Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Return to Royal Leizong

Chapter 417 Return to Yu Leizong

"Good insurance!" Xiao Hua saw that the size of the space was completely annihilated. If he did not encounter the lizard beast, chasing it here, and found the space crack, the Confucianism, the turtle shell and the red heart. Shaped things get their hands, these things are like the corpses are turned into fly ash, no longer exist between heaven and earth.

Later, Xiao Hua put his eyes on the Confucian clothes in his hands. At this time, the Confucian costumes were restored to the original white, and there was no red light. Presumably the red light was the red heart-shaped thing. Since the corpses of the scholars have been turned into ashes and this Confucian costume has not changed, this Confucian costume must also be a different treasure. Although Xiao Hua used the Buddha and the gods, he did not see any clues, but Xiao Hua was still cautious. The income of Confucianism is within the space.

Looking at the turtle shell, it is not complete. I am afraid that only 20% of the whole turtle shell will be transparent. It is faint and faint in the heart-shaped red-red brilliance. It seems that the words seem to be words and they are not the shadow of words.

Xiao Hua looked at it for a long time, and couldn’t see why. In his heart, he sighed that the heart shape and the turtle shell were within the income space, and the Confucian clothes were stored in separate places.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua took out the giant wood, took out the map given by the lyrics, and took a closer look. Although the lizard beast had escaped for a long time, the direction of deviation could not be too far. Xiao Hua identified the direction and still showed up just recalled. Mudu, in the direction of Yu Leizong is to go!

More than one day, and said that Xiao Hua is like a fish in the water, the two powerful gods cross the sweep of him, and then he is locked!

"Hey, aren't those thieves?" Xiao Hua was shocked in his heart, thinking about it, but waiting for him to release his thoughts, he knew that the gods were so thick, it was the late monk who built the foundation, how could it be to trace the lyrics Thief?

The rest of Xiao Hua’s joy came out of Lin Zhong’s, and the respectful gift of flying in the air, said in the mouth: “Is it the head of Yu Leizong in front?”

"You are Xiaolei Xiaohua?" The two Thunder's figures have not arrived, and the voice has arrived.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The disciple is exactly, I don't know the two teachers, but the uncle of the thunder palace?"

"Haha, I should wait for luck!" Two monks in the late stage of the building, one with a black face and a thin body, the person with a black face shook hands, and a signal was sent to the air, then this Xiaohua Xiaohua smiled and said: "The old man is the 艮 艮 艮 艮 ,, this is the old man and his sister."

"The disciple has seen two uncles!" Xiao Hua once again gave a gift.

The 艮 戥 戥 戥 , , , 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥 戥

Xiao Hua shook his head; "Why does the disciple Tao Zhijun dare to reveal a trace of horses? But it is fortunate to escape!"

"Big good!" Yan Feng said: "The uncle of the sorrowful demon to the 艮雷宫 immediately ordered, all the 艮雷宫守守弟子 are dispatched, and greeted Xiao Shiyi in several ways. I have not seen it for several days. Traces, so that things can not be good! Who is thinking that when they are about to return, they will meet the teacher!"

"All the disciples are worth watching?" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned, his eyes turned and asked: "Wang Shizu... Are they all safe and sound?"

"Oh, there are ancestors escort, how can there be something?" Yan Feng smiled and said: "If you are harmless, just follow me back to the mountain! I can show the Thunder, when you can take you a ride! ”

"Yes, there are two uncles!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

Subsequently, the two monks in the late stage of the building of the base used the technique of Thunder to fly with Xiao Hua to the Royal Leizong. During the period, there were more than a dozen monks in the late stage of the building. They also rushed to the hobby. The monk in the mid-twelfth layer returned to Yu Leizong.

I saw that there are so many late-stage monks who have been sent out to find themselves. Xiao Hua is also grateful for worrying. Not to mention, it must be that the sensation has touched the thief who wants to intercept Yu Leizong, and certainly When I moved my hand, my grievances were not hurt, but I certainly didn’t take any advantage. This was the only time I went out to find myself.

"Who is the thief who intercepted the martial arts disciples? What is their purpose?" This is Xiao Hua’s thoughts on the road, and he also asked when he met.

On the partial hall of the Thunder Palace, the lyrical face was quite gloomy. Although the monk who had somehow emerged did not shoot himself, but the face was cut, there was no left, see Xiao. Hua’an’s innocent joy can’t dilute his doubts. He doesn’t quite understand why a Jindan monk is interested in Xiaohua. Or is it interested in Xiao Hua winning those medicinal herbs?

Seeing the lyrical face, Xiao Hua’s heart is also guilty. He took the storage bag and handed it over, and smiled and said: “These medicinal disciples can’t understand one by one, but also ask the ancestors to have a good look. Proper?"

"Well~" The sensation is not welcome. Previously, because this medicinal drug was Xiaohua's private property, he was not convenient to check it one by one, but it was already very heavy at this time, and he could not be scrupulous!

However, when the medicinal herbs were finished, the lyrical brows were tighter, and the storage bag was handed to Xiao Hua. He shook his head and said: "These medicinal herbs are of course precious! But... can't make a Golden Dan monk Come directly to the old man!"

"What are the best spiritual stones?"

"Oh, it's even more impossible." The sensation still smiles bitterly: "Don't say that it's a spiritual stone, it's a ten-year-old stone, and it's not like these remedies."

"Is it difficult to be the sword embryo?" asked Xiao Hua tempted.

"Oh, it can only be this sword embryo!" In the eyes of the sensation, there is an inexplicable brilliance: "When the old man thought about it, he thought that only the sword embryo could be!"

"But the sword embryo... The disciple thinks that only the weight is special, and nothing else can be seen!" Xiao Hua reached out and took out the ruthless epee that had just been placed in the storage bag.

"Don't say it is you, the old man just looked at it again, and he didn't see anything. If you want to find clues, you still have to ask the palace or elders of the Eight Thunder Palace to see what you know!"

Xiao Hua listened, and his heart snorted. Some of them were reluctant to hand over the ruthless epee. They laughed and said: "That... the disciple sees this sword embryo and gives it to the ancestors, please the ancestors..."

I know that the sensation is a smile. "You took it yourself. At this time, the old man has already told the lord. The old man is also very interested. You wait, maybe there will be a rumor!"

"Well~" Xiao Hua said in a deep heart.

Say, look at the sensation, take a storage bag from his arms, and hand it to Xiao Huadao: "Your storage bag has been crushed by the sword embryo, or quickly put the medicinal herbs and spirits in it. Into your own storage bag, this storage bag is first held, temporarily used to carry the sword embryo!"

Xiao Hua smiled and took it: "It’s still careful, thank you Master!"

However, for a long time, there were boys and sons calling around. Xiao Hua came to a large hall with grievances. I saw that the hall was full of imposing manners. Among them, the pillars of the carved pillars are comparable to the giant thunder hall of Ganlei Palace. The plaque on the top is the word "劭雷".

At this time, the Lei Lei Temple was sitting on the left and right side of the two. Both of them Xiaohua were seen in the Julei Hall. It was the main residence of the Thunder Palace and the main palace of the Thunder Palace.

Lyrics and Xiao Hua went to the end of the ceremony, and smiled and said: "Xiao Hua, I can't think of you just entering my Royal Leizong for only a few years, actually from the tenth layer of refining to the mid-term of the twelve layers of refining, and more At the Yuxian Conference, I glory for the Royal Leizong. The name of the first thirty-two will not be said. Actually, I can still use the magic weapon to force the disciples of the scented scent to complete the foundation! Even the old man When I was young, it was too late!"

Xiao Hua quickly handed over: "Thank you for the praise of the palace, but the disciples are just getting together. If you have the incomplete magic weapon, if you happen to have a free sacrifice in those few days, how can the disciple be the enemy of the refining?"

"Oh, it is you who abstain from the overall situation, in order to take this opportunity, one drink is a cause and effect!" He smiled.

Next to the 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 婕 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 ” ” ” 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边 旁边

"Bad!" Xiao Hua suddenly thought: "These days, I thought about avoiding the interception. I never thought about it. The red glow fairy returned to the Huanhua School... How to behave?"

Poor Xiao Hua, since the words of "Hongjun Fairy has been decided, jingle from it", I thought that Hongxia Fairy is sweet in my heart, where would I think so much? If you don’t talk about it, you still don’t know it!

Seeing Xiaohua’s face changed slightly, he was stunned and ridiculed, and he said: “You also don’t worry, that the red xia fairy is very happy at the young age, and it must be the person who the singer’s teacher pays attention to. Things will not affect anything!"

Then he moved his hand a little and smiled: "It is you, Xiao Hua, but only in the middle of the 12th floor. Although it is in the midst of the Yuxian Conference, it is soaring, but if it is true, it is all about magic power. It’s not very important to cultivate with the realm. If you want to marry the Huanhua School, this foundation must be passed!”

Xiao Hua’s face is reddish, and she feels that the woman’s many things are repaired and the age is not dry. She also said: “Thank you for pointing me!”

"Well, Xiao Hua, you will take the sword embryo out and see it!" It’s easy to wait for the match, and wave it.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua took the prajna epee out of the storage bag and swayed his hand, so that the epony in the hands of Xiao Hua did not move.

"Hey? Is this really weird?" Emei's pick, mana urged, but unfortunately, he changed several kinds of law, even if the epony still does not move!

It’s also a surprise to fight against it. The same is a few different tricks. A few times, Xiao Hua can feel a giant force born out of the air. If you want to take this kind of epee, you can’t succeed. .

"Weird! You will take the sword embryo!" He had to tell.



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