Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 433: Big Yin and Yang Liuhe Jianling

The 433th chapter of the Great Yin Yang ** sword spirit

"Well? Feijian Biography??" Zhang Yanzong was obviously a glimpse. He couldn't think of anyone who would send him a flying sword directly. He said: "What is the sword guard at the gate of Jiangong?"

"Cough, the younger brother ~" Ouyang Mingxiu no way, but also cough two channels: "I dazzle the sword of the deputy lord's flying sword book, which sword guard dare to intercept? You still look inside what is it? Perhaps What about the snowy mountains?"

As soon as he heard the lord say that Zhang Yanzong did not dare to neglect, he took a hand and beat it on the flying sword of the book. The sound of "啪" sounded like a broken glass. From the flying sword, a purple flashed. Guanghua, while a sword is smashing, at the same time, in front of everyone, a piece of mirror is displayed. The sword is very familiar with Zhang Yanzong, and he blurted out and said: "Yuhe???"

Then I hurriedly turned to look at the mirror in front of everyone. The mirror is already a little fuzzy, and the image inside is not very clear, but Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe, and Liu Weigang's image can still be seen!

"This..." Zhang Yanzong's eyes are round and round, and he will hand a little, and a sword Yuan will rush into the mirror. His eyes will be bright and the whole mirror will gradually become clear.

"***, where are the two little rabbits squatting? Actually... actually dare to send a flying sword to ask for help?" Zhang Yanzong took a handful, just snorted, and was surprised: "Dao Zong! !! These two little girls are going to repair the Three Kingdoms?"

"***, in the Shujian School of the Shu Kingdom, who doesn't know both of you? Maybe you will take care of it. You ran to the Three Kingdoms, who knows who you are! Broken, broken!!" Zhang Yanzong talks The whole body suddenly rose, and then it was the sword and the sky, a flash of brilliance, and the shape gradually blurred, it seems to be turned into a giant sword.

"Zhang deputy master is in a hurry!" Ouyang Mingxiu saw it and quickly stopped saying: "Where are you going?"

"Ouyang Yang brother, Yuhe and Yutong are in a difficult situation. Is it natural to go to the rescue?" Zhang Yanzong said, the whole figure has been turned into a giant sword, and a fiery sword light has passed, that is, toward the sword palace. Fly outside.

"Hey, younger brother, you are too savage! How can these temperament be the deputy lord of my dazzling swords?" Ouyang Mingxiu pointed his hand and suddenly showed a three-color sword net from the temple. It is in front of the Jianguang.

Seeing that the way to the road was blocked, Zhang Yanzong showed half his figure and angered: "What is this for the Sovereign? Seeing the rain boy and the rain?"

"You come back, how long do you think you have to fly to the nearest Brook State?"

"I am afraid that it is a hundred days..." Zhang Yanzong just said that here, he understood, sighed, his body shape revealed, flying back to Ouyang Mingxiu, his eyes were not far away. At the still mirror, I kept silent.

"Zhang deputy master!" Ouyang Mingxiu glanced at him and said: "You have to remember that you are the deputy lord of my dazzling swords. It is not comparable to others. You must be steady and graceful! If you encounter something that is reckless, it will not only be inconsistent with the status of your deputy lord, that is... it is not in line with your age and cultivation... it is not!"

"In the next position of the lord, this is..." Zhang Yanzong just said a word, he saw the sternness of Ouyang Mingxiu’s eyes, and quickly accepted it. He said: "Hey, it’s awkward! If it’s a fact Under the calm, but the rain boy and the rain are the heart of the heart, the rain is the same as the next temper, seeing their death, can not bear it..."

"I can't help but bear it!" Ouyang Mingxiu said: "The deputy lord is appointed by the lord of the previous generation. His old man knows that your little things are confusing, and the big things are detached. This makes you the deputy of this sect, otherwise you are like this. Reckless..."

"I know it!" Zhang Yanzong said with a little calmness: "The image of the flying sword, the flying sword, has begun to collapse. It is obvious that the place of the distress is far from my country. If it is not in the east of the country, it is In the other two countries, even if it is over, it will be too late!"

"You know at this time?" Ouyang Mingxiu also said unceremoniously: "Several sword masters present, as well as Jianchong and Minger, have long known?"

"Zhu Zongzhu, the deputy lord keeps such a heart, it is exactly what I admire, this is the pure deputy of the deputy sect of the sword!" Qu Jianchong quickly said: "And, it is related to their own blood, whoever It's impossible to be calm!"

"Oh..." Zhang Yanzong smeared his forehead with his big hand and pouted slightly.

"Jian Wei, speed biography Duan Yuming and Wang Fulao to the sword palace!" Ouyang Mingxiu took a glance at Zhang Yanzong, who is very loyal to himself, and said Yang.

Later, I asked again: "How did the younger brother, Yutong and Yuhe go to the Three Kingdoms?"

"How do you know about this..." Zhang Yanzong’s big hand has just won, and at this time he lifted it up again. He was very depressed and said: "This...is it necessary to ask their master? Hey, since their After she was in the snowy mountains, they always wanted to improve their cultivation as soon as possible... Hey, think about it! These two people are looking for Xuanyinling grass!"

"Xuanyin Lingcao?" Ouyang Mingxiu a glimpse, then the face is gloomy: "Xuanyin Lingcao grows in the Xuanyin illusion, can they repair to the Xuanyin illusion?"

“唉~” Zhang Yanzong sighed and said: “The rain boy and the rain want to practice the big yin and yang 剑剑灵...”

"What? Big Yin Yang ** Sword Spirit?" Not only is Ouyang Mingxiu's face sinking, but the other five sword masters who have been shutting up. At this time, they are also amazed, Yang Ming is blurted out: "This... This is the sword spirit that I don’t know how many years have been practiced by Jian Jian.”

"The big yin and yang sword spirit is not too difficult! But the requirements are too high, and the two people need to cultivate together with the extremely physique and the extremely yin physique, and they must have the same mind and the same realm, so that the growth of the two sword spirits can go hand in hand. ... Although the physical fitness of Yutong and Yuhe is a negative, a partial sun, it does not meet the standards of cultivation!" Ouyang Mingxiu whispered.

"Yeah, it is also the same to persuade the two people!" Zhang Yanzong said with a bitter smile: "The two agreed at the time, saying that they had given up this idea! After half a year, Yuhe suddenly asked, if it is physique, how can it be cultivated? To the extreme yin, did not care in the next, casually mentioned several kinds of grasses between the heavens and the earth that can improve physical fitness, naturally, the most easy to get is Xuan Yin Lingcao!"

"Hey, my younger brother, Xuanyin Lingcao is certainly one side, but ... lonely Yin is not often, just Xuanyin Lingcao can not completely improve the physical fitness to extremely yin!" Ouyang Mingxiu shook his head and said.

Zhang Yanzong nodded: "This is under the know, but... On the other hand, it is too difficult. In the next place, it is casual to talk about it! Whoever thinks... The two are really gone!"

"Well, since I know why, go, it’s good! The two should be too Qing dynasty to go to Laos. After all, it’s the closest to Xuanyin’s illusion, and, with the steady character of Yutong, when it’s not going to rush into Xuanyin In the illusion, the two will find a way in Taiqing Zong!" Ouyang Mingxiu nodded.

"The Sovereign said that the rainy character is impatient, the rain boy is stable, and the Taiqing dynasty has ** 玄 灵 灵 灵 灵 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄 玄A female sword master whispers.

"I just don't know... Yuhe and Yutong are on the way to go, or on the way back to meet this monk!" Another male sword master, look at the mirror.

"Hey, no matter where it is, how can my Jianzong disciple be bullied by the Taoist disciples?" Ouyang Mingxiu sneered: "Look at this disciple, I will face the disciple of two swordsmen of Jianjian. In the late stage of the construction of the foundation or the repair of the Golden Year, this is the act of the predecessors of the big bully? Although I am not a countless party in the country, I will never let it be bullied! I am afraid that I have not seen the strength of my swordsman for many years, I have forgotten the lessons of the past! Zhang deputy, you are also anxious, this sect advances two people to see, if it can be properly solved, it is good, otherwise... ...hey, some people dare to pick up the sword and the battle of the road, and my swordsman will never step back half a step!"

During the speech, the uncontrollable sword is suddenly the captain, directly crossing the heavy barriers and inserting into the blue sky. The momentum is definitely not lighter than the monks in the mid-Yuan Ying! At the same time, all the swordsmen in the field were uncontrollable, and the swordsmanship of each person was triggered. Suddenly, the whole sword palace was swaying, even the sword-shaped runes engraved on the stone wall. They all issued the sound of a "squeaky" sword.

After a long while, the entire Sword Palace was quiet, and a tall and thin figure, the swordsman of Langmujian went into the sword palace, and his back was also very tall. The woman with a graceful figure and a woman’s eyebrows were handsome. The British spirit is finished, the end is a sword!

"Discipients Duan Yuming and Wang Xuyao ​​have seen the patriarchs and deputy lords. I have seen the sword masters!" After the two men came forward, Ouyang Mingxiu said with a hand, "Yu Ming, Qiao Yao, you and others are repaired." I have a number of swords, and this is the most important thing for you to wait for the stability of the two. You wait for the two and look at the rain sword and Yu He's flying sword biography book!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" After answering the two, they looked up for a while and exchanged their gaze. Duan Yuming said: "The disciples have already seen that the rain boy and the rain are in danger of comprehension. Look at this. The surrounding image of the image is incomplete, and it must be surrounded by the array..."

After Duan Yuming said something, Ouyang Mingxiu smiled and nodded. He waved his hand and a sword-shaped arrow flew into his hand. He said: "This is the chief of my dazzling sword, you hold it. You and Fuyao At this point, set off immediately, go to the Taiqing dynasty in Mengguo, or look for the traces of the two people near the Xuanyin illusion, the two are afraid to find the Xuanyin Lingcao!"



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