Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 468: Fierce argument

"In the next section of Yu Ming, this is the singer of the sister Wang Fengyao!" Duan Yuming Shi Lidao: "I was just squatting down, please also spend the predecessor Haihan!"

Hua Yuyu's eyes flickered. She didn't expect the two swords to be so lowered. She nodded slightly: "Well, the poor road is the elders of the weeping city. The realm of sword repair is different from my Tao. However, the repairs you wait for are similar to those of my Dao Zong Jindan. This predecessor should not mention the words, so call the channel friends!"

“Thank you for your kindness!” Duan Yuming understands that Hua Yuyu has been deeply cultivated. In the temptation he just shot, he already knows that this flower Taoist friend is afraid that he has already reached the realm of Jindan’s breakthrough. As long as he breaks through the bottleneck, it is the predecessor of Yuan Ying. Therefore, he only called his predecessors.

"Well, since the two friends are wrong, I am crying for the hospitality. You just have to follow the rules of the auction. The old things that happened just now have nothing to see!" Hua Yuyu nodded.

“Can it be so easy?” Xiao Hua was at the end of the monks, squinting, thinking about the cause and effect before and after, and said coldly in his heart.

Sure enough, I listened to Duan Yuming and said with a smile: "I naturally want to follow the rules of Weeping City, and I want to follow the rules of your three countries! Nothing, some people have killed the sword, and they have to offend the moon." The rules!"

"What is the meaning of Daoyou?" Hua Yuyu sneered: "The poor road knows that you are looking for two sword repairs. For many years, it is unreasonable. Do you doubt that these two sword repairs are the shots of my Weeping City?"

Wang Qiyao is also cold and cold: "There is no such thing as the inferior, if the flower Taoist friends admit it, I can think so!"

"Sister!" Duan Yuming replied: "If it is the Weeping City, I am so likely to treat me so kindly?"

"They are dare!" Wang Fanyao glanced, still cold.

"What do you dare to do with the old body?" The flowers and rains were pressed and pressed, as if the mountains were solidly pressed. Wang Xiaoyao and Duan Yuming’s face changed, and the figure sank three feet later. A whole body of swords. The flying sword slammed around the two men, and the Jianguang violently shot, which actually put the pressure of Jindan's later period.

Although the pressure of the flower rain is well controlled, the monk still feels full. It is the last Xiao Hua from the bottom of my heart is also born an unparalleled taboo! It seems to be an irresistible pressure! When Xiao Hua saw Wang Buyao and Duan Yuming's coping methods, they didn't feel bright. His current strength is probably the beginning of the foundation, but it is a bad pressure to fight with the foundation-based monks, and this pressure is very annoying. The realm of not building a foundation will not occur at all. If you can use Feijian to resist the pressure of the foundation-based monks, you don't need to reveal your own strong King Kong body, this is an excellent means!

But immediately, Xiao Hua was slightly frowning, and said: "With the flying sword to resist the pressure, fear is due to the sword spirit in the flying sword. Xiaoye's flying sword does not have sword spirit, how to use? Well. Still looking for Try it out!"

"The flower road friend is in a hurry, there is something to say in the next!" Duan Yuming saw the pressure of the flower rain, blocked his head and shouted.

"Hey!" The flowers and the rain slammed into the air and put away the pressure.

"Isn't the Huadao friend feel that it is related to this flying sword?" Duan Yuming glanced at Feijian, who was taken in the hands of Chang Feiyan. "This flying sword is one of the two swords that I lost in Jianxuan." Zhang Yutong’s Feijian Qingling!”

"Hey? Is it?" Hua Yuyu glanced at Duan Yuming, and then took a hand, Qingling Feijian flew into her hand, looked at a few eyes and said: "This flying sword is really extraordinary material, with ordinary Feijian is different. But if it is said that Zhang Yutong’s flying sword, the old body... but the Taoist friend will come up with evidence!"

"This Qingling Feijian was nurtured by my dazzling swords. Although I can't completely control the sword, I can use the secret of this door to drive the sword!" Wang Qiyao said: "It is evidence that you can take this sword just now." !"

"Is it?" Hua Yuyu laughed. Then, with a slight hand, I saw the brilliance of Qingling Feijian in her hand. It seemed that there was a cracking sound.

"Flower friends are slow!" Duan Yuming quickly changed his voice: "If the Taoist friend is casting a spell, this Qingling Feijian must be surrendered, but the message of the disciples will also be lost, fearing that it is not good for the missing disciple!"

"Haha, since the old body can also surrender, can you also explain that this flying sword is the weeping city?" Hua Yuyu laughed and released the flying sword.

"Dao You is a strong word," Wang Xuyao ​​said eagerly.

"It seems that Wang Daoyou is also a strong word!" Hua Yuyu laughed.

"Since Weeping City is not aware of the origins of this flying sword, why do you have a high-level monk who is a high-skilled monk sitting in the bidding meeting? It seems that the monks who are full of bidding will not have a middle age in Jindan?" Yao did not hesitate to blame.

Hua Yuyu shook his head; "Wang Daoyou said wrong, this bidding is afraid that there are two monks in the middle of Jindan! And, if you are not sitting in the old town, how can you encounter such things? I am crying the name of the city and Are not all faces trampled?"

"Sister, you don't have to say anything about this!" Duan Yuming frowned slightly, and he was arching his hand to the flower garden: "There are only two problems in the next!"

"please say"

"One, ask below, this Qingling Feijian is where the Weeping City was obtained? The second is that the poor road wants to get back this Qingling Feijian, I wonder if the Weeping City can let go!"

Hua Yuyu squinted at the Qingling Feijian in his hand and smiled and said: "This flying sword is not the Qingling in the mouth of the Taoist. I have to say something else. Moreover, the flying swords have always been my crying city. To be secretive to other Taoist friends, however, since this is about the life of two sword repairers, the old man is the master of the city of Weeping City, so that Chang Feiyan will go through the details with the Duanyou!"

"Thank you so much!" Duan Yuming's face was delighted and thanked him.

“Senior seniors!” Chang Feiyan’s face smiled and said: “Things are very simple. As early as the month before, I’m crying for the auction of the city’s ten-tiered monk. The monk’s appearance is very ordinary. There is nothing special about it. Naturally, the appearance of this monk is still forgiven by the predecessors. The younger generation cannot and will not dare to hand it over to the predecessors. Otherwise, the reputation of thousands of thousands of years in the Weeping City will be swept away!"

Duan Yuming's face was a bit gloomy, and he did not speak with his eyes open.

Chang Feiyan went on to say: "The monk took the flying sword out and said that he had found it somewhere. He wanted to sell it to the Weeping City. Of course, the incident of the disappearance of your disciple, I am also known At that time, I also questioned it, but you can think about it. This monk is only ten layers of refining. It is unlikely to be the opponent of the swordsmanship in the predecessor’s mouth. Let’s say that the price of the city will be earned. Lingshi, this business that we sent to the door, we have no reason to do it?"

"So, the Weeping City will collect this flying sword? Today is the bidding?" Wang Xiaoyao sneered.

"Yeah, it is exactly what the predecessors of the king said!" Chang Feiyan nodded, sincerely said: "At that time, the disciples of Yucheng also advised the monk, it is best to consign, so I cried the city only to take some Lingshi from the hand, big Some of the proceeds are still those monks! But the monks have to go through the experience, there is no time to wait for a month, so my disciples of the Weeping City have to pay the high price to take the flying sword, and then bid on it! In fact, this practice I am crying in Yuecheng. It is a risk. If no one bids, this flying sword will be in the hands of Yucheng with something that no one has previously bid for!"

"Hey~ You are crying in the city of Renyi!" Wang Xiaoyao couldn't help but sneer.

"Yes, I have been crying for the city to be honest in the city. The friends from all of you are also looking at the price of my credit. If this is not the case, how can the younger generation talk about it?" A serious saying.

"But it!" Duan Yuming put his hand and said: "I have a bidding for the sword repair. I also understand the rules of this bidding meeting. Since the Taoist friends can't say more, then give this Qingling flying sword to me. Jianzong, the poor road will not pursue the negligence of your city!"

"Oh, the predecessors, this is the bidding meeting, and this flying sword is the one that I was crying in with a large spiritual stone. If the seniors want to get this flying sword... Pay a certain price!" Chang Feiyan looked at the flowers and rain and said nothing.

"It is not only the flying sword of my dazzling swords, but how to spend the spirit stone?" Wang Biyao was furious.

Chang Feiyan said with a smile: "It seems... the seniors can't prove that the flying sword is yours?"

"How many Lingshi?" Duan Yuming's face seems to be dripping black water.

"The friends of the Dao, the poor roads and the city of Daocheng sinned against the friends of the Tao." Chang Feiyan did not directly talk to Yu Ming, but turned around and slammed around the group. It was very swearing: "This thing involves Shu Guojian. The disappearance of the repair, the poor road had to delay the bidding of you, and the flying sword was first transferred to the swordsman who came to the future!"

All the monks applauded and praised: "Changdaoyou, you are sore and benevolent in the city, but since there is a sword repair, I will let them three points!"

Naturally, there are also monks who are not happy: "Since it is a meeting of bidding, it depends on who has a lot of spiritual stones. The poor road also wants this flying sword. If the sword repair does not have enough Lingshi, this flying sword is poor. It’s coming!"

Coldly watching the performance of Chang Feiyan, Duan Yuming once again said: "How many Lingshi do this flying sword?"

"Not much, not much!" Chang Feiyan smiled and reported a number.

"This... so much?" Wang Fukuo exclaimed: "This... you can bid for a magic weapon!"

"Yeah, the price of this flying sword is a magic weapon!" Chang Feiyan said with a smile: "Besides, this is the spiritual stone that I have sent from the monk in the hands of the monk, and the poor road has not added a piece." Lingshi!"

Afterwards, Chang Feiyan glanced at the flowers and smiled. "Of course, if the two predecessors don't have enough Lingshi, it is ok to change the flying sword in their hands!"

"Bold!" Wang Qiyao was furious, and a rainbow flew from her side...


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