Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 461: "Finding 茬"

Chapter 461 "Finding 茬"

Xiao Xianrui’s mood is very sad. (To be continued 89 free novels read "")

Sadness that can't be said!

Perhaps it was when she saw Xiao Hua’s back that reminded her of the past and reminded her of the dusty, unwilling to think of the past, which made her sad.

Perhaps the peacock doll that Xiao Hua gave her reminded her of the peacock illusion, thought of her birthday, and thought of the years when she was cared for by her family.

It may also be that I saw Xiao Hua’s self-proclaimed Yu Leizong disciple, and even forced him to be too embarrassed to be arrested in the early days of Baihua Valley’s foundation, but he compared his own life and looked forward to the sadness of his self-pity.

It may also be the arrogant Xiaohua refining the twelve-layer repair, so that she also thought of the repair of her own 12-layer refining, and the delay in breaking through the foundation of the foundation, so that she gave birth to thousands again. Let's get it!

In short, Xiao Xianrui stepped on the spiritual camel car, and surrounded by several hundred grass disciples, he randomly found a direction to go out of the city.

However, when everyone flew for half a meal, finally a disciple shouted with courage and whispered: "Mr. Shao, I am waiting for this place?"

"Nature is back to the hundred grass door!" Xiao Xianrui replied with no anger.

"But... let's fly back to the grass door?" The disciple whispered: "The rope boat in the door has been taken away by the younger leader. I am waiting..."

"Hey!" Xiao Xianrui listened to this, and stopped in the air, but the city of Weeping Moon is far away from the Herbs Gate. Now it is not a tour, and there is no need to send a burst of the city!

"What happened to me?" Xiao Xianrui smiled bitterly and waved his hand: "Cry the Moon City. (To be continued 89 free novels read "")"

At this time, behind Xiao Xianrui and others, from the direction of the weeping moon city, a figure flies quickly, and in a twinkling of an eye is to come next to everyone.

"Well? Who is this?" Xiao Xianrui thought about it, and saw the stranger in the face, some strange, but she did not care, turned around and flew away.

I know, when Xiao Xianrui just flew a little, she suddenly saw that the monk who had been a few feet away from him stopped and shouted at himself a very secret smile!

"Bad!" Xiao Xianrui has no experience at all, and at this time he knows that this monk is waiting for himself. However, she did not understand that this monk only had the refining of the eleventh layer of cultivation, how dare to do it yourself? And there are several disciples with nine layers of refining!

"How is he so bold?" Xiao Xianrui was amazed, did not dare to neglect, took a shot, a green scimitar was held in her hands. This scimitar is only half a foot long, and the different runes are engraved on the blade. The small handle is pinched in the hands of Xiao Xianrui. This is Xiao Xianrui's instrumental crescent.

Xiao Xianrui was alert, and several other hundred grass disciples were also aware that several people took out Huang Fu and blocked Xiao Xianrui behind him. He said: "Where is the madman coming, what is the intention?"

"Haha, what can you do?" The monk laughed and said, "take your life!"

During the talk, the monk was already less than three feet away from the crowd.

"Go!" The crowd was furious, urging mana, and the face of Huang Fuyu was shot in the hand.

And Xiao Xianrui is also a sneer, a jade hand wave, the Crescent Moon **** the mana, a green brilliance, a flash in the air is directed to the monk!

However, the monk saw such fireballs, water arrows and other attacks. It seemed that he was not flustered. His face was full of ridicule. In this ridiculous look, the monk only saw a mouth, a blue and red color. Jianguang spouted from the mouth!

"Fei Jian Fu?" Xiao Xianrui's heart is loose, with her knowledge of Yuhua Ming and Baicaomen, she can only think that it is a flying sword!

Immediately, the swords of the blue and red colors suddenly swayed, flew to two, and then swayed again and turned into eight! Unexpectedly, Xiao Xianrui was shocked. An unreasonable feeling came from her heart: "Fly... Feijian?"

This is what she did not intend to hear in the sales of Yue Cong in the past few days. I don’t want to actually encounter it at this time.

Since I thought of Feijian, Xiao Xianrui’s heart immediately fell like an ice cave, and the eight swords light really did not disappoint her thoughts. Just in front of her eyes, like a punctured yellow paper, many yellow characters were broken, and at the same time It was faster than her meniscus and pierced the throats of several hundred grass disciples. These disciples did not respond in the opposite direction, and the brilliance of their body-protection was nothing to do with paper paste.

Seeing that the disciples were falling in the air, Xiao Xianrui’s eyes were slightly stunned, urging mana, and once again waving the moon, a brighter than the previous brilliance crossed an arc in the air to the monk!

At this point, the monk opposite Xiao Xianrui seems to have a huge mana cost, and will have a mouth, the flying sword falls into the mouth, disappeared, and then the monk will shoot a hand, showing a few yellow characters in his hand, with The monk was forced to move, and several fireballs flew to Xiao Xianrui.

"Fortunately!" Xiao Xianrui met, and the heart that had fallen into despair before gave birth to a trace of vitality: "The fear of using this is not a flying sword, but a similar thing, because the exertion is so great that it cannot last, and the poor road is a refinement. The repair of the twelve layers of gas, facing a refining monk who has consumed mana, can win!"

"Bang Long" a few loud noises, the brilliance of the crescent moon was blocked by the fireball, bursting on the road, the heat wave came!

"What kind of fireball? How is it better than the best fireball?" Xiao Xianrui yelled, the hand did not dare to neglect, the same shot of the storage bag, the yellow hues of various defenses are also taken out, regardless of any defense, attack I waved my hand and tried to block Xiao Hua’s fireball.

At the same time, the right hand is a continuous swinging machete, which is pulled out from different angles and blocks all directions in its own direction. I fear that the monk will attack the front and the left hand, and the same will be the same. Law!

Seeing the brilliance of the road, Xiao Xianrui’s heart is slightly stable, knowing that the enemy will not attack in the future, and then he will sweep and prepare to find the gap to escape! Although the other side is a refining ten-layer repair, but the weird sword light is too powerful, she is not an adversary, and now the opponent's fireball and other offensives are obviously to restore mana, if now do not take the opportunity to escape, wait for the sword light to appear again At that time, it must be the time of your own death!

However, just as Xiao Xianrui was preparing to escape, a figure was like a ghost. It was just a flash in the Guanghua that Xiao Xianrui had just pulled out. It often bypassed the incredible place, and the brilliance that Xiao Xianrui tried to pull out was easy. I have escaped, and the monk is in a quick shape, only in the blink of an eye is the distance of deception!

"I am the one who provoked the comet!!!" Xiao Xianrui was shocked, urging the mana of the whole body, and the moon in his hand flashed through the green brilliance. A ray of light spurted out before the machete, Xiao Xianrui knew that he could not escape. One turned back, shouted, and smashed the knife out...

(To be continued 89 free novels read "")


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