Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Liye Mountain Range

Chapter 482—Li Li Mountain

"Hey, there is a condensed treasure, and as a disciple of Yu Leizong, how can you not go?" The regular brother sneered: "Unless these four are fools!"

"Yes, yes! Or the regular brothers are strategizing, and the victory is better than a thousand miles away!" The disciple complimented: "When the wind of this condensed treasure is revealed, the disciples of Yu Leizong will definitely fall into the hands of the regular brothers!"

"Who said that the confession is the wind of the poor road?" The regular brothers glanced at the disciple.

The disciple was clearly stunned and blurted out: "Is it difficult to become a confidant... The news is true?"

“Is the poor road said to be fake?” The regular brother’s mouth had a slight smile.

"That..." There was a fascinating enthusiasm in the disciple's eyes, but he couldn't wait for him to finish his words. The regular brothers relentlessly said: "You still wake up, even if this condensed treasure is your past life. Do you think that you can escape from the hands of the Royal Leizong disciples after you get the condensed treasures? Can these self-cultivating disciples allow another foundation or even the Jindan monks to be produced?"

The monk’s face immediately showed the color of disappointment, but then he was compensated again: “The disciple may not be able to do it, but the senior brother’s qualification is excellent, and the condensed treasure is definitely a regular brother!”

"My ???" often brothers laughed, look at the furnishings in the quiet room, said: "If the poor road can refine the condensate treasure, how can it be fifty years old today can not build a foundation? The wind is so windy, don't forget, the monks who can refine, do not have a big chance, even if these characters are reincarnation, how can I wait like this?"

"The regular brother said very much." The monk who called Mo Feng whispered.

"Oh, naturally, what I can't get, others... can't let them get it easily!" Chang brother said, "Even if the poor road is not used, the poor road should put it in the store." Inside the bag, for a lifetime... Appreciate!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Mo Feng compensated and said: "However, since there is a condensed treasure, not to mention the Royal Leizong disciple, the four of them are the repairs of the twelve layers of refining, apparently they came out to travel. Prepare to break through the realm, and some other disciples who have come from the truth should go there? I am waiting for it... I am afraid it is difficult to cope!"

"This is a matter of poverty!" Chang brothers sneered: "You can only do your own thing!"

"The disciple knows, the disciple knows!" Mo Feng panic quickly said: "The disciple will go back!"

"Well, you go!" Chang brother nodded and gestured Mo Feng immediately, and then, sitting on the top of the cloud bed, he was rushing out of the secret room.

Ten days later, in the southwest direction of the weeping city, a desolate place, above the half-empty sky, Xiao Hua and other four people are leisurely on the road, the four become "good" characters, Xiao Hua and Gan Di Hengfei at the most In front, Yan and Kun are not flying in the back, and there is a difference of about ten feet between each person.

On the right side of Xiao Hua, Gan Di Hengfei was slightly behind. His eyes looked at Xiao Hua from time to time. He seemed to want to see what happened from Xiao Hua’s body, and Xiao Hua felt when he turned his head and looked at it. I quickly looked at the front. If this is a beautiful female repair, Xiao Hua may be complacent, but Di Heng is a big man, Xiao Hua naturally knows what he thinks, and only has a smile in his heart.

After Xiao Hua took the consumable magic weapon from the skill workshop to re-refining, Gan Diheng and Xiao Hua asked for the token of the refinery to be used in the workshop. After all, the skill workshop only watched the order. The card does not recognize people, this token is the most important. The problem is, Xiao Hua still has to use this token to make a good magic weapon. How can it be returned to Gan Diheng?

"What kind of implement should be refining for a year?" At that time, Di Diheng was a big man, but he also thought of the magic weapon. But think of Xiao Hua’s origins in dispersal, and it is a disciple of Wan Leigu who has no foundation. He is not Solution, it’s hard to ask for it, it’s the spiritual stone of refining the magic weapon. I’m afraid that Xiao Hua can’t get it out? Xiao Hua naturally answered that it was a gimmick. He only said that the master of the refining workshop of the skill workshop answered this way. After one year, he returned the token to Gan Diheng.

Although Dry Diheng no longer asks more questions, he has always had some sorrows in his heart: "Is there really a spiritual stone here? Will the town cloud printing be picked up and refurbished?"

Xiao Hua has dealt with Di Diheng, but my heart is really sighed by the skill of the skill workshop. The consumable instrument is completely within the income space of him, which is completely different from the previous spearware! This is a three-inch long diamond-shaped implement with blue and red brilliance, surface brilliance, and faintly rune flashes, and this instrument has a magical effect that the naked eye can see clearly. Occasionally, when you read it, it is occasionally empty!

"This is the role of the lizard beast bone!" Xiao Hua secretly said: "I can't think of the bones and flesh of the beast. There is also such a usage! Well, the monk also has some bones of the beast in his hand. System

"Listen to the monk's statement, my refining 12-story repair can use this instrument to kill the early monks of the foundation, but my true cultivation can reach the middle of the refining, then... the monks in the late stage of the building are not Can you use this instrument to kill?"

"Although it is only a few chances, it is better than no chance!" Xiao Hua flashed a trace of cool color: "Unfortunately, this instrument... only one, and can only be used once, if it can be used multiple times How wonderful!"

"Xiao Shidi, what do you think?" Dry Diheng finally spoke up.

"Oh, nothing, the younger brother sees the brothers always look at the younger brother, the younger brother is in Nahan!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Cut!" Dry Di Heng pouted, swept away the gods, and browed slightly: "There is some desolate here, and hundreds of miles are afraid of the Liye Mountain Range! I will wait for a break before deliberation! ”

Then, Di Diheng put his hand on the top and fell on a bald peak.

He and others followed, and Kun Feiqi was very strange and asked: "When the time is still early, why should the younger brother have to rest?"

"I waited for the delivery of the Moon City, and after several transmissions, how could the younger brother just be tired after a few days of flying?" Dry Di Heng picked up his eyebrows and did not have a good air: "The younger brother said that it is also a refining ten." The second floor is late, not as bad as before!"

He looked around and thought about it: "It’s already close to the Liye Mountain!"

"Well, it is." Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The brothers are trying to discuss."

“What are you talking about?” Kun is not a smoker: “It’s just a direct flight!”

"There are so many beasts in the Liye Mountain Range. I am going to repair it... I am afraid it is not good!" Xiao Hua said.

I thought about it for a moment, shaking my head slightly: "If it is a detour, I am afraid that time is not enough. I can't get to Jiangcheng Town in time. If I want to go to the poor road, I will fly directly!"

"That is, I have been traveling, in order to break through the realm, this is the place where I am going to go, how can I detour?" Kun Feiyan is also raising his eyebrows, it is very exciting.

Xiao Hua silently knew that this was also the heart of the three people, and had to whisper: "That also requires me to discuss and find a proper route."

"I have this intention!" said Dry Di Heng, then the four men sat cross-legged and resumed mana.

When the four people took a break, they talked with Di Diheng and Kun Feiyan for a while. Xiao Hua understood that although the Liye Mountain Range is not particularly large, it can also be tens of thousands of miles, many of which are extremely fierce. The strength is comparable to that of the foundation, especially the deep stone in the mountains, and it is more than Jindan. Of course, they have to fly over the periphery of the Liye Mountain Range. The strength of the spirits and beasts is extremely poor, but it is still very difficult to pass silently.

"According to the records of Zongmen, in this direction of the Liye Mountain Range, the most green is the green and green, which is the strength of the spirit beast. It is equivalent to me!" He obviously did his homework and explained: "But Green qing 蟒 has always been a group, hundreds of thousands of green cymbals are the foundation of the division commander will have a headache!"

"Green skin, bone, bone and flesh and blood can be good things!" Kun is not a smoke in the eyes.

"Snake can also refine the detoxification and poison pills!" said Dry Diheng.

However, he frowned: "The problem is, I can't possibly face hundreds of greens!"

"Hey, what about you?" Dry Di Heng smiled and turned to look at Xiao Hua: "We are flying so fast, isn't it just used to lead a snake?"

"No!" Xiao Hua saw that the three people were very tacit to look at themselves, very sad and laughing.

"Xiao Shidi, let me!" 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 : 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 谁 谁 谁 谁 谁There are advantages, maybe you can find the opportunity to build a foundation in danger today!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and smiled: "Whether, since the younger brother is going to lead the snake, then... how is this divided?"

"You are a little devil!" Dry Di Heng listened, and immediately scorned: "I haven't worked yet, I started bargaining! It's not enough!"

However, the voice just fell, and Dry Di Heng said with a sigh of relief: "That way, you lead the snake to make meritorious deeds. You can kill more than 20% after the green scorpion!"

"The deal!" Xiao Hua Da Le, seems to have been extremely cheap.

"Quirks, how do you think... for the brothers seems to fall into the trap!" Dry Di Heng is puzzled.

Kun Feiyan did not look at him with a good look. He said: "Xiao Shidi is so benevolent, you don't give him more points, can he not go? He is afraid to choose it first?"

"Xiao Shidi, is that the case?" Dry Di Heng pulled Xiaohua's robe and did not follow.

"Who said it?" Xiao Hua's face is serious: "The green skin is the refining object, and the younger brother is naturally more and better!"

Xiao Hua had not thought about the remains of the beasts before, but also did not count them. At this time, I understand how to give up?

"Well, since the negotiation is completed, there is a division of labor between each other. I will wait for this to kill the green scorpion!" 巽纾笑颜如花, like the green 蟒 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修


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