Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 492: Two conditions

Revival 492, chapter catalogue 492 chapter two conditions

"Well, the poor road first leaves a moment [Shenzhen 传 492 chapter full text]!" Hu Zhuang is very satisfied with the sweep of God, while saying that the side will be a little bit, the same light silk shot, Hu Zhuang main along The direction of the light wire went out from the exit of the hall.

Xiao Hua looked at the back of Hu Zhuang's back as thoughtful, but all other disciples, including Kun Feiyan and other three people's eyes have been focused on Fan Qingmu's body.

"The disciples!" Fan Qingmu naturally understands what everyone thinks. He takes a hand and takes a strange instrument in his hand. The instrument is like a turtle shell. Except for one opening, the other is strict. See There is nothing special, and everyone can’t go deeper.

"The poor road knows the minds of the people, and the poor road will open the door. The condensate treasure is in this '磬 '', which disciple has a common relationship, is the master of this condensed treasure, only puts his hand into it. You can know!" Fan Qingmu's voice rang in the hall: "However, before the crowd tried, there are two requirements for the poor road!"

Xiao Hua took his eyes back from the place where Hu Zhuang’s master disappeared, and looked at the eagerness in his eyes. He said: "When the teacher said, is this the predecessor said that it is correct? Reaching out and touching... Can you be sure?"

In the blink of an eye, there was a hint of excitement, and he said with a smile: "It’s just like this! I was the predecessor of the Royal Leizong, and it was also because of the chance to go to the Leigong Palace. When the weapon of Ningzhibao was damaged, when he touched the condensed treasure with his hand, the condensate treasure immediately penetrated into his skin, and the realm of the realm of the situation was absorbed by him [Shenzhen rumored 492 chapter full text]!"

"This..." Xiao Hua was a little crying and laughing: "Is it true that the teacher is not telling the story? How can the condensate treasure be put into the instrument? Will it not be protected by the treasure?"

"The difference between Xiao Shidi and Gu Zhibao is of course important. The problem is that the reincarnation of the disciple is not knowing how high it is. If the protection of the treasure is used, the Feijindan monk can't touch it. What is the use of the condensate treasure? What?” Grinning: “As for so many of these things, it might be a godsend!”

“God?” Xiao Hua shook his head slightly: “If the sky is old, if the earth is old, if there is no hate, it will be flat!

Xiao Hua spoke casually, but the voice had just been passed to Yu, and Xiao Hua’s heart was shocked. The causal hand within the space flashes slightly: "Causal!!! Three thousand avenues, perhaps this cause and effect is not only a lifetime, even if it is three, the causal heaven can also work!"

Xiao Hua Wutong this point, the cause and effect of the hand is clear.

The opposite side of Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed a trace of confusion, a trace of tenderness, eyes watching Xiao Hua. I don’t feel a slight chanting in my heart: "Yeah, if the sky is old, how old is it... Why is there so much in this world..."

Within the hall, Fan Qingmu’s voice sounded: “The first condition of the poor road is that every disciple has to pay a good spiritual stone to the poor road before trying!”

"This..." Xiao Hua screamed, and then his mouth turned upside down. He said: "This predecessor is really rich in money!"

Think about it, it is also true, people have no reason to let you try anything, no good? This piece of the best spiritual stone is also afraid because it is in Lingbi Mountain Villa. If it is next to it, more!

"Fan predecessors are so hard, I have to wait for filial piety!" On the first table, a disciple of Hu Zhuang's master got up and said: "The younger generation is not talented. This will help the seniors to collect these spiritual stones!"

"Oh, there is work [Shenzhen 传 492 chapter full text]!" Fan Qingmu squeezed a smile from his face. Obviously I know this disciple. The other disciples also knew him. Someone also gave him the Lingshi, and smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Ling!"

Xiao Hua and others did not speak, waiting for the Ling brother to come. Each gave him the Lingshi.

Waiting for the Ling brothers to accept the spirits of everyone in the field, to Fan Qingmu. Fan Qingmu did not look at it, but said: "The second condition of the poor road is also simple, that is, all the disciples have made a blood oath before putting their hands into the '磬坞'. If any disciple is this The owner of Ningzhibao needs to do his best to help the poor and step into Jindan!"

"What?" The mind of Lan Lizong's disciples did not know. Xiao Hua and others did not feel that they were frowning: "Do your best to help him set foot on Jin Dan?"

"The brothers and sisters!" Ling Shixiong, who had just received Lingshi, stood up and said: "The predecessor of the Fan is a coincidence that he can get this confession treasure. Naturally, he has some chances with the owner of the condensate treasure. He can make the condensate treasure. It’s a very high-minded thing to take it out and give it to me. You can think about it. If one of the younger brothers is the owner of this condensed treasure, the fan’s predecessors will not come at all. If the younger brother does not return the predecessor of the Fans, can he explore the realm of the predecessors, and further improve the conditions of the predecessors? The conditions of the predecessors of the Fans are also to help the younger brother! Moreover, Fan’s predecessors also said that they are doing their best. If the younger brother does not have the ability, the words of the predecessors of the Fans are white. Fan predecessors also leave a great room for you!”

Xiao Hua and other four people glanced at each other, and they seemed to have some awakening in each other's eyes. The thing that fell from the pie in this day... never has it! If you want to get it, you have to pay! Fan Qingmu's conditions are also inevitable!

The disciple of Lan Lizong in the hall, Shen Qiang was first snarled: "The predecessors of the Fan said that it is very easy. I can only get a condensed treasure with the price of a Lingshi. It is easy to help the predecessors. Jin Dan is the obligation and price of the owner of the condensate treasure. The poor road agrees to make a blood oath!"

"Well, this Taoist friend came over and tried it!" Fan Qingmu was overjoyed and smiled.

"Yes, thank you Fan predecessors!" The disciple stepped forward and said, "Shenzhen rumored 492 chapter full text."

"You don't have to be like this. If you are the master of Confucius, the poor road will also be called the predecessor of the Tao!" Fan Qingmu will shoot the shoulder of the disciple and say with a stubborn smile on his face.

"Don't dare, if the disciples have a fate, they can't forget the grace of their predecessors!" The disciple was very flattered and quickly found a blood oath. Then, with a slight trembling arm, he slowly extended one hand into the "dock". Apparently, Fan Qingmu is also extremely concerned, and the eyes stare at the reaction of the disciple.

It is a pity that after the disciple put his hand in, there was a slap in the first place, and then it was awkward. The previous shackles were long gone.

"But, this Taoist friend, please take your hand out!" Fan Qingmu was not surprised, it was a natural smile: "It seems that the Taoist friend is not the master of this condensed treasure!"

"Yes..." The disciple took out his hand without any help. Three of the fingers seemed to be still moving, and there was a sense of incomprehension. The disciple also had words in his mouth and wanted to argue. However, he looked at Fan Qingmu's appearance, and then looked at the other disciples who had already walked behind him. The rest of the words did not say it. He turned and walked back to his seat, and some sat in a daze.

The disciple next to him naturally wants to ask, but look at the appearance of the disciple, and think that he can immediately reach the condensate treasure, and no longer ask.

There are a lot of disciples in the hall. It is also simple to put your hand into the "docking dock". It is only half an hour, except for Xiao Hua, the disciples of Lan Lizong in the entire hall have tried. The whole hall was quiet, no one talked, and a needle fell on the ground, but I could hear the sound. It seems that the air in the hall is condensed!

"The greater the disappointment is, the bigger the disappointment!" Xiaohua sighed and stood up. He went to Fan Qingmu's eyes and said, "The younger generation, Lei Zong, Xiao Hua, has seen Fan predecessors!"

"Well, Hu Zhuangzhu said just now that the four people are the people of the predecessors of the district. The predecessors of the district also have a favor for the poor roads. The poor roads cannot refuse. Please..." Fan Qingmu said slightly.

Xiao Hua also made a blood oath with his mouth, and stretched his hand into the dock. "How? How soft?" Xiao Hua only felt that he touched the contact of the fingers inside, some slippery, soft and soft. Something, it is natural that the **** are slightly pinched, and the pinch, the slippery and greasy things are the same as the fluid, slipping out from his fingers, a kind of coolness gives birth to [Shenzhen rumor 492 chapter full text].

"It seems that there is no reaction?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned, very strange thought.

"Oh, Xiao Xiaoyou, you don't seem to be the master of this condensate treasure!" Fan Qingmu said with a smile: "Please take your fingers out!"

"Yes, the younger generation knows!" Xiao Hua did not have much to expect. He heard Fan Qingmu remind him that he would take the hand out and look at the fingers and there was no wet place.

Then, Kun Feiyan, Gan Diheng and Yan also tried each other. Without exception, there was no change. The disappointment on the faces of the three people was not to be said, and the face of the disciple of Lan Lizong was also It’s all fortunate.

"But it~" Fan Qingmu took a shot and flew into the air. He took the storage bag and yelled at his head: "Hu Zhuangzhu, and will open the ban!"

Among the disciples of the first few Lingbi Villa, except for a disciple with a 12-layer refining, the other people also stood up and walked toward the entrance of the hall.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred! ! ! I saw the entrance, and the "Teng" gave birth to a group of orange-red flames. The flame condensed into a rocket. The "嗖" sound was directed at Fan Qingmu!

Fan Qingmu is collecting the storage bag, and he hasn't been wary of anything. When the rocket flies to the front of the eye, he finds it. Fan Qingmu can't say anything. In the hands of the law, he touches the front and a palm is born from the palm of his hand. , hit the rocket.

The light bang of "咔嚓嚓", the palm of the hand that is half a foot long hits the rocket, crushing the whole orange flame, and the fire falls to the ground.

"Hu Zhuangzhu, what do you mean by this?" Fan Qingmu's face changed, cold and clear said: "Do you want to leave this condensed treasure?" (To be continued

Revival 492, chapter directory 492 chapter two conditions have been updated!

[Sandalwood Book - Permanent Address: Guanjia - Remember Collection]


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