Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Good reputation

The 241th chapter has a good reputation.

"He ***..." Inside the cave, he was forced to slap on his lap and talked again. Only Zhuo ** slammed his hand and wiped the mirror away. He sneered: "What? Regret?"

"No?" A helpless look: "I have any regrets? If I regret it, then I have not received more disciples like Xiao Hua! The disciples of even the uncle Shi... ..."

"What are you doing? I think it’s better than Xue Xue. You didn’t look at the face that was just licking, is it pale?”

"What? Don't you, Xiao Hua went out with the aunt for a few days? Just..." Frustrated Daqi: "I just watched Xiao Hua, I didn't have to look at it! Come on, look at it..."

"Look at what you see, you are gone." Zhuo** snorted from the nose.

After a while, in the midair outside the Dongfu, a khaki brilliance dissipated, and Xiao Hua pointed his hand and hung in the dusty space of the air to see the shy Xue Xue smiled: "I am doing this in one fell swoop." Master and Master are the repairs in the late stage of building the foundation, what can't be seen!"

"Hey, you know, but also in front of people!" Xue Xue's face was red, but he still said.

"How? You regret it!" Xiao Hua smiled.

Xue Xue rolled his eyes and said: "I think, are you regretting it?"

Just finished, Xue Xue suddenly remembered, eagerly said: "Hey, forget, your wound! Turn around, let me see!"

"I don't get in the way!" Xiao Hua smiled and turned around, only to see that the new robe was punctured, and the flying sword was soon turned into a yellow note on Xiao Hua's back, Huang Fu There are a few drops of blood stains, and now it has dried up. The broken place of the robe, although it can be seen that there is a scar, it can already be scarred and hurt very lightly! At this time, Xue Xue couldn’t take care of anything else. It was a pity that he touched Xiao Hua’s wound with his hand. He blamed: “If you can do it, even if it is the mid-term repair of the 12-layer refining, you have to dodge. If this is another important place in the stab, what can I do?"

"If I am not stabbed, are you always angry?" Xiao Hua confessed.

"Hey, don't think that I was stabbed by a sword and I wanted to get away with it. You have to say something about the red glow fairy, I..." Xue Xuewei said.

"Hmm?" Xiao Hua frowned.

Xue Xue listened, but it was Yan Yan said: "I should listen to it well, see how you got the heart of the people's Hongxia fairy! You didn't listen to those who came back from the Yuxian Conference, that Hongxia fairy However, if you look like a fairy, you are still a predecessor of the foundation, you...you are a refining monk who is first and foremost, and he is very curious!"

"Oh, wait a minute later," Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said: "Hongxia Fairy... I will talk about this later!"

"Oh, I just ask casually." Xue Xue blinked and smiled.

"I just came back and are talking to Master and Shi Niang. Can you come in?" Xiao Hua said, looking at the closed door of Dongfu.

Xue Xue quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I have just been here a dozen days ago. Today... I will not go! I am with the teacher..."

When I turn around, I have a figure.

Xiao Hua Yang Sheng said: "Master, the disciple sent Xue Xue back to the Thunder Palace, and then turned back!"

"Go, go, don't turn around, you still have to hurry to practice, the harvest of the Yuxian Conference is not small, you have to have a good understanding." The helpless voice came from Dongfu.

"Yes, Master! The disciples obey!" Xiao Hua handed the gift, but then he thought of something again. He took a hand and took out a jade from the space. The jade flew into the cave, Xiao Hua said: "This It was the disciple who got the disciples at the meeting of the Yuxian Conference. I don’t know if it’s the meaning of Master!”

"What is this?" It is very strange, but the sound just sounded, and then it was a surprise. Xiao Hua could almost see the helpless jumping from the chair: "This... This thing can you change your kid?" ”

"Yeah, Master, but a lot of disciples have spent a lot of disciples!" Xiao Hua smiled and pulled his hand, holding Xue Xue's little hand is flying out.

All the way up, Xiao Hua and Xue Xue are just holding hands, and there are not many words, but what is the language at this time? The warmth between the palms has long tied the hearts of the two together, and this feeling is wonderful!

After flying for a long time, the two talents flew to the Lei Lei Palace, but Xue Xue still suspected that he was flying too fast. If she could, she would like to fly back and forth again.

Xiaohui, the first day of the thunder, came to see the morning light. The flowers were shining in the spring, and the birds contend for the spirits to fly. Xiao Hua could not help but praise: "You can smash mines. The palace is a lot stronger!"

"Hehe" Xue Xue said with a smile: "I am more than a female disciple of the ingenuity of the thunder palace. Of course, the flowers are beautifully decorated, and you can't match the stout men's repairs!"

Later, there is still a distance from the Lei Lei Palace. Xue Xue is letting Xiao Hua turn around and said: "At this time, the nine layers of refining are still repaired. Everything is still unknown. You can know that the heart is already covered. Satisfied, at this time... Yan Shijie is also taking care of Master, if it is known by her old man, it is not good!"

Xiao Hua nodded and shook his hand in softness. "You go, I am a cultivator, and it is different from the ordinary people. You and I are both in love. It is the chance to find the long time. Isn't it good to say: If the two sentiments are long-lasting, they are squatting in the dynasty? You and I are hanging each other, practicing together, and supervising each other, it is a great thing to cultivate!"

"Big good!" Xue Xuefu said: "Why do you want this, why do you want?"

Then he was pinching Xiaohua’s hand and bidding farewell. Xiao Hua was holding it again. Xue Xue was blushing. He was about to put his body up, but he listened to Xiao Hua. "Yes, you are the library of Lei Palace. Where is it? Can you take me there?"

Xue Xue listened, knowing the meaning of misunderstanding Xiao Hua, his face was more blushing, but his mouth was a strange saying: "Where are you going to my thunder palace collection?"

Xiao Hua looked at the left and right, and grabbed Xue Xue. She gently kissed her bright forehead and whispered: "This is my little secret, huh, huh, I will have a chance later, then detail. Tell you!"

Xue Xue is certainly generous, but it is so close to Xiaoyao that he is close to Xiaohua, but he is still prudent. He will leave Xiaohua a little and nod. He said: "It is natural to believe in Xiaolang, but before If you take you there, you will go there. At this time, I will take you with you. I always feel that it is not appropriate. I am afraid that I will be seen by other teachers and sisters. The library is there, go on your own!"

Xiao Hua saw Xue Xuemei's eyes as silk, a pair of big eyes full of affection, not reluctant, holding her hand, sent a reluctant parting, and then Xue Xue's back disappeared, this will fly up, Flying in the direction pointed by Xue Xue.

Seeing the East want to know, a touch of golden light is still brewing in the sky, a pair of cranes flying from the green hills, Xiao Hua’s heart is a kind of unsuccessful relaxation, an unspeakable pleasure, it seems that this world is not suddenly The loneliness over there seems to be a layer of warmth in the picturesque mountains and rivers!

"There are some intrigues in this world, of course, there are you living and living, but after all, there are warmth, affection, affection, love, and only this kind of person in the world has a place where Xiao wants to go!" Xiao Hua is in the heart There is a decisiveness: "For the sake of this world, I can maintain it. I must maintain it. I can only try my best to improve my cultivation. I will build the foundation as soon as possible and enter Jindan early. Only with great powers can we have great freedom and happiness. !"

Thinking, Xiao Hua didn't feel that she was thinking about Hongxia Fairy: "She... she will return to the Huanhua School, will she be punished? If the Huanhua School is not good for her, how can I be good?"

"Hey, where are the disciples? This is the tribute to the Thunder Palace. But if you don't get permission from the Thunder Palace, you should not enter the outer palace male repair!" When Xiao Hua was thinking, he screamed at the air in the distance. Come!

Xiao Hua quickly kept holding the flight, looked up and saw the distance in the clouds. Two female disciples with about 11 layers of refining were standing in front of a palace, and they were looking at themselves.

"The two sisters, the poor road is the shocking palace Xiao Hua, this time is to come to the Thunder Palace to read the book library practice, but also hope to get through one or two!" Xiao Hua said, he will pass his waist card and the master order The past.

“Xiao Hua?” A female brow wearing a green robe wrinkled and whispered: “Where did you seem to have heard the name?”

Another purple-dressed woman repaired her eyes and smiled: "The poor road is known, but you just returned from the Yuxian Conference?"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua yelled, secretly said: "No, is it true that all the disciples of Yu Leizong are aware?"

"Yes, yes, I also remembered it. You are the male disciple of the Zhenlei Palace who let the singer-song teacher and sisters go back!" The green-dressed woman was also awakened, and said a forehead.

However, the woman looked at Xiao Hua a few times, some strange: "Everyone said that Xiao Hua has an incomparable temperament, handsome appearance, and refining the perfection of the refining ... ... but how can you do this? Not a big eye?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and sent the token and the master order again, reminding him: "There are things in the poor road to enter the library, and also ask the two sisters to report!"

"Collection of books? Why do you go in? You are not my disciple of Leigong??" That purple dress is not good.

"There is a decree in the poor road, you still take it to the commander of the watch!" Xiao Hua sent the hand, the master and the waist card were sent to the two.

The two men glanced at each other and the green woman said, "You wait a little!"

However, for a long time, a female repairer from the beginning of the foundation came out from the palace, and looked at Xiao Hua with a faint look. It was also a faint saying; "You come with the poor road!"

"Yes, thank you Master Shu!" Xiao Hua was swearing, and as the woman was repaired into the palace, the two female disciples behind him were very puzzled and looked at Xiao Hua’s tall figure, let them want to break. The scalp is also unable to understand Xiao Hua, which is worthy of the red glow fairy.



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