Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Five-color fire

The four hundred and fifty-eighth chapter five-color fire

In the eyes of Minqing, there was a trace of doubts. Looking at the jade that Xiao Hua handed over, he really couldn’t think of what Xiao Hua could do to make him feel good!

"Why don't the predecessors open it and see?" Xiao Hua has a ban on the outside of the jade, and the repair of the base period can not be seen.

"Oh, the old man has to look at it, Zhang Xiaoyou has such a strong mind, this must be there in the jade..." Yan Qing took it with a smile, and said that when he opened the jade, when he saw the things in the jade I don’t feel exclaimed: "The mother and the fruit fruit! The mother of the millennium!"

No, in the jade, a child with a golden yellow rune faintly flowing is lying there, and the golden color of the rune is the age of the child. !

Looking at the clear look of Xiao Qing, Xiao Hua snickered in his heart. Since he brought the fruit of the mother for thousands of years to the master, he had a plan in his heart, because with his own improvement, The age of various spirits and spirits in the space is also increasing every day. If it is not tidy, it is feared that every plant must have tens of thousands of years of medicine. This tens of thousands of years is certainly good. It can be traded to be dangerous. Therefore, Xiao Hua is also like the other spiritual grasses in the past, like the mother and the fruit spirit, and other rare spiritual grasses, according to five hundred years, one thousand years, etc. The age of the year delineates the area and picks it at regular intervals to ensure that the grasses and spirits of each year are preserved.

Although the fruit of the child is different from other spirits, it can be left in the jade by thousands of years under the heart of Xiao Hua, but now it has been thousands of years.

"The predecessors, this son-in-law is the result of my teacher’s self-competition, but it is two. One of them has been taken by my 14th brother, which is the bottleneck in the early stage of building the foundation! It was given to the younger generation by the teacher, and it was reserved for future breakthroughs.” Xiao Hua’s surprise was slightly clear, and this smiled: “However, the younger generation still has a distance from the foundation, what is the breakthrough in the early stage? Besides, the teacher’s affairs are big events. If you can use this thing for a fire, and solve the teacher’s affairs, is it that the poor road does not break through the bottleneck?

Yan Qing stared at Xiao Hua’s eyes, his eyes flashed, and after a while, he glanced at the mother’s fruit, Shen Sheng said: “The old man’s bottleneck in the early stage has been decades, and he has taken it 20 years ago. Hua Yuandan, Zhang Xiaoyou thinks that the old man is taking this child's spirit... Is there a chance?"

Xiao Hua knows that this Huayuan Dan is the medicinal herb used to break through the barriers of the early monks in the foundation. It is made from the rare grasses such as Minghuaguo, Guiyuancao, Yilianqingguo and Tanjung. Rare, but also the most critical, but the least amount used. Of course, the master brother did not know if he had taken it to Xiangyang. However, since the weeping city has a lotus seed, it is normal to take Huayuan Dan.

So Xiao Hua smiled and said: "My family's 14th brother naturally took Hua Yuandan. Since he can use the child's spirit to break through the bottleneck, he must be able to predecessor! Of course, as for the predecessors, whether it is really possible, the younger generation Can't pack tickets!"

Xiao Hua’s voice just fell. Suddenly, a murder came from the place where Min Qing was. Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed, and he glanced at his hands in the robes. His face remained the same, and he chuckled: “This But the bottom line of the younger generation! The younger generation is sincerely trying to help the ancestors to do things. If the older generation is not willing, the younger generation does not force it! Oh, yes, listen to the brothers in the inn, there is something in this weeping city. The mysterious place can be used to repair the instruments and magic weapons. Presumably they also have a fire like Ling Xiaozhu! After the younger generation and the brothers repair the magic weapon, they will trade with them by the way, presumably it is OK?"

In the face of a monk in the early days of building a foundation, it is still so close. To be honest, Xiao Hua is not afraid in his heart. After he fought with Zhenhao and shocked, he had unparalleled trust in his nightmare. The monks in the early stage of the foundation can't escape. How can a monk who builds a wooden house be an opponent?

Looking at Xiao Hua and talking, and then watching Xiao Hua did not have a confusing gaze, for a moment, the clearing of the heart of the killing was suddenly discouraged, a ridiculous feeling came to life, it seems that this is only refining ten The second-floor monk... can easily kill himself, even if he has already put a strong ban on the surrounding of the hut!

There was a half-baked tea work, and Qing Qing suddenly smiled and killed the machine. He said: "Zhang Xiaoyou is really a filial person. Actually, for the sake of the teacher, he gave up his chance to make a breakthrough in the early stage of building a foundation, and really let the old man admire! In this case, how can the old man not be perfect?"

Said, the big sleeves, the jade disappeared.

Xiao Hua’s face is also a smile. From the space, the jade slips of the three real fires will be taken out and handed to Minqing. “This is a younger generation from a monk, not too much with my Royal Leizong. Relationship, you can use it with your seniors!"

"Big good!" Qing Qing was overjoyed, and he took it by hand. When he swept his mind, he nodded. "The three fires are completely fire. The old man had one more, but the broken anomaly could not be used."

Waiting for the Qing dynasty to collect the fire of the three fires, but also to take out a rather old jade, handed over the past, said: "This is the old man's enlightenment, the ambition of the fire, including the old man's understanding, also Please Zhang Xiaoyou to collect it!"

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Xiao Hua was somewhat unexpected. He didn't expect to be so generous.

Take out the jade, Xiao Hua is free to sweep away, is the income space, he knows that Qing Qing will not use false false deception.

"How? Zhang Xiaoyou... Don't take a closer look?" Yan Qing's face showed a trace of weird smile.

"Don't you?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei.

Min Qing is shaking his head: "Zhang Xiaoyou still take a closer look? Otherwise, what is the difference between the pool and Zhang Xiaoyou after returning to the Royal Leizong to come back and ask the sin, but I can't afford it!"

After listening to this, Xiao Hua suddenly "squeaked" and the dark passage was not good.

Sure enough, when he took out the jade, he just looked at it for a moment, and his face showed a hint of gloom.

"I can't think of it... This fire of the fire is actually different from the three fires!" Xiao Hua repented in his heart, and there was a bitter bitterness in his mouth: "The three fires are the fire of the ethereal, using the fire of three real fires." You can create it yourself! But this is a fire that is a five elements. You can't live without it. You must have the seeds of flames! It's a kind of fire!! Hey, didn't you say that John didn't say it? It is the seed of the fire of the immortal world. Is this the meaning of this layer? I am so self-righteous to exchange fire with others, not to mention that the fire has suffered a loss, that is, the son of the millennium is also sent to others in vain. No wonder... I want to make it clear to me... It’s no wonder that I can easily exchange the ancestral fire of my family!!”

Seeing the regrets on Xiao Hua’s face, Yan Qing smiled and said: “Zhang Xiaoyou can see it clearly?”

"Hehe" turned to read, Xiao Hua smiled, put the jade Jane away, said: "Hey seniors, the younger generation has seen it. This is the smashing of the younger generation, blame the predecessors!"

"Good!" Yan Qing’s face showed a strange look, and he slammed: "Sure enough, it is a famous disciple. Until now, the old man really believed Zhang Xiaoyou!"

Saying, Qing Qing took a forehead, and a little bit of fire particles flew out of the Yintang and fell into the palm of Minqing.

"This is a bit of an old man's hard work. Although Zhang Xiaoyou only exchanges fire, if there is no such fire, then the fire is just a waste! Zhang Xiaoyou took so many things and exchanged fire, but he ate a big loss!" Qing Xiaodao said: "Zhang Xiaoyou is so open-minded, how can the old man swear by himself? Otherwise, he will take the child's fruit and fruit, and it is impossible to break through the bottleneck!"

When I finished, I pointed my hand, and the five-color flame flew to Xiao Hua’s eyes. The eyes looked at the colorful color in the five-color flame. Xiaohua’s heart burst into a joy, and the flame was immediately He is in the body!

"Ah?" 栾 栾 顿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

"Perhaps... the words of the magic weapon just mentioned... non-virtual!" Yu Qing had a hint of fear, and at the same time he was fortunate for his timely cliff.

So, when the eyes cleared, the eyes said: "Zhang Xiaoyou, the old man still has something to wake up with Zhang Xiaoyou!"

"栾Presidents please talk! The younger generation listened to the ear." Xiao Hua was very happy and said with a smile.

"My family's Ling Xiao wishes that the fire is extremely powerful. The ancient legend is the fire of the fire of the fairy world!" Minqing sorted out the thought and said: "But now Zhang Xiaoyou also saw it. Now my family's Ling Xiaozhu can only use it for refining. Even on the layout method, it really does not match its reputation! The name of this fairy fire has also become a laughing handle of Xiaoyu mainland!"

Xiao Hua nodded slightly. He had no expectation for this banquet. He just wanted to use it as a refiner. In particular, he could temper the rugby. As for the fire of the fire of the fairy world, he did not care.

"The reason why this kind of field is like this is related to the cultivation of Ling Xiaozhu's fire!" Yan Qing said, "I think Zhang Xiaoyou has already realized something. This cultivation of the fire is completely a cultivation process, and there must be a kind of fire. In order to cultivate my own wish, and this kind of fire directly determines the power and quality of Ling Xiaozhu!"

"I have recorded according to my family's classics. At the time of my family's prosperity, my family's Ling Xiaozhu wished that the fire would destroy the power of the earth. It was the so-called famous big school that had to avoid the three houses! And as time passed, The fires of my family are getting weaker and weaker, and they are getting more and more complicated. Naturally, Wei is more and more unbearable..."



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