Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Goodbye Xiao Xianrui

Chapter 569, Goodbye Xiao Xianrui

Straight through a cup of tea, the hustle and bustle of the cottage opened the door, and the expressionless Xiao Hua came out from the inside, and then turned around. After a deep ceremony, he walked with a boy who had been standing outside. Go to the front of the store!

While walking, Xiao Hua thought about it: "The predecessors made it clear that this is a fire that relies on the initial fire. If I use the kind of fire he gave, I can naturally give birth to my own wish. Of course, this can also be a fire." The refining device, however, has lost a lot of magical powers."

"You can talk about a lot of supernatural powers, and the predecessors are vague. It seems that he himself does not understand. This is amazing!"

"If you don't need to use the fire of your predecessors? Where can I go to find the fire of the five elements of fire? Especially the ones that the predecessors said, the fire of the five elements. The fire of the five elements is the real ambition, it is the real The fire of the fire of the fairy world! This world... I’m afraid that it never existed before? Perhaps, only the fairy world...only!” Xiao Hua shook his head slightly: “What is the source of the five elements?”

Just thinking, a **** of the foundation of the monk swept over, while a few eyes also stopped on Xiao Hua’s face, and the boy who sent off was also whispered: “The disciple is sent here, the Taoist friend please!”

"Thank you for your friend!" Xiao Hua did not seem to be proud of the boy's low-level, and said with a hand.

Seeing that the boy was a little cramped, Xiao Hua looked up and looked at the shop that had just left.

When he saw one of the twelve layers of the refining woman's face, she was disappointed. She did not feel a slight brow and said: "Why haven't you gone yet?"

This female repair is not a neighbor, it is Xiao Hua’s sister Xiao Xianrui who is in Huanhua! ! !

Subsequently, Xiao Hua’s gaze turned from Xiao Xianrui’s face to the other two monks. The other face was charming and the figure was convex and concave. Naturally, it was not a neighbor, but the Jiangxie of Baicaomen! Just a few years ago, when Xiao Hua saw it, Jiang Yan was the eleventh layer of refining, and now it is the peak of the twelve layers of refining. Moreover, seeing her eyebrows open, her eyes are flattering, not to mention, People double repaired!

In the end, Xiao Hua’s gaze fell on the body of the Zhuji monk.

This base-based monk is not Jiang Fan!

But seeing this monk's five short stature is a little shorter than the Jiang Yan standing next to him. Moreover, the monk who built the base looks like a big five, which is not so much a foundation monk as a sacred wind. Manipulating the farmer's crops! The most important thing is that after the monk’s eyes swept through Xiao Hua, he ignored the shackles and only glued the lingering eyes of his eyes to Xiao Xianrui’s body. It seems that there is something that attracts him!

"Hey, Zhang Daoyou, are you out?" When Han Han saw Xiao Hua coming out, he immediately greeted him. After all, Xiao Hua was generous, not like the monk who built the foundation. Looking east, it was not a stone. Moreover, Jiang Yan, who is next to him, is still full of smirk, saying that it is better than Qiqiaomen, and that what is really being deceived by the store, the words are to let Han Han make the price!

If it was before, it would be forgive me to let it go, but Xiaohua has just been generous. This comparison, Han Han’s heart is contempt, too lazy to let the price, although the mouth is respectful, I have already set foot on both feet, will be two I don’t know how many times I stepped on it! When I see Xiao Hua coming out, it is naturally a warm greeting.

"Well, thank you for your advice!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Although I didn't get anything particularly useful, I can let Zhang not do it!"

"Oh, let's just say, let's say it!" Han Han grinned and said: "Zhang Daoyou is so bold that it will be popular there!"

Said, glanced at Jiang Yan intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hey, friend, what do you mean by this?" Jiang Yan saw it, and was furious. After all, she was the master of the grass door. How many times did she eat such a white eye?

"Hey, Jiang Daoyou, how can you say that the poor road is not in the ear? What can be said about the poor road? The poor road is to praise Zhang Daoyou generous, and did not say that others are not generous!" John can be afraid of a hundred grass gate, Naturally, the opposite is true.

"You..." Jiang Yan Liu Mei was upside down, the protrusions on his chest were ups and downs, and he was angry when he saw it.

"Sister..." Xiao Xianrui's gaze moved from Xiaohua's familiar body shape and strange face, and whispered quickly: "This is in the weeping city, or be careful!"

Seeing that the monk who built the foundation did not open his mouth, the corner of his eye still looked at Xiao Xianrui's body. It seemed that some gods were not guarding. Jiang Yan’s unexplained evil fire was born. He sneered: "How? Be careful in the weeping city? My older brother. At the time, why didn't you say it? He just went back to build the foundation, and you came out to talk?"

"Sister?" Xiao Xianrui yelled, looking up at Jiang Yan, and he did not understand why Jiang Yan was so abnormal.

"I was going to the shop of Qiqiaomen, but you said that the reputation of this store is good. You have to come here! You are here for the first time. Why do you know that the reputation of this shop is good? Oh, I know, you must have been there before! But who is it with?"

"It's no wonder that when my big brother went back to build a base, you didn't follow it. It turned out to be a crying moon city! What is the purpose of you crying in the moon city? Is it... Who are you looking for? Is this person? In the memory of the store?" Jiang Yan said, his eyes are looking at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua’s eyes widened, and it was helpless to touch his chin. He wanted to leave, but now he is being bullied, but Xiao Xianrui, he naturally wants to stay.

"Sister really is to bear the burden of humiliation, in the hundred grass gates must be the same year!" Xiao Hua heart hate: "Sighing the strength of the young master is only the foundation of the early stage, otherwise it will kill the hundred grass door!"

"Sister, what do you say in this? This is not a hundred grass door. How can we let outsiders see our jokes?" Xiao Xianrui was in a hurry and pulled the sleeves of Jiang Yan.

"What do you want to pull?" Jiang Yan was extremely impatient with the sleeves, and he hated it very much: "I don’t know how to think about my brother, I just fell in love with you. I don’t know how many panacea spent my grass, I will be born to you. This is a reference to the twelve layers of refining! But where is the foundation? I have been practicing for ten years. How can I still not build the foundation? The panacea of ​​my hundred grass gates... thrown in the water!"

Upon hearing the foundation, Xiao Xianrui’s face was pale, and the water in his eyes was faint. It was a shy whisper: “Sister... The scorpion is also trying his best. This is not a foundation. It’s not a scorpion. Doesn't the door want to be more experienced, a lot of hope for building a foundation?"

"Hey, it’s better to say than to sing. Who knows what you mean? Who knows what you are planning? Is this man..." Jiang Yan saw that Xiao Hua was only a refining 12-layer repair, and his timidity was enough. I will sneak a sneer.

"Peng"'s blunt sound, remembering that the aura of the heavens and the earth was suddenly disordered, and then it was "啪~" and it was a loud noise, and everyone in the store was stunned!



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