Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 457: exchange

Chapter 456 exchange

Seeing such an older Zhuji monk, Xiao Huawei thought about it and immediately stepped forward to give a gift. He said: "The younger generation of Lei Zong Zhang Hua has seen the predecessors!"

"Yu Lei Zong?" Hearing Xiaohua's self-registration name, the Zhuji monk glimpsed, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. He also sat up straight and slammed his sleeves. The old voice also said: "Old man 栾Qing, I have never asked the old things in the family, but I don’t know what Zhang Xiaoyou has to ask?"

Next to the Han Han see Xiao Hua voice, do not feel frown.

"Han Han, there is a foundation-based monk in the store, you still say hello in the past, Jianming is too small, afraid that it can't cope!" At this time, Qing Qing said.

Han Han naturally knows that there is a foundation-based monk coming over and got up and said: "The disciple will pass, and Zhang Daoyou is gone!"

Waiting for John to leave the hut, clearing his hand, a flash of light, the prohibition in the hut, "Zhang Xiaoyou, what to say, please!" Qing Qing looked up and stared at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua said it again before talking to John. He said with a smile: "This thing is where the ancestors have to be in a place. I know that there is a big use, but I don’t know how to refine it. Lei Zong Nei's refining masters couldn't think of a way. The younger generation came out to travel this time but they were thinking about it. They wanted to help the ancestors find the right way! Just in the shop of the memory, I saw Ling Xiaozhu, this If you are daring, please ask your predecessors to wonder. Can you wish this fire to temper this strange thing?"

"Hey, I’m afraid it won’t be!" Min Qing shook his head slightly, and he explored his hand. A group of five-colored fires were born from the palm of your hand, and the five elements of the surrounding aura were swallowed. What is strange is that Xiao Hua did not feel it. heat!

"Zhang Xiaoyou and see, this Lingxiao wishing fire is certainly the flame of the refiner that I have been remembering for generations to come. However, its power is not as good as before. It is more than enough to refine ordinary instruments, but the first-order magic weapon has been unsuccessful. Not to mention the special material of the ancestors of the ancestors! According to what the old man saw and heard, the material must be something outside the sky, um, it is probably the extraterrestrial thing of the devil world, otherwise it may not be so heavy and free from God. Read the control! These materials, either use the magic fire, or use the magic of the refining method, there is no way!"

"Ah? Magic fire? Devil's method of the devil!" Xiao Hua's heart was shocked, but Xiao Hua thought for a long time, but never thought about the devil world. Prajna Epee is similar to the magic weapon. The law will naturally have an effect on it!

However, where is the devil world? How do you go to the devil world?

This seems to be impossible for Xiao Hua!

"Don't you have any other way?" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, whispering.

"Hehe" Yan Qing said with a smile: "According to the old man's thoughts, in addition to the magical world, there seems to be a legendary method of refining, but the faction is the famous school of the Xi State. The refining guru may know how to practice the heart! Since they are at a loss, the old man is also ridiculous and generous!"

"The law of heart refining!" Xiao Hua secretly remembered himself. He did not mention the method of refining in the jade slips of Yan Leiling. He did not know whether Yan Leiling had the method of refining.

"In addition to the law of heart refining?" Xiao Hua still does not give up.

栾 眨 眨 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了 了

In the eyes of Xiao Hua, the flash of light flashed, and he smiled and said: "Why can't the fire be a big success?"

"It’s a long story!" Yan Qing said with a smile: "I don’t want to say that my family’s Ling Xiaozhu has been incomplete for a long time. It’s rare that the disciples who can practice this fire are rare! Oh, forget it, this is me. The ancestral home of the family is not enough for outsiders!"

Seeing the shackles of the Qing dynasty, I don’t want to say more, Xiao Hua blinks his eyes and smiles. "Since no one in the family can make this smashing fire, the squad is a good fire." Uh... can you cut love?"

"Well?" A clear glimpse, then the eyes flashed in the eyes, staring at Xiao Hua for a moment, sneer: "Zhang Xiaoyou, the old man respects you as a disciple of Yu Leizong, this is a good word to talk to you, this is a wish The fire is the ancestral home of my family. If it is given to you, how can my family stand on the Xiaoyu continent?"

"Ha ha" Xiao Hua is not afraid of Qing Qing, smiled and said: "If it is the secret of the family, if it is the secret of the family, how to use it in the store? Only the defense of the law? The younger generation is actually dealing with the predecessors in a solid way. If there are any conditions for the seniors to open, if the younger generation can answer, they will definitely promise nothing!"

"This..." Xiao Hua’s sentence points to the soft underbelly of the Qing Dynasty. Yes, Ling Xiaozhu’s fire has been used in the squad, and what is confidential? However, Minqing still shook his head: "Where it is used by my family, Zhang Xiaoyou is not qualified to say it!"

"Oh, the poor road thinks that the reason why the things in this world are 'things' is that something worthy of exchange can be exchanged. The predecessors are not willing to exchange whether they think that the poor roads are inadequate, can't they get something that is quite similar to Ling Xiao? Xiao Hua no longer bends around and says directly.

Clear eyes blink, but not a word.

Seeing it, Xiao Hua’s heart is dark and happy. Since he does not speak, it means that there is room for bargaining. After thinking about it, Xiao Hua will stretch out his hand, and a bundle of three dragons will be born from the palm of his hand. There is a bright red in the pure purple flame.

"Three real fires?" Qing Qing is clearly aware of the goods, screaming out: "Zhang Xiaoyou, you ... you are just a refining, how can you display three real fires?"

"Oh, this is naturally a little bit of the younger generation!" Xiao Hua smiled: "However, in order to show frankness with the predecessors, I have to let the seniors take a look!"

Yan Qing took a deep breath and said: "Zhang Xiaoyou is taking the fire of the three real fires, and the refining of the fire to repair the fire to exchange with my family?"

"I don't want the seniors, the younger generations have special physiques. This can be used to display three real fires during the refining period. This is nothing to worry about. The younger generation can exchange only three fires!" Xiao Hua said without concealing.

After listening to this, Yan Qing shook his head: "The fire of the three fires is of course rare. The three fires that can be practiced first are not refining the tools. Even if they are later able to refine them, they may not be comparable to my home. The singer wishes a fire."

"The three generations of the younger generation are full of fire!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

I thought for a moment, or shook my head.

"Oh, the fire of the three fires should have been worth the fire of the fire!" Xiao Hua smiled: "However, since Ling seniors still want to bargain, then look at this thing plus it?"

Said, Xiao Hua took out another thing...



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