Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Weeping moon city flower elder

“You are a friend!” Chang Feiyan took a shot and said, “Flying sword is rarely seen at the bidding meeting of my Dao, but it is not without it! Of course, a good quality flying like this. The sword, the experience of the poor road is also the first time I saw it. Therefore, I cried Yuecheng City and said that there is something like the magic weapon to bid, and indeed let the Taoist friends misunderstand!"

“Changdaoyou!” Someone sighed: “But all the magical instruments and magic weapons have common refining techniques, or special hunting techniques are provided at the time of bidding. This flying sword is certainly good, but I am afraid that there is no The law of sword repair!"

Chang Feiyan was interrupted by some unhappy feelings, but he still said with a squint; "This Taoist friend should rest assured that the poor road has not been finished yet. This flying sword has been banned by using the secret law, and there is also a corresponding sacrifice jade. simple!"

"Big good!" Xiaohua's mouth is smiling, this flying sword is simply tailor-made for him.

"I just don't know how to bid!" Xiao Hua's heartbeat speeded up.

Sure enough, someone called: "Changdaoyou, what is the reserve price of this flying sword? In the fast report, I can't stand it!"

"Haha, you are waiting..." Chang Feiyan talked, and when he stretched his hand, he would point to the light curtain.

But at this time, Chang Feiyan suddenly felt that the aura in front of him was fretting, and at the same time, the flying sword that had just stopped in front of him suddenly slammed the sword. It seemed to be agile, slightly swaying, and Huo Ran was Fly to the place where the monks are in front of you!

"Who!" Chang Feiyan was shocked. It seems that the look is not too strange. I saw Chang Feiyan pointing his hand. The flying sword was like a seven-inch snake in the air. This stagnation is only a moment, and suddenly the flying sword has more than doubled. The "brush" sounds into a blue rainbow, and it will fly into the crowd.

Just when Feijian crossed the high platform. The brilliance of "Zi La La" was light. A one-finger wide khaki light curtain was blocked in front of the flying sword, and the flying sword was blocked by Huaguang, which was flashing above the light curtain. The agility above the flying sword seemed to be taken away, "jingle". Flying sword fell on the high platform!

"Hey! A group of mouths is something that is wrong!" Suddenly, a break from the monks came out. Then, a group of fish-like brilliance rose from the place where it was broken, and hurriedly rushed to the light curtain!

"哗啦啦" bursts of crisp sound. The prohibition of the high platform apparently lost to the brilliance of the fish. Was shattered by the Guanghua, followed by a rainbow, and the rainbow came out from the place where the fish flew out. It was shot inside the prohibition of the high platform, covered in the blue flying sword, the blue The flying sword is like being pinched by the hand. Seeing that with the contraction of the rainbow, it is necessary to leave the high platform!

"Flying sword!" Xiao Hua eyes, but also practiced Feijian. At a glance, these two strange and sharp Guanghua are two flying swords.

There is a glimmer of gloomy flash in the eyes of the non-rock, and the shackles of the shackles in the hands are hitting the two flying swords. Many of the scorpions are useless. It seems that the flying swords cannot be stopped! However, Chang Feiyan’s look is not tense!

"Where is the madman!" A slamming sound from the top of the high platform, then a blue round moon-shaped light ball flashed from the sound of the sound, only to see that the light ball crossed a green shadow on the high platform, that is I am on the sword light of the rainbow!

The sound of "啪" was crisp, and then a sword of "Ning Weng" sounded, the rainbow sword seemed to be painful, and the sorrow screamed, and the blue flying sword naturally fell again!

"Go!" From the monks, two people flew out, and the two men had already ripped off the lost costumes outside, revealing the exotic swords, and it was the Duan Yuming who came to repair the Three Kingdoms to find Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe. Wang Xiaoyao! Duan Yuming saw Wang Fukuo's rainbow sword being hit, his face was not nervous, and his mouth was full of words. The fish sword flew out to hit the blue ball of light, and the other one went to catch the blue flying sword!

"Ignorance of the child!" A sneer, the blue light ball flashed, suddenly burst open, the space around the high platform, the heaven and earth aura was suddenly torn, Wang Qiyao's rainbow sword violently shaking Then Hua Hong returned to Wang Buyao's front, and a rotation would protect Wang Xuyao ​​in the rainbow.

Duan Yuming's fish sword is even worse. Both fish are blown up, and the disorder is extremely turbulent. Even a few swords and illusions of fish swim in the air, only the empty outline.

Duan Yuming, who flies in the air, has a slightly white complexion. He knows that he has encountered a master, and the sword is urging in the body. The fish sword slowly recovers. He himself squats: "I don't know who the predecessor of the Moon City is coming?"

From the two swords of Hyun Shouzong to the master of the Weeping City, but it is just a few breaths, the bidding meeting is repaired as jagged, many refining monks are too late to react, everything is End. The bursting light ball is incomparably powerful, but the power is controlled within one foot. Even under the light ball, the hairs of the dozens of monks on the high side are not disturbed! Of course, although the two low-ranking monks of the dozens of monks were dressed in confusion, the face inside could have been pale, thinking that they had gone away in the ghost gate!

"Predecessors?" Seeing that the two swordsmen of Hyun Swordsman are so high-spirited, I am afraid that they have been repaired in the Golden Age. They call their predecessors, and naturally they are the monks of the Yuan Ying period. Many of them are waking up at the bidding meeting. The monk’s eyes lit up and said: “Is it a weeping fairy?”

But see the respectfulness of the Changfeiyan anomaly, and prayed to the high platform: "The younger generation has seen the flower elders!"

"Flower elders?" A monk next to Xiao Hua whispered: "Flower rain elders? Isn't it a weeping fairy?"

"Hey, the flower elders are already the repairs of Jin Dan's later period. How can these two swords be repaired, how can the city of the sows appear?"

It is estimated that the prohibition on the high platform is impaired, and the prohibition between the seats at the bidding meeting is also somewhat damaged. The whispers of each person are now clearly visible.

Seeing that the old man in a blue dress on the high platform slowly stepped down from the air, Duan Yuming blinked and said: "The younger Duan Yuming saw the Elder Moon Flower Elder!"

"Hey!" Although Huayu Yu did not release the pressure, but the body is pressing, and Xiaohua’s repair is still unable to see her cultivation as a realm. However, Jin Dan’s later cultivation is better than lyricism. It must be awesome! Xiao Hua does not feel awe.

"You are waiting for the sword repair of the country. I am going to cry in the city. I am going to participate in the bidding meeting. Why is it that I am acting badly? Although you are waiting for a guest, the old man has to be warned!" Falling down, looking at Duan Yuming and Wang Qiyao with no expression.


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