Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 495: Constant ring

"Go!" The rest of the face changed slightly, and looked at Xiao Hua. The thunder lock in his hand flew into the air with the trapped thunder beads of Kun, and dozens of small lightnings also shattered. The hole is hitting the past.

The same sound, the thick black smoke was smashed by the thunder, and the hole was revealed again, expanding to the size of one person again.

"I······I went first?" The voice of Yan was obviously different from the previous two. It was like asking with an inquiry. I was very worried and looked at Xiao Hua. I waited for Xiao Hua to nod slightly. The figure was only flying, and it was necessary to invest in the hole. Unfortunately, at this time, a low voice sounded: "The useless things have escaped two!"

During the speech, from the entrance of the hall, a human figure is revealed. This ordinary robe is also a triangular flag in the hand, but this small flag is more than double the flag of Qingyu! And the blushing color is even deeper, just like putting thick blood on it.

"Go!" The man put a small flag in his hand and a few black and red brilliances hit the wall. The brilliance was like a drop of water into the pan, and the sound of a stir-fry bean from the wall was from the wall. On top of it, there was more black gas in the air, and the hole that had just been hit was firmly blocked.

"Broken" is not good in the heart, I will take a shot of my forehead, I just want to take out the town cloud print, but his hand has just been lifted to the air, and the heart stops, then immediately stops, turn to look at the thunder lock The thunderbolt flashed in the middle of the black air, and it was impossible to break through the ban, and turned his attention to the man who was in the Yin Shibo and later came in!

"Changhuan?" Xiao Hua distinguishes the person's face and does not feel the eyes shrinking, and the corner of his mouth reveals a hint of sneer.

This regular brother is actually Xiao Hua or Yan Huaming when he was a disciple, he went to the Changhua where he met the grass, so Xiao Hua felt that he left the correct.

"This 厮····································································································· Thinking about it, look back and look at the cockroaches that turned around and squint.

In the heart of the annoyed tightness, I can see the calm eyes of Xiao Hua, the heart is not a cause is a loose, but not, the most powerful town of Yunming, this younger brother has not yet come out, what are you afraid of? Moreover, the first Yin Shibo and the later monk are obviously not a fight against each other and the fishermen will benefit themselves and Xiao Hua will not have no chance! Then he put the thunder lock on his head, and a glory of Guanghua sprinkled himself from the thunder lock, and she and Xiao Hua were protected.

When Changhuan saw that he would block it, he would no longer pay attention to it. His eyes swept away from Xiao Hua, but he did not seem to know it at all. He turned to look at the Yin Shibo.

"Haze, you are not staying in Le Mo Ling, do you want to go to Lingbi Villa?" Then look at Hu Ming's black lacquered head on the table and smiled: "It turned out to be the foundation of Tuling Mountain Villa!" It happened that it was the same as the plan of my demon!"

"Ha ha ha ~" yin sighed and laughed: "The old man has long heard the reputation of the demon sect. I can't think of it today! But, your demon sect is really disappointing to the old man! The cultivation of a disciple is not very good. The land is delicious, but it is not small! You are a younger generation of 12-layer refining, and you dare to blame the old man for building a base period. Is it difficult? ······························································

"Well, it's no wonder that you used to be the very bad reputation of the famous ring." The sullen screaming suddenly sneered: "In the past, it was just a small role in the nine-layer refining. In the late stage of the twelve layers of gas, I felt that I couldn’t help myself. I really don’t know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside! Oh, it’s just a clown in front of the old man!”

"Well, let you see the masters of the building base!" The voice of the yin dynasty fell, and did not see any instruments, only the right hand, a five-finger like playing a pipa, a few shadows in the air In an instant, there are dozens of stars in the fire, and the fascinating light will shroud from the top to the bottom.

"Ha ha ha ~ but the monk who built the foundation period, what is so proud?" Although the ring of the ring is arrogant, but the hands do not dare to neglect, the triangle of the flag wave, a thick blood black thick fog It was just above the roof above his head, blocking it before the dozens of fire spots.

"啪啪啪啪" has a dozen sounds, the voice is very dull, the original thick blood fog was suddenly blown everywhere, but although the blood fog was pulled long, it was also bombed. It's a lot thinner, but there isn't a Mars flying haze!

"Haha ~ Zhuji monk is just like this!" Changhuan was a little embarrassed and immediately excited, his eyes flashed with greed, and his eyes were in the pockets of the haze.

"I·············································································· Between the thoughts, I turned to look at you. At this time, I was very calm. I squinted at my eyes and felt Xiao Hua’s gaze. I looked at Xiao Hua and whispered: "This The two monks are not good things. Whoever wins you and my life will not be guaranteed! Or wait for them to lose both sides, you and I will be together!"

"But with the teacher's instructions!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Look at the haze face is also amazed, hand a shot, a three-inch size, like a flying sword like a diamond-shaped implement floating in his palm, it is exactly the instrument that he just killed Fan Qingmu shuttle.

"Hey, the gods of the foundation-based monks can you measure?" There is a smile on the face of the haze. Under the force of the force, Bi Lingsuo suddenly grows up, and the greenery at the tip is more dazzling!

"In the blood of my demon sect, even if it is building the foundation, Lao Tzu will step on the foot!" said Chang Huan, then took a look at the Qing Yu, and said: "Escaped two royal Leizong Disciples, do you want to let other disciples go? Quickly, kill all the disciples of the haze!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Qingyu stood there, and his mind changed a little, and he thought about the stakes. Hearing the instructions of Changhuan, his face showed a sly color and waved the flag in his hand. Suddenly, from the blood mist that emerged from the four walls, a few roads were divided, and the imposing rushed to the disciples next to the haze.

The disciples of the haze saw the situation and did not dare to neglect. Several disciples took a shot, and several fireballs and ice seals were successively played. It is known that the Huangfu, which is extremely powerful in this direction, has disappeared into the blood. Immediately lost power, not being corroded by blood fog, becoming a paper, just being covered by blood fog just burst, can not hurt others at all.

"Fast, the instrument!" These disciples were awakened when they arrived, and they screamed and took out the instruments.

However, they are only disciples of the refining period. Can there be several instruments? More disciples, or the hands and feet flustered to take out the Huang Fu of the martial arts, iron clothes and other defenses, and quickly hit their own body ... ""


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