Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 494: Lan Lizong

The 490th chapter of the Blue Lizong

"Ah~~~" Fan Qingmu had only one scream, and a dark gas was born from his heart, spreading quickly to the body. As the black gas came out, a piece of rotten meat was accompanied. The disgusting breath fell from Fan Qingmu's body.

Fan Qingmu's corpse still maintains a standing position, only to hear the meat "啪嗒啪嗒" is very strange when landing, not a moment is revealing the white bones!

"Vulnerable..." Xiaohua’s eyes in the distance were immediately locked, and I thought to myself, and then I looked at the doorway of the hall!

Fan Qingmu is dead! His pressure immediately disappeared, and a group of Lan Lizong disciples immediately became active, revealing the color of surprise. Many people shouted: "Hu Zhuangzhu, will open the battle!"

Just above the hall, the only disciple of the Lingbi Villa was quietly collecting the triangular flag. The cold station will rise and look at the door of the hall, just about to speak. At this moment, the "brush" sounded, the door of the hall was opened, and a dark thing was thrown in. The "when" sound slammed on the top table.

"Ah?" above the hall, all the disciples are monks, where can't you understand? That dark thing is nothing else, it is the head of the Huzhuang Villa of Lingbi Mountain Villa!

"Hu Zhuang main???" Many disciples exclaimed, his face was terrified, unlike some disciples, the disciples of the Lingbi Villa were a cruel smile, only when he heard the hall When the sound was outside, the face showed an extremely surprised look.

"Hey, let the old man see, Hu Ming has been working hard for more than a decade, and has pulled out the hearts of many disciples of Lan Lizong..." A sharp voice sounded, although it sounded like a man’s voice. In this voice, there is a feminine sensation.

"Yin... Yin Shibo..." The voice is obviously very special. A group of disciples can be immediately identified under horror!

With the shouts of the disciples, I saw the entrance to the hall, and slowly walked into the dozens of monks. The current one is the monk in the early stage of the foundation. They are not tall, short, and their faces are thin and thin. The face is very strange, far from the ordinary **** look of the ordinary monk.

Behind this Yin Shibo, there are more than a dozen disciples with about 11 layers of refining, but except for the previous actions, the other disciples are languid, apparently injured, and watching Dejected look, no accident should be the disciple of the Huzhuang Villa.

Sure enough, the disciple who had just stood up was surprised with a face, and one hand was placed in his arms, standing quietly there, watching the Yin Shibo.

The Yin Shi Bo walked over the hall, his eyes swept away, and it was strange that after Xiao Hua and others passed the face, they were stopped in the disciples!

"You waited so boldly, knowing that the old man had a grudge with Hu Ming, and he dared to take advantage of the old man to trust him!" The words of Yin Shibo were exported, and the faces were pale, and the disciples who were squatting quickly came out of the crowd. "It is to stumble on the open space, while shouting at the head and shouting: "Yin Shibo, the younger generation is not relying on Hu Ming, but Hu Ming said that there is a condensed treasure appear today, invite the younger generation to come and try it! There is no intention to betray the Yin Shibo!"

"Hey, if it is pure, will the old man scold you for waiting? If you wait for such selfishness, why don't you inform the old man? Why don't you inform the old man's disciple?" Yin Shibo smiled coldly.

"Yu Shibo, that Hu Ming only said to be confidential, not let the younger generation talk to the second person!" A disciple daring.

"Brush" Yin Shibo's face is unchanged, with a wave of his hand, a brilliance flashed, it seems to be a musical instrument, it seems to be Huang Fu, hit the disciple, the disciple naturally found that the body shape fretting, seems to resist, The Yin Shi Bo Wei pressed and released, it was just pressing him, the movement could not move, the green brilliance flashed, a scream, the disciple-like body was black, and a piece of carrion fell from the body!

"Shi Bo spared!" Several other disciples immediately shouted.

"Hey, do you know it alone? Since there are so many disciples gathered in this hall, maybe you know it alone?" Yin Shibo smiled and said to the gradually emerging bone.

Then I looked at a few disciples who had grabbed the ground and had already seen the blood on their foreheads. They said, "Which is known, why should you be at the beginning? When you wait for any one person, you know that you can give the old man a note!"

"Teacher's life!" Several disciples immediately became shocked to know that they have not disappeared, and they do not feel the same.

"Go, kill them!" Yin Shibo waved his hand and told him, and at the same time, the pressure of building the foundation was also overwhelmed.

"Yes, the disciple understands!" After the Yin Shibo, several disciples should be there, and they took a hand and took a few yellow letters.

"What about this celebration? How do other disciples deal with it? Please ask the teacher to tell you!" After several disciples walked a few steps, the fireball in the hand was played, and it was on the disciples. The screams of the lungs stopped in the ears of the people, and when the people were scared, a thin disciple next to Yin Shibo whispered.

For a moment, everyone raised their ears and looked pitiful to the Yin Shibo.

"Other disciples?" The Yin Shi Bo's cold eyes swept away, and the sharp voice sounded again: "They didn't swear all the blood to loyalty to the old man..."

"I will wait for this to make a **** oath..." When the disciples heard it, they all cried and saw that they had the opportunity to be born.

"Qing Yu? He does not have to stay!" Yin Shibo looked at the disciple who had been standing in front of the table and sneered: "How does his mind do not know?"

Said, Yin Shibo raised his hand, the middle finger, and played out...

Seeing a little green light from the hands of Yin Shibo, Qing Yu's face changed greatly, and the hand hidden in his arms no longer hesitated, immediately pulled out, just the scarlet triangle flag just now!

Seeing the small flag on the face, the Yin Shibo’s face was stunned, and the eyes flashed through the look of what I didn’t know. It’s the second brilliance of the fingers that popped up.

And said that Qing Yu took out the small flag, there is no pause at all, the mana urged, a few black brilliance shot from above the small flag, straight shot to the walls of the hall, while the Yin Shi Bo eyes in the eyes Looking at the interest, watching the black light falling on the walls of the hall, did not raise his hand to stop...

With the black brilliance falling on the walls of the hall, a few black brilliances flashed from the walls, and between the glory and the glory, the forbidden ban in the previous hall was weakened, and the silk was gradually squeezed out between the bans. The black gas, spreading quickly, will cover the entire hall.

"Fast, just at this time!" Xiaohua broke out in the distance, and took a shot, and a slap in the face of a real fire came out of his hands...

I saw Xiao Hua waving his hand, and the three fires were born from the hands. One palm was shot on the nearest wall. I saw that the ban on the wall was diluted by the black gas, and after three fires, The ban had already broken a small hole.

At this time, the prohibition of the four walls of the hall is the alternation of old and new, and Xiao Hua’s plan is really effective!

"Disease!" At this time, Di Diheng also shouted and waved his hand. When he was soaring, he flew into the air, and the three-color Guanghua sang the tip of the singer and turned it into three duck eggs. The big light ball rushes toward the place where the three fires are boiling.

"Booming" connects three loud bangs, and the prohibition on the wall is just a hole that blows out a person!

"Before the brother left!" Dry Di Heng urged the mana, did not dare to hesitate, to the size of the hole is flying away, his head, Ming Hao 戟 first flew out.

Although Xiao Hua was closest to the wall, he did not move. He just looked at the remnant and his heart was tumbling. Although he had never seen the blushing triangle flag, the black gas ban was not strange. It is exactly the same as the magic array he saw on Baizhang Peak, and from the black gas that he rolled, he also saw the difference, which is obviously magic!

"Magic repair!!!" Xiao Hua is the first time to judge! Just, looking at the look of Qingyu, it seems that it is not the blood shadow possession, no difference with ordinary human race monks!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he thought of the words of Xiao Xianrui on the same day. He said: “Day of the Emperor? Is this disciple the sect of the sorcerer’s mouth?”

At the same time, Xiao Hua also scored a point to look at the Yin Shi Bo, the town of Yunming is ready to shoot.

I don’t know, that Yin Shibo didn’t seem to see the behavior of Xiao Hua and others. He only looked at Qingyu. It seems that Qingfu’s twelve-layered Lingbi Villa disciple is more than Xiaohua’s four Royal Leizong disciples. It must be important in general!

"Look at me!" After seeing Di Heng escape, the black air on the wall became thicker and thicker, and the hole was gradually covered. Kun was not crying coldly, and the trapped thunder in his hand. The same out of the hand, the trapped thunder beads have been enlarged to the size of the bowl before flying to the wall, countless small lightnings are released from the trapped thunderballs, and the "small slap" is on the black gas, and the thunder is really a black gas nemesis. Numerous black gas annihilated in the thunder, and another hole that was twice as large as before was born.

"The poor road is also!" Kun is not a cigarette, his body shape is also flying, and he casts it into the hole.

"Hey!" Qing Yu at this moment will pay attention to transfer from Yin Shibo, seeing that there are two disciples in Yu Leizong who have escaped, an urgent face, a blood is sprayed on the triangle flag, I saw a small triangle The flag flashed black, and more **** black light flew out from the small flag, frequently hitting the walls of the hall, so that more intense black gas emerged from the wall, and the fingertips Fill up the hole that Kun did not escape.

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