Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 452: Kaigetsu Castle

The 425th chapter of the weeping moon city

Seeing Xiao Hua and Gan Di Hengqian, Kun is not a smoke in his heart. He advises: "Since it is a chance, do you wait for it to be a chance? Everything is waiting for that place!"

"Haha, it is." Dry Diheng slaps his head and says: "If you can get it before, I am afraid... I haven't had it for a while!"

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua is laughing again, his figure is accelerating and flying, but he is heading west. He said: "Since it is the search for a fate, the younger brother has always been good, and with a teacher and The brothers went to the west!"

"Slow, slow, slow!!!" See you, even called "slow", but Xiao Hua's heart is happy, long gone, throwing three people in the back and smiling and shaking their heads.

When the three men catch up with Xiao Hua, this is said: "Xiao Shidi, you are wrong in this direction!"

"Don't you want to hide the traces? Where are you going to go?" Xiao Hua is scratching his head.

"Good teaching Xiao Shidi knows that the north is more than two thousand miles is the weeping moon city, it is exactly where I am going!" Xiaoxiao said.

"Oddly, did you just say that you want to hide your whereabouts? When you get to the Weeping City, don't you expose it?" Xiao Hua knew that there must be a reason, and asked with a smile.

"When the sound of the East hits West, how did Xiao Shi’s brother forget?" Dry Diheng stretched his finger and shook a few times in the air and said: "I will have a lot of things in the storage bag. If you don't exchange it in the city, you can exchange it." Isn't it a white one?"

"Little brother understands!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua followed the three people and went north. After flying for a while, Gan Diheng looked at the Kun and non-smokers who led the way, and whispered to Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Shidi, you have been to the Weeping Moon City. What?"

“Hey?” Xiaohua’s eyes turned, it’s very strange why Di Heng’s voice was transmitted. He also said: “The younger brother was previously trained to be low and shallow. He only went to Jingbo City and Yan Yuancheng. Oh, the shallow language city also It’s passing by, but this weeping city has never been there!”

"Well, since Xiao Shidi has not been to the Weeping Moon City, then naturally I don't know the benefits of Weeping City!"

"Oh? Please ask the brothers to give pointers!"

Dry Di Heng nodded: "This road comes, the previous route is determined by the teacher, and the weeping city... but it is for the brother! Just because of this weeping city, know the place of a refiner for the brother! This place does not ask where the ruler comes from, but you can afford to change your instrument and even upgrade your order!"

"Hey, is there such a place?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He read the classics of five years, the top ten famous cities, and the top ten dangerous places are all known, but these relatively hidden places have never been seen.

"Well, for the brothers to see Yan Leiling's uncle, you are afraid that you are not out of thin air. I think you have something to do in Wanlei Valley. It is not easy to go to Yanlei Ridge. So... there is something for the brother to go to this place. If you are If you need it, you can go with your brother!" said Dry Diheng with a smile on his face: "The place is very magical. It is said that the magic weapon can be re-refined again. If you want to change your face, you can change your face. OK! Of course, the premise is that you have enough Lingshi!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "There is a lot of spiritual stone for refining the magic weapon! Little brother.... Well, it is not enough to bring the Lingshi of the brothers together?"

"Lingshi naturally does not have it, you can also use other instruments to exchange!" Gan Diheng explained: "In addition, some medicinal herbs are also made, Xiao Shidi is not a drug at the Yuxian Conference? If Take it out, it must be enough!"

"That's still it!" Xiao Hua shook his head: "Those medicinal herbs are still waiting for the foundation to be used!"

Kun non-smoking seems to be aware of what, look back at the two, dry Di Heng immediately shut up, smiled at Kun non-smoke, Kun did not see anything, then turned to fly forward.

Dry Di Heng rushed Xiao Hua to blink, no longer speak.

There was nothing to say, but it was flying for a few days. Seeing the farthing ahead, the strange stone slabs, hundreds of huge megaliths stood in the weird arrangement, and Xiao Hua’s heart sighed: “Cry Moon City, actually It looks like this!"

Sure enough, Gan Diheng pointed his hand to the hand: "Xiao Shidi, the distant place is the Weeping Moon City! This weeping moon city is different from other cities, it is a huge stone pile! You see, hundreds of huge stones are both weeping. The city wall of Yuecheng is also the moat of the city of Weeping Moon!"

"This big city of the weeping city is said to be divided into two heavy, the inner is the megalith, the name of the hundred Yan Stonehenge, when there is no urging, these hundreds of megaliths will protect the entire Weeping City, simple The defense, and once urging, the hundreds of boulder are out of the original position, flying in the air, can attack and defend!"

"The most powerful thing is the second heavy array method. The name is called Wan Dian Shi Lang. When it is said that the tens of thousands of stones in the dozens of miles of this weeping moon city are attributed to the array, from top to bottom, From the time of the trip, I will protect the city of Weeping Moon. It is like a ball with a boulder rolling. If there is no power, if there is a certain martial art to attack, it is absolutely impossible to break through!"

"Oh, this is so powerful!" Xiao Hua stretched out his tongue, and the power of the Weeping City was recorded in the classics of Yu Leizong. Xiao Hua did not say that it was broken, but only surprised!

"No, the ancestor of this weeping city is a martial art. It is because of the aura of this heaven and earth that is soaking in the city of the weeping moon. It will make this city in the rock! This is the power... Let me wait for it!" He said, the four have already flown to the front of the weeping city.

"I'm afraid I have to ban it!" When I saw a few miles away from the Weeping City, Xiao Hua’s heart was dark. Sure enough, with Xiao Hua’s tightness, there was a huge force that pulled Xiaohua up and down. He whispered: "Xiao Shidi, I will wait for it to fall. The front is the range of the forbidden flight."

"Yeah~" Xiaohua nodded, and everyone fell. This weeping city seemed to have no hustle and bustle in the city, and the eyes of the monks who were surrounded by only threes and threes fell from all directions and entered the city of Weeping Moon.

Moreover, unlike Jingbo City, there is no city gate in this weeping city. There are gaps between the huge stones of hundreds of feet in front. The monks in front of Xiaohua and others are free to enter from different places, and There is nothing to stop. Even the situation inside the boulder is not blocked, and all the situations are unobstructed!

"The city owner of Weeping City is said to be a female repair of Yuan Ying. The name is called the Weeping Moon Fairy. It is the method of everyone. This is the real style of opening the door to welcome guests! I don't know when I can have a chance to meet!" Squinting at the Stonehenge of the Weeping Moon City, I also thought of my own rabbit symbol, thinking of the array of enlightenment.



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