Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Refining fifteen layers of pregnancy sword

The forty-fourth chapter refining fifteen layers of pregnancy sword

Xiao Hua has a tempering crystal, and its cultivation method and speed are naturally different from others. After he built the foundation "failure", he used the "Suiyuan Heart Law" to enter the 13th layer of refining gas that has never been cultivated. After only two hundred days, it broke through a bottleneck and entered the so-called fourteen layers of refining. Later, it took more than a year to refine the last flame in the meridian to the fifteenth floor of the refining. At the bottleneck, then, returning to Dongling Medical Park to use the second piece of stellate crystal, which will be repaired into the fifteen layers of refining, the flame will be in the meridian, and then it will come out from the medicine garden. After reading the classics in Xia Lei Palace, one side raised the realm to the later stage of the 15th floor of the refining gas. I believe that it will take a year to sway the sixteen layers of refining! With the improvement of the realm, the speed of refining of the fire marrow is slowing down.

However, Xiao Hua does not care. He knows that the speed of his own refining has not slowed down. It is only because the realm is going to be upgraded. It is difficult to upgrade. From the tenth floor of refining to the eleventh floor of refining, it is definitely better than It takes a long time to refine the eleventh floor to the twelve layers of refining, so he will enjoy the joy of cultivation with peace of mind! Naturally, Xiao Hua is still in the refining period, and certainly there is no pressure. Xiao Hua is practicing the sacred heavens and crossing the sea exercises. He only slightly concealed it. From the appearance, his cultivation is compared with the ordinary refining twelve. There is no difference between the later disciples! As for his real repair? A monk who will cultivate more than half of the basic exercises, can he compare with the refining monk? It’s better than just being a base monk!

And said that Xiao Hua put a jade back, look around, and grab a hand, it is from a place in the Xinghai to take out a jade slip, then, the figure flies away, waiting for a place where the smoke is floating The hand is another finger, the smoke is diluted a lot, and it is a lot of diamond-shaped brilliance. This diamond-shaped brilliance flashes into two colors, or green or yellow, and Xiao Hua will swipe his eyes and fly up. Toward one of the khaki brilliance, when Xiaowei’s figure flies near the smoke, the whole body gradually shrinks, waiting for the smoke, the size of the small almost the size of the mung bean, and the one in front of him The khaki brilliance has been enlarged, it is a quiet room!

Xiao Hua’s light-stricken roads are used to enter the quiet room, and then the quiet room is closed!

Xiao Hua looked at the moment, and suddenly his face showed a happy color. He shot his hand on his forehead, and a sword pill that had entered the chicken egg appeared in his hand!

At this time, the sword pill was different from a few years ago. When Xiao Hua got the sword pill, the surface of the elliptical sword pill was pitted, and there were many cracks, and the crack was quite deep. At this time, the entire sword pill surface is smooth and tidy, all the cracks are gone, and the glory overflowing on the sword pill is so vivid!

"Quirks! I thought it was the smallest sword pill that was easy to mend. I don't think this biggest sword pill was first repaired!" Xiao Hua Buddha swept the Buddha's relic's heart, some surprised: "And the other eight The repairing degree of a sword is also different. It seems that the smaller it is, the less it is repaired! The smallest sword pill, the crack is almost deep into the heart of the pill, and it has not changed at all! The smaller the sword is, the bigger it is. Not?"

Xiao Hua slightly frowned, but also look at the hands of blood red and blue mixed brilliance of the sword pill, immersed in the Buddha's knowledge! In five years, Xiao Hua is also practicing "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing", and the Buddha's knowledge has also made great progress. It is only that the cultivation of the Buddha's knowledge is too difficult. This progress is insignificant compared to the Taoist realm.

The swords of blue and red are dripping in the hands of Xiao Hua. Among the Buddha’s knowledge, the texture of the sword is meticulous, and there are countless strange runes in it. However, these runes are very sluggish and there is no swordsmanship. The vividness of the "spirit sword" in the middle!

"Hey, this... Feijian is still down!" Xiao Hua took back the Buddha's knowledge and threw the sword in the air. He sighed in his heart: "If the true pregnancy sword is successful, it is like the birth of life. Sword spirit is born, even if it is not as lively as the living side, but there are also fluctuations of life! This sword pill has reached the stage of the birth of the sword, but there is no slightest movement! According to the sword repair... It should be the stillbirth of!"

"But! I am not a sword repairer. I can get a flying sword. It is also a good rule to use this flying sword with the Taoist sword." Xiao Hua must have stretched out his fingers and saw him. With any movement, the black iron needle appears in the air in front of me! Then suddenly slammed the fingers of Xiaohua!

It is a pity that it is like a mysterious iron that pierces the same texture. The mysterious iron needle can only stab in a little bit!

"***!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is awesome. The King Kong method is weird. I am a thick and thick skin. Now it is even a little bit of blood." The blood of the monk makes me difficult!"

Between the smiles, I saw Xiao Hua’s hand, and the mana urged it. The black iron needle flashed from the cold light, and then slowly penetrated into Xiao Hua’s finger, followed by the extraction of the black iron needle. A drop of blood red blood flies in the air! Xiao Hua slightly closed his eyes, and there were words in his mouth. The different laws of the two hands entered the blood drop, and the blood drops began to boil. In the blink of an eye, the blood film became the size of a chicken egg. Open your eyes, put your hand and a finger, a golden brilliance on the blood film flashes, and the sword is flying toward the side!

The blood film wrapped the sword pill, which was infiltrated into it very quickly. As the blood film disappeared, the sword pill began to fluctuate up and down, and the amplitude of the shock became bigger and bigger!

Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed a trace of cockroaches. He knew that this was the beginning of his own blood control sword. If the sword was not completely repaired, or his blood could not control the sword, the flying sword could not be born. ! Moreover, look at the swaying of this sword pill, fearing that there is a trace of the original owner's pregnant sword!

After a while, the sound of "嗡嗡" was sound, and the sword pill suddenly stopped. Immediately, a drop of blood was forced out, and this blood flew out of the sword, and immediately it was thrown toward Xiaohua!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was shocked, and the Buddha swept through it. A sigh of relief came from the blood, and it felt very powerful! Without thinking, Xiao Hua immediately shouted Xiao Huang from the space.

Xiao Huang took out the space, the nose was pumping, and the eyes were the color of joy. I saw the little yellow nose and it was a movement. A white brilliance was born from the nose of Xiao Huang. It was the blood stain!

The blood stain seems to know that this white light is so powerful that it is necessary to turn the direction quickly, but unfortunately in the strong suction of white light, this blood pollution can not move at all. Between the fingers, a weird virtual shadow was pulled out by white light from the blood, and Xiao Hua was too late to see clearly, and was sucked into the nose by Xiao Huang!

Xiao Huang ate this illusion, his face showed a trace of satisfaction, actually shaking his tail, stretching his claws, a look of laziness! After Xiao Hua sent Xiao Huang into the space, Xiao Huang fell down and seemed to fall asleep. It was the first time that it swallowed the **** of Kanming.

"Good insurance!" Xiao Hua wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. It is very gratifying: "Fortunately, I have read so many books in the past few years, knowing that these are the marks related to the Yuanshen, only special magical powers or Xiaohuang. The beast can be restrained, otherwise it will be really troublesome!"

"However, I am still inexperienced! I started to be pregnant without any preparation. This is not a new sword, but used by others, or broken. This is a ghost in the blood... I don’t know the original sword repair. Or is it a soul repair under the sword?"

Xiao Hua began to reflect on his own shortcomings. Then, he waved his hand and saw a pure, green fire. The three fires were fired from his hands, and the blood that stopped in the air was gone, disappeared and disappeared!

Look at the sword pill that made the sound of "嗡嗡". At this time, the sound is very harsh. In the sound, the two sides of the sword pill seem to show two vague wings, but when Xiao Hua wants to watch it carefully, the wings It is not seen, and the whole sword pill is gradually softened into a slap-sized sword with a melting candle! ! !

With the formation of Feijian, Xiao Hua’s eyes showed a happy color. I saw that the new flying sword was blue and red, and a sigh of anger and a sharp air were intertwined, far more than the flying sword that Xiao Hua had previously seen. It must be amazing! What makes Xiao Hua happy is that once the flying sword was born, he himself had the feeling of being free to control himself, and the feeling of being like an arm gave birth!

"Even if it is not a sword! Even if there is no sword, the sword is enough for the poor!" Xiao Hua Lang laughed, and waved his hand, the flying sword suddenly turned, like a spiritual snake flying into Xiaohua Hands.

Waiting for the flying sword to fall into the hand, a feeling of chilling from time to time, and the feeling of coldness came from the hand, let Xiaohua slightly frown!

"What is going on here?" Xiao Hua closed his eyes and looked at his body. After a while, he muttered: "This cold seems to be a sharp feeling, transmitted to the skin; and this hot, burning Feeling... It doesn't seem to be just coming from the skin, it feels more of a kind of inner jealousy!"

“哎哟~” Xiao Hua suddenly had a kind of enlightenment: “Is this... is it the power of the karma that Master and Shi Niang said?”

"Go!" Xiao Hua pointed his hand, flying sword into the air is much faster than the flying sword used by Xiao Hua before!

Seeing Feijian under his control and a little clumsy swimming in the air, Xiao Hua shook his head slightly: "Flying sword is a flying sword, and it is really different from Feijian, afraid that it is the sword of Dao Zong and the sword. Is it different to repair the sword? Unfortunately, I don’t know when I can get the sword!"

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly showed a moment of confusion...



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