Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Gold foil

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The 456th chapter of gold foil, dry and dense stones

Most of the monks heard that although they were somewhat dissatisfied, they could think about it in detail. The situation is also the same. People often have a price of bidding, but some people in the field are too slow. I want to speed up the time, and Chang Feiyan is also a happy one. That four hundred and twenty-two is also a happy, eight pieces of the best Lingshi two words are to come out! At this time, it is traced back, and then people are letting go. Naturally, it is difficult for someone to be strong, and Chang Feiyan is embarrassed!

"But... Where is a bidding competition to bid for 450 kinds of spirit grass?" At the same time, there are many people who are nahan, and swear: "And Dan as usual, they should all bid separately!"

However, when the cold eyes of Changfei were swept away, the field was calm, and no one said more than one word!

"Okay~" Chang Feiyan is very satisfied with the effect of his own eyes. Suddenly he is also a palm, and Yan Yan said: "You are not afraid of the Taoist friends. For this auction, I have prepared a lot of spirit grass. Immediately, it is a Yilian green fruit with a drug age of 400 years. The reserve price is a top grade stone!"

"Well, the poor road plus five Chinese spirits..." Chang Feiyan’s voice did not fall, a monk shouted.

"Haha!" The other person laughed again, because at the moment the monk spoke, a few words had been jumped on the light curtain, and the monk of the thousand and five had already raised the price to a top-grade stone and twenty. Psychic stone!

"***", the monk touched his head, stopped talking, and quickly mobilized mana, waving the competition.

"Hey," seeing that the Lily Green Fruit soon sold with two and a half of the fine stone, Xiao Hua felt a fortune in his heart: "Thirty years and three hundred years for Xiao Ye, it is really negligible! Only eight of the best Lingshi have bid for so many grasses, and Xiaoye hasn’t had a white auction!”

Then, there are different years of reliance on green lotus fruit. In the end, there is still a 3,000-year-old reliance on green lotus fruit. This completely makes the whole auction of the price boil, and several rounds of bidding, the text on the light curtain changes. Flying fast, and finally was actually arrived at the price of two elite Lingshi.

Seeing that the number on the light curtain is getting bigger, although Xiao Hua has already participated in the bidding meeting, it is still a bit stunned. "It seems that at the bidding meeting, this Lingshi is not a spiritual stone! This is the best." Lingshi! Ordinary market, the spirit grass of the second millennium is only a piece of the elite stone, but it seems to be doubled in order to bid for the bidding! It seems that the spiritual stone in this space is not enough! ”

Xiao Hua didn't feel that it was the magic weapon of the finale!

"I don't know how much the magic weapon is worth?"

Later, there were some spirit grasses. Most of the space in these spiritual grasses Xiaohua was not available, but most of them were included in the spirit grass that Xiaohua had just bid for. These grasses have no one. The exceptions are the extremely high prices of the auction!

"Well, if the last magic weapon is exchanged with the spirits of 10,000 years, I don't know if it is possible!" Xiao Hua's heart was burning hope again.

After Lingcao bidding, it is the material of the refiner, and there are many scarce and weird things, such as half a drop of green blood, it is said that it can cultivate some mysterious exercises; several pieces of Lingmu, said to be refining Feijian; A bottle of Thunder effusion is said to be necessary for the refinement of the magic weapon. These may not be all of the Moon City, so the things to be exchanged are also strange, many Xiaohua have not heard of.

Just as Xiao Hua secretly shook his head, and calculated how to get the spirit grass when the bidding session was held, he heard the non-Yanglang channel: "This is a piece of gold foil that I don’t know about the use of a friend. ......"

"Gold Foil?" Xiao Hua was a spirited and hurriedly looked up. Sure enough, the two gold foils flew in front of Chang Feiyan's eyes, and the gold foil of Xiao Hua's record "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing" looks exactly the same!

"The material and use of this gold foil is not known, and the trustees don't know it, but I believe this thing is of great use!" Chang Feiyan said very mysteriously: "This friend does not want Lingshi, nor does it want to be spiritual." Grass, as long as you are a stranger, no matter how big or small, you can exchange!"

“Don't be a stranger?” Xiao Hua listened to his disappointment and was uneasy. This gold foil is related to his cultivation of Buddha relics. It must be done. Now it’s easy to have good character. The second bidding meeting is Encounter, do you have the reason to not take it? He is willing to exchange the grass and grass for ten thousand years, but people just want to do it! Xiao Meishi Xiaohua is also aware of the things that are similar to those of Tanjung. When you refine the machine, you only need to add a little bit. Whether it is a tool or a magic weapon, it must be harder than when you are not using it. It is not unusual to say that it is scarce. The problem is that Xiao Hua has never met, let alone!

"Is it hard to achieve such a vain look at being replaced by others?" Xiao Hua was anxious, but things were beyond the expectations of Xiao Hua, and Chang Feiyan shouted a few times, actually like the previous Yilian green fruit, actually No one responded, Xiao Hua was overjoyed, his eyes turned a few times, urging the competition wood, and immediately saw on the light curtain: "4202, a piece of the best stone or a millennium spirit grass."

"Oh, this Taoist friend is afraid of a monk in Baihua Valley or Cao Lingzong!" A monk met and smiled and said: "Whoever has nothing to do with the grass to change the gold foil that does not know the purpose?"

I saw Chang Feiyan look at it and put a hand, Xiaohua’s line of words disappeared immediately, and said, “The Taoist friend said that as long as you are doing a strange stone, don’t do anything else!”

"Changdaoyou!" A low voice sounded: "The poor roads are dry and dense, but you don't want the gold foil of this labor, the poor road wants to change the millennium of Ling Yicao, I don't know..."

Chang Feiyan shook his head slightly and smiled: "This poor road can't do anything. If the Taoist friend is willing, he can reveal his identity, and then use the dry mound to change the two gold foils. Then, with the road number 422. Friends go outside to exchange themselves! Or please ask the 426 friends to reveal their identity, you go to find him."

Naturally, the voice is gone, and I have not said a word.

Xiao Hua also sighed, although the gold foil is important, but if he reveals his identity, the millennium Ling Yicao is not easy to explain, and he and dry Di Heng, Kun non-smoke can be on the spot.

“***!” Xiao Hua suddenly stood up and pulled down the confused body, revealing a pale face, a thick-eyed face, and sighed: “The end of the poor road, the body has exactly a thousand years of Ling Yicao, if This Taoist friend has the heart, can make this gold foil go down, the poor road is waiting for friends!"

Seeing Xiao Hua revealing his identity, some people in the field whispered, the millennium Ling Yicao, that is the spiritual grass needed for the late monks of the foundation, actually took the change of the strange stone, it is difficult to make these two gold foils What is the secret?

What disappoints Xiao Hua is that the monk who just spoke up did not speak, and he couldn’t figure out who it was!

Looking at the people around me looking at their own eyes, Xiao Hua was quite ashamed in his heart and seemed to be played by the man.

"Well, Jiang Daoyou, and sit down!" Chang Feiyan waved: "There are ten things in the world that are unsatisfactory. Although this gold foil is a must for you, you can't do it." Friends obviously have concerns, or ask Jiang Daoyou to take the opportunity in the future!"

Said, with a wave of his hand, two gold foils fell on the empty plate in the air, and disappeared in the corner.

"唉" Xiaohua sighed and sat down, simply no longer wearing confusion.

Then, Chang Feiyan took out a lot of things, bidding one by one, Xiao Hua had no interest, only looked at it faintly, and finally, after bidding a few pieces of instruments, but listening to Chang Feiyan, he smiled and said: "The most important thing about this auction is a special thing!"

"A regular friend, isn't it a magic weapon?" The anxious monk has already snarled.

"Oh, this thing is not a magic weapon, but it is like a magic weapon!" Chang Feiyan smiled and took a hand shot. It was also a charming face-covering woman repair, holding a jade plate in his hand and embarking on a high platform.

When the female practitioner was approaching the face of Chang Feiyan in the anxious mood of the crowd, Chang Feiyan took over the jade plate and smiled and said: "I don't know if the Taoist friends guessed anything?"

Seeing that the non-rock is showing off, everyone is shaking their heads. There are so many strange things in Xiaoyu’s mainland. Who knows what can be under this koi?

"Oh, look at you!" Chang Feiyan waved his hand, and the koi was up, and I saw the jade plate above it. A clear blue singer was lying quietly on it. It is very common!

"Flying sword?" Seeing this thing, some monks showed a big smile on their faces, and some monks frowned.

"Yes, the friends of the Tao are really interested. This is Feijian!" Chang Feiyan waved his hand, and the blue flying sword flew into his hand. His eyes were very pitiful. He glanced at the little sword in his hand and waved his hand. The flying sword flew into the air and was free to swim on the high platform.

"This is the real flying sword, it is the use of sword repair!" Chang Feiyan used the technique of driving the dance for a moment, very satisfied: "The poor road, although not knowing the skills of flying swords, can only be the method of the device. If you are motivated, you will be able to detect the sharpness and psychic of this flying sword! If any of your friends are proficient in the technique of flying swords, and there is a lack of flying swords in their hands, is this psychic flying sword not even more than a magic weapon?"

"Psychic flying sword!" Xiao Hua jumped in his heart and immediately understood the meaning of Chang Feiyan. This flying sword obviously has sword spirit! I am afraid that it is stronger than his nightmare!

"How many spirits do you have?" Xiao Hua frowned and began to figure out how to bid for this flying sword!

"Changdaoyou, Jianjian's flying swords are all connected with the sword repair life. If the owner of the flying sword is not squatting, is it afraid that it is not easy to refine?"

"Changdaoyou, I heard that there are two swords repaired in the country, and this flying sword will not be related to the two sword repairs?"


A group of monks began to ask.

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