shot, and the instrument is flying into the air...

Not to mention that a disciple greeted Yu Yue, the two also tempted, and the other disciples swept away the gods. The dozens of refining disciples did not have the shadow of Xiao Hua! ! !


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