Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Since

Chapter 364 is as follows

There was the original

After sending away Jiang Lihan and Yunxiao, seeing some of the curved figure disappeared in the air, Tsai Chin did not look back, coldly said: "You really decided? This... In this case, why should it be?"

"Master, one of the people has a thought on the way. If you don't want to take this life as a disciple! If the disciple has this obsession, then... just do it in the end!" Since the red miracle has been decided, it is naturally calm. Said: "In this case, there is the original!!!"

“嘿嘿 可 可 啊 可 可 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” What do you do when you enter? When you are still not helpless, and you are better, make such a decision, far from the Royal Leizong, your punishment will never be transmitted to the Huanhua School, the name that calls Xiaohua The thief is afraid... It will not be known within 20 years! Twenty years, even if there is no time to repair, this world can change too fast, how do you know the changes of others' minds? Even if you have experienced nine deaths, since When the cold wind valley came out, Xiao Hua became what it was. How did he know how painful he was?"

The red-eyed fairy bit her lip and her eyes stared straight at the ground. No words were spoken.

"The cloud is not your favorite, but since things have fallen into such a field, I think about it... you still promised for a while, dragging a day is a day..."

"No, Master, disciple will never compromise!" Hongxia Fairy categorically refused.

In the eyes of Tsai Chin’s eyes, there was a rare flash of mercy, but then it was cold ice. "The last time I asked you, all of you are experienced by the old man. Anything you say now is old and previously told the patriarch. The old-fashioned car is the teacher of your future! The detour of the old body is what you will face in the future! Moreover, your situation is more severe, the cold wind valley... oh, even if the old body does not dare to enter easily, You... nine lives are still light!"

Now, how can Hongxia Fairy not hesitate? To say that she was in the Taizong dynasty, what she did, is that she has a affiliation with Xiao Hua, and she is guilty! On the surface, it can also be understood as the human condition of Xiao Hua. After all, she is a voice, and others have never known it! Can Xiao Hua’s mind? Xiao Hua did not say anything!

The cleverness of Hongxia Fairy lies in the fact that under this broad public, Xiaohua has clarified his mind with an ambiguous attitude. It is exactly like saying that if the situation is not clear, she really does not Know when it can be shown! And... even if Xiao Hua has other thoughts, she naturally has reasons to explain!

It can be biased, it is this kind of cleverness that makes her fall into another embarrassment, Xiao Hua did not pick her up, Hong Xia fairy Shi Shiran flew away to build the foundation, Xiao Hua can not say a word ! The punishment of the Huanhua School, Hongxia Fairy also thought about it, but I never thought it was so heavy!

Of course, such a heavy weight is just a blind man. The real meaning of the head of the Huanhua School is to let her double-build with Yunxiao and eliminate the laughing stock of the martial art.

"Do this? Do this??" Hongxia Fairy hesitated at this critical moment.

At this time, Luyang Cai family, when the first time met, Xiao Hua's low-level cultivation, Zhan Qing's eyes, and the calm look of the storage bag to himself, is now in front of the eyes of Hongxia Fairy, yeah A refinement of the four layers of refining, facing the storage bag, just like seeing Jinshan, he... can actually be self-confident! ! ! Practicing the contract and practicing it is very easy to say, can be done... how hard it is! Especially to fulfill the promise of a dead person!

"Is this kind of person...not worthy of my efforts?" Hongxia Fairy asked himself: "Can such people not have a long-term future? Will these people ignore what I have done for him?"

A few counter-inquiries came out from the bottom of my heart. The heart of Hongxia Fairy had a fix, but the cold wind valley... Yes, Hongxia Fairy suddenly remembered the persuasion of Cai Qin just now, and the tone seemed to be very serious at the beginning. Later, it was loose, and finally this question... actually has some temptations!

Taking a deep breath, Hongxia Fairy said in a light voice: "Master, the disciple's mind has been decided! As a child of my Cai family, I will never regret for my choice, even if the disciple is blown away by the wind and the wind. Never compromise on the threat of others!"

Although the tone of Hongxia Fairy is indifferent, it does not hesitate to intercept the iron. He can hear the color of Cai Qin’s eyes flashing.

"Hey, you are also hard-mouthed! I will go back to the house to retreat, give you two days! If you regret it, look for the old man!" Cai Qin did not speak much, and flew into the hole.

Hongxia Fairy spent another two days before the Dongfu House. After Cai Qin came out again, Hongxia Fairy was still willing to enter the cold wind valley.

"Oh, nothing! The stubbornness of my Cai family's blood, can be easily changed!" Tsai Chin stared at the Hongxia fairy for a long time, sighed, took a hand, and took out a style of quaint phoenix from the storage bag. One hand flew to the front of Hongxia Fairy, whispered: "You look!"

When I saw Master’s sudden voice, the red-browed fairy’s brow was slightly wrinkled, but my heart was a loose one. When she immersed herself in the look, she looked like a big change and blurted out: “Bingfeng Heart Law?”

"哼~" Tsai Chin will wave his hand, a flash of brilliance, a mute ban, and the sound of the red-eyed fairy will be sealed inside: "They are all built by the monks, so I don't know how important it is. I look at you!"

"Disciple... The disciple is too surprised, but also ask Master to understand!" Hongxia fairy eyeballs turned sharply, but also said: "The disciple never thought about it, my Cai family... The legendary heart is actually seen here! ”

"Hey, my Cai family is an ordinary self-cultivation family? These old people are now disdain to tell you, if you have a chance, you will know it naturally!" Tsai Chin still sneered: "You will take a few days to record this ice-frozen heart, If there is anything I don’t understand, I will ask the old man. This cold wind valley is dead for others! For me, my Cai disciple? Oh, it may not be, since you have chosen this road, it is the blood of my Cai family, then... The old body only lets you try it! If it can be done, hey, don’t say Jin Dan can be a child, it’s Yuan Ying...!”

"Master....." Hongxia Fairy is also a happy face!

"Mo is too early!" Tsai Chin is cold and cold: "The old body just said that it is possible! This may be extremely small! No one in my family has been able to really inspire the blood of her own for many years, even if it is old." For you, it can only be a possibility! If it is not, then you have only one way to die!"

"The disciple knows!" Hongxia fairy smiled and nodded.

"How is this ice and phoenix method... is it broken?" Hongxia Fairy just looked at it for a moment and frowned.

"Hey, silly girl, what is the heart of the ice-frozen heart, how do you know? Wait until you first practice these and save your life! Wait until you have the opportunity to go to the hometown of Cai's family!" A rare smile appeared on it.

"Cai's homeland?" Hongxia fairy said: "How do disciples don't know?"

"Hey, you know now, what do you know about it later? If you can't move out of the cold wind valley, know how much is it?" Cai Qin said unceremoniously.

"The disciple understands that the disciple will not leak!" The red-eyed fairy looks a low voice.

"Hello do it for yourself!" Tsai Chin waved his hand and hit a few scorpions. He made a ban on the range of the red phoenix fairy, and then flew into the cave house, leaving only the red xia fairy to enlighten Cai Jiazu. The "Feng Fengxin Law".

In a quiet mountain village, there are not many villagers in the village, each of which looks very simple. In a small courtyard in a small village, a handsome woman dressed in ordinary village clothes, sitting coldly On a twisted bamboo chair, this woman is Zhang Yutong!

However, at this time, Zhang Yutong’s repairs were all closed, and apart from the compelling temperament and the plain clothes, she could not see that she was a sword repair!

In front of her, she is dressed in a confused Zhang Qingxiao!

"Hey, dare to ask the lord, which school are you from? Which is the gate of the martial art here?" Zhang Yutong looked at the mysterious monk in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

"Do you think the old man will answer you?" Zhang Qingxiao said with a smile: "You are honestly staying here, how can the old man not treat you?"

"Hey, you are the devil!" Zhang Yutong said suddenly.

Zhang Qingxiao was not surprised. He smiled and said: "The smart person will not live long! Zhang girl, the old man advises you, or has never seen anything!"

"I haven't seen anything? Hey! You don't seem to understand our sword repair!" Zhang Yutong is also sneer: "If you are not a demon person, it is a magic repair! You hijack the poor road in the identity of the magic repair, um, still Acting as a Taoist, why do you think that the poor road can’t guess?”

"Then you are talking about what is the plan of the old man?" Zhang Qingxiao came to the interest and asked with a smile.

"Nature is to provoke the contradiction between my sword repair and the Taoist sect, let us fight each other, and you wait for the magic to fix and take advantage of the profit!" Zhang Yutong said sharply.

Zhang Qing Xiao Shen for a moment, nodded slightly; "Zhang girl is like this idea, but it is similar to the old man!"

"Do you think that my sword repair is a brainless person? Will it be for my little woman's poor nest?"

"Haha, if there is an image of Feijian Biography, and there is a statement from the sister? Plus, Zhang has no news for several years?" Zhang Qingxiao smiled: "Even if others do not care, Zhang’s twins How will the younger sister act again? After she has done something, how will the Changbai Zong or Taiqing Zong react? These two major repairs are sent, what about the sword repair?"

"You..." Zhang Yutong knows that these are speculations, but only possible, but... the future development is really not known! Who would have thought that they would be hijacked by the magic?



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