Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 422: Being remembered

Chapter 422 is being remembered

Xiao Hua went to the palace gate with the woman who built the foundation, and then walked into a large hall. There are many women in the hall, and there are many women wearing colorful clothes. They are all screaming in Yan language. But when they see Xiao Hua coming in, they are all curious and pointing. Xiao Hua’s face with a kind smile and not avoiding the eyes of others, the faint, quite confident eyes passed over the faces of the women.

Like the dry thunder palace, the library is also within the main hall. Xiao Hua walks away. The women who are around are rare, and occasionally see a few, they are all built! There are also a few Jindan monks who walked through, causing Xiao Hua to respectfully shun, respectful gift.

It’s time to take a cup of tea and actually come to a garden. The garden is very large. There are all kinds of strange spirits and spirits all over the place. In the middle of the garden, a pond of about ten feet is in sight. There is a clear water in the pond, covered with lotus leaves. In the turquoise of the eye, a slim lotus stands proudly in the middle of the pond!

I saw that the woman who was building a foundation went to the edge of the pond and stopped her hand. She waved her hand, and the token of the master and Xiao Hua was put into the lotus.

"Ah? It's hard to be... Is this lotus flower the way to the library?" Xiao Hua was amazed, but he had never thought about it.

Sure enough, shortly after the two tokens fell into the lotus, a spiritual fluctuation flashed, and the green of the whole pond began to shake, and then it was boiling again. At the same time as the lotus leaf fluctuated, the whole pool water also made a "squeaky" When the sound is moving, from where the lotus is, to where Xiao Hua stands, a thin, bright ripple begins to appear. The ripples are getting bigger and wider, and as the pool sounds, the ripples finally The water on both sides will open, revealing a passage of light green light in the pond!

"You go!" Zhuji female repaired her hand and said: "There can only be walking within the passage, not flying."

"Xie Shishu, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua took the ceremony and walked in. Xiao Hua just stepped into the passage and only felt a kind of cold air from the surrounding pool. The coldness was so heavy that it made people feel like the power of the mountains was pressed from the pool. Xiaohua believed that if anything was wrong Only the water on both sides of the water is enough to press a foundation or even a golden sage to a meat sauce!

"This pool of water... is it the so-called innate water?" Xiaohua thought of the source of the water he was looking for, but then he just shook his head, how rare it was, how could it be Yu Leizong Used in a battlefield of the Thunder Palace? Even the guardian of the bookstore!

The lotus is in front of the channel, the lotus is floating above the water, and the bottom is a slender root! When Xiao Hua came to the front, the gods swept over and discovered that this stem was just an illusion, and under the illusion was a thin space crack!

"Well? Is it difficult to be a library in a space?"

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua’s figure fell into the crack, there was a large space in front of him. The layout in the space was similar to that of the Zhenlei Palace. A low-rise pavilion, several mid- or late-stage monks sitting cross-legged In the left of the pavilion, there was only one monk in the early stage of the building. He held Xiaohua’s token and the lord’s order in his hand. He looked strangely in Xiaohua’s not far away.

"You are Xiao Hua?" the monk asked faintly.

"The disciple is exactly!" Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and quickly gave a reply.

"This lord can go to the library of the Eight Thunder Palace. Which one have you been to?"

"Good teacher uncle knows that the disciple has been to the Thunder Palace and the Dry Thunder Palace, and this Thunder Palace is the third!"

"Why are you coming to the library of my thunder palace?"

"Yu Shishu, the disciple wants to find a proper foundation work!"

"So simple?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Oh, there are flaws in the lord's order. You can browse the exercises and cheats that are higher than your realm. As for what you see, you will not be in charge! Go!" The monk will return the token and the sovereign order. Xiao Hua said, "The inside of the flower is divided into nine petals, the less the petals are, the shallower the realm!"

"Thank you, Master Shu!" Xiao Hua thanked him and walked into the pavilion.

Sure enough, it was a garden in the pavilion, but there was only one huge flower and tree. On the flower and tree, there were several flowers that were blooming. Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept and found only one petal and two. Flower petals!

"The two flowers are afraid of the practice and cheats of refining and building the foundation!" Before Xiaohua walked over to a flower, he looked at it, and there was a strong spiritual fluctuation between the stamens. Xiao In the heart of China, the darkness is happy, the flying will rise, the whole body is getting smaller and smaller, and finally the size of the bee disappears into the flower!

A month later, Xiao Hua, who was tired with a face, came out of the pavilion. The disciples who were guarded only swept Shenhua and ignored them. Xiao Huachong’s disciple arched his hand from the gap that came in. Going out, this time going out is not the original passage, but flying directly from the lotus.

Later, Xiao Hua walked from the garden to the main hall, followed the memory and took the road from the main hall, and flew back to Dongling from the Lei Lei Palace Trail!

Returning to Dongling, the closed array will be opened. Xiaohua will not be able to check anything. He will only inspire the dry fire, and he will do it on the cloud bed of Dongfu. He will carefully recall what he saw in the Leigong Palace. Those exercises! On the one hand, the memory is also taken out of the jade, and his own understanding is recorded in it.

It was also a hard work on the 10th. Xiao Hua opened his eyes, and his eyes were dull and looked at the hole of the Dongfu. After a long while, he had a look of glory. He only listened to himself and said to himself: "Odd, this foundation How do the exercises differ from the exercises of refining? The exercises of refining are all the same meridians, and the exercises that can be built... There seem to be several different meridians! Although not many, after all, Different."

"If you can copy it with God, it will be fine!" Xiao Hua felt a little bit of emotion and collected the jade that recorded his own understanding. However, he did not dare to do anything in the library. Since the illusion of the Qing dynasty will leave an image, it is necessary to have such effects within the squad of the bookstore. There is no need to be self-defeating!

"Since it is the same meridian, the difference between the different exercises can be seen at a glance; it can be compared between different meridians!" Xiao Hua secretly thought: "To be in many exercises Finding the right method for you can be a real difficulty. Oh, it’s no wonder that the lord reminded me when I gave the token!"

Later, Xiao Hua got up again and flew into the medicine garden. He spread the Buddha's knowledge and went to several different places. In those places, he quietly entered the warning sign. At this time, there is no change. When no one used the lost token to enter Dongling Medicine Park!

"I am afraid that I am more worried!" Xiao Hua thought, taking care of the weeds in the medicine garden, and using the law to induce the heaven and earth aura into the medicine field, then returning to Dongfu, still taking the poly Yuan Dan, quietly cultivated.

And said that in the vicinity of the Thunder Palace, a red-red mountain range, deep and quiet passage, the end is the hall of Huaguang bright, more than a dozen Fengshen jade monks are sitting leisurely, these monks are in front of There are a few small jade cases. There are a few discs of fruit and a jug on the case. The jug is not big. It seems that only one or two can drink, and the monks also They all hold a jade, and there is a green spirit in the jade, and the spirit is fragrant.

These dozens of monks are sitting in a circle, and there is a large open space in the circle. On the open space, there are several women with graceful appearances and styles. They are dancing, and the sound of the bamboo on the whole hall is beautiful. I don’t know where to float, and dance the woman’s waist with a seductive!

I saw that the monks' hands were the shocking squad of the Yan Lei dynasty Yan Leiling. At this time, the shocking 锲 face was red, and the eyes were also slightly reddening. They looked around at the monks and raised their glasses: "You brothers, The younger brother is not talented, and you are respected by a brother!"

"Oh, younger brother, the name of your spring flower is delicious, but it tastes great. It is a rare spirit in my country. This kind of spiritual thing is slowly tasted, you are like this again and again. Toasting, but some indecent!" A monk in the early days of building a base smiled and toasted, while talking, like other monks, it was very cool to drink.

That shocked Kui to drink the wine, and from a small jug to a full cup said: "Look at the seventeenth brother said, my Yan Leiling brothers are brothers and sisters, the younger brother inadvertently got this wine, not the first Do you share it with your brothers? There are still some younger brothers in this spring flower. When the brothers are gone, no one will send a pot!"

"Haha, cool!" The seventeen brothers raised their glasses and smiled: "The younger brother has always been so bold, otherwise he thought that you have something to do! Come, I will respect the younger brother!"

Shocking Kui Youxiao also did a cup, but then put the wine cellar on the case and sighed: "The 17th brother is wrong, the younger brother really has something!"

"Haha, what's the matter? Although the younger brother said that I am a brother-in-law, I can't do anything in the whole Royal Leizong!"

"What else can I have? Isn't the younger brother not able to go to the Yuxian Conference? Look at the people at the Yuxian Conference, and also win the favor of the fairy, the younger brother really can't go!" Said dimly.

"Let's wait!" Zhenwei, who was sitting in the middle of the center, listened, and his brow wrinkled and waved to the women in the center.

"Yes!" Several women stopped the dance, swearing, and with a smile on their faces.

"Four brothers, why let them back?" The seventeen brothers said.

"Zhen Hao, how do you care so much? Didn't the younger brother say it? This is a disciple of the Yuxian Conference. It is about the disciple named Xiao Hua. The less people, the better!" Zhen Wei said with a smile.

"Xiao Hua? Do you participate in the disciple of the Yuxian Conference? He... is it famous?" The seventeenth brother, Zhenhao, asked strangely.



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