Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Explanation

Chapter 451 explanation

Hearing the dry Di Heng screaming, Yan and Kun non-smoke also escaped from the panic, and quickly checked their own cultivation, and sure enough, there are signs of real gas condensation! I don't think the faces of the three people are all happy!

"At this time, I don't have to wait for more time?" Xiao Hua broke off and let the three people wake up as if they were dreaming. They sat up from the ground and moved their hearts to each other. The instinct was slowed down in the meridians. Rogue!

Only one day and one night passed quickly. Xiao Hua’s eager eyes gradually became dull. Although the cultivation of the three people all had a slight increase, no one could take a key step in building the foundation!

The next day, Kun Feiyan opened his eyes for the first time, and his eyes were unwilling. Then he stopped and sighed. He stood up, and it was a fragrant work. He Diheng also stopped practicing. Two teachers who also did not have a foundation, said: "Unfortunately, I always feel that I need to build a foundation, but I can't condense it!"

"Yeah, the infuriating is just like the condensation and non-condensation. If the master didn't get through it in the morning, the poor road will have to take the test of Zhujidan!" Kun said non-smoothly.

"The chance is not enough!" 巽纾 summed up, the three are sighing.

Xiaohua, who was next to him, smiled and said: "What happened to the three brothers? I have never left the scope of Yu Leizong and almost built the foundation. Is this not a happy event? If I am not left behind, how can I stay? Can you encounter these things? This is not a fate. What is it? After all, although there is no foundation, it can always be a step closer. Is it better to build a base than others? They are much stronger than the younger brother’s failure to build a foundation. Congratulations, you are too late, what are you sighing?”

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Shidi said very much! For the brother is wrong!" Dry Di Heng most wanted to open, and immediately grinned.

Yan and Kun are also awakened. The previous sullenness and the remorse that had just been trapped were swept away. The three-person encounter was just beginning to take the opportunity. This naturally shows the success of this experience!

"Well, now I am afraid that it is already raining, and let the younger brother look at it!" Xiao Hua said that he would open the circle and use the **** to read the outside, his face was a little surprised. The three people also used the gods to sweep through, and it was also a bitter smile. Otherwise, the caves have been covered by mud, and many layers of trees, weeds, rocks and other layers are laminated on the caves. The four people are buried deep underground!

Fortunately, the three are all prepared, and the earthen symbols are also available. Each of them casts spells and drills from the ground, and Xiao Hua also accepts the spirits of the circle.

Flying into the air, the sun is the head, the splendid brilliance reflects the mountains and rivers, all the sights are full of vitality, and then can not see the dangers of a few days ago!

Looking at the foot and the surrounding is similar to the previous one, it is a different scene. Looking at the sun's unchanging illumination, Xiao Huaxin has realized: "The way of heaven and earth is to remain unchanged in this change, no matter what the world is, no matter how changing the world. Heaven and Earth Avenue are forever in the world... If our masters understand the heavens, it is a great success!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s heart is another move: “Repairing the realm, all kinds of spells, it seems... all are the changes of heaven and earth, and the realization of heaven...what is the fundamental?”

Just thinking about this, Gan Diheng called out not far away: "Xiao Shidi, still squatting? I am still hurrying?"

"Oh," Xiao Hua smiled and said: "But listen to the brothers and teachers and tell you!"

After that, follow him and others are flying towards the north!

In the first place, Xiao Hua’s in vitro heaven is to improve the cultivation of the heavens. While understanding the heavens and stars in the space, many trajectories of the heavens can improve the speed of cultivation of the turtle speed, and never thought about why there is such a Contact, nature, it is impossible to know the relationship between Xiao Hua’s cultivation and the realm. Nowadays, there is a slight understanding of the occasional opportunity. Although it is superficial, it is also true knowledge. Therefore, in the subsequent cultivation, one heart is quenching. While tempering the flames in the meridians, it is even more painstaking to understand the heavens, and the so-called heavenly environment is also closer and closer!

However, he took Xiaohua and other three people to continue flying to the north, flying for about ten days, then turning back to the west, and then going north, flying for more than a month, except for the north and west, There are several times to the east and the south!

Xiao Hua said that he did not ask where to go, but only followed. I can fly for so long, no surprise, no danger, that is, other comprehensions are rare. On this day, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but fly to the side of the beggar. He smiled and asked: "Yu Shizhen, the younger brother has something to say when it is improper. speak!"

The three people in the middle of the month are not rushing to the road. They often discuss each other in the evening, and exchange ideas about cultivation. The problems that Xiao Hua asks are many, and there are many questions that may be answered! Moreover, many of Xiao Hua's problems are often unknown to them or never encountered. Therefore, Xiao Hua is more and more mysterious in his eyes, and the original scattered marks in his heart have long been discarded! At this time, I saw Xiao Hua asking, and I was quick in speed. I said, "There is something wrong with Xiao Shidi, but it is no problem!"

"There is nothing!" Xiao Hua looked at the clouds in the distance and smiled: "The younger brother just thinks that although I am waiting for the place to go, the place is not unknown to anyone! I am going to experience this time. What is weird? Why do you want to go around in the east? It’s just a matter of the past!”

It seems that I have already prepared for a long time, and I have a smile on my face: "Xiao Shidi was a mess before I entered the Royal Leizong. I must have experienced more than I did on Xiaoyu. I don’t know Xiaodaoyou saw a monk. What do you think in your heart when you want to go to a place where you can’t go to it?”

"I will definitely feel that the monk has a special purpose in the next!" Xiao Hua scratched his chin with his hand and smiled bitterly: "But I am waiting for the end of refining, even if it is the top ten dangers of Xiaoyu mainland... I may not be able to go!" ”

"Xiao Shidi knows!" Next to Kun, the smoke is hard to open. At this time, he also said: "If you say that the rain is the top ten dangerous places in the mainland, then the ink black forest, Ting Yanyuan, um, and the Xuanyin illusion, both It’s the closest to my Royal Leizong. Although it’s not the farthest, it’s too far away. If I want to be purely experienced, I don’t have to go to see it. Since I’m going to see it, then everyone will see it. Know that I will wait for a special purpose!"

"But for these... I will be fooled!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"Xiao Shidi still does not have the consciousness of being a disciple of Yu Leizong!" Gan Diheng laughed and said: "The travel of my Royal Leizong disciple is a simple tour. With the lessons of the teacher's travel, I will wait for the meeting." Wandering on the rainy continent?"

I thought about it for a moment, biting my lip and whispering: "In fact, there are some reasons! However, Xiao Shidi’s heart is not happy!"

"Let's say, let's talk!" Xiao Hua moved in his heart.

"This kind of thing that is known to you, in my Royal Leizong, is only known to a very small number of people. It is said that it is the Lei Lei Palace and the Zhen Lei Palace. It is the master of the Thunder Palace and the Kun Lei Palace. Count, so I can't be careful, I can't let other Yu Leizong disciples know the purpose of my experience! Especially the disciples who can't be cultivated in the background of the family... know!"

There is no mention of the repairs in the mouth of the shackles, but since the disciples of the real family have to be concealed, the ones who are born in the meditation are more concealed, and if Xiao Hua is not saved, Xiao Hua’s cultivation is deeper than the three. I am afraid that no matter how the three people will not pull Xiaohua to see it!

"Oh, let alone!" Xiao Hua had long known that there was no pure land within the martial art school. After listening to these explanations, it was also shaking his head. These estrangements seemed to be born. Didn’t you see that you couldn’t look at the shock? ?

"The poor road is like this, and Xiao Shidi is open and honest. I hope that Xiao Shidi can give up doubts. I really want to build a foundation. This is also due to the strength of Xiao Shidi. It will not be a hint of concealment, or it is not conducive to Xiao’s brother. Thoughts!" The tone of the sigh is very sincere.

"Hey, hey, I still want to marry!" Xiao Hua knew that he was worried that he would blame her for not telling me in advance, which explains so much. If it is a neighbor, I can’t say that I really have an idea. But who is Xiao Hua? The tension in my heart has always been the idea of ​​thinking about others, how can I blame my fellow teachers? Besides, after killing the two monks in the early days of the founding of the foundation, Xiao Hua’s mood is getting higher than that of the other people. Even if there is anything wrong with him, will he care?

"Xie Shidi, repairing the truth is against the sky. Every monk must grab a glimmer of opportunity. You also don't blame me for being cautious!" Gan Diheng flew to Xiaohua and patted his shoulder: "I believe that Xiao Shidi has failed to build a foundation once. Of course, he cherishes the next opportunity to build a foundation. I know more about the hardships in it. This thing in the meditation... is likely to let Xiao Shidi once again find the foundation. Opportunity, do you say this opportunity, can you know it?"

"Haha, is this still used? Naturally, nothing can be leaked! The younger brother is not a fool!" Xiao Hua laughed, he has a lot of secrets, can you not know how important?

"Very good, very good!" He waited for three people to breathe a sigh of relief! The stones in the hearts of these three people have been placed in the heart since leaving Lei Leifeng, and now they are finally put down! If Xiao Hua doesn't ask for a day, they are afraid that they will worry about it one day! Xiao Hua asked today, these four talents are considered to be in the heart!

"For the brothers, I like Xiao Shidi's most open-minded mind!" Gan Diheng said with a hand: "For the brothers, I should have Xiao Shidi today. Although it is necessary to rely on the opportunity, it is the opportunity for the brothers to give Xiao Shidi!"

"Ah?" He and Kun were not smoking, and some unexpectedly looked at Di Diheng.

"Don't!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Don't worry about the younger brother's heart, since it depends on the chance, then rely on the opportunity, the brother can get the first brother, the younger brother..."

"How? Xiao Shidi let the face of the brother fall?" Dry Di Heng angered.


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