Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Karma, industry fire

Chapter 419, karma, industrial fire

Hearing such helplessness, Xiao Hua was dumbfounded. He wanted to have 50% of his own. On the same day, he was all in his hands. It is a pity that he is only a monk with 12 layers of refining. It is impossible to face Taiqing and Changbaizong alone. Even if you add all the disciples of Yu Leizong, it is impossible. You have to give in!

In that case, even if it is the helplessness of the late building, I am afraid that I will give in!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua smiled, and took a hand on the forehead, and the town cloud was printed as a one-foot-sized seal. The bronze-colored Guanghua inch collapsed, and the heaven and earth aura condensed and the shadows were visible. Sealed around!

In the eyes of the helpless, the light is in the blink of an eye, and the Buddha’s relic outside the Xiaohua Muwan Palace is shaking. It’s helpless to say that the town’s cloud print did not fall from the air, let alone fly to him. In the hands!

Xiao Hua saw the situation, and quickly cut off the contact with the town Yunyin, the town cloud printing is gradually shrinking, flying into the hands of helpless!

"Hey? Your method of cultivating the magic weapon is strange!" There was a smile on the corner of the mouth, and then took up the town cloud print.

"Master, this is the magic weapon that the disciple exchanged with the 90% of the medicinal herbs and Lingshi. Can you look good?" Xiao Hua lost his smile.

"This kind of junk goods, what I have in the Royal Leizong!" Frustrated and unrelentingly attacking Xiao Hua, also casually said: "Your current task is to improve the cultivation, these foreign things are just embellishment, waiting for you to repair In order to build the foundation, it is Jin Dan. What magic weapon is there?"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua saw helplessness and raised the repairs. He quickly said: "The disciple will never go out again this time. When he finds the right method, he will immediately retreat, not until the end of the 12th floor of the refining. You can't go out without building a foundation!"

"Well, this is the right thing!" I was forced to release the thoughts of God, and I was looking at the town cloud prints. I had to throw the glory of Xiao Hua to attend the Yuxian Conference, and throw it into the clouds!

"Shi Niang, most of these medicinal herbs and Lingshi disciples are not used. If you are old, you can see what you can see, that is, the disciples filial piety!" Xiao Hua respectfully said to Zhuo**.

"These remedies are precious, you still have to use it yourself!" Zhuo ** smiled.

"**, I have seen the medicinal herbs inside, there are several kinds of you and I can use now! This is Xiao Hua's filial piety, you and I don't need it now, when do you use it? I don't know the day he used it. In the Year of the Monkey, when I wait for him to wait for him again!" He looked up and said, and then he waved his hand, and Yun Yunyin flew out of his hand. "This magic weapon is nothing strange..."

But at the moment when Yunyun Printing flew away from the helpless hands, I couldn’t help knowing what happened. Suddenly my face changed, and I quickly put my hand on it. One is to hold the town cloud print tightly in my hand, squinting and tight. Staring at the town cloud print.

"Yeah, Shi Niang, let's take it, by the way, the master and the teacher will use it..." At the same time, Xiao Hua also said that it can be seen that there is helplessness, Xiao Hua is awkward, and eagerly said: "Master........ ”

"Hey..." Helpless whispered: "This magic weapon is a bit weird, wait a moment!"

Zhuo** is also strange, but she still smiled and said: "The teacher will take some medicinal herbs, your master and the teacher, or you will give them personally!"

After that, take out some of the medicinal herbs used in the late stage of the building and return the storage bag to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took the storage bag and listened to Zhuo**: "Xiao Hua, your array of storage bags seems to be broken. There are unused storage bags here, and you have replaced it!"

Xiao Hua quickly said: "No, the teacher, the ancestors have sent one to the disciple, the disciples did not have time to change it!"

Say, take out the lyrical storage bag, put the medicinal herbs and the Lingshi into it, and the sorcerer is still thrown in the storage bag!

Subsequently, Xiao Hua looked at her helplessness, until after a cup of tea, she was forced to withdraw her mind, and her brows wrinkled, seemingly incomprehensible.

"Master..." Xiao Hua whispered: "This magic weapon... Is there anything wrong?"

"Look at you!" Helplessly handed the town cloud to Zhuo **, but Zhuo ** looked at the half-shoulders and shook his head; "I didn't see anything! It seems to be no different from the ordinary magic weapon!"

"It's not the power of magic weapon, but the magic weapon... What do you say to the old man, Xiao Hua, you will sacrifice this magic weapon and slap it to your teacher!"

"Not right!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"Let you marry you, you will be repaired, can you really hurt your sister?" Helpless Xiaohua glanced.

"Okay!" Xiao Hua was helpless, and he took a hand, and Zhen Yunyin flew out from the hands of Zhuo **. Xiao Hua mobilized the mana, only to see that the town cloud print suddenly rose and turned into a half-size seal. With the infinite power, and the power of the imprisonment of the sorrowful mind, it is the slogan!

"Oh, no! This magic weapon is a bit weird!!" Zhuo ** face is also slightly changed, the hand will be pointed, the town cloud prints slosh in the air, a slight stop, then suddenly it is a sinking, still Your majesty!

"Get up!" Xiao Hua saw Zhuo ** color change, where can he dare to kneel down? With one hand pointing, the town Yunyin is turned into a three-inch size and flies into his own hands.

After receiving the town cloud print, Xiao Hua asked uneasyly: "Master, what is wrong with this town cloud print? But what did Changbai Zong do?"

"Hahaha~ You kid, it's a good luck! This instrument... Hey, to be honest, Master can't tell where the strange things are! This weird fear is that Changbai Zongtian's supernatural powers can't do it! ”

Xiao Hua is even more strange. As the two monks can't figure it out, respectfully said: "Please ask Master to solve!"

Zhuo ** whispered: "Where is your Master's clear statement, this magic weapon is strange... but it is not with my Taoist cultivation!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked and his eyes turned sharply. This town Yunyin was the fan boy he had obtained from Changbaizong.

"哎哟" Xiao Hua suddenly remembered that he was practicing the dragon in the veins, and Yunyun could not reap the Dantian. He put the town Yunyin in the same way as the sword and the little one in the Dantian of the Buddha relic, which is the Buddha heart. Where is this, is it difficult to have something weird?

"You are not afraid! Xiao Hua, this is just a good thing, it is not a bad thing!" Zhuo** laughed; "You are a magic weapon that seems to be related to the Buddha. It is much more, the old body is not clear, simple Let's just say, in the Buddhism, there are karma in the people who are practicing, and this karma is to be removed from the lifelong cultivation of the Buddhist monks. If you get rid of the karma, you can become a true body! Naturally, my Taoist people are not I would like to ask for this. However, when the feathers are flying up, they have to go through the catastrophe to wash themselves. The reason should be the same!"

Looking at Xiaohua's confused look, he has no choice but to wave his hand: "**, you said that you don't understand these things. How can Xiaohua understand? You just said to him that he seems to have such a little bit on top of this magic weapon. The traces of the fire of the industry, with this thing, as long as there is a karma, there is a three-point magical power in front of this magic weapon!"

"Master, what is the fire?" Xiao Hua was even more confused.

"Where do I know? I only encountered this kind of situation when I was practicing with your teacher in the early years, because the repair of the other party is not so high, but I did not have the power to fight back. When I came back to the Zongzhong, I asked many people. Later, an elder of the Yuan Ying period guessed like a notice!" Frustrated and said.

"While this magic weapon does not have such power, the meaning is the same. Your master has been bitten by a snake for three years and is afraid of the well rope. Therefore, it is not easy to find out one of them!" * Grinning.

"Industry fire tempered?" Xiao Hua thought in his heart, the Buddha's relic in the heart of the Buddha's light, the color is nine, at first glance it looks like a flame!

"Is it that is the fire?" Xiao Hua guessed.

"Right, Master..." Xiao Hua was afraid that he had to ask a lot more questions. He had to answer some questions and quickly pulled the subject away. He wanted Master to take out the Taiyi Qingguang in the Taiyi Qingguang stick. When I got to my lips, I was awakened. I just want to let myself improve and cultivate. I have no ambiguity. This strange magic weapon has been scorned. That’s not to say that the nose is not the nose, not the eye, or the eye. Moti!


Xiao Hua thought about it and smiled. "Don't Master want to hear how his disciples will show their power on the feather fair?"

"Big good!" Helplessly said: "You have to listen to it, the old man has not been so addicted for a long time!"

Zhuo ** got up and took some spiritual fruit. Xiao Hua ate two, cleared the scorpion and said the things at the Yuxian Conference!

Naturally, these words can't be all true. Xiao Hua only sees what he can say, and he said hilariously, he couldn't help but smile and shout! The Zhuo ** next to him is worried about his face, and he is glad that Xiao Hua can survive in the late 12th-level refining monks!

When Xiao Hua said that he had abstained, he sneered: "You must not marry me, these things... How can the old man not know? You are afraid that some scruples may not be your original intention?"

Xiao Hua nodded: "Master knows the heart of the disciple!" He said it again! Out of Xiaohua’s surprise, this time, there was no such thing as a filming. It’s just a look at Zhuo’s bitter smile: “This is also a bad way for you. Who is wrong with it? Is it a female disciple of Kunlei Palace?”

Xiao Hua also turned his eyes and wondered: "Master's words are wrong. Can you enter the top 32 disciples. Which one is weak? I am afraid that there are more disciples in the two palaces!"

"Okay, these things old man... don't like to listen, or say something happy!" Helplessly waved his hand, his face was not happy.

"Yes~" Xiao Hua understands the helplessness of the helpless heart, and talks about the struggle for the ecstasy. It is strange that Xiaohua is so brave, he can defeat the disciples who have perfected the refining, but he just saw him. The magic weapon is already clear in my heart. At this time, I heard that it was not just happy.

I heard that Hongxia Fairy was actually confronted with Xiao Hua and his fellow brother. Zhuo ** had some concerns on his face: "Xiao Hua, how do you explain with Xue Xue?"

It was at this time, but I heard a screaming voice outside: "Xiao Hua, you still have the guts to come back, you... you give me out!!!"



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