Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Space just one day, outside for several years

The 418th chapter is just one day, and it has been outside for several years.

The prajna epee is of course heavy and heavy, but it is the monk of the late Jindan. It can be picked up, but he can see it and give it to the cricket. The two of them will finally shake their heads slightly. The epee was returned to Xiao Hua with a smile: "Xiao Hua, the experience and insight of the old man can not judge the source of this thing, it is only the lord and the elders may see it! However, the lord and the elders have been in the near future It’s busy, these little things are afraid of not bothering them...”

The match was also attached to the side: "And, since Taiqing has taken this thing out as a reward, I think they have also identified it. Even if it is a strange thing, it is limited to use it! As the old man expected, it should be Those thieves value the use that I don't know!"

Xiao Hua’s heart moved and respectfully said: “Of course, the singularity of the Huanhua School is going to take this thing, and intercepting me is the Shuhua School monk?”

"Oh, this speculation has long been thought of, and has sent disciples to explore. If they do, as long as my Royal Leizong has the evidence, it must not be with the Huanhua School!" Intriguing!

"Well, Xiao Hua, you have a good performance in the Yuxian Conference. I have a reward for the Thunder Palace, and there are also rewards. I have already delivered the rewards to your family. You have to escape from the enemy. It is hard work, or early. Back to Wanlei Valley! The Yuxian Conference is just a small episode. It is an experience and a beginning. Presumably, you have also seen the foundations of many disciples. I hope that your heart will be enlightened, and you can learn from this and practice hard. , can enter the base early!" said with a smile.

"Thank you for the encouragement of the palace, the disciples will be remembered, and build the foundation as soon as possible!" Xiao Hua was swearing, and with the grievances out of the thunder hall.

After bidding farewell to grievances, Xiao Hua saw no one everywhere, and he drove to Thunder Valley.

When Xiao Hua came to Wanlei Valley's helpless Dongfu, there was no quiet movement before and after the Dongfu. Even the mountain was gone!

"Hey? Why is this?" Xiao Hua did not dare to take the liberty of releasing the gods to visit Master's Dongfu. He only shouted in front of the cave house: "Master, the disciple is back!"

But shouted two inside the cave and no one took care of it!

"Maybe it is not within the Dongfu!" Xiaohua secretly, is trying to find the master brother Xiangyang, but there is a turn of thought, when he left Yu Leizong, he gave the master brother and son, and did not know whether Sun Xiang has already Breaking through the bottleneck and entering the mid-term of the foundation, I saw that the teacher and the singer did not come out to meet each other. I must have been retreating. I am afraid that I have to disturb the masters to practice!

Presumably, Xiao Hua sat cross-legged and waited outside the helpless Dongfu.

Finally returned to Wanlei Valley, Xiao Hua’s heart revealed a kind of stability, and then he entered the space again. The things in the space are now well organized, the spirit grass and the Lingshi, as well as the instruments, magic weapons and the like are all sorted out, and everything seems to be under the control of Xiao Hua.

However, when Xiao Hua’s heart swept over the egg of the ice worm and the egg of the water butterfly, I didn’t feel any doubts. It’s been said that it’s been several years. The age of the grass has been thousands of years. I don’t know why. The eggs are not moving at all, but if they are all dead, Xiao Hua can detect the vitality from the eggs!

"This is strange!" Xiao Hua smiled, and saw the roots of the original rainbow. Since the fruit of the rainbow was picked by him, there was an extremely beautiful colorful flower in the root. The flower, this flower is in the shape of a rainbow, it is so beautiful, it is exactly the same as the rainbow on the fruit of the rainbow!

"Oh, if this is the case, after the poor road, there is no shortage of rainbows!" Xiao Hua secretly laughed.

"Mother, mother-in-law..." Xiao Huang called out, carrying a small silver fly to the air, and cried very excitedly: "Is it a fight again? Just a child has not been addicted yet, this again which one?"

"Just?" Xiao Hua’s heart-threatening earthquake, the last time he let Xiao Huang and Xiao Yin come out to help or fight at the Yuxian Conference, it’s been a few months and there are dozens of days. How could it be just now? I remember that Xiao Hua first asked Xiao Huang, it was very slow in this space at the time, but Xiao Huang said it was unclear. Xiao Hua only thought that the retrospective was suspended in the air, and there was no reason for the night.

I am afraid that it is not so simple now?

Naturally, Xiao Hua thinks of eggs that have not been moving for a long time.

"What is the power of God? Can it be restored?" Xiao Hua asked in his heart.

"The power of God? Oh, what the mother said is the defeat of the child?" Xiao Huang Lingzhi is more mature.

"Well, it is it, it has a name called Divine Power!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"When the baby just brought it in, how could it be restored?" Xiao Huang actually asked Xiao Hua. In fact, when Xiao Hua asked Xiao Huang, he had already looked at the divine power that had been lying on the ground. The divine power was caught by Xiao Huang and was bruised and bruised. At this time, there was no danger to life. It seems that if you want to recover, it will not be able to be completed in a short time. Then think about the time gap between space and outside. I want to use this thing, I am afraid it will take a long time!

Moreover, Xiao Hua at this time is thinking of another thing. This kind of spiritual pet is driven by the monk. Like the magic weapon and the magic weapon, there are different methods of driving, and I have to be self-defeating in the secret law of Lingzong. Although there are some methods to drive, but I do not know whether it is useful!

"Is this magical power out of support?" Xiao Hua thought, but then he denied it. He didn't say whether he had a pocket or not. Just think about Xiao Huang's extraordinary power and Xiaoyin. As you can see, although the time has passed slowly in this space, it is... for the growth of the spiritual pet, there must be no external effect.

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s heart was shocked. He felt that there was some movement outside. He quickly took his mind out of the space. He saw that the sky outside was too late, and a familiar **** in the distance swept away.

Far away, Zhuo** is the voice: "Xiao Hua, when are you coming back?"

Xiao Hua is like a voice, respectfully said: "The disciple has just returned today!"

"Oh, very good!" In the speech, Zhuo ** has been near, waiting for the figure to stand firm, immediately apply RayLight's method of voice, inform the helpless, and then open the Dongfu, let Xiaohua come in, after sitting, Zhuo* * Very kindly, looking at Xiao Hua, asked: "Is everything well?"

Xiao Hua’s body said: “All the disciples are good. How can those thieves catch the disciples? Please rest assured!”

Zhuo** smiled gratifiedly and said: "Your Master listened to you and took the initiative to take out the thunder boat. While you are yelling at your dull side, you are eager to find the thundering palace. You can see that the uncle has sent many good hands. Go out and look for it, knowing that they have done their best, even though he wants to go out with him, after all, Wan Leigu can’t get away from it, and he can’t help him!”

"In fact, the disciple is also a last resort..." Xiao Hua said something briefly. Zhuo nodded and said: "This is what your master knows. He has always been a confession. You have to know..."

Just saying, but helpless God swept, "Hey? How is this fast?" Zhuo ** Daqi, stood up and said.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to go out with Zhuo**, the helpless figure is already in the field of vision. Xiao Hua is a gift, respectfully said: "Master, the disciple is back!"

"Hey, you can come back!" The helpless man did not arrive, and the snoring came first: "If you can, you only have to refine the twelve layers... the middle-class disciple, dare to go alone from the thunder boat! You If you don't want to live, I told Laozi earlier that Laozi first expelled you from Wanlei Valley. When you don't have time, you have three long and two short, and the Leigong disciple of the family is pointing behind the old man's back!"

"I have a sunny sun in Wanlei Valley, and the sacs will be sacred. Then you will be the one who is smashed, and the reputation of Laozi can be ruined by both of you!"

Helpless to meet, do not ask the innocent drink, really let Xiao Hua feel wronged, he knows that this is helpless style, can still sigh.

"Well, let's go back to Dongfu!" Zhuo** smiled and said: "How come you come back so soon? It seems that my thunder light has not yet reached Wanlei Valley!"

"Old man... I feel something in my heart, come back to see it!" But helplessly, Xiaohua looked up and went to Dongfu.

Zhuo ** smiled and made a look from Xiao Hua, but also followed.

Xiao Hua’s heart flowed through the warmth, but I didn’t want to say it. I’m sure I’m thinking about myself. Come back and see if I’m really coming back. Maybe there’s something in my heart that’s already in my tens of days. There have been many times.

Look at Xiaohua, who is sitting on the sideliness, but sighs and sighs. He takes a hand and takes out a storage bag and throws it into Xiaohua’s previous midair. He said: "This is the Lei Lei Palace and my earthquake. The reward of the Thunder Palace, and the token of your Dongling Medicine Park, you have to accept it!"

"Yes~" Xiao Hua followed the words, and he did not look at the waist.

"Hey, the horizon is high!" Helplessly sneered: "The rewards of the two major thunder palaces are very good, that is, the old man is also blind, but you don't look at it! You are going to show the things you won to the old man!" Let the old man also open his eyes, what is rare in the end, actually let a Jindan period monk shot?"

"Master is also useless. There are medicinal herbs inside, and there is no Ling Yicao that Master wants!" Xiao Hua said, giving the storage bag respectfully and helplessly.

I couldn’t help but look at the things inside, and I turned to Zhuo** and stared at Xiao Hua: "Is this really a good one?"

"Yes, the disciple personally took out 90% of the storage bag and returned it to Changbai Zong!"

"唉" helplessly sighed: "After all, it is still a loose repair, the realm is too low!"

"Master... Disciple... I feel that I have killed the disciple of Changbaizong anyway. Isn't this thing not to take it? Is it a disaster?" Xiao Hua said innocently.

"***, Lao Tzu said, you took too little!" Helplessly said: "How can I get it 30%, no, 50%! Laozi has been in Yu Leizong for so many years, and has never gotten so much. Dan medicine!"



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