Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 443: Building foundation monk

Ish the fourth hundred and forty-three chapters of the foundation of the monk

Xiao Hua immediately stopped the law, floating in the air, his eyes flashing, and looked around the wilderness!

"Get out!" Xiao Hua’s tongue screamed with a thunder, but the mind was locked somewhere!

"Oh..." A few voices came from there, and a monk dressed in a dark robe flew out of the hiding place!

Seeing the repair of the monk's foundation in the early stage, and not disguising the appearance, Xiao Hua's eyes are miniature. He has already recognized this monk, who was his own base monk in Dongling several years ago!

"Sure enough, Xiaohua, who is the first name of the Confucius Conference, is really worthy of the name!" The inexplicable monk smiled and smiled; "The poor road is full of self-confidence and hidden spells, and it is still seen by you!"

Xiao Hua looked coldly and didn't answer, and my heart was thinking about the origin of this embarrassment!

"How? See the predecessors of Zhuji, you even forgot the etiquette?" The monk's eyes flashed a glimpse of the play! It’s just that in the ban, it’s a cold feeling. Ish

How can Xiao Hua give a gift and sneer: "Since it is a predecessor, there should be a predecessor's festival. So hiding it, what is the reason for intercepting the younger generation?"

"Is the poor road intercepting you?" The monk laughed and held his hand, and Xiao Hua immediately shook his body, lest the monk issued a law.

"Hey, if you want to make it difficult for you to be poor, do you still have to work so hard?" There is no law in the hands of the monks. It seems that it is really just a gesture. But at this time, Xiao Hua suddenly changed his face and suddenly looked up. He only swept a little at the top of his head. The whole figure was regressed. The speed seemed to be less than the speed of the flight!

"Hey!" The dark-faced monk’s face was also changed. He had someone to subpoena. He knew that Xiao Hua might return to Dongling Medicine Park. He had to go to the law in advance, but it was unfortunately discovered by Xiao Hua’s head. Did not fall into the law, he said so much, naturally it is to drag the time, so that another companion can be deployed again. I did not expect that Xiao Hua’s thoughts were so powerful, and it was the discovery of another person’s movement!

And Xiao Hua's speed is so fast, can't help the monk of the dark clothes to be vigilant, I saw that he will take a shot of the forehead, the foundation of the building pressure, a force of force is immediately toward the distance Xiao Under the pressure of China!

With the release of the monk's prestige, in the mid-air of the previous Xiao Hua standing, another obese monk was also exposed with an incredible look on his face. The strange eyes swept the monk and looked at the monk. One shot, the same pressure is released, just like a mountain!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s display of Thunder’s eyes and flying out of a dozen feet away, he was caught up by the pressure of the two foundation-based monks, and the pressure was pressed down from the top, and the whole figure was linked. Can't move!

"Seventeenth brother, what did you just use to wake up the thunder?" The obese monk saw Xiaohua in control, very strangely asked.

The seventeenth brother is the Zhenhao of Yan Leiling, Yan Leiling, and this obese monk is the shock of Yan Leiling.

"Good to teach the fifteen brothers to know, look like it is!" Zhenhao is also somewhat confused: "But... not very likely?"

"Hey, this is a genius!" Shocked and snorted: "There has been a dozen layers of refining, you can use the thunder, and it is rare to put it in the whole Royal Leizong! Unfortunately, I have offended my Yan Leiling! ”

During the speech, the shocked hand waved, a flying sword in the hand, followed by a wave, flying swords such as the electric path from the stab to the two sides of the pressure to control the slightest can not move Xiaohua.

"It's just that!" Zhenhao said with a smile: "The four brothers said this little thief so well, but after all, it is only the younger generation of refining. Today, you and my two foundation-based monks also shot at the same time, but it seems to be bullying. Small!"

"Hey, if you are not afraid of leaking the wind, let you come alone!" Shocking eyes exposed the cold, fat face squeezed two eyes into mung beans, watching the flying sword that is about to pierce Xiaohua’s chest Said.

But when the two decided to become a bamboo in the chest, the sudden change suddenly...

Xiao Hua, who was crushed by two foundation-based monks, did not struggle as much as they imagined. Instead, after struggling at the beginning, his face was gloomy and his eyes fixed on the two. It seems to be thinking about something!

When Fei Jianfu stabbed his chest, Xiao Hua’s eyes also flashed through a cold light. The body’s infuriating air flowed rapidly. A layer of pale gold brilliance flowed through him. Immediately, Xiao Hua’s figure was like a blow. The swells up, the two big hands are more than twice as big as before, and the right hand goes forward, and the flying sword is actually caught by the big hand like a fish!

The sound of "铿", the flying sword is stabbed on the big hand of Xiaohua's pale gold, and he shot a few sparks, and there is no painful color on Xiao Hua's face. With Xiao Hua's big hand, a while After the sound of the golden stone rang, a worn-out futuristic paper fell from the hand!

"Ah????" shocked and shocked, and it was a urging of pressure, and wanted to suppress Xiao Hua, but at this time, Xiao Hua was afraid of pressure, but it was far from the previous death. The suppression, but still have the power of activity!

"This...how is it possible?" Shocking some unbelieving shaking his head, he has never seen a refining monk who is not afraid of pressure. This is the difference in the realm. It is the natural restraint of the upper monk to the lower monk!

"Go!" Zhenhao did not think about it, and the body flew away from the shock. It was stopped on the other side of Xiaohua. With a wave of his hand, a round-shaped implement was sacrificed in the air! This is the instrumental four-phase wheel of Zhenhao!

The four-phase wheel has four protrusions. With the sacrifice of Zhenhao, each of the protrusions emits a strange brilliance. While rotating, it moves toward Xiaohua’s pale gold figure with two feet high and low!

"Oh, no, this... seems to be a supernatural power! It is not the expansion of Xiaohua's body!" When he saw the shocking throwing of the instrument, he felt a little harder in his heart. The tall body of pale gold is the normal phase, not the real flesh. Moreover, most of this method is blurred, only a faint golden outline, only two arms and two legs are clearly seen, obviously it has been solidified. !

"Go!" Xiao Hua, who is urging the King Kong method, sees the Huaxiang of the four-phase wheel stirring the aura of the heavens and the earth, and there are tiny vortexes in the air. I know that this instrument is powerful, and I don’t think about it. The strong King Kong body turns around and the left hand is broken. Fist, swell to life!

"Hey!" A big shock, the four-phase wheel was hit back and flew back, and Xiaohua’s fist was also cut off!

"Oh, not good!" Not only is Xiao Hua slightly shocked, but Zhenhao is also a bad scream in his heart. He never thought that his instrument would be hit by Xiao Huasheng. And Xiao Hua is a powerful King Kong body that is distressed by how hard it is to condense!

Then, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, take a forehead and put the town cloud seal in midair!

The town Yunyin immediately showed the power of magic weapon, and the sound of humming immediately filled the whole air, and with the noise of the sound, the town cloud printing speed increased from three inches to three feet. All the auras around the world have been attracted to it, and many auras have become silky around the town of Yunyin!

"A good magic weapon!" is the shocking and shocking to see this, my heart is also a sigh!

"Haha! Since the poor road has come, naturally there is a way to deal with you, but it is a magic weapon!" Shocked and laughed, the storage bag was shot, and the cloud-like magic weapon was taken out! I just flew into the air, and then I saw the right hand taekwondo backhand on my chest. The blood of "噗" ran out, it was on the magic weapon, the cloud was instantly Dyeing red, you can immediately put the blood into the magic weapon, and it is restored to white!

"Let you look at the hundred clouds of Yan Leiling!!!" Shocked and shouted, the name of Yan Leiling was called out, and one finger was thrown into it. Suizhong! A huge suction came out of the hundred clouds, and suddenly it took away most of the mana that was shocked, and the hundred clouds of mana were magnified, not afraid of the size of dozens of feet? In the white brilliance, just like the real white clouds, all three are covered!

"Yan Leiling!" Xiao Hua was slightly shocked, and even the name was called out. Today, there must be a heart of life and death. So, with a sneer, the hand will be pointed, and the town cloud will scream at the earthquake. Smashed the past!

"哼" At this time, the three people are all under the clouds, seeing the town under the clouds, sneer and sneer, and give a hand, a white cloud at the top of the earthquake, it is in the The place where the town cloud prints!

"噗", the town cloud seals on the clouds, just like falling in the cotton can not make merit!

"Ha ha ha" Xiao Hua has not responded, shocked first smile!

His eyes swept away Zhenhao, and the face of Zhenhao was also showing a relaxed color. He pointed his hand to the four-phase wheel, and the implementer swiftly rotated, and the same sound of "嗡嗡" was heard. The four colors of brilliance were mixed together. Stirring the heavens and the earth is coming to Xiaohua!

Xiao Hua’s face was calm and standing in the air, not surprising, just watching the left and right two bases became the corner of the monk secretly thinking. He is now a refining monk, and he has no pressure on himself. The pressure of the two foundations is his nemesis. If he does not have a strong King Kong body, he is really not good! Nowadays, I have to release the body of the law against the pressure. Fortunately, this vigorous King Kong body is a Buddha supernatural power, he does not use too much mana!

"! Xiaoye is now refining the fifteen layers of repairs, and it is also the practice of "Suiyuan Xinfa" practiced in the middle of the building, but I am afraid that you will not succeed!" Xiao Hua gave birth to a contempt, a cold sigh , urging the body's mana, and pointing the hand to the town.

I saw that the town of Yunyin gave birth to a strong suction. While inhaling Xiaohua's mana, it also wiped out the aura of heaven and earth around ten feet!

"Rise..." shocked and shocked, and quickly spit the truth to spur the hundred clouds, blocking the clouds in the town cloud printing is even more intense!




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