Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Xiao Xianrui

The 426th chapter of Xiao Xianrui

It is said that Xiao Xianrui’s trepidation is in jeopardy, and he urges the mana of the whole body to pour into the crescent moon. The crescent moon turns into a green moon, and is drawn in the hands of Xiao Xianrui’s white snow. The green brilliance is like a lover’s charming look. Extremely precise, extremely fast shot to the monk who did not take any instruments!

With Xiao Xianrui’s thoughts, even if this monk has a fireball that is even better than the best fireball, this knife will inevitably split everything in front of him! The monk will never escape easily!

It’s a pity, looking at the chill in the eyes of the monk, and then looking at the expressionless face of the monk, Xiao Xianrui’s little self-confidence was a little rocking!

Sure enough, when Xiao Xianrui urged the mind and tried to spur the infuriating, the monk suddenly reached out and did not know where to take out a huge black hammer! Then, if the weightlifting is light, go ahead and live with the crescent moon! !

"Magic ... magic device!!!" Xiao Xianrui was shocked, almost blurted out: "You are ... Tian Mo Zong disciples!"

Just as Xiao Xianrui exclaimed, the magic hammer had already hit the brilliance of the crescent moon.

The loud noise of "铿~" is both sharp and loud. The black hammer of the magic hammer has no damage at all, and the brilliance of the green brilliance just like the broken glass is turned into a little fluorescent, swaying. In the air!

"Sure enough... is the magic device!" Xiao Xianrui mouth a bit of bitterness, she clearly knows the difference between her own instrument and the real magic device!

"I am afraid that I am going to be awkward!" Xiao Xianrui was desperate, and his eyes looked as though he did not encounter any resistance. He continued to rush toward himself, and the bigger and bigger the hammer, Xiao Xianrui will be heart-to-heart, and the Crescent Moon will swing again!

"咔嚓" The Crescent Moon is just a musical instrument, and it is still the instrument of the refining monk. How can Xiao Xianrui use her body to attack the magic weapon? A crisp sound, the crescent moon suddenly broken into a few pieces, the pieces of debris and the shadow of the crooked moon in the waves, falling in the air!

"Go to death!" Xiao Xianrui heard the anger of the monk in the ear, the shadow of the magic hammer in front of her eyes became bigger and bigger, and her entire vision was covered! An unparalleled force pushes her forehead from top to bottom, and in this power, it seems to contain a strange wave...

"Mother-in-law..." is very strange. Xiao Xianrui’s first thought in the shadow of death is not Xiao Yuehong, but a vague image. One has painted countless times in her heart, but she has never succeeded in painting. Female repair image!

An unyielding, kind of unwilling to come from her heart!

Just as this feeling is born, the strange fluctuations within Wanli’s strength are also penetrated into her meridians!

This fluctuation is of course minimal and almost impossible to feel, but what is this fluctuation? It is precisely the trajectory of the sky in the sky of Xiaohua space that has a slight shape, that is, this slight shape is enough! I saw this fluctuation into the body, and the infuriating moment in the Xiaoxianrui meridian began to condense...

"Hey, I have to build the foundation! Unfortunately..." Xiao Xianrui’s heart passed a trace of joy, but the joy was just born. Xiao Xianrui’s forehead was a cold, and the magic hammer had touched the bright skin above her forehead!

"It is too late!" Xiao Xianrui suddenly seemed to have a clear understanding... slowly closed his eyes!

However, after a few fingers, the pain did not hit, and the force on the forehead disappeared. Xiao Xianrui opened her eyes with horror and saw the strange monk standing with a smile on her face. In the distance, the same strange voice came: "Xiao Daoyou, do you want to use the charm? Or do you want to build the foundation now?"

"Ah?" Xiao Xianrui was not sure about the situation for a while, this change... it is too fast!

The monk frowned and urged: "Xiao Daoyou does not take Zhuji Dan at this time, or use Yunfu?"

"Imperial charm?" Xiao Xianrui slightly stunned, and quickly took a shot, took a piece of Zhuji Dan from the storage bag, Zhangkou will take!

"And slow!" The monk broke off and scared Xiao Xianrui's hand, and Jianji Dan almost fell in the air. At this time, she already knew that the other party must be the predecessor of Zhuji, and maybe even Jindan's predecessor!

"Do not resist!" said the monk Wen Sheng, then waved his hand, a sparkling charm flew out of his hand, slowly falling to Xiao Xianrui's forehead!

"Character??" Xiao Xianrui saw the situation, more sure of his own guess, but her heart is still embarrassing, she really do not understand this I do not know the foundation or Jin Dan's predecessors why not let themselves build the foundation!

When the charm disappeared into Xiao Xianrui's forehead, Xiao Xianrui discovered that the infuriating gas that he was condensing stopped and condensed. Of course, the already condensed real element did not melt into infuriating.

"This is..." Xiao Xianrui's face showed a trace of surprise!

"Poor child!" The monk sighed and waved his hand. A jade flew to Xiao Xianrui and smiled. "Let's take a look!"

"Yes, the younger generation knows!" Xiao Xianrui took the jade slip, and God read it slightly, his face changed, and muttered: "There are actually such charms in the world? The refining is perfect... the real incredible!"

Immediately afterwards, he said: "The younger generation thanked the seniors for their accomplishments, and invited the seniors to give them the name. The younger generation will never forget!"

"Oh, nothing. But it's just a name, don't say it!" The monk slammed his sleeves and said, "You hurry back to the moon city! Don't let the third person know today!"

Xiao Xianrui suspiciously, biting his teeth: "Yes, the younger generations vowed never to talk to the third person! However, if the predecessors did not give the name, the younger generation would never return to the city!"

"You love not to go back, what to do with the old man?" The monk sneered, turned around, and the body was shaking, it had already flown far.

"Predecessor..." Xiao Xianrui yelled, but also urged the mana to catch up. Unfortunately, her flight was not good, and the infuriating gas in the meridian was a lot of condensation. How can it catch up? Only chased ten feet, people have disappeared!

"Hey, what kind of predecessor is this!" Xiao Xianrui looked at the distance and said: "If there is a connection with my hundred grass door, how can I kill my hand and kill a few disciples?"

"Hey, is it difficult to have a relationship with you?" Xiao Xianrui suddenly jumped in the heart!

"There can be such a monk who has been repaired... I haven’t heard it before..."

"Can help people build a foundation, but also send a magical charm, such a great power... How can you know?"

Xiao Xianrui had thousands of thoughts, and then he fell helplessly on a mountain peak. He added the infuriating gas in the meridians, and then he flew up again. He went to the weeping city and waited for Xiao Xiangrui to fly away. The human form is flashing above the mountain, it is Xiao Hua!

"Sister, I am sorry to destroy your instrument, and I will have a chance to send you a magic weapon in the future!" The eyes gently looked at the place where Xiao Xianrui disappeared in the distance. Xiao Hua whispered: "Maybe next time, When the younger brother killed the grass door, then the sister would not have to bear the burden!"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua's body shape also flew up, but, flying very slowly, seems to be escorting Xiao Xianrui back to the city.

"Oh, yes, Tianzongzong... What is the martial art? Is it a magic repair?" Xiao Hua thought as if he was flying and wondering: "Why did the sister see me when I took out the magic weapon?"

With Xiao Hua's escort, Xiao Xianrui naturally returned to the Weeping City with Enron. Xiao Hua still did not trust, until Xiao Xianrui entered the transmission line of the Weeping City, this was a beckoning, stopped a spirit camel and returned to the inn.

Xiao Hua returned to the inn, it was already a rising moon. Before he entered the inn, Gan Diheng rushed out from the inn, grabbed Xiao Hua’s arm and blamed: “Xiao Shidi, you... this Where are you going? How can you go out and say nothing? Seeing that the meeting of the auction will begin, you will not see you!"

Said, not waiting for Xiao Hua to explain, the three hurriedly went to the spiritual camel car that Xiao Hua came back.

Xiao Hua went to the Lingtuo car and swept the gods. I saw that the shop in the inn of the inn did not have the shadow of Fan Ye. I didn’t feel the slightest movement, and gave birth to a trace of remorse: “The net is thinking of concealing the trail. I forgot it. Fan Ye of this inn must have met with Yan Jianming of the store, how could they not be in advance? It is really trouble!"

However, it is immediately relieved: "Although the name of Xiaoye has changed, this is understandable! Presumably they will not think too much, as for the appearance? Xiaoye is not a female repair, and some of them are afraid of only I will say my sister and Jiang Yan! How could I think of Xiaoye’s appearance?"

"Look at Jiang's attitude towards the sister-in-law, I know how the sister-in-law of the sister-in-law is humiliating! I can sigh, the repair of Xiaoye is not enough to deal with the grass door, um, now I have to add a hundred flowers valley!" I bite my teeth, but I don’t feel it in my heart: "Sister, wait until you meet again, that is, when the younger brother rescues you from the fire pit, it is also the moment when the younger brother kills the grass door! Oh, if Baihuagu doesn't know each other, the younger brother also Absolutely not soft! Sister, you will endure for a few more years!"

"Xiao Shidi, where have you been?" I saw Xiao Hua thinking and whispered.

Xiao Hua Zhan Yan smiled: "Where I didn't go there, I turned around in Weeping City, met a shop of refiners, and bought some materials!"

Xiao Hua said, take out some materials for Gan Diheng and others to watch.

"Oh, Xiao Shidi, these things are still put away!" Dry Diheng is obviously not interested: "Do you buy these things? It is difficult to make a stove. Yanleiling is not in line with Wanlei Valley. The instruments are their duty, you just need to hand it over to the Thunder Palace, and you don't have to see them directly!"

"The younger brother is very interesting. It is said that the place is cheap again. This is the idea!"

"Oh, that can't delay the business!" Somewhat strangely said: "The bidding meeting is time-limited. If it is late, you can't enter!"

"Sorry, sorry, the younger brother is wrong!" Xiao Hua is a group!



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