Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 448: Meditation

Chapter 448

Flying in the air, Xiao Hua's face is dull, 巽纾, dry Di Heng and Kun non-smoke fly in front, the speed is fast, but in the eyes of Xiao Hua is not worth mentioning. ~~

However, Xiao Hua’s face has no expression, but his heart is awkward.

It turned out that when the Zhenhao and the shock were killed by Xiao Hua, there was a reaction in the place where the disciples were placed in the Jinglei Palace. The teacher who took care of the spirit card found the abnormality and reported it to the Jingle Palace. Thunder is real. The two foundation-based disciples are no more than the refining disciples, but at the same time they are killed, and they have checked the report. The two did not appear in the Royal Leizong. They were killed in the Imperial Leizong. This cannot help the Thunder. Angry, this matter was naturally reported to the dry thunder palace. So the Thunder Palace also issued instructions to let the Thunder Palace find out the truth of the matter. It is a pity that Yu Leizong is so big, no one knows where the two are going to die. It has not been the result of looking for a few days.

At this time, it was the time for Yu Leizong's rehearsal disciples to go abroad. For the safety considerations of the disciples, Gan Lei Palace also postponed the time of experience in order to find clues. This is why he told Xiaohua only half a year after he sent the subpoena.

Although the disappearance of the two people of Zhenhao is not as great as the impact of the disappearance of Zhenxie and Kanmingwei, the teachers of each of the thunder palaces are also worried about their disciples who have gone out to practice. They are afraid of Shang Huazong and Yan Yanjiao. When the calculations of the mén faction are asked to accompany the disciples, they are nv repairs, but they are also **** relatives, so they are not at ease. In occasional opportunities, they know that Di Diheng and Kun Feiyan are also To go out and practice, they will unite the two teachers to bring together the three.

It is exactly what she said, she is also extremely unhappy. The secret of that place is the key to the cultivation of the Thunder. Can it be known to others? However, I also thought that since I can know that the disciples of Gan Lei Palace and Kun Lei Palace may not be known, under the temptation, the background of the same behind the dry Di Heng and Kun non-smoke really change! After all, that place is not a refinery disciple can go, even if it is the key to the Thunder, the two have never thought of going to the time of experience!

Can you add Xiao Hua? Xiao Hua is very powerful, and the speed is also very fast. It is the perfect candidate to go with him. I think if there is an opportunity, it is not only the foundation but also the Jin Dan and so on. It is possible for the two to agree. Moreover, they all agree to conceal the teacher!

They hoped for Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua did not care. The Thunder is of course the transformation of Lei Xiu, but he does not need to specialize in the Thunder. As long as the light is cultivated to a certain extent, the Thunder will naturally cultivate successfully. He did not. It is necessary to take risks! What made him most uncomfortable was that where the place was, the three were all swearing, and they did not say it. They only told the land that he knew it. So, although the four people went out of Lei Feng, Xiao Hua stopped in the air, never flying half a step, until the dry Di Heng three made a lot of benefits, said a lot of good words, but also helpless words Take it out, Xiao Hua will only let go, as long as the three will go where to say it and go.

I know, the three people also smiled bitterly. It turned out that they only got the general position from the teacher. How to find it, or to say something else!

Xiao Hua is crying and laughing, but also Ming Wu, this place where the refining disciples can't go away, how can the three teachers turn through the lu? What they can know is a scale and a half claw. If you go out of your way, you can go out and practice. Where are you going? It is best to find nothing there when you get there, and you don't have to take any risks!

"When you say it, the name of the place is called meditation. It is one of the top ten dangerous places in Xiaoyu. It is the place where it borders the country. The journey on this road takes several months. This time is just the right road. The refining of the flames in the body, the refinement of the "Suiyuan Heart Method", and other flame refining, and then use the fire marrow to crystallize, as soon as the repair will be upgraded to the foundation!" Xiao Hua flanking thought: "Master is really heart Hey, don’t you come back without building a foundation?”

In the midst of the thunder and lightning, Yan Leiling’s four brothers, Zhenwei’s face, sèyin’s sinking stood there, shaking his eyes and looking calmly, standing with his hands on his side, occasionally looking up to see the same after Zhenwei’s voice. It is the brother of the early stage of building the foundation that dare not speak.

"The fifteenth brother and the seventeenth brother really told you about it... They want to give the younger brother a shame?" Zhenwei suddenly asked.

"Nature, the two younger brothers said!" Zhen Yiyi replied without hesitation: "This is what the younger brother said half a year ago!"

"The problem is... Xiao Hua is only a disciple of the refining period. He can't..." Zhen Wei's frowning, very incomprehensible, but then he was shocked, he seemed to think of something, face It shows an incredible expression.

Seeing the expression of the four brothers, the shock is also a bright light, exclaimed: "Yes, yes! That Xiaohua certainly does not have such a repair, but ... Wan Leigu has someone to do this, he ... will it be as long as it is today, in the dark, the two teachers are in a hurry, this is the end of a road to disappear, even a message has not come out!"

When the earthquake was heard, one of the disciples was awakened, and the eyes of the disciples were awakened.

"Hey, the poor road only stares at Dongling, but it is forgotten by Wanlei Valley! This helpless brother has always followed the rules. I have a good reputation in my thundering palace. I don't think so, there is still such a heart!" Zhenwei sneered.

"This thing must be known to Master! This is a helpless guard of Wanlei Valley, and it is experiencing the thunder of the thunder every day. The repair of one body is also amazing. It is the pressure, it is definitely not you and I can resist!" I have a heart to say.

"Yes, helpless shots, it is not the grudges of my disciples, but the disputes between Wan Leigu and my Yan Leiling. Master does not speak, how do I wait?" Zhen Weisheng looked at the distant Thunder Valley The direction is faint.

"What about Xiao Hua? This is now out of Yu Lei Zong, it is the wings of Wan Lei Gu, I can wait for it in vain?" A disciple whispered.

"What do you say? My six-student brother, you have been in the middle of the foundation for several years. Should you go out and experience it?" Zhen Weisheng looked at his six-sister brother and smiled and said: "However, you experience Be careful when you are there. Some refining monks are under the pressure of the foundation-based monks, and there are still changes. You can’t be careful about the sinister outside!"

Shocked and slap the head: "No, I have been practicing in Yanleiling for a long time. I haven’t made progress. I can’t go out and practice how can I improve? The younger brother will turn Yanleiling with your brothers. Explain to Master and go to the Jinglei Palace. Ready!"

"Well, if you want to go, hurry, otherwise... I am afraid it is not easy to find a place to experience!" Zhenwei said, his body was shaking, and the thunder was displayed to fly to Yanlei Ridge.

Xiao Hua flew for a long time with the three people. When the day was dark, this slowed down the speed. After seeing Di Diheng, the two men changed their eyes and turned their heads: "Xiao Shidi, I have to change direction."

"Oh, you wait for the lead, the younger brother will follow you!" Xiao Hua smiled, not much to say, as the three turned to the north.

After another flight, Gan Diheng slowed down, some mysteriously fell next to Xiao Hua, whispered: "Xiao Shidi, Yan Leiling's uncle... How do you think of it?"

Xiao Hua momo nose, my heart is awkward, people and Kun and non-smoking do not ask, you ask a fart!

Looking at the way of Di Diheng's hippie smile, Xiao Hua said with no anger: "Where do I know! I am afraid because my master has snatched a pair of companions that they are watching. Do they want to find me out?"

"Ah?" Dry Diheng stunned, almost didn't laugh from the air and fell down. He held his stomach for a long time before he snorted: "Xiao Shidi, this is almost fifty or sixty years ago, you ...and you are too embarrassed to say?"

"Odd, isn't this still?" Xiao Hua said innocently on his face: "Is it difficult... Do they think that the two disciples of Yan Leiling are dead in my hands?"

"Just you! Hahaha~" Dry Diheng is laughing and falling, pointing to Xiaohua's nose: "That is the predecessor of the two foundations, even if you can get people to build a foundation, can not explain You are the strength of an anti-foundation foundation. Do you still have to rely on the red-sky fairy who built the foundation? If you say that you will kill the two foundation-based predecessors, I... I can take the foundation to do..."

Dry Di Heng seems to say "take a base to make a bet, gambling Xiaohua can not kill Zhenhao and shock", where Xiao Hua dare to let him say it, quickly waved: "Yes, even you are not Believe, what do you think the predecessor of the building is for?"

“Where do I know!” said Dry Di Heng, “I’m sure that the predecessor’s nv disciple has something to do with you!”

"Cut ~" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Where I have such charm!"

"Dry younger brother, Xiao Shidi, if today is too late, I am waiting for Hume, or continue to move forward?" Unable to look at the eyes, stopped and whispered, although asked two people, can be a pair The good thing is to stare at Xiao Hua.

"Is it still used? I am still waiting in the realm of Yu Leizong, don't hurry to leave home and do it here?" Dry Diheng's impatient voice.

Xiao Hua looked at the sky above the top of the black cloud, full of darkness, shaking his head: "It’s too late, the weather is not good, or rest for one night, good tomorrow! It’s far from the world, two days a day. It’s not too late!”

As soon as I heard it, Ming Hao circulated and looked at Kun’s non-smoke. Kun’s non-smoke nodded silently and agreed.

"Well, just rely on Xiao Shidi!" Dry Diheng helplessly stretched and stretched: "Flying for a day, it is also tired, and it is good to have a night of retreat!"

Then four people fell, and a mountain dong was found between the barren hills. According to what I thought, the four people gathered together to meditate and practice as much as possible. Xiao Hua is not dependent, he is not far away, just in the distance from the mountain dong ten feet, the town of Yunyin, the birth of a small mountain dong...



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