Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Mind variable

Chapter 243, the demons and variables

Zhenwei sneered: "I don't know what I want, but in the recent reputation of a refining disciple, it is surprisingly good, famously amazing!"

"A refining disciple... Is there anything famous? Is it because of attending the Yuxian Conference?" It’s a slam dunk. He has never heard of a refining disciple because he is famous for attending the Yuxian Conference, even if there were people. Won the first place!

"Let the younger brother talk to you!" Zhen Weisheng looked at the other dozens of disciples who were also surprised.

Shocking Kui cold smile: "Is there anything to say? Isn't it the fortune of paying the heavens, did he win the qualification of the younger brother to participate in the Yuxian Conference? A disciple of Wanleigu actually followed the tiger's whisker of Yanleiling!"

"Is this smashed the qualification of Yanleiling?" A disciple sneered: "A sunny year swept the face of Yanleiling, and now there is another Xiaohua! Oh, if we don't do Yanleiling Something reacted, the other brothers and brothers were afraid that I would wait for them to Thunder Valley!"

"Eleventh brother!" Zhen Weisheng screamed: "At this time, Xiao Hua is in the limelight, and many of the brothers who built the foundation are also concerned. And, I heard that the uncle is very impressed with him, if they are What is the action, I am afraid that it will cause trouble!"

"The sorrowful uncle is the 艮雷宫, how can I intervene in the house of my thundering palace?" The eleven brothers strongly defended!

Shocking Kui is sneer: "What impression is very good, not the result of Xiao Hua's fake and false meanings? The younger brothers have all explored. According to Wang Yunqi, this smashed Changbai Zong at the Yuxian Conference and took it. There are so many medicinal herbs in the family that people are chasing their **** to fight it! When he hits him, he doesn’t matter, other brothers and sisters are involved, and he still takes the initiative to go out from the thunder boat. Hey, what to retire Going out, it’s just a matter of abandoning the division’s brothers to escape alone! How can these characters be favored by the lyrical masters?”

"In short, during this time, you don't want to do other ideas!" Zhen Weisheng warned: "Even if you want to vent, you have to wait until later!"

Seeing the warning of Zhenweisheng, and then seeing the anger of Zhenkui Kui, everyone was even more surprised. They put down the wine glasses one by one, urging Zhen Yukui to talk about the things, and shocking Kui couldn’t do anything, biting his teeth. After the process, there was also the story of the Yuxian Conference. Although he also listened to Wang Yunqi’s remarks, he could feel... This Xiaohua’s actions should be what he did, and all of Xiao’s achievements were It should be the achievement of his shocking Kui, even the smile of Hongxia Fairy should be shocked by him!

Xiao Hua, who is far away from Dongling, does not know that someone actually remembers him. While taking medicinal herbs, he takes out the book of the dementor bell and takes time to sculpt the soul bell. After all, the dust is too weak to attack and defend. In his hand, he can only make ordinary implements, and the town cloud print is too strong, and the mana cost is huge. There is also a magic hammer, which is a thing that presses the box. See, break can not be used! As for the prajna epee and the Tongtian stick method, Xiao Hua does not know where the purpose of this thing is. After all, the monk only sees fighting, or spells, or instruments. Since it can be close, the hammer can solve the problem. What is the use of the three hundred and sixty strokes?

It’s half a year’s fast past. It seems that because of the foundation of the two refining monks who have witnessed the foundation of the two refining monks at the Yuxian Conference, Xiao Hua has a deeper understanding of cultivation, and the speed of cultivation is obviously faster than before. Quite a few, only in the first half of the year, I have to wait for the late 12th floor, and in the past six months, Xiao Hua has watched the other collections of the thunder palace, only the rest. One has not yet gone to the Thunder Palace! When he wants to come, the thunder palaces are all young female disciples, and the exercises in them...should be inferior to other thunder palaces, just wait until the final foundation to see it!

And on this day, Xiao Hua closed his eyes and practiced. Suddenly, Xiao Hua felt that all the limbs could not move, but the whole thought was an abnormality of living points, just as he only had this thought, and all others were nothing! Xiao Hua was shocked. A kind of loneliness that has never been seen before has spread from the thoughts. Gradually, the whole thoughts are annihilated. It is not dark, nor can it be bright. Xiao Hua only feels himself... or his thoughts are in one. Isolated space.

Within this space, Xiao Hua’s thoughts are as fast as light. He has only a slight meditation. The darkness around his thoughts is like a rushing back. He knows that this is dark, but he knows that he is moving!

"This... What is going on here?" Xiao Hua was aware that the unparalleled loneliness made him intolerable. He quickly turned his mind into space and called Xiao Huang or Xiao Yin. However, at this time, he did not feel it anyway. To the space, as if you are the only thing in this endless darkness!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua’s thoughts have just been born. An unspeakable singularity and death are filled with the whole space. In this case, the sense of death and death seem to be born from space, and it seems to be born from Xiao Hua’s thoughts. Let Xiao Hua feel that he has lost the meaning of existence. As long as he lives in this world, he will become the object of others and become the object of ridicule. In a flash, the faces of Yunxiao, Wang Yunqi, Kun Feiyan, Gan Diheng and other disciples flashed in front of their eyes: "Hey, one is a mess, there is no root, how can I fight with me? Avenue 3,000 Even if I accounted for 2,999, that avenue is not yours! What is the meaning of living alive? It is better to emerge as early as possible, and to give birth to a good backing!"

"哼~" Xiao Hua feels that he is cold sweat, knowing that these things are meaningless, but he is still hysterical: "I am a mess, but I am as hard as I can, I have the same effort, you can have it." Why can't I have achievements? You wait for me to die, what are you waiting for? Why don't you die? If I am dying, I want to annihilate you!"

"You... are you going to annihilate me?" The appearance of the disciples suddenly disappeared. In the dark space, the faces of Hongxia Fairy and Xue Xue were flashing again. The red fairy fairy said: "If you annihilate I will wait, I will never give up, just because I am all in love with you. Since the king has decided, I will be the one!"

"Xiao Lang, my sister's meaning is the meaning of the whole body, and it is also the wish to be with the king!" Xue Xue tears her eyes.

"Ah~~~~" Xiaohua is still crazy, the whole thoughts have no reason to shake, a sadness in my thoughts, "You wait and feel relieved, even if I have the ability to annihilate you, but I will never You wait. If I have the action to wait for you, I must annihilate myself!"

"Is it? Xiao Hua, why are you still not doing this?" Zhang Zhihao, Zhang Jian, Fan Daomao, and even Xiao Yuehong and Gong Mingwei's face also appeared: "Do you have any meaning to live? Practice, endless At the end of the cultivation, isn’t there still a dust? Even if there is an infinite power, isn’t there anyone who is more supernatural than you? The people will annihilate you between your hands, your cultivation for a hundred years and a thousand years. What is the point?"

"Master...Master..." Xiao Hua burst into tears: "The disciple is incompetent, knowing that the hundred grass door is the murderer, but for many years, still can't do it! It is the teacher, she is also struggling to support the hundred grass door, Master... ”

"Since I can't do it, I don't have to do it. Master never blamed you..." Xiao Yuehong said with a smile: "You should come over soon, think of you as a teacher, your master and two brothers." I miss you tight!"

"Is it?" Xiao Hua was a little confused.

"Yes tight, you only have one hand on your forehead, all the troubles are gone, all the fears are not, all the teasing is not!" Gong Mingwei said with a smile.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

"Ha ha ha ~~~~~~" Suddenly, Xiao Hua shouted, his thoughts turned rapidly, and actually set off an infinite storm of space, countless dark colors, countless faces were involved, a faint human figure in space It’s born inside, that person’s finger is one finger, and it’s the image of Xiao Hua: “I only cultivate my heart, love, hate, or nature! The world’s three thousand avenues, 30,000 The avenue is good, what are you doing with me? I am just practicing for me. I am only working hard for this world. No matter what the outcome, no matter how hard the process is, I am only conscience! I am only worthy of the sky, I am only worthy of the land, I am only worthy of being a man!"

"Is it alive, death, or what do I do now? I have a place to live, there is a place to die, why should I think now? You wait for the heart to return to each other, and then harass the young master! Otherwise, regardless of the Buddha, kill!" !"

One is both indifferent, and the momentum is swiftly swept across the space. At the same time, an extremely brilliant brilliance is born from within the space. Xiao Hua suddenly feels that he can move, and the whole thought is from within the space. I took it out and saw it in the blink of an eye. It was a ray of sunshine outside the Dongfu!

"Heart Devil!!! Good insurance!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that his face was sweaty, and then look at the robe completely from the water, it was completely soaked in sweat!

Just as Xiao Hua’s thoughts came out of the space, among the Buddha’s Buddha’s heart, the Buddha’s fire formed by the Buddha’s light suddenly trembled, and then there were nine Ming and Ming, and there was no change! Helpless but it is said to be good, the town Yunyin is in this Buddha's compassionate heart through the tempering of the Buddha's fire with the power of imprisonment. Xiao Hua’s Buddha light, which is murdered and saved, is the foundation of the condensed fire. Xiao Hua is a dragon vein and a phoenix body. There is no demon in the cultivation of the Taoist sect. But he has a condensation of Buddha relics. The Buddha relics gave birth to compassion and innumerable fires. These Buddhist tribes involved reincarnation and karma and brought infinite variables to his cultivation.

Ps: No internet access in a week, no code one word. The ally who just saw the "grass repairing the gods" is also very guilty. I owe a little grass to the lord, and I will update you later! ! ! Thank you for your support~



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