Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 481: Weird fire

The 481th chapter of the weird fire

The flame of this fire is very strange. It is not like the burning of the three fires. It is not like the burning of the fire. This flame is just quiet. It seems that it will not move at all, and it will not burn at all! Moreover, the surrounding of the flames, although the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth is very rich, but there is no trace of a sink into the flame, it is this flame and the heaven and earth aura is a general separation.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, took out a small piece of Lingshi from the space and put it into the flame. I saw that the pure, transparent flame was really transparent, and the Lingshi passed by and did not have any influence at all.

"This..." Xiao Hua thought for a long time against the so-called Wan Yao Jie Linghuo, and made a lot of speculation on his power, but he never thought it would be like this!

Then, Xiao Hua took out a splendid grass and put it on top of the fire. It was still like that, and the delicate branches and leaves were not damaged in the fire.

"What is this!" Xiao Hua’s heart was filled with confession and incomprehension, but then he remembered it again, and slammed his head: "Hey, people don’t understand it? This fire has no fire. Only the fire shell is just a body of the fire! How can it burn? It is no wonder that the Yuan Ying monk is so easy to let go, I only used a two thousand years of ordinary spirit grass to fool the past!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and the left hand and the other smashed out, it was the fire of the three fires, and then the hand was pointed. The big flame of the bean flew out from the wick of the oil lamp and floated quietly. In the middle of the air.

"Oh, okay! It's still a flame!" Seeing that the fire can be manipulated, Xiao Hua sighed slightly, then, with a mouth, the little screaming fire spit out from his mouth.

Ling Hao wished the fire to fly to the side of the fire, the lively burning, the surrounding world of aura, regardless of the Jinmu water and fire and earth were swallowed by it, it is very powerful, it is a sharp contrast with the static of the fire!

"Or do you want to combine it?" Xiao Hua was hesitant in his heart. This is a little bit of a fire, but there is only a little fire. If there is any accident, Xiao Hua is "a man and a man." But if you don't try, Xiao Hua always does not give up.

"Right, can you use three real fires?" Xiao Hua patted his head, and he gave birth to a real fire. "Go," with Xiao Hua's hand, the tiny three-spots of fire gradually approached the spirit. Fire, Xiao Hua released the Buddha's knowledge, "Hey!" A burst of burning sensation occurred when the Buddha knew that it was close to the fire, so Xiao Hua could not help but scream.

The pain of the Buddha did not make Xiaohua nervous, but gave birth to a hint of excitement. Yes, can the Buddha know how to burn the fire, but where can it go?

After receiving the Buddha's knowledge, Xiao Hua only stared at the eyes, the fire and the three fires, and saw that the three fires were close to the fire, but there was no reaction at all. The fire was different from the transparent, still stagnant. Stop there, Sancha really did not enter!

"***!" Xiao Hua will be up, very upset, but when he looked up, it felt a little wrong, look around, and stared at the fire to see a half, also I didn't realize where it was wrong!

"Right!" Suddenly, Xiao Hua woke up, but not the three fires into the fire, but did not see the three fires come out!

Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand, and the fire moved over, but the fire was not in it!

"Haha! This fire has actually swallowed up the three fires!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, but the transparent fire did not seem to change at all!

"Go, go, go!" Xiao Hua waved in succession, and dozens of three fires were flying into the fire. They saw that the three fires that were much bigger than the fire were flying into the fire, and the fire Still no change! Xiao Hua has some frowns: "The three fires are really afraid of being the fire of the fire. I don't know if Ling Xiao wished the fire!"

When Xiao Hua saw the fire, he shook his head slightly, and even some of his heart was awkward. He said: "This is still not a slap in the face! I didn't think so much. Fortunately, these three fires can't be fired. If it can Do, Xiaoye’s five-color fire can’t be done!”

Xiao Hua wants to understand that this is a kind of fire that is a kind of fire. If you use it to make the fire of the fire, it is a pity that you didn’t have a fire before. Now that you have a chance, how to build it is better. What about my five-color fire?

"Is this kind of fire wishing to be able to cultivate two?" Xiao Hua thought for a moment. It seems that he did not say that he couldn’t say it in the jade slips of his family. So Xiao Hua will **** his mouth and Ling Xiao’s fire will fly into the body. Xiao Hua was slightly hesitant. Several methods were beaten on the flames of the fire, and the mouth was sucked. The flames were also collected into the body. Then they closed their eyes and rebuilt, and began to slowly cultivate the fire that blew the fire.

The fire of the fire, with Xiao Hua's thoughts, should not be cultivated.

I don't know how many days later, Xiaohua's room was banned for a while, and Xiao Hua opened his eyes and opened the ban. The outside is Dry Diheng.

"I said Xiao Shidi, this is another ten days. I am waiting for it?"

Looking at the way that Di Diheng squeezed his eyebrows, Xiao Hua was happy, but with the coming of Di Diheng, Kun Feiyan and Yan also came in.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "I am afraid that I will delay the brothers and teachers for a few days! The younger brother is experiencing some problems in cultivation, and he is still unable to hurry!"

"No problem, no problem!" Dry Di Heng patted Xiao Hua's shoulder: "It's still early in the left and right towns, you practice!"

Then he turned to his head and said: "I am waiting to go out and buy something? This meditation practice can't improve the cultivation, it's not as good as a move!"

I looked at Xiao Hua and didn't ask much. I turned and left. Kun was not staring at Xiao Hua. I looked at Xiao Diheng and smiled. "Xiao Shidi didn't say anything. The younger brother seemed to Xiao Shidi. Practice is very familiar!"

"嘿嘿" Dry Diheng did not answer, turned and left, and when he left, he also blinked at Xiao Hua.

Ten days later, before the transmission of the Weeping City, after the disappearance of the characters of Xiao Hua and Gan Diheng, outside the building of the transmission array, a common appearance was repaired as a monk with only ten layers of refining. Out of a nearby tea house, I took a spiritual camel and went to a secluded courtyard.

"The disciple of Yu Leizong is gone? Is it going to Jiangcheng?" Inside the courtyard, inside a secret room, a fifty-year-old monk with a long sword in his hand turned over and looked at it. Very, very confident.

"Oh, my brother, the disciple of Yu Leizong is gone, but I am not afraid to go to Jiangcheng disciples!" The monk who came in was watching the 12-story brother in awe, and said carefully.


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