Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Lyric feelings

The forty-fourth chapter of the lyrical sentiment

After saying that Xiangyang and Xiaohua gave a tribute to the lyrics, they sighed about the feelings of Xiaohua, and did not feel that Xiaohua’s heart was happy. Where can the Jindan predecessor’s returning be worse? I don’t feel humbly in my mouth: "The disciples are late, and the ancestors are waiting for a long time! Previously, they were all discouraged by the disciples. Where do you dare to work for the ancestors?"

There is no shelf for the ancestors, and the big sleeves will be stunned. "The old man owes you is owing you, and you can still pay back the old man!"

"The elders are not willing to resign, thank you for your good intentions!"

"Well~" I looked at the sunny side next to me and sent a message to Xiao Huadao: "Remember that at the Yuxian Conference, when you get the sword embryo that is not controlled by God, the old man once said that he has seen similar Something?"

Xiao Hua’s heart is hot, but also the voice: “The ancestors... disciple... naturally remember, I can’t think of the ancestors for so many years!”

"Oh, you don't know the taste of affair!" He smiled and said: "The old man wants to give you some benefits after you build the foundation, but you can't build the foundation. In the past five or six years... ...and there is no movement! However, it is only in these five or six years that the old man found the origin of that thing!"

Saying, the sensation will take a shot, and come up with a jade handed over the past: "Speaking of this thing, it is also some of the origins. It was the time when the old man’s master, Green Peng, actually met in Xiaoyu’s mainland. At that time, the old man was young, and he only listened casually. If it was not the eccentric sword of the Qing dynasty, how could the old man think about it? It was thought that it was the thing of our Royal Leizong, and it took a long time to find it!"

Looking at Xiao Hua’s takeover of Yu Jian, the sensation said: “However, this is a matter of two hundred years ago, and that thing is not there, the old man can’t guarantee it!”

"Ah? Two hundred years!!" Xiaohua was a little surprised, and then the grateful heart was even better. The sensation was the predecessor of the Jindan period. Actually, it took such a big twist for the previous sentence, and it took two hundred years to make a living. The former thing, this person is still too big!

"Thank you for your ancestors! The disciples are really panic!" Xiao Hua once again bowed to the ceremony.

"It's all imaginary things, and you don't have to thank you!" The sorrow did not take it for granted. I didn't let Xiao Hua say thank you: "The other things in Yu Jian are also a little bit of the old man. If you have the opportunity... you can carefully Look!"

"Is it?" Xiao Hua listened, and even more liked it. He was awkward in his heart. If it was a news, the sensation should not be so big, just send a message. So, let the gods read out and immerse them in the jade, this does not look at it, after reading it, the face... is even more exciting!

Can not wait for Xiao Hua to open, sensational voice: "You don't have to rumor about these things, you can look at it!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua responded carefully and collected the jade.

"Go, careful cultivation, the old man is still very optimistic about you!" The lyrical look at the sun is also said: "Cultivation is of course important! But also look at the fairy edge, if there is no fairy edge to force, You may not be able to ask for it at all. Your master is a good example. Although it has been used for 50 years, it is still a foundation. Now it is also in the middle of the foundation, and it is better than those who have not built the foundation. In the early stage, isn’t it a hundred times stronger?”

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Cultivating the immortal lies in the cultivation of the mind. The realm is just the appearance. If the Tao is not enough, even if there is a realm... it is difficult to make further progress..." The lyrics seem to be incomplete, but a few words are laughter; "These Too deep, it is a little understanding of the old man's cultivation. I am afraid that you can't understand it in the later stage of refining. You are young, or you are slowly practicing, and you should not be careful!"

"Thank you for your guidance!"

"Go..." The lyrical squadron, the figure fluttering, gradually disappeared into the fog, and then the melodious flute sounded again, and the flute sounded a kind of relaxed, free and easy.

Xiangyang accompanied Xiao Hua from the Lei Lei Palace. He did not say a word from beginning to end. He only gave a look at the jade sorrow given to him. He did not ask at all, waiting for the two to leave the Lei Lei Palace. After flying for a while, Xiangyang The first time I spoke up: "Little brother, are you... going back to the Thunder Palace Library? Or will I go back to Wanlei Valley to meet Master?"

Xiao Hua sighed and shook his head: "The history of the dry thunder palace has been seen almost, this time is no longer necessary! As for Master, do you think Master is willing to see me?"

"Master, his old man is also caring for you..." After Xiangyang said this sentence, he could no longer say it. As early as on the way to the Thunder Palace, he said everything, but he had no choice but to temper him. Everyone knows that he can bear it himself, and others may not be able to endure it! In particular, this small younger brother who was born out of the practice, looks very easy-going, but he is proud of his bones. In the face of a helpless bite of a "little rabbit", he must not be quiet. It is better to see it.

"The younger brother knows!" Xiao Hua said calmly: "The younger brother is ready to go out to travel..."

While Xiao Hua was talking, a red-red thunderbolt was flying, and it was in front of Xiao Hua’s eyes.

"Hey, I am afraid that it is the voice of Xue Xue Xue Xue!" Xiang Yang quickly transferred the topic: "Shi Niang mentioned her several times. Since you last came back from Taiqing, she has not come to Wanwan for more than five years. Thunder Valley, when have leisure, let her come over!"

"Yes, the younger brother knows!" Xiaohua's face was reddish, and while answering, the notes were opened, and God read it. Xiaohua's face was hesitant.

"What? What happened?" Xiang Xiang saw, whispered.

"Oh, nothing, Master!" Xiao Hua took out the notes and said a few words. He raised his hand and smiled at the notes: "I was a teacher who went to the Yuxian Conference and wanted to The younger brother went to build a base tour, this thing has been promised by the younger brother!"

Xiangyang listened, his face showed a happy smile and smiled: "Dashan, for the brother is worried that you will be dangerous to travel alone, with this brother... oh? Is it a teacher?"

"Well, it’s Xue Xue’s teacher, who had previously invited a younger brother at the Yuxian Conference...” Xiao Hua explained.

"Oh, it turned out to be awkward!" Xiangyang’s face showed a "clear" look, and nodded deeply: "Yes, the repair and appearance of Qiong is still a match with Xue Xue! You should go!" ”

"Master brother?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, immediately understood the meaning of this, but ... how can he explain such ambiguous words?

"Oh, I know for my brother!" Yang Yang waved his hand: "You feel like going back to prepare, for the brother, then go back and talk about this thing with the teacher, save her old family worry!"

"Shi Niang???" Xiao Hua is even more embarrassed, his face slightly embarrassed. Not to mention the sun, but turned around and thundered and flew away. When he left, he said: "Before the younger brother left, he said that he would send a transcription to Master. If he built the foundation, he would turn back earlier! ”

"Building the foundation! Hey, I am afraid that it is not possible within a few years!" Xiaohua secretly said, then smiled and agreed, and pulled out and thundered to fly back to Dongling Medicine Park!

"Wake up... wake up thunder... no... no?" Xiangyang’s heart was secretly happy for his younger brother. It’s natural to look back and see Xiaohua’s figure disappearing in the distance. Seeing Xiao Hua’s Thunder’s technique, Xiang Yang’s stature and thunder’s body was almost shocked and fell from midair!

What kind of cultivation is the wake-up of the Thunder, although he is not too clear, but he knows that his mid-term cultivation is only just cultivated into a thunder, wake up thunder... For him, he is afraid of this life and the present. It is impossible to cultivate successfully, and Xiao Hua... How can a disciple of a refining period be possible?

"It must be wrong, it must be wrong!" Has always been honest, the sun is not aware of his own eyes, blinking, sighing from the heart, re-flying, but this time the speed is slow Quite a lot!

Xiao Hua didn't think that the screaming thunder that he revealed would cause a blow to Xiangyang. He was just warm in his heart. While walking, he immersed himself in the jade that he had just given him!

Naturally, within the jade, the lyrical master, Green Peng, is only a small part of the record of other materials. The rest is what the lyrics really leave to Xiao Hua. This part of the content is divided into two parts, the most part of the front part, accounting for 80%, are all about the refining and use of the magic weapon, it must be sensational to see Xiaohua get the town cloud printing incomplete, this I have to worry about finding a law that can be used by Xiao Hua! The other 20%, although there are not many records, but also the most precious, actually ... is a little sensation about breaking through the foundation!

There is not much feeling about this. It is only a fur for lyrics, but for Xiao Hua, it is simply Jinshan! This is a breakthrough in building the foundation. It is not a breakthrough in the realization of refining. For lyricism, the realization of the breakthrough of refining is too far away. I am afraid that some memories are unclear, and Xiaohua’s master is helpless. The feelings of taking out the foundations seem to be somewhat nondescript. Therefore, in response to the failure of Xiaohua’s foundation, the lyrics can only come up with the realization of breaking through the foundation!

This is also the reason why Xiao Hua was ecstatic when he saw the content of Yu Jian. It was also the reason why Xiao Hua was sent to Xiao Hua to prevent him from being rumored.

Xiao Hua gave up many of his heads, and only immersed his thoughts in jade, and he understood the lyrics of words and sentences. The more he pondered, the more he felt the words and words, and each sentence said his heart, every word. The words are scratched in the itch of their cultivation, a wonderful feeling from the heart!

Just as Xiao Hua scratched his head and screamed in his heart, a strong sense of threat was born from the bottom of his heart, killing the lively mood in his heart...



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