Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 434: He is the person I have to wait in this life.

Chapter 434, he is the person I will wait in this life.

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Duan Yuming received the sect of the lord, and said with aloud: "The disciple will not be held by the lord, and I will find the rain and the rain boy out of my swordsmanship!"

"Well~" Ouyang Mingxiu nodded and smiled: "You wait for the second sword of the magic sword, which is equivalent to the Jindan in the middle of the Tao. If you talk about fighting, you will not lose to the late Jindan. You wait for the words. You will be able to listen to the ear! This copy of the image of the flying swords is reproduced with a copy. With this image, according to the picture, even under them, there is absolutely nothing to say!"

"Hey, let them honestly lie out of my two gimmicks. Book mi group 4∴8065 Even if it is too illiterate, we must help find out the two gimmicks! Otherwise, I will definitely send a sword to the creek. The country, into the Taiqing dynasty!" Zhang Yanzong shouted next to him.

"Well, Zhang’s deputy master said that there was some over-fire, but you and the two of them passed the words to the Taiqing dynasty of Mengguo! If there are any accidents between the two hoes, I dazzle the swords... No, my sword of the country I will definitely not be willing to give up!" Ouyang Mingxiu does not mind Zhang Yanzong robbed him of his words. The cold pair of Duan Yuming and Wang Fanyao reiterated their own meaning!

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Duan Yuming and Wang Fiyao sè a sigh, waved his hand, left the image of the flying sword, and said: "The disciple will not bear the fate!"

"Go, Benzong is waiting for your good news in the sword palace!" Ouyang Mingxiu nodded, only to see a paragraph Yu Ming will mouth a mouth, spit out a sword light from the mouth, the sword light is still flying fish, around the section Yu Ming eyes The air was swam in a few times, and then Guanghua was blown up. A sword was lighted into hundreds of sword lights. Each sword was lighted into the shape of a fish, and then moved back, like a retrospective fish group. They were all drowned. Then, Duan Yuming’s figure gradually moved away from the ground, and the fish formed by the Jianguang was flying toward the palace!

At the same time, Wang Xuyao ​​will also sakura chun micro-张, a colorful rainbow of light flying out, that rainbow is like a rainbow, surrounded by Wang Fukuo, surrounded her graceful body, with Duan Yu The bright figure flies, the colorful light is also the rainbow, chasing the flying fish, the path is gone!

Duan Yuming and Wang Fiyao’s fish swords and rainbow swords are not waiting to fly out of the hall. Outside, a flying sword and a book are coming in, and at this moment, the voice of Jianwei is coming: “禀主主,雪域山飞剑传书To!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Mingxiu nodded, and pointed his hand, the flying sword passed the book and flew to the air to stop, a slightly old voice sounded, it is the Tang Hao who is guarding the snowy mountains: "禀主主, some time ago The missing disciple has already found one underneath. But this son has been...the mind is unclear, and the situation should be the technique of being searched for by the soul! As for why, there is no reason to find it!"

"Ah? Soul of the Soul!" and other Tang Hao's voice disappeared, Qu Jianchong and Yang Ming's face are all surprised, look at each other, contemplative.

The singer of the slashing sword ancestor Ouyang Mingxiu is also in the eyes flashing sè, eyes watching the flying swords in the air, the face can not tell the look!

Far away from the Xiguo, it is also a towering mountain peak. It is also a bright valley in Chunhua. A sleek waterfall hangs on the mountain wall. The loud noise of the "哗啦啦" is the sound of the whole valley. They are all covered, and the waterfall of the flying stream falls in the deep pool in the valley. From the depths of the water, there are countless blisters, and the water is splattered!

This deep pool is extremely deep, but it doesn't look big. The pool water flows out of a gap, and then into the other ten pools into the other water pool. This pool is extremely quiet, and a lot of water injection can not bring more ripples.

This pool is surrounded by peach trees, peach trees are either pink or white, or red peaches huā will be surrounded by the water, the breeze blowing from time to time, countless peach huā floating into In the water of the lake, the peach huā drifting into the water for half a moment is sinking into the water, and you can't see it again!

In the hustle of peach huā, there is a dong house in the valley. At this time, the mén of the dong house is closed, and the red-colored fairy of the red dress is now stumbling before the dong house.

Hongxia Fairy has been here for more than a dozen days and nights, the mén of the dong house has been so tightly closed, she did not dare to move a little, the closed eyes, the calm look, all are a no regret.

"Know it", the dong house of méndong opened, actually issued the same movement as firewood mén, a seemingly fifty-year-old nv repair face the same cold, slowly came out.

Hongxia fairy opened her eyes and saw that nv could not see a wrinkled face, whispered: "Master..."

"哼~" That nv repaired a cold cry, yelled: "You still have a face called the old master! What do you say when you leave? It will definitely not reveal the charm, you must cultivate into a great consummation, this can Well, the contest of the Yuxian Conference is over. For a disciple of the other faction, he will not talk to the brother of the same mén, and will also reveal the charm! Is there a Master in your eyes?"

Hongxia fairy bites the mouth chun, no longer speaks, but the eyes really meet the nv repair.

"It seems that you have thought about these ten days, and you have no regrets at all!" NV repaired his eyes slightly, and pointed his hand to one of them, hitting the body of Hongxia Fairy.

"Ah!" In the meridian meridians, among the limbs, the infinite sorrows and sorrows, the endless pains burst together, the red glow fairy couldn’t help but scream, but it was just a surprise, but it was not The sound!

Immediately, the red xia fairy was tumbling to the ground, his hands were punching, the nails had pierced into the palm of his hand, and the blood flowed out. Similarly, there was **** oozing between the biting teeth of the red dragon fairy.

Seeing that the neat and bright red clothes have been filthy, the nv repairs the face without a trace of expression, the hand waved, the law smashed out, the stiff body of the red glow fairy gradually softened, from the mouth and nose The sound of a big mouth breathing.

After a while, wait for the red glow fairy to come over and reorganize the clothes and stumble. The nv repairs cold and cold: "On the day you went into the old body mén, the old body is telling you what you understand. My generation is the most anti-day. It’s even harder than going against the water, and it’s too lazy. Moreover, this thing is the most disturbing thing! As long as it is contaminated, there is absolutely no benefit!”

"On the same day, your voice was guaranteed with the old man, and even a vow was made. I believe in you all the old. Otherwise, even if you are also born in Cai, the old man will never accept you! You have been watching me for years. Huā sent a male disciple to ignore it, even if it is Yunxiao, you are also a cold response, the old body is very gratified, but I did not expect to go out to a feather fairy assembly, everything has changed, the old body will ask you, that name Calling Xiaohua’s disciple, but your old knowledge?”

"It was the disciples who knew it before!" Hongxia Fairy knew that it was not good to hide, and said things again.

"Hey ~ a refinement of the four layers of refining, will return the body of Cai Zhuoxia, will also 浣huā send the last piece of good edge card also gave you the appointment?" That nv repaired sneer: "I heard that this is now At the beginning of the 12th floor of the refining, but also the strength to defeat the cloud, do you think that he was the repair of the fourth floor of the refining day? It was deceived, sold, and helped the number of spiritual stones!"

"You don't want to think about it. If he only has four layers of refining, how can he give you a good card? And... you see, he is not already in the royal throne now? If he didn't grasp it on the same day. Yu Leizong, do you think he will give you the good card?"

Hongxia fairy bite her mouth chun, and did not answer, in fact, she knows the tightness in her heart, others may not know, like Cai Zhuoxia, she has practiced the practice of "stealing the sky for the sun" since childhood, the most is the cultivation of the realm, etc. Sensitive, especially after Xiaohua’s refining four layers, it was much worse than her refining ten layers. The red glow fairy only understood it at a glance, and at this time, Hongxia fairy thought of Xiao Hua’s pure eyes. The heart is quiet, she believes that Xiao Hua will never lie to her!

"Nothing to say?" NV repaired and sneered: "You are at the feather fair, you are not allowed to do this with the mén disciple, and you must severely punish the mén rules! If you regret it, you can talk about it, maybe you can reduce it!" ”

"Disciple... no regrets!!!" Hongxia Fairy did not hesitate, whispered.

"Oh? Really don't regret it?" The nv repaired his face with a trace of embarrassment, and said: "The old body is curious, why don't you regret it!"

"Good teacher father knows that Xiao Hua had previously returned her sister's corpse and all the things..."

"Are you not also returning his feelings to others?"

"That is the promise of my sister, the disciple must be back!" Hongxia Fairy said with perseverance: "The disciple always feels that he still owes him a human heart. This sword fair of the fairy assembly is a good opportunity. Not waiting for more time?"

Nv shaved face slightly, nodded: "This is a reason to say it!"

However, immediately, Hongxia Fairy said: "And... although the disciple only stayed with him for a short time, but... Master, some people, you are with him for the rest of your life, and you will never give birth to it. The feelings; and that person, you can only look at him, you can perceive his heart, perceive his suffering, you can know that he is the person you are waiting for in this life! This feeling... disciples can not be expressed in words! And... ... Xiao Hua is now a disciple of Yu Leizong. If the disciple does not do a little, he is afraid..."

"Afraid to be taken away by other nv? Can't double repair with you??" Nv Xiu first sneered.

"This is what the disciple thinks! It is natural to say in front of Master, but if it is a neighbor, the disciple only says that he wants to return Xiaohua's human feelings!" Hongxia Fairy's face was reddish and whispered.

"Hey, you are smart, everyone is a fool!" NV screamed, but then looked up and looked at the endless peach huā, sighed and said: "The old body accepts you into mén, naturally wants you It’s a good result, and the detours that I’ve walked through will never let you go. The story of the old man... I must know you as a disciple of Cai’s family?”

Hongxia Fairy hesitated, whispered: "What Master said is... 殇华冥?"



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