Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Helpless care

The forty-seventh chapter of the helpless care

"The disciples of Laozi naturally have Laozi to warn, where do you get your care?***, Laozi will also warn you for the earthquake of Zhenjie Zhen, let you know what is called bullying!" He laughed and said: "However, Lao Tzu and you can both build a foundation, and Lao Tzu teaches you, it is not a big bully!"

During the speech, I was forced to put pressure on it again. In the pressure, there seemed to be a sound of thunder and lightning. The power made the earthquake shocked, and the body shape could not help but shake.

Between rushes, Zhen Yiyi also refused to lose face in front of the disciples in the middle of the training, hand a shot, take a piece of equipment from the storage bag, mana urging between the light, want to resist helplessness The pressure.

I know, when I was shocked, I pushed the instrument and pushed the whole body of mana. When I tried to resist it, I suddenly felt that the pressure would be withdrawn, and the earthquake could not be prevented. The instrument suddenly went out of control, Guanghua swept, actually rushed. Xiang Zhen squatted around the refining disciples who sat on the ground!

"Bad!" When the earthquake saw it, the pale face was even more bloodless. When trying to control the implement, he quickly withdrew the mana!

"Hey! This kid... I don’t know how to bully, I don’t know how to respect the old and love the young. The old man is just saying, can you really teach you to learn? Do you really want to make you ugly? It is a monk who built the foundation! Look at you, actually release the implement, there is no love at all, not to say that it is a disciple who hurts the refining, that is, it is not appropriate to hurt the flowers and plants on the Leifeng Peak!" Suddenly smiled, the anger on his face swept away, and his hand stretched out. It was easy to collect the instruments that had been directed at the disciples, and cut off the connection between the instruments and the earthquake!

Zhen Yizhen is trying to control the instrument, but this sudden cut off, he is like a boxing in the void, not only the mind is out of control, but the mana is also like the tide to the pulse of his own, but also out of control !

"噗" shocked a spurt of blood, the meridians have been damaged!

However, after all, he was a base monk, and under the urging of the heart, he immediately stabilized his mind, and the meridians flowed, and the manipulators controlled the mana!

However, when I saw the shock and the injury, a smile on the corner of my mouth flashed away. I put my hand a little, and the instrument fluttered gently to the front of the earthquake. It was also a painful saying: "I am a young man! You are also a big brother." Now, how can it be so easy to move? Hold it, the old man is afraid that your instrument will hurt the refining disciple. Do you think of you, thinking that the old man wants to take your instrument? To kill the old man, the old man I won't do it!"

"You!!!" shocked the real anger, but look at the helpless face, the gloating fun of Xiao Hua next to him, as well as the sly and other people who came in the distance, did not dare to approach, and the face next to them The disciples with different looks will take a large sleeve and take the instrument away. The cold cold swept Xiaohua again and walked quickly toward Leifeng.

"Master ~" Xiao Hua smiled on his face, and quickly walked over and stalked.

"Hey, Laozi just happened to pass by!" Helplessly turned his face to hang a cold cream, yelling: "This is the shot for you! Look, if you don't build a foundation, a refining disciple in the eyes of the foundation monk It’s a fly! Raise your hand! You can go out and practice, if you can’t build a foundation, don’t come back!”

Say, don't wait for Xiao Hua to say the second sentence, turn around and leave.

Xiao Hua straightened up, biting his lip, looking at the helpless back, his eyes flashing.

"I have seen the helpless uncle!" When the road was over, there was a sneak peek at the nearby Di Diheng and Kun Feiyan.

"Yeah!" Helplessly put on the sleeves, take a storage bag from his arms and throw it to the donkey, saying: "You wait carefully on the road!"

"The disciple knows!" He was obviously stunned by the helpless storage bag, and he did not know whether he should accept it! Also talk.

Next to the dry Di Heng quickly pulled a sleeve, and said: "Thank you for your uncle!"

"Well ~" helpless and not salty and not light, should have a sound, walked away, and left the mountain road far away, this is the display of thunder to fly to the distance!

I haven’t seen Xiao Hua at all since the beginning! ! !

When the three men stepped down and came to Xiaohua, Xiao Hua looked up and looked at the figure of helpless disappearance. The disciples who were scared around him had already climbed up and walked away. The follow-up disciples are also full of fear on their faces, far away.

"Xiao Shidi!" whispered, and pulled Xiao Hua's gaze back from a distance.

"Haha, Xiaohua, we met again!" Dry Di Hengyuan was more intimate than the scorpion, stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around Xiao Hua's neck and shouted.

Kun is not a smoke but his eyes are flashing. He said: "I have seen Xiao Shidi!"

Xiao Hua’s look is strange, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and he smiles: “The younger brother has seen the teachers and brothers!”

Then, without a trace, he took a hand and blocked the arm of Di Diheng. He smiled and said: "The dry brother is also in the late stage of the 12th layer of refining, and it is really gratifying!"

"Haha, you have built the foundation once, I have just refining the end of the 12th floor, what can I congratulate?" Dry Di Heng did not care, haha ​​smiled.

Hey, his face is slightly changed, and he looks carefully at Xiao Hua’s look.

Xiao Hua’s face was dull, and his eyes swept: “Don’s brother and Kun’s teacher...what is it going to be?”

巽纾 巽纾 银 银 银 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

“Hey?” Xiao Hua’s brow was picking, and he said: “Isn’t it that I only have two people waiting for me? How suddenly did it change? I didn’t mention it to the younger brother’s message!”

"When you are communicating to you... the poor road is really only going to go with the younger brothers!" Look around, there are still many disciples down the mountain, and I have to say: "But then things have Change, the poor road has to change his mind! And... the younger brother and the sorcerer... are the disciples of the dry thunder palace and the kunlei palace, you all know each other. that place... they are also heard, just everyone They have no absolute strength and dare not go. They have also opposed it before, but after listening to Xiao Shidi, this is decided!"

"Moreover there... or more people go to safety, Xiao Shidi...you...you won’t go?" He said that in the end, there was some pleading.

"Hey, Xiao Hua... You don't want to abandon your brother?" Dry Diheng had a smile on his face and stretched his hand. He took the helpless bag from her hand and smiled. "Look, I can't help you, but you don't go, this storage bag can be prepared! The helplessness of the uncle is also in vain!"

Ps: Recovery is almost the same, but you can't code at night, the second is temporarily 2000 words.



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