Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Hibiscus, turtle shell, Dan heart

The 416th chapter of the raft, turtle shell, Dan heart

"Hey? This... Lizard beasts are naturally born to understand 遁?" Seeing the lizard beast gradually disappeared from the air, Xiaohua's Buddha's knowledge can be clearly seen, and the place where the lizard beast disappeared has a brilliance of qinghai! []

"Wooden!" Xiaohua’s mind did not come out and jumped out of the name of the law! Moreover, the law of the road is as clear as the stream flows through the heart.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua almost wants to caress: "No wonder there are very few people who have caught this lizard beast that has been refining the air. It turns out that this thing is a natural jingtong raft. Today, the poor road has a relationship, not only remembers the wood. Oh, it’s a lizard beast. This invisible charm is afraid that it’s coming!”

Between the thoughts, Xiao Hua swayed the law, and the whole body shape was also a flash of light, followed by the lizard beast!

The lizard beast is very timid. Seeing that Xiao Hua can catch up with himself, it is already a panic, and the East and West are gradually losing their rules. Xiaohua is not in a hurry to chase after him. He is somewhat unfamiliar. The speed of the raft is not fast. After waiting for a bag of cigarettes, his body shape is gradually becoming more flexible. The technique of hibiscus is becoming more and more skillful! Of course, Xiao Hua’s heart is also alive. “The first step in the cultivation of the light is the most difficult. It is necessary to cultivate five kinds of methods, such as Jinmushuihuo, and to quench the bones. The most difficult thing is to find the five elements. I will quench it into the bones. I don’t know where to go to find the five elements. But now I have recalled the hibiscus, the fire and the bandits, and the other golden urns and otters... I don’t know. Whether you have cultivated yourself or not, if you have no cultivation, you should pay attention to it!"

"However, isn't I still practicing the Thunder in Yu Leizong? Isn't this Thunder really one of the five elements?"

"It's a pity that this method of light is too ridiculous. No one can pass through Lu. I can only listen to it at some time. Master is only a monk in the late stage of building a foundation. There is no big law in the law of Thunder. Little is known about this, and asking is also a question!"

Just thinking about it, the lizard beast that escaped in the front has changed. I saw that the lizard beast is running around like a flies. Suddenly, it seems to have found something, and the figure suddenly turns to the left. In the past, Xiao Hua naturally did not care, but also turned the direction, just just flew a cup of tea, the lizard animal flat body gently turned a corner, actually ... disappeared in Xiao Hua’s Buddhist knowledge No trace?

"Ah?" Xiao Hua stunned, thinking that the cooked duck actually flew, it was very angry, and urged the scorpion to come to the place where the lizard beast disappeared. When you look closely, it is a very big friend. Giant wood! The giant wood stands under a cliff, and the whole tree is so high? The width of the giant wood is also a dozen! The entire huge canopy will cover the next large piece of the cliff about a thousand feet! !

Xiao Hua released the Buddha's knowledge and thoughts, and looked at the entire giant wood separately. He didn't see anything wrong. "Is it difficult... Is the lizard beast using other methods?"

"But it shouldn't be, it can't disappear!"

Xiao Hua thought, the handcuffs broke into the giant wood, under the brilliance of the green sè, the yin in the giant wood is very incomparable, Xiao Hua will force the Buddha to release, one inch and one inch view, want to find clues, Xiaohua The Buddha has just entered mén. At this time, it is only one level. How can it really be "viewing micro"? In fact, Xiao Hua is also somewhat suspicious in the cultivation of Buddhist knowledge. First of all, in the way of cultivation, whether it is "Fire in the Fire" or "Faith in Heaven" or even "Thunder and Thousand", these exercises are based on Dan yào, based on the aura of heaven and earth, in the end, it is to absorb foreign objects. For the use of self-enhanced cultivation, but this "Bai Ye Ling Jing" of the Buddha relics mén, is purely using their own hard work to temper the Buddha's golden body bit by bit, no external force! There is no such thing as Dan yào can take! Secondly, Xiao Hua can see clearly in the "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing", this method is the supreme method of the Buddha's cultivation of relics. It is said that although the "quantity" of Xiaohua's Buddha relic is not comparable to the bamboo, it can be in quality. It must not be bad! But why... Han Zhu simply dismissed Xiao Hua’s Buddhist sects? Just saying that Xiaohua’s exercises are rough?

These Xiaohua are all wanting to ask on the day, but they don’t know about the bamboo. He doesn’t dare to ask more. If Han Zhu really wants him to come up with the “Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing”, he will take it or not. What?

In fact, the Buddha and the Tao are different! Dao Zong pays attention to the world, stealing the heavens and the earth for his own use, the most stealth! The Buddhism is reluctant to be a thought, the most painstaking, "Bai Ye Ling Jing" is not a fake foreign object only to the self-power is superior, the cold bamboo by the Zongdan yào cultivation of Buddha knowledge is falling. Naturally, the Buddha’s knowledge is not used by the gods. The most important thing is to ask for no scale. The Buddha’s slang is a testimony: “The Bodhi is not a tree, the mirror is not a Taiwan, the Buddha knows nothing, and it is dusty.” To the extreme, it is just like the breeze that has blown through the world, no one can detect it, far from the Taoist thoughts of the powerful! Therefore, when Xiao Hua was practicing "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing", the original Buddha's knowledge was like clear water, which was a very high starting point, far from being comparable to Han Zhu.

And said that Xiao Hua swept and swept with the Buddha's knowledge, just in the place where the lizard beast disappeared, suddenly a trace of spiritual power

o move, this aura and Xiao Huaping see the spiritual power

o is not the same, but full of a dead, a tyrannical! "Hey? This spiritual power.

o Some movements are familiar, it seems that the space array in the storage bag is almost the same when the ecstasy is crushed! Xiao Hua frowned.

Seeing the spiritual power

o The movement became more and more intense, and a thin gap was gradually formed in the space. Xiao Hua quickly made the town cloud print out, but immediately, when the thin gap was wide, it was Gradually merge!

"Go!" Xiao Hua did not hesitate, pointing his hand, the town cloud printed with the brilliance of the bronze sè, toward the crack is to go.

"Peng, Peng, Peng..." The gap was actually stopped by the shackles, and it was gradually enlarged. When it was about three feet away, a faint shadow flashed in the gap, and Xiaohua’s mouth smiled. The force of the imprisonment on the town cloud prints, and the lizard beast that has just flowed out of the space crack is suppressed!

"Zhe ~ ~" Lizard animal struggles to die, the entire flat, almost transparent body suddenly turned into a red, then it is up!

"Go ~" Xiao Hua knows that the lizard beast must counterattack, do not dare to scorn, spur the town cloud print "call" a sigh, "squeaky" muffled, blood flashed, the lizard beast was actually smashed back Space cracks.

"This..." Xiao Hua frowned slightly, his body flew, and before he came to the crack, the Buddha’s knowledge swept inside, and he felt on the spot!

After the crack in this space, it is a ** space of a square, but this space is now on the verge of collapse, and the surrounding edge is a piece of blue méngméng. The brilliance of the blue méngméng is like boiling water, and the rapid surging The space cracks have shrunk!

The corpse of the lizard beast fell into the air in the space, and next to the corpse of the lizard beast, there is a humanoid corpse looking up at the sky. However, the corpse is already a white bone, and the black dongdong looks very awkward. ! And that is still the right arm straight up, slanting pointing to the air, the index finger and the **** that are closed together, although it is already Bai Sensen's phalanx, but Xiao Hua's knowledge of the Buddha has been swept, there is a sense of shocking and shocking. .

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua sucked a cold, and couldn't help but be amazed at the heart. This corpse is a Confucian costume under the body of the corpse. It is completely different from the ordinary monk's wearing, which is different from the dressing of some scholars in the monk!

"Is it difficult... This predecessor is not a monk?" Xiao Hua did not come to give birth to such a thought.

"Booming rumbling ~" a faint shock dàng voice.

"Bad, this space is going to collapse!" Xiao Hua was shocked, and had no time to think again. God swept over, the body of the lizard beast, and the blood were all income yu匣 and yu bottles.

At this point, the space vibrated, the corpse of the scholar was shocked and turned over, and the other hand behind the corpse was revealed in front of Xiao Hua’s eyes, and between the five fingers, it was half a turtle shell!

"What is this?" Xiao Hua took a hand, and the turtle shell did not move.

"Hey?" Xiao Hua was awkward, and he was about to explore it. He reached into the crack in the space and grabbed the turtle shell. "Come on you!" Xiao Hua had one arm and only saw the body of the scholar. A faint red light flashed, "哗啦啦" a burst of luàn, the turtle shell was taken in the hands of Xiao Hua, but the bones of the entire body were broken, and even with the scattering of white bones, those bones were again Ashes! It seems that time is too long!

"Sin, sin!" This is the unexpected surprise of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua is shaking his head.

The whole white bone was turned into ashes, and the Confucian costume of that body fluttered in the air, giving a faint red light. Xiao Hua did not do two, and he took a hand, and the Confucian costume flew into Xiao Hua’s hands.

At this time, there are strange scenes! Just under the Confucian costume, there is a heart-like thing that only has the size of a thumb. The heart of Xing is shining with a pure red light floating in the air, dyeing the whole space into a red color. Sè!

"What is this?" Xiao Hua was shocked, but at this time, an extinct breath came from within the space, and the blue light boiling above the walls of the space was still still, but it was expanded a lot. The space crack is now shrinking rapidly.

"The space has to collapse!" Although Xiao Hua has not seen the space collapse, but the extinction of the breath can not be wrong, Xiao Hua did not dare to scorn, put the turtle shell in the hand, the red yànyàn heart xing thing is falling Above the turtle shell, Xiao Hua quickly retracted from the crack in the space!

Xiao Hua’s arm has just retracted, the space crack is completely closed, and a grayish brilliance flashes in the crack, just the faint spiritual power.

o The disappearance disappeared without a trace!



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