Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 420: Xue Xue confession

Chapter 420, Xue Xue, confession

Listening to the resentful resentment, Xiao Hua’s heart screamed and thought more? Isn’t Xue Xue chasing it over?

In fact, Xue Xue, Xiao Hua also said that he did not know his own thoughts. He said that he did not like it. It was a fake. There is such a beautiful woman who has always cared for you, whether it is clear or dark. How could Xiao Hua’s heart not be foreign? proud? How could there be no other thoughts? What is terrible is that he is remembering the Hongxia fairy. The relationship between the two is not clear. This is fine. However, at the Yuxian Conference, Hongxia Fairy smiled back, and a resolutely decidedless pair of two people would directly connect the two people who were silently mourning each other. This made Xiao Hua not know how to face Xue Xue. !

"Xiao Hua, are you still rushing out?" Zhuo **'s face was full of interesting smiles and said: "When you attended the Yuxian Conference, Xue Xue came over Wan Leigu several times!"

Then, added another sentence: "The first time I was almost hurt by the silent thunder of Wan Leigu!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was hot and he said: “Diko, let’s go out!”

After that, I grew up and walked out of Dongfu.

Helplessness is also getting up quickly, you have to go out, I know Zhuo ** will pull it, blame: "What are you going out to do?"

"I... go to see the fun!" Helpless is a lot of innocent stalls.

"Hey, look here!" Zhuo ** put a hand, a three-foot mirror appeared in the air, the outside situation is in the mirror!

Helpless frowning: "There is no sound in the light, it is boring!"

"What? Do you want to learn a few more tricks?" Zhuo** sneered: "Is it still in my heart?"

I was so shocked that I quickly waved my hand: "Madam, this is where and where, this Xiaohua thing, did not come to the old man to do?"

Later, Xiao Hua, who was pointing his hand to the mirror, yelled: "Xiao Hua, a small animal, dared to step on two boats, waiting for him to come back, seeing the old man not packing him..."

"Shut up!" Zhuo ** cold and cold: "Xue Xue is a disciple of Yan Shishu. Later, in the future of my Royal Leizong, it is the good match of Xiao Hua; and the red xia fairy is built at a young age. The base monk must be an outstanding disciple of the Huanhua School. What is even more rare is that she is deeply impressed by our Xiaohua, and is also valued by the old man. It is also a good match for Xiao Hua!"

"Madam, why can Xiaohua be, old man...just..." helplessly shouted.

Can Zhuo ** care about him? It’s a “trouble” to say it to yourself; “Yes, there’s that gimmick, it looks good too...”

Helpless helpless...

And said that Xiao Hua had a hole in the house, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and his heart was still pondering how to talk to Xue Xue. Suddenly he felt that the sword was flashing in front of him, and a flying sword was stabbed three feet before.

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked. He flew up without thinking. He just flew up and listened to Xue Xue and yelled: "Xiao Hua, you... do you have the courage to dodge?"

Xiao Hua looked up, just in the air, standing two people, one is awkward, far away, the face can not see the expression, the other is Xue Xue, the face rose red, glaring round, Liu Mei fell Vertical, a look of impatience, a hand holding a lot of swords, the other hand is urging a bright red flying sword, spurting to Xiao Hua's vest.

"Xue Xue..." Xiao Hua Shen said: "You..."

Still waiting for him to say me, Xue Xue also called: "You are so unreasonable, you obviously have a dark song with the red glow fairy, why bother to provoke me?"

"Xue Xue, you are so unreasonable..." Xiao Hua was also very angry, and said: "Everything is sent to you by yourself. I don't have anything to do?" While avoiding flying swords.

"Where is it unreasonable?" Xue Xue flew forward. Some of them said bitterly: "You used to walk with Cai Zhuoxia. Although I see you in a good position, I wish you all the best, but you can open it. It is said that it has nothing to do with Cai Zhuoxi! I naturally don't believe it. Wait until Cai Zhuoxi's body, I... I... I also urge my uncle to let you go! I must know that if you don't have me, you may not be able to... Come out!"

"Where...what are you going to do!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. This flying sword behind him is actually nothing to him. It is not said that it is a town cloud print, that is, a fireball player is laid down indiscriminately. Broken, you can look at Xue Xue's annoyed look, Xiao Hua intuitively did not dare to do so.

"But if you leave, you will not appear in front of me. When you and I both cultivate each other, they will find each other. If you don't see you, you will stop. But you have a me to worship Yu Leizong! You said that you repair If you are deep, you can enter the Royal Leizong, but you have to take care of me! You don’t know what you kill a thousand knives? In order to worship the rare opportunities of Yu Leizong, Mingli does not know. How many flaws, how many intrigues, but you are biased... I have been protecting me all the time, protecting me from three levels! You know, without you, I... How can I worship Yu Leizong? You I don't know... I think about you in my heart, I... I practice hard every day, I know... I know that I am shallow and can't compare with you. In order to catch up with you, I... I... Master shouted the drug, if not the teacher found it in time, almost... I will never see you again!"

"Do you know? I took the sister and sister to the thundering palace to listen to the teacher, isn't it just to see you? Isn't it because you are in the thunder palace? I made a note, although you returned, but It’s not cold or hot, I don’t tell me where I am, I... I’m going to find you in addition to the Thunder Palace, where can I find you?”

"Do you know? Although I have only seen you at the Thunder Palace, but the only one that makes me memorable, let me see hope. But at the same time, I also know that you are growing up. Too fast, I... I feel a little lost in my heart, I think... If I practice this again, I am afraid that I will not catch up with you that day! And you...and you will definitely get farther and farther away from me. I can't see the back, far... so you can't see my hanging in your eyes!"

"So after I sent you to the Yuxian Conference, I suppressed my thoughts on you. I refused to think about you. I tried hard to cultivate. I want to give you a surprise after you come back from the Yuxian Conference. Let you I have a good impression of me, so that my fears are alleviated and my luck is increased!"

"But... I can't think of it, you...you have defeated my dreams when you haven't come back. My flesh and luck is being ruthlessly raided by you! You...you are so, you...what are you? Let me meet you? Why are you doing this... Why are you protecting me? Why are you doing this... Why do you just say something to me directly? If you said it early, why should I be so obsessed? Why should I be so worried?"

Xue Xue screamed, his voice was like Du Fu's blood, and his voice was like a heavy hammer hitting Xiao Hua's heart. "Yeah, I don't think..." Xiao Hua was so sad that the shape of Fei Fei was stopped. Down, stop in front of Xue Xueyizhang's distance, see Xue Xue's face rosy disappear, gradually pale, and already slightly thin face, Xiao Hua hearted!

But at this time, Feijianfu passed through Xiaohua’s shoulder ruthlessly, and “噗” slammed into his back. Xiao Hua came out of the helpless Dongfu, and did not give himself any yellow characters. The sword is very easy to pierce into the flesh...

"Ah..." Xue Xue saw it and threw a bunch of flying swords in his hand and flew to Xiao Hua's side. The right hand of the law was also played at the same time. He was so busy that he wanted to pull Feijian from Xiaohua's back. The more so, the more messy, the flying sword is stuck on Xiao Hua's body, and it doesn't move.

"Yujia..." Xue Xue’s distressed tears are all popular, shouting: "Why don’t you hide, how can you repair it so high, how can I fly this sword to hurt you? You just sneak away, How can I really hurt you? I... I just want to make a statement, let you know my thoughts! When you say that, I will die, I... I will never... ..."

Said, Xue Xueyi raised his hand, took a medicinal medicine from the storage bag, and hurriedly plunged into Xiaohua’s mouth, seeing Xiao Huafeng’s eyes as electricity, and his eyebrows lingering, and his heart could not tell the like. Anxiously: "Hey, I won't come again! I want to see, who really likes you, I don't believe it, the water tower is the first month, my sister is not far behind the red flowers of the Huanhua School. Fairy!"

I can see that Xiao Hua is staring at herself. Xue Xue is flushed and bowed slightly, but then Xue Xue is looking up again. Straight, staring at Xiao Hua without retreating, the two are so intertwined. !

Straight through a cup of tea, Xiao Hua was cold and cold: "Is it? You don't want me to say a word? Well, I will tell you now, this is what I just wanted when I joined Yu Leizong." What you said, but when I thought about you, I was a brother and sister. If I said it, this brother and sister are afraid that they can’t do it, so they have never dared to say that since you are here today, then... then I have to say Up..."

Xue Xue paled, slightly retreating half a step, his hands clenched tightly, the bones were slightly white, and the whole limbs were trembled. However, even if the tension became such, Xue Xue still did not back down, and the neck was hard: "If you want to say, then you just want to say it, but what you said is just your thoughts, it does not represent my thoughts, and it can't stop my thoughts!"

"Oh, what I said is naturally my own thoughts. As for how you do it, I can't control it..." Xiao Hua sneered, stepping forward, but then he stretched his arm and took Xue Xue's waist and bowed his head. Gentle said: "I always want to tell you, I like you too!"

Said, bowed his head, and kissed Xue Xue's lips! ! !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in……



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