Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 439: Da Qiankun Shifting Order

The forty-third chapter of the chapter

Waiting for Xiao Hua to watch with He Fangyuan, Deming’s eyes flashed a splendid color and nodded slightly: “This Xiaohua is a compassionate mind, and it is also freely retractable in the control of power. It can be done in a thousand miles. The power of Wan Hao is accepted, and only this will put the monks in the realm of death, so that people can give birth to a trace of vitality, and hope to build a foundation in the cultivation!"

"If it is one, the poor road can also be seen as occasional! The two people who can be with Xiaohua's rivals are building the foundation. This is a problem!" Renzhu collected the diamond-shaped spar, whispered: "Disciples also I suspect that this Xiaohua... is a powerful person!"

"Hey? How is it possible?" Demingqi said: "Of course, when Xiao Hua raised the sword embryo, the old man clearly saw that he was the repair of the 12th layer of refining! It is difficult... he can deceive the foundation and even gold. Dan's monk?"

Ren Zhu smiled and said: "The disciples used to think so before. However, they sent to Lei Leizong to ask the disciples about the martial arts to bring back the news. Then Xiao Hua returned to Yu Leizong and soon began to build the foundation..."

When he heard the foundation, Deming nodded slightly, but later Ren Zhu’s words made him yell: "Unfortunately, Xiao Hua’s foundation failed!"

"Hey? How is it possible?" Deming actually said the "how is possible" for the second time: "This refining disciple is a genius, a natural power, and he can help others build a foundation! How can he possibly fail to build a foundation?" ”

Renzhu smiled bitterly: "How can such things be worse? Xiao Hua did not succeed in building the foundation, and it became the laughing stock of Yu Leizong!"

"Hey, God wants to get people!" Deming shook his head: "This day is the most people, I think Xiaohua himself can't think that he can't build a foundation?"

"Right..." Deming suddenly remembered, whispering: "Xiao Hua helps people build the foundation... For the time being, it is still confidential!"

"Hey, the disciple knows!" Ren Zhu smiled: "Xiao Hua is not our Taiqing disciple. How can such disciples be manifested? Xiaohua is afraid that he does not know his own value! If it is known by Yu Leizong I still don't know how many foundation-based disciples can be made!"

"You..." Deming's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

Ren Zhu naturally knows what Deming thinks and quickly conveys: "The disciple... also let the disciples in the door try this way!"

"how is it?"

"This... there is a hammer that has broken the head and died!" Renzhu smiled bitterly: "The other two have no effect!"

"唉~Building base~ It's not that simple!" Deming sighed: "Maybe this Xiaohua is also hit! How does He Fangyuan say?"

"He Fangyuan himself is also ignorant. He only feels that the infinite force is pressing on him. He suddenly wakes up and the infuriating begins to condense..." Ren Zhu naturally asked He Fangyuan, saying: "He doesn't know if it is Xiao. Hua’s intention!”

"I can't wait for the Jindan monk. How can he and his disciple be able to control? This is not the old man who looks down on the refining monk!" Deming shook his head. This thing is really incredible. If someone can control the foundation, then build it. Is the base monk so rare?

"Disciples are also such an idea!" Ren Zhu lost his smile: "Unfortunately, these images can't keep sounds, and Changbai Zong Fan Tong and Xiao Hua's images are not, otherwise you can take a closer look!"

"Xiao Lei's Xiao Hua still has to pay attention to it. Although he has nothing to do with the sword repair, if he is really possible... only if it is possible to be related to the foundation, he can't relax..." Deming said.

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Ren Zhu nodded: "Yu Leizong does not know the importance of Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua has killed Fan Tong. Chang Baizong's quiet thinking is that he will not be willing to give up. When I am too clear, maybe If there is any chance, a disciple of the refining, give you some advantages, and you can have a place to settle down. It is estimated that I am too prudent to join me."

"Well, I will find another disciple of the Golden Age to be his master... How can he be unhappy? Can you help me to be a Qing dynasty disciple, as the illusion shows, it is a great achievement!" Deming smiled. Then the brow stretched and closed his eyes.

Ren Zhu then passed the sound again, and the two did not know what to say.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is a few years. In the three kingdoms of Zhongzheng, Mengguo and Shuguo, I don’t know how many anecdotes happened again. I don’t know how many supernatural monks fell, and the feather fair was missing. The two sword repairs, although not forgotten, have been rarely mentioned, even Duan Yuming and Wang Fanyao have found a lot of places, but also forced Changbai Zong to be peaceful, but they only fly after all. The image of the sword book, and Liu Weigang seems to be cleaner than the two swords, and the traces are not found. Moreover, the Hyun Swordsman was restrained by the soul repair of millions of Mengshan, and for the time being, there was no distraction. Changbaizong gradually slackened, and Duan Yuming and Wang Fanyao ignored it, and the two sword repairs were helpless. Slowly looking for the three countries in the comprehension, and the rainy continent is a vast country, with the strength of the two people afraid that it will not be able to travel for decades!

On this day, Wanlei Valley has no choice but to sink into the water, sitting on the jade chair, and coldly asking Xiangyang: "What about the little rabbit scorpion? Also in the collections of the various thunder palaces?"

Xiangyang did not dare to neglect, and quickly got up and said: "Good teacher father knows that the younger brother has tried his best to cultivate in the past few years, and he has not slacked off in order to build a foundation!"

"Hey, haven't slacked off? Then he just doesn't work!" Helplessly shot the jade chair and said: "How did you do it after the failure of the foundation? How did the little rabbit scorpion do it? The old man did not build a foundation. Don't you know?"

Xiangyang said: "The younger brother is different from the disciple..."

"Different farts!" Helplessly said: "This little rabbit is not as good as you! You have built the foundation 50 years later. This little rabbit is afraid that it will not be built for five hundred years! Hey! What happened to Laozi... Going late? The one called Wang Yunqi is Laozi’s first look! How did Laozi choose a disciple who was born out of practice? It’s really letting Laozi’s face be thrown away!!!”

Zhuo Qiqi next to "Fu Jun!": "After you passed Xiaohua, didn't you say that you wouldn't want to see him again? Don't worry about him again? Why did you suddenly mention Xiaohua today?"

"Hey, do you think I was willing to see him last time? If you don't ask someone to ask him, I won't see this little rabbit!" He said with a helpless voice: "Jin Yue just sent a message to Laozi, he Apprentice... Wang Yunqi also built the foundation!"

"Ah? Is that... the original disciple of Master?" Xiangyang exclaimed.

The sun did not open, but this opening caused a lot of helpless anger: "No, it’s all Laozi’s bad luck!..."

When I was helpless to get angry, a thunder-lighted note outside the Dongfu flew in, but I didn't have a good shot, but the inside of the listener was actually a lyrical voice: "What a helpless teacher, where is Xiao Hua now? Let him see I!"

Helpless to crush the notes, the look on the face is unchanged: "The uncle of the sorrow is to remember this little rabbit scorpion, the last time I heard that he personally comforted him!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, it was a thunder-lighted note. Obviously, he was looking for Xiao Hua. He saw the teacher sending a note, and Xiangyang was busy to stop it. But it was already late, and the thunderbolt was flying out of helplessness. In the cave, I turned around and flew back!

Seeing helplessness and changing color, Xiangyang quickly went forward: "Master, the younger brother does not know which Leiguan's library is in the library, there is a ban, the voice is afraid of not working! Let the disciple personally go find it. !"

"Hey!" In desperation, he also woke up in anger. If he could find Xiao Hua, what sent his lyrics to him?

"Go, let the little rabbit scorpion come out of the pile of paper, and it is impossible to build a foundation after five hundred years of drilling! Seeing that the foundation of five years of foundation training will begin, let him prepare and go out with other disciples!" "I can't help but sigh and put my sleeves on, let the sun go out!"

Xiangyang Tongyu cleared out the Dongfu, and Qingqing took a few invisible charms from the storage bag and handed it to Xiangyang: "Fu Jun, these invisible characters are brought to the younger brother. The experience of building the foundation is no more than the others. More than a few counts!"

"Good!" Sun Xiang took over, income storage bag, whispered: "The younger brother said half a year ago to go to the dry thunder palace library, I do not know if it is there now!"

"Hey, the younger brother doesn't know what evil is in it. What is the good thing about the bookstore? It has been seen before, it took another five years to read it again!" Yan Qingyi also sighed: "Use these five years of cultivation, maybe ......"

He waved his hand to stop the 阎 阎 涟 and said that he flew to the dry thunder palace. In the middle of the construction of the Xiangyang realm, the Thunder has gradually developed, although it is much worse than Xiaohua’s Thunder five years ago, but after all, it is the practice of practicing Thunder!

And Xiao Hua after five years? At this time, in the library of the Thunder Palace, like a starry sky, a jade slip was sent into the void, and then sitting cross-legged, and the memories were meticulous. After half a slap, I opened my eyes and took a breath, saying: " Da Qiankun moved the order! The big 乾 挪 挪 令 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个

"The records of the eight major thunder palaces are also strange. The exercises and the like are all divided into realms. Traveling, strange news and so on are indivisible, but anyone who can enter the library can see! But... poor roads After reading these five years of classics, actually... I didn’t meet a disciple to check it out! Didn’t they know... Did you read a book equivalent to travel once?”

Hey, Xiao Hua is also standing and not hurting. Five years, how good is it to cultivate, who will waste five years to see what classics? Even when the evil spirits and other people visited the site of the Buddha, they were all practicing! After all, are they not tempered? ?



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