Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 444: Killing the foundation

Ish four hundred and forty-four chapters to kill the foundation

Unexpectedly, the town Yunyin not only did not rise as much as he thought, but it seemed like a sudden contraction in the blink of an eye, and it became a foot in the blink of an eye!

Subsequently, with the sound of Xiao Huafa, the town cloud print actually came out of the clouds and whizzed toward the four-phase round!

"A sculpt disciple can drive the magic weapon is already good, actually dare to collide with the poor road, I don't know how to write the dead words!" Zhenhao saw Xiaohua's magic weapon shrink rapidly, thinking that Xiaohua's mana could not maintain the magic weapon. State, this is reduced to a foot size, I want to fight with myself to break the net! It is so sneer, but also to send the mana to the four-phase wheel, driving the instrument to want to fly the town cloud!

"Peng"'s deafening sound, the one-foot-size town cloud print is exactly the same as the three-foot-sized four-phase wheel. I saw the four-color brilliance of the four-phase wheel suddenly slammed into the sky. Li Jian, rushed to the town of Yunyin, and the town of Yunyin bronze brilliance faintly flowing, the life will press these brilliance, one inch of compression, when the sound is ringing, Zhenyunyin has completely suppressed the brilliance of the four-phase wheel Within the instrument.

Immediately, when the sound was still lingering in the ears of the three people, the four-phase wheel was radiant and fascinated, showing the body, and it was actually slanted out by the slanting of the town Yunyin, which was much smaller than it!

"噗" With the four-phase wheel being smashed, not far from the Zhenhao spurt out of blood, his face is as pale as gold!

"Ah?" Xiaohua’s shock on the other side was shocked. He waved his hand and flashed a flaming brilliance. A spear-shaped weapon of a foot length came out and flew like a meteor to Xiao. Hua's vest!

Xiao Hua had already released the Buddha’s knowledge. How can he not pay attention? I saw that he would handle it a little. The town’s cloud-printed “嗡嗡” screamed, and it was slightly lifted, and it was going to Zhenhao! At the same time, Xiao Hua's vigorous King Kong law body slightly sideways, the fist of the left hand is picked up at the same time, and the magical instrument toward the spear is also smashed!

"Hey! Is this still a monk of refining?" Shocking almost couldn't believe his eyes. Xiao Hua is too fierce, and the two people who built the base, it seems that they don't fall. wind! Moreover, Xiao Hua actually directly used the treasure, directly using this unknown law body ... the hard-resistance of the birth of the base!

Not far away, Zhenhao can not be shocked by such a horrible vacancy. The town Yunyin has just been lifted up, and he feels that there is an unparalleled power of shock from the magic weapon. This shock is stronger than the Jindan period. The pressure is so powerful that it is directly pressed into the depths of his soul, letting him feel irresistible, unable to escape, unable to break free!

"This..." Zhenhao has not resisted the heart to give birth to despair, which really makes his heart chilling, and his shackles are temporarily disconnected from his heart by the town of Yunyun, unable to control, rushed In the meantime, I had to do dying struggles, wave a hand, take out a dozen yellow characters from the storage bag, and bow to the town cloud print!

With Huang Fu on the magic weapon, it is really a slippery world! Those Huang Fu just showed that Wei Neng immediately turned into a biased paper under the power of Yun Yun Yin in the town, falling in a row, just like the endless disdain in Xiao Hua’s eyes!

Seeing the clouds in the bronze color of the town, the **** redness will linger on the body of Zhenhao. A snowy hair is bursting from the body of Zhenhao!

That snow is extremely dazzling, actually let Xiao Hua's eyes jump slightly, involuntarily smashed up...

I saw that Zhenhao, who was under the pressure of Zhenyun, showed a layer of white armor on the whole body! ! !

This armor is obviously broken and can only cover the vest of Zhenhao. Even in this broken armor, the flowing plaque on it emits a white brilliance, which will protect the whole body of Zhenhao, which is blocked in the town. In front of Yunyin, the death of the town against the bronze brilliance of the town of Yunyin, how to roll the town cloud printing is not falling! !

"Human body magic!!" Xiao Hua exclaimed, but he should have thought of it, since the shock can come up with the magic weapon to compete with his town cloud print, how can Zhenhao not? After all, Yan Leiling is the location of the Zhenleigong refiner!

Seeing his own Mo Yunjia's meritorious deeds, he blocked the town cloud in the air, and Zhenhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, his heart did not seem to be easy, because the kind of shock from the town Yunyin was not because of Mo Yun. The appearance of A is reduced by half!

At the same time, the shocking implement also flew to the back of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua exclaimed, but also the fist that spurred the body, "Peng" slammed on the spear-like implement! An unparalleled force is born, and the shocking heart is also a shock, and the implement is also hit by Xiao Hua's body!

"It's too powerful!" When the powerful device was shaken and the control device was turned back, the heart actually retired!

Can shock this retreat has just been born, Xiao Hua is doing a move that makes him puzzled!

I saw that Xiao Hua’s figure suddenly moved. It was really what he suspected of waking up and thundering. A virtual shadow that could not be captured by God could flash. Xiao Hua flew to the front of Zhenhao and saw Xiaohua’s smiling face. Close together, Zhenhao is like a rogue Huanghua prostitute, panic back, but where can Xiaohua let him back? Covering your face is to put your mouth together...

As Xiao Hua's figure approached, his body was also moved. He saw the pale gold left hand open, grabbed the town cloud print that rolled in the air, and then turned his hand, actually turned the town cloud to the direction. Shock! ! !

The town Yunyin has just flew away, and the shock of Zhenhao’s shock is disappearing. While Zhenhao is puzzled, he does not think about it. He urges flying to escape from Xiaohua’s eyes!

"I still want to go?" Xiaohua's face showed an inexplicable smile, and the mouth spit in a green and red color of the sword light, and it was faster than Leiguang to stab the door of Zhenhao!

"Flying swords?" Zhenhao saw Jianguang, and there was no light in his heart. He knew that this Mo Yunjia was a magic weapon, how can the flying swords be pierced!

However, Jianguang is now, a kind of horror similar to the town of Yunyin is born from the depths of his heart!

"Bad!" Still not waiting for the extra thoughts in the heart of Zhenhao, the green and red sword light is the thorn in Mo Yunjia!

"Breaking!" I saw Xiao Hua whispering softly, and the white light of Mo Yunjia was punctured by Jianguang like a bubble, and the two colors of green and red were the face of Zhenhao!

"Too fast! Too fast!!" This is the last point of Zhenhao's feelings. He has almost no chance of a slight movement. It is black in front of him. It is no longer possible to make any resistance, even if it is used for some useless. Huang Fu, even if you come up with another implement! ! !

At the same time of the degeneration, the town Yunyin, which was thrown out by Xiao Hua’s powerful King Kong law, was also in front of the shocking body. At this time, the shock just controlled its own magic weapon. The same horror, he did not hesitate, he took a hand, a layer of white clouds was born in front of him, and Baiduyun smashed the karma of the town cloud printing!

"Quirks! This is..." Shocking like Zhenhao, I don’t understand how this shock from the soul is going on! Only by urging the power of the hundred clouds, you will be firmly guarded!

"I am afraid that I have to retreat!" Shocked my heart and looked up at Zhenhao. As a result, the scene that shocked him appeared. Because Xiaohua was thin and tall, he would block the shock, and he couldn’t see the side. What happened in the end, the body of the shattered hero, and Xiao Hua’s sleek figure told him that a monk in the early stage of Yan Leiling had been killed by a disciple in the late refinery of Wanlei Valley! ! !

"This..." shocked the slightest sigh of God, no matter how much you think, and you can't take care of the control of the genitals, stimulating your body shape, you must use flying to escape!

But when he was ready to run, the town Yunyin had already reached his front!

The previous town cloud seal was blocked by hundreds of clouds, this shock did not dare to care, when turned, it is still a finger, the mana is everywhere a layer of white clouds in front of their own!

"噗噗噗" has been ringing for three or four times. The town cloud printing that was just blocked at this time is actually like a broken bamboo. All of the clouds are broken down at once, and the fierce appearance appears in the shocking vest!

"Bad!!!" The shocking face is like earthy color, and the heart is like a gray ash. Even the magic treasures are broken. How can the defense of his body protect the enemy? Sure enough, I still waited for the town to print and the body, shocked the brilliance of the body, and all the defenses were crushed.

The last sound of "噗" sounded softly, and the town Yunyin gently hit the shocking vest. The sound was extremely light, and the strength was not big. It was only a little bigger than the lover's stroke! But this is the force that will shock the entire soul to be scattered, the shocking figure is like the falling leaves in the fall, helpless falling...

"Call" saw the shock and was shot down by the town cloud seal, Xiao Hua long export gas, his face suddenly bursts of red, not too much thought, and quickly will force the King Kong body to earn income, hand one finger, Zhenyun Yin fly to himself On the top of the head, I will protect myself, and then sit on my knees, urging the "Suiyuan Heart" to flow the meridians within the meridians along the meridians!

Straight through the time of a meal, Xiao Hua’s face was slightly improved, but Xiao Hua did not dare to delay, let the Buddha’s knowledge go away, and see if there was no movement around, and waved his hand to the town. Received, and fell to the ground, the shock and Zhenhao's storage bags, magic weapons were collected, and the three real fires were destroyed by the three real fires, which was flying in the air to prepare for the east ridge.

It has just flew for a few dozen feet, and Xiao Hua stopped again. He looked down for a long time, and his figure fell. He stood on the hill below and pondered for a while. Several scorpions were shot and several flags were displayed in the foothills. And a battle!

"Hey, do you have to deal with Xiaofu, a rehearsal disciple, but also a slap in the face? It’s not a shame!" Xiao Hua sneered, waved his hand and put a lot of things into the income space, which was flying in the air!

At the same time, outside the secret hall of the Thunder Palace, there was a glimmer of brilliance at the door of the calm temple. A golden Danish monk frowned and showed his figure, looking at the hall in front of him, whispering: Which is this experienced disciple? There is actually a commandment outside..."




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