Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Tsai Chin ** Ice Valley

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Chapter 453

Cai Qinhan Ice Valley

Even if he heard the words "殇华冥", the woman's expression was still cold, and she snorted from the nose and said: "Even you a Luyang Cai family's disciples know the old things! It seems that the old body is Cai’s reputation is not shallow!”

Hongxia Fairy listened and said quickly: "Master, the name of Qingyang Tsai Chin is not what Master thinks. You are always a Jindan period monk. It is the pride of my Cai family!"

This 浣花派金丹修,, the master of Hongxia Fairy, is actually a Cai family, named Cai Qin.

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"Hey, what the old man is doing along the road, how can he care about what others say?" Tsai Chin sneered: "The old man talked to you again and again, if you are not qualified, otherwise even the younger brother of Cai, you will not receive you. !"

"Disciples know!" said Hongxia Fairy.

"Since you know the relationship between the old man and you, you must know what is happening in it?"

"Well, my disciples know!" Hongxia fairy looked up slightly, and there was a trace of admiration on the face of Jingying Ruyu: "Master took Xiao Honghong for the sake of Huan Ming, regardless of the obstacles of the patriarch, broke the door and married to Yuhua. After the Ming Dynasty, Xiao Yuehong became the head of Qi Huaming, and Master became the head of Shu Huaming!"

In the eyes of Tsai Chin, the cold flashed and he said: "Shantou, what am I asking you?"

The red-eyed fairy fluttered and whispered: "Yes, it’s just that after Master went to Yuhuan, he was always in the midst of building a foundation. Later, when Master was in the upper reaches of Xiaoyu, he learned the way of cultivation. It is also the opportunity to go to the Huanhua School, and it took less than a hundred years to repair the Jindan period from the foundation period!"

"Hey, you still know this!" Tsai Chin’s face was cold, and he replied: "The old man was naive, but he would be trapped by love. He turned out to be a family door. Later, he also had a gain on Huanghualing. But after all, it is not the right way. How can it become a big tool? Love... It has always been the enemy of cultivation. If it is not from the shackles of the shackles, if you can get rid of the love, how can you have the achievements of today? The lessons of the old are vivid, how do you... ...but you have to go the old way?"

During the speech, Tsai Chin’s face was full of youthfulness, and he once again had a hand, “Hey!” The red-eyed fairy screamed and slammed on the ground again, rolling up painfully.

"Who?" At this time, Tsai Chin will raise his head and scream at the sky outside the valley.

"Cai Shishu, the younger generation Jiang Lihan met the uncle!" A voice came from outside the valley.

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"Hey!" Tsai Chin squatted and waved his hand to remove the ban on the red-eyed fairy. He said: "The master of Yunxiao is coming, seeing the trouble you have caused to the old man! You are on the sidelines!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Hongxia fairy did not dare to say anything, still squatting on the ground.

Subsequently, Cai Qinsu sleeved a wave, a brilliance hit the sky above the valley, the "stinging" sounded softly, it seems that some banned open, from the sky down two base-based monks.

When the first person built the foundation, the Tsing Yi was dressed up, and his body was short. The two beards of the mouth were like the tail of the mouse. The face was dry and more bitter.孑翀 It’s obviously a cloud!

However, the monk's head was raised high, but the cloud was low-profile, even though the head was much taller than the monk, but he still looked down and looked very respectful.

"Jiang Lihan, you have been through the peach blossom valley in the future, I don't know what is expensive today?" Tsai Chin did not greet, only stood quietly, and asked the two to fly close.

"Shi Shu, this peach blossom valley is the land where the uncle is retreating, and the uncle is pursuing the heart of heaven. I know everyone knows that if there is something, the younger generation will not bother to disturb the uncle!" Jiang Lihan fell on He whispered and said, then, turned around and said: "Clouds, come and see Cai Qin Cai Shishu!"

"The younger generation Yunxiao, I have seen Cai Shishu!" Yunxiao did not dare to neglect, sorting out the clothes, will look back to the eyes of Hongxia Fairy, very respectful gift said.

"Well, get up!" Tsai Chin squatted and said: "Now is also a foundation-based monk. It is a step into the realm of cultivation. So young, congratulations!"

"Don't dare, the disciple is still far worse than Cai Shimei. This is what Cai Shishu teaches!" Yunxiao whispered.

"哼~" Tsai Chin turned around and looked at the red-diamond fairy who was carrying her. He said: "This woman is too stubborn, and the old body is blaming her. Even if it is repaired, there is no mood, and it is on a detour. How to Can it be a big device?"

Yunxiao glanced at his master and lost his smile: "Sister is just a moment of confusion, and she must have a hard time, otherwise she will not do that helpless!"

Tsai Chin nodded: "Sure enough, it is a disciple who built the foundation for several years. The insight is extraordinary!"

Then, the tone of the wind turned: "I don't know why you waited for me to come to Taohua Valley today?"

Jiang Lihan stepped forward and took a hand and took out a token and handed it to Tsai Chin. He smiled. "The younger generation today took the command and negotiated with Cai’s predecessors!"

Tsai Chin did not take the token, only swept the gods and nodded: "You can say it!"

"Yes!" Jiang Lihan seems to have known Cai Qin's temper for a long time. He did not think that he would take the order and put a look at it. He took a look at Hongxia Fairy Road: "The disciple of Cai Shishu is doing this at the Yuxian Conference...maybe I have a hard time, but I have really extinguished the momentum of my scented flower school. My disciples have been able to win the first place in the feather fair, and they can also win the extraterrestrial artifacts. However, because of her reasons, let Yu Leizong got a cheaper one, which not only obliterated the prestige of the disciples who won the first name, but also made me a slap in the face of other factions. The heads have made it impossible for them to serve the public. I can't set up my door rules!"

Cai Qin's brows are slightly wrinkled, cold and cold: "How to deal with the head? Is it necessary to drive her out of the Huanhua School? Want to abolish her?"

“Where!” Jiang Lihan lost his smile: “The disciples are very talented. After they have joined the Chinese flower school, they have been built into the base for only a few years, and they are still full of refining. How can these lovers be able to easily Discard? There is a flaw in the head, and he is punished for shutting down the ice valley, thinking for 20 years!"

"Silk!" After listening to this, Tsai Chin himself first sucked a cold breath, and the cold ice valley fell into a hurricane, and the cold came into the marrow. It is said that it is twenty years, that is, it is possible to blow people into one day and one night. Ice! The head is actually going to punish Hongxia Fairy in the cold ice valley retreat, it seems really angry!

The red majestic fairy behind Tsai Chin listened, and his face was pale.

"Hey, the old man hasn't seen the head yet, you will invite this door order, it's really... timely!" Tsai Chin sneered: "The old body is carrying the disciple, go to see the head!"

"Teacher is not anxious!" Jiang Lihan said quickly: "There is a flaw in the head, so I will not change it once!"

"You~" Tsai Chin listened to anger! ! !

"Teacher is not anxious!" Jiang Lihan seems to be in the chest, laughing and said: "The younger generation has not yet relayed the order!"

"Say!" Tsai Chin said with no anger.

"There is a slap in the head, Cai Hongxia made a mistake in the first place, and should be severely punished. However, Cai Hongxia is very qualified. It is an elite disciple of my school. I must consider the future. I am young and ignorant, and I have to maintain it." In view of this, Yunxiao and Cai Hongxia are paired up, and one of them encourages each other, Tongcheng Avenue, and the second eliminates the jokes that I spent in front of the school!"

"What?" Cai Qin listened to the big sister, but she never thought that the head would be so disposed of.

At the same time, Hongxia Fairy is also a miniature eye, although there is no saying, but infinite thoughts are rising in my heart.

Yun Yan said: "The disciple has long been a character of Hongxia's sister. He has always used his sister as his double master... but he is afraid of delaying the cultivation of his sister, that is, he can build a foundation and dare not bother her. In fact, if there is no such thing as the Yuxian Conference, the disciples themselves do not know how to dare to advance with the teacher and the uncle. Fortunately, the painstaking efforts of the disciples in the hands of the disciples are just the opportunity to eliminate the bad influences caused by the sisters in the Yuxian Conference! These are the first ones proposed by the head, and the disciples... can never dare to use this for the uncle and the sister!"

"Well~" Seeing Yunxiao is so gentle, Fengshen is like jade, that is, Cai Qin is also a heartbeat. She also thinks a lot at the moment. It is also appropriate to take the initiative, which can eliminate Cai Hongxia’s punishment and eliminate bad. The influence will pass, and the disciples of other martial arts will also know that the red flower fairy of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sect of !

"But..." Tsai Chin naturally thought of what the Red Xia fairy had said, and said: "Hey, this female personality... is afraid of being impossible?"

Immediately, Tsai Chin turned his head and said: "Hong Xia, the head of the door has made you heard, you... can you have a choice?"

"Shi Shu does not have to be so busy!" Yunxiao quickly smiled: "The head gave the teacher a ten-day consideration of time, waiting for the teacher to consider maturity, and then not too late!"

"No need!" Although the red miracle fairy is squatting, it can still be cold in the old voice: "Why do these things have to be considered for ten days? Now the poor road will answer you! Waiting for the poor road will enter the cold ice valley tomorrow!!"

"Sister!" Cloud hurriedly said: "That ice valley is not a good place, you ... you have to think clearly, into the inside is not dead or hurt! What avenue, what is repaired... ...all empty!"

The red-eyed fairy is facing the sky, and the voice is absolutely determined: "It’s not the wind and the wind! The poor road is dead, but you have to go your own way, absolutely not willing to do what you don't want to do!"

"Sister, you...this is why it is!" Yun Yan's face was pale, and the look in his eyes was very weird. He really did not expect that the red miracle fairy was actually so kind to him.

"Xiao Hua, must be Xiao Hua..." There is no other expression on Yunxiao’s face, but my heart is already smashed...


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