Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Very toxic

"Hu Zhuangzhu, don't you want the life of these disciples of Lan Lizong?" Fan Qingmu took a hand and took a ruler like a cane in his hand. He sneered: "And, the poor road can understand, if not The law of the poor road, no one can open this dock, the inside of the condensate treasure ... you can not get!"

I don’t know, Fan Qingmu didn’t say it was okay. His voice just landed, and from the place where he stood, the prohibition of the hall, there were more than a dozen orange-red brilliance flashes, and each brilliance produced a rocket. At the same time, shoot at Fan Qingmu's body!

"Go!" Fan Qingmu flashed a trace of ochre in his eyes, releasing the pressure, flooding the entire hall, followed by a wave of instruments, a few rotating brilliances coming out of the cane, showing different trajectories I walked to the door of the hall, and I was already alert. I took out the disciple of the Lingbi Villa who was prepared to defend. 《》》()

"噗噗噗" has a number of sounds and muffled sounds. How do the various attacks of the disciples of Lingbi Villa are the opponents of Fan Qingmu's instruments? It is very easy to be broken by the Guanghua, and the brilliance of the yellow symbol is like a sword, the remaining momentum is not reduced, and the path is stabbed to each disciple.

When "咔嚓嚓" was on the disciples of Guanghua, the brilliance of those disciples was extinguished, followed by the broken sound of Guanghua. Their bodyguards Huang Fu was simply unable to withstand a blow, and they were all pierced by Guanghua!

The disciples who did not have the body guardian Huang Fu, under the pressure of the monks in the base period, were like the chickens to be slaughtered, and were easily pierced by Guanghua. There was no power to fight back. They all fell into a pool of blood.

And just sitting at the top of the table, there is no disciple of the 12-layer peak of refining. (_ """" Although some panic on the face may not be as frightening as the disciples around him, when he fell to the ground, he tried his hand and a small triangular flag was held in his hand.

Look at Fan Qingmu again. Killing several disciples of Lingbi Mountain Villa, the eyes were swept away, and the situation inside the hall was clearly understood. However, the dozens of rockets out of the hall array had already flown in front of him, making him too late. Then chase other blue Lizong disciples.

"Hey!" Fan Qingmu sneered, he really did not understand the meaning of Hu Zhuang, but he dared to come to Lingbi Villa. Naturally, there are also countermeasures. The hand is again a shot, and a ruler-like instrument is taken out from the storage bag, and the mana is urged between. It was very fast to fly to the top of his head. The bright Guanghua of Guanghua was sent out from the ruler. In the blink of an eye, Fan Qingmu’s body was protected. At this moment, the rocket that flew from the air just flew half a foot. !

"Brush" sees his own instrument to protect himself. Fan Qingmu's eyes were slightly stunned, and the instruments in his hand were a wave. There were dozens of Guanghua spinning and giving birth to the rockets.

The “啪啪啪啪” connection is crisp. The flames flashed like fireworks around Fan Qingmu, and the same annihilation.

"Haha. Hu Zhuangzhu, you never show up. How can you be a poor enemy in this hall alone?" Fan Qingmu laughed and turned his eyes to the many disciples in the hall, only to see him. Under the pressure, including the four disciples of Yu Leizong, everyone fell to the ground, looking at him in nowhere, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

Fan Qingmu's brilliance, although many, can only be attacked after all, in addition to the 70% of the rocket was broken, there are three rockets from the glory of Guanghua's spare, straight shot his light curtain.

"啪啪啪" Just when Fan Qingmu's eyes were swimming, several rockets hit the light curtain, and without exception, they could not break through the protection of the light curtain, and turned into a blossoming fireworks on the ground.

Therefore, Fan Qingmu’s only a little alertness was discarded, and he sneered: “Since Hu Zhuang’s master is not benevolent, it’s no way to blame the poor and unjust, and annihilate all the Miao people of this Lingbi Villa!”

During the speech, the cane-shaped implements in the hands were frequently waved. Many brilliances like the swords flashed, and many of the disciples who stumbled around the hall, and when they rushed, the sound of screams rose in the hall, one by one. The life of the disciple of Lan Lizong was easily harvested by Fan Qingmu.

The four disciples of Yu Leizong naturally fell to the ground and could not move, but Xiao Hua squinted at the eyes, and it was a calm observation. Not only was the town cloud printing eager to try, but the powerful King Kong body contained in the body was always available from * Within the * out, thus resisting the pressure of Fan Qingmu.

Fortunately, Fan Qingmu knows the origins of Xiao Hua and others. It seems that there is a lingering fear, or there is another plan. When the instrument is thrown out, the four people will be missed. In this case, Xiao Hua is not willing to live or not. Li Zong and Fan Qingmu's grudges, only served as Fan Qingmu to kill the blue Lizong disciples, and carefully guarded.

But when Fan Qingmu mastered the initiative of the whole hall, it was a sudden change. The rockets that shot to Fan Qingmu's body-protecting light curtain mostly fell on the ground. It is obvious that its power is not enough to break through the defense of the light curtain. However, When Fan Qingmu took his attention away and concentrated on killing the disciples of Lan Lizong, one of the rockets hit the light curtain, and the whole flame converges, showing the body, which is actually a diamond-shaped slender implement. The sharp point of the diamond-shaped faint faintly has a blue light flashing, and the ceremonial body also has a faint rune overflow.

If there is a whistling sound of "噗", then the diamond-shaped implement suddenly raises its head as the flame disappears, like the green scorpion that wakes up, rushes toward the light curtain, which blocks the light of many rockets. At the tip of the blue-shaped rhombus, the curtain only adhered to the fingertips, and it was corroded by a sharp poison at the tip, and the diamond-shaped implement was very easy to fly from the hole, straight. Plug in the heart of Fan Qingmu!

"Ah?" perceives that the light curtain of his own instrument has been broken, Fan Qingmu was shocked, another hand that was free, and quickly swayed the law, and it was also a palm of mine that struck toward the diamond-shaped device." The sound of 咔嚓 ,, palm of the thunder, but the diamond-shaped instrument seems to be very spiritual, a slight turn is to bypass the palm of the thunder.

"Bad!" Fan Qingmu knew that things were not right at this time. He quickly took a shot and hit his shoulder. A light green brilliance looked at the whole body from the shoulders. Unfortunately, Guanghua still has no diamond method. The device is fast, the light green brilliance has just passed the shoulder of Fan Qingmu, and the sharp point of the instrument is to pierce his heart.

In an instant, from the heart of the glory, it seems that Fan Qingmu's body defense, but unfortunately this defense is still weak to the poison of the device, it is quickly eroded out of the flaws ... (to be continued.)


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