Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 449: Trapped

Chapter 427 is trapped

Seeing Xiao Hua actually use the town cloud seal, dry Di Heng's face hate iron is not steel, deplores: "The magic weapon is a magic weapon, you are really a pearl cast, this is actually using you to punch holes! If you have a spirit Is it going to be mad? You still have to give birth to a spirit, and you will soon be thrown into the arms of the poor road. The poor road will definitely make you fragrant and spicy!"

Yan and Kun are not smoky, but they can listen to the chanting of Di Diheng. They don’t feel a smile on their mouths, and the mood of the fledgling is obviously relaxed.

Seeing that Xiao Hua used the town Yunyin to make a cave, he could only accommodate Xiao Hua, and Di Diheng screamed: "Xiao Shidi... You, what do you mean? Not both of us here... Hugh? ”

Xiao Hua smiled and took out three communication symbols from his arms and gave them to two people. He said: "The younger brother must practice in the evening. It is best not to disturb others, and he will not be with the brothers! This is the poor road. The message, if there is any situation at night, can be sent to wake up the younger brother!"

“啧啧~” Gan Diheng didn’t have a good look at Xiao Hua’s eyes. “But it’s just a distance of ten feet. I don’t know what to do with it. Is it necessary to upload a message?”

Having said that, all three are still in the storage bag.

When the three men turned their own caves, the two female repairers cleaned up them, and carefully took out some of the fruit from the storage bag. When Di Heng went out to call Xiao Hua to eat, this was discovered, Xiao Hua I just missed the cave just now!

"Magic... Magical?" Dry Di Heng was stunned, and God swept it. He didn't find any clues. The place where the cave was located was exactly the same as the side. If he had just seen it, he couldn't believe it. There will be a cave!

"Xiao Shidi, Xiao Shidi!" However, how does Di Heng call, Xiaohua always does not move, it seems that there is really no cave!

"What's wrong?" Yan and Kun did not smell the smoke, the same shock.

"This is really awful!" said Dry Diheng, who said: "There is such a rare legal array that can protect the whole, but it is not shared with me. I hide in one place! ***, will He called out, but he has to talk about it!"

It is necessary to take out the message given by Xiao Hua.

"Dry younger brother!" I saw you stop and whispered: "Since Xiao Shidi’s practice, naturally he has his reason, and you don’t bother him to practice. If there is anything, let’s talk tomorrow!”

"Oh, okay!" Gan Diheng was very helpless to look at, turned and followed the two back.

Within the cave, Xiao Hua has long closed his eyes, and he has been concentrating on the flames in the meridians. Now he is the beginning of the sixteenth layer of refining. He has already felt that the improvement of the realm is far worse than before, so he is slower. I didn't want to delay any time. When I entered the cave, I would lay down the law, and I was not afraid of causing the attention of others.

He will go with the three men for a few months, and these things will let them know sooner or later.

Of course, Xiao Hua is also helpless. His method of speaking is also weird. It is quite different from the array on Xiaoyu's mainland. It is the shape of his mind that was thought of in his mind a few years ago! This symbol is composed of three hundred and sixty characters, and he seems to understand the refining method. However, in the case of specific refining, there was a problem. The rabbit rune's rune could not be played on the paper. Ren Xiaohua thought a lot of ideas could not succeed.

In the end, Xiao Hua still took the opportunity to use the method of refining the charm to find some animal skins and animal blood that he did not know from his storage bag. This was a success in refining, and then According to their own memory, these spirits are laid down and become a broken rabbit defense defensive array. Naturally, there are only one set of these charms. There is no second set in the world for the time being, so Xiao Hua can't be used by Gan Diheng and others.

As for why Xiao Hua is not with them, look at Xiao Hua’s cave, countless tiny transpirations, and the extremely high temperature inside Xiao Hua’s half-foot, knowing that his cultivation is very different from others. Insufficient and outsiders are also!

Xiao Hua is practicing, and he and others are not afraid to neglect. After placing some warnings on the outside of the cave, they will also take time to repair. Although there will be no improvement in the realm, no one can say that it is difficult to build a foundation. When will the opportunity come!

The night was very gloomy. In the middle of the night, the thunder of the "rumbling" sounded, and the rain was coming from the "brushing". The raindrops were extremely dense and extremely dense. Countless sounds broke into the ears of the people, waiting until the day was bright. At that time, the raindrops turned into rain lines, connecting the heavens and the earth. In addition to the torrential rain, there was a darkness like the lightning and thunder on the night sky, and there was no other scenery!

"The teacher is not good!" Gan Diheng stood in front of the cave, looked at the rain curtain at the entrance, and blurted out.

"呸呸~" Kun non-smoke immediately spit on the ground and said: "Dear the younger brother, can you say this? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"There is a feeling, but there is a feeling!" Dry Diheng said quickly, and at the same time, my heart is also a slight feeling of birth. The people who cultivate the immortals are most concerned about fate. The medicinal herbs can be eaten indiscriminately, but some words cannot be said indiscriminately! Dry Di Heng has no heart and no lungs to finish, my heart is remorse!

At this time, the dry glory of the left side of the left side of the faint Huaguang flashed, Xiaohua hidden caves showed the outline, Xiao Hua flew out of the cave!

"Xiao Shidi!" said Dry Di Heng, his face showed a happy color, and he also flew away and went to Xiao Hua's side.

At this time, the rainstorm was like a note. Xiao Hua and Gan Diheng stayed in the rain. There seemed to be a transparent cover under the body of Zhou. The rainwater was completely isolated, and the robes and the body did not see the slightest wetness!

"Dry brothers early!" Xiao Hua arched his hands, watching the overcast clouds and lightning thunder, shaking his head: "This kind of weather is the controversy of heaven and earth, you and my monks are certainly not afraid, but after all, it is not appropriate! If it is, When staying here, wait until the rain stays!"

At this time, Yan and Kun did not smoke, but they followed the sly mind, and they couldn’t wait to have their wings on their backs. However, the words of Di Diheng just now, and Xiao Hua’s proposal, I also had to sigh and nod my head!

Everyone is flying again. This time, Di Diheng’s dead skin is going to stay with Xiao Hua. I want to see Xiao Hua’s statute. Xiao Hua has no choice but to let him in, since he’s coming, He and Kun Non-smoke is also coming. Xiao Hua only expanded the cave by the town of Yunyin. This took out a dozen sparkling charms and said with a smile: "This thing is the younger brother who was unintentionally encountered on a Yi market, because of the incompleteness. Not complete, and do not know the specific use of the law, this is in the hands of the younger brother!"

"Oh..." Dry Diheng waved his hand, and many of the charms fell into his hands. He took a closer look and loved it. He said, "All good things are yours! This is a lineup, not ordinary. The charm, not the ordinary yellow character, you have a two charms, and actually get a dozen sets of characters, how can you not let your brother?"

"And, Xiao Shidi's ruling... is also weird!" Kun Feiyan took the magical character from the hands of Di Diheng, and sent a splendid look in his eyes. He said: "The central arm of the circle is the legal disk. Under the array, it’s really incredible!”

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is a broken thing, otherwise how could it fall into the hand of the younger brother?"

Then, look at the rain curtain outside the cave, whispered: "And the younger brother is also pondering for many years after no fruit, and occasionally get the way to arrange, this can be forced to lay down the law, all this is all what!"

"What you got is..." Kun said that the half sentence is to stop, this is the monk's **, it is not appropriate to ask more!

But Kun’s non-smoke eyeballs turned slightly, and said: “According to the commander of Kun Leigong’s mastery of the law, Xiaoyu’s law of the mainland has been lost for a long time, so now the array must be used in the dial and the array. Some great supernaturals... they use jade symbols as arrays, and they don’t use them!”

“Yu Fu?” Xiao Hua’s eyes brightened and seemed to have caught something. His rabbit symbol is also difficult to refine on the magic symbol. “Can you use the jade symbol to refine it?”

"Hey, don't you say that it's a jade!" Dry Diheng sighed: "It's the ordinary array, I can't learn it! The refining of the French and the refining of the array are all difficult. It is said that it is harder than alchemy... I don’t have the good luck of Xiao’s younger brother, just look around!”

Say, Di Diheng handed the magical symbols to her and let her watch.

I don’t seem to understand the legal circle. I only look at the dozens of charms that I admire. I handed it to Xiao Hua, and when I let go of my thoughts, I said, "Xiao Shidi is really good luck. This charm is my 巽雷宫The teachers are rare!"

"Smile, laugh!" Xiao Hua took the charm, it was very shameful.

"哎哟~" Xiao Huazheng said that when the brow was wrinkled, the **** thought seemed to be recovered by burning. He said: "This mountain is a bit weird. The thunder is constantly changing. God is restricted. I am waiting. Not..."

Sakamoto was going to propose to leave, but Xiao Hua’s thoughts were also swept away, and there was a trace of bitter smile on his face: “I’m afraid it’s too late!”

The dry Di Heng and Kun non-smoke are also the slight release of the gods, and their faces are slightly changed.

The lightning flash over the mountain is more intense, and the thunder is actually similar to the thunder of Wanlei Valley. Even the four are the royal disciples, and the dry dynasty and other people are still traits. If you force yourself to fly away, you will be afraid of danger!

"I have to stay here!" I felt that my mouth was actually bitter. I just flew out of Yu Leizong but I was trapped here. This is obviously not a good start. I took a look at Xiao Hua. I was a little annoyed and said: "If you are not resting here, you are afraid to fly far away!"

"Oh..." sighed, fell down, closed his eyes!

Seeing that the three of them each found a place to close their eyes to practice, Xiao Hua had to sit down. Where did he mean to drive the three away from cultivation? Nothing, I had to come up with a jade slip of a refiner, and I was immersed in it!



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