Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 496: Poor map

I don't know, those defensive masks that look extremely strong on weekdays can't be blasted with ordinary fireballs, but at this time, they are so fragile in the **** black mist. The mist just touched the mask, and immediately made a small sound of "squeaky". The mask was eroded with minimal flaws, and the flaws became bigger and bigger as the fog surged.

In a few blinks, the defensive masks of many disciples were corroded and clean, and the fog would soon erode to the **.

"So great!" The disciples were yelling, and the yellow characters in their hands were constantly being played. The defensive masks were thickened repeatedly, and they wanted to prevent the erosion of fog. However, although the yellow characters were many, they could not delay the erosion of fog at all. The brilliance of the disciples in the disciples is extinguished. After all, when Huang Fu runs out, it is when they are in the body.

And said that the haze will be Bi Lingsuo's sacrifice, the eyes flashed a trace of cool color, the hand swayed the law, and put a hand: "Go ~", I saw that Bi Lingsuo crossed a faint arc in the air, toward The ring is stabbed. That constant ring is not flustered, nor does it take out the implement, but the flag in the hand is shaken again. The thin mist has just thickened again, and it is again in front of Bi Lingsuo.

"Some troubles!" Xiao Hua looked far away, his brows were wrinkled. When he saw the ring, the ring was still just refining nine layers. In the past few years, the ring was actually advanced to the twelve layers of refining. It is obvious that After he invested in the Tian Mo Zong, he was rushed to the spurt. The Tian Mo Zong is obviously a magic repair. Xiao Hua has never heard of it before. It is very likely that it has only appeared in recent years. If it has not just been formed, it will always be secretly developed.

Look at the practice of Changhuan. In addition to using the flag, using the hall array to attack the haze, it does not reveal any magical exercises. It is just this magic array that can trap a foundation-based monk. · Really surprised Xiao Hua.

Just when Xiao Hua thought about it, that Bi Lingsuo had already rushed into the fog. At the beginning, Xiao Hua could still see the blue light flashing from Bi Lingsuo, and there was a tumbling in the fog like a boiling water. Between the interest, everything is quiet, as if Bi Lingsuo has been condensed into the fog!

"Ah?" The sullen stunned and stunned. The hands are swaying. I have to take back the Bi Lingsuo. I can beat it in the fog. It is like a stone falling into the water. I only feel the response of the instrument. However, the instrument cannot be recovered.

"Go ~" Changhuan laughed, this time no longer waving the flag, but in the mouth, there are words, and the hands began to incite the law. With the gradual progress of the law, the face of Changhuan is gradually covered with black, and the eyes are also Gradually, there is a **** gushing out. When the law is ready, the ring is screaming in the air, and in the fog in front of it, a dozen black gas actually condenses into a sharp sword in the air, flying toward the haze, this black fly There are some hidden ghosts between the movements.

"Not good!" Seeing the haze, it is also a change of color, and quickly shot a hand, a ring-shaped serve "drip" flies into the air. It seems to be a defensive instrument, that a defensive green brilliance The top of the head is pouring down, and the haze is to be protected.

Chang Huan sees the black sword with black fog condensed to stab the hazy body, where will the haze cast successfully? I saw a flash of twilight in his eyes. One mouth was a blood spray into the black fog in front of him. The black fog slammed a few times, and the dozens of black smoke were twice as fast as before.

"Go!" The yin smashed his hand. In the same way as the previous temper disciples, many defensive brilliances were played out. The yellow hues of the haze are naturally high-order, and the generated icy brilliance is before the black gas. Can not persist for a long time, but after all, can withstand the black gas for a moment, alone this moment, the brilliance of the ring can protect the haze.

It’s a pity that just a flash of joy in the eyes of the haze, between the two threats, the two black air suddenly became thick, and there are a few **** movements in the faint, this black gas will just form the protection Guanghua pierced, and suddenly pierced into the robes of the haze!

"Ah? You...·····" There is a voice of resentment in the eyes of the yin, until then he understands that the blood of the ring is only the two black, the other is just cover up!

The black gas is also very powerful. It has just penetrated into the body of the haze, and immediately turned into a black silk like a snake, spreading along the blood of the haze to the vital point of the haze, and the black silk is everywhere, and the skin should be It turns black!

The haze will bite the teeth, and the hands will not be smashed. With a wave of hand, take a jade bottle from the storage bag, crush the jade bottle, and take the medicinal medicine under the watch!

That is to say, while taking the medicinal herbs in the yin, the dozens of black gas that had just been blocked by the defense Huang Fu also pierced into the haze, and suddenly the whole body was covered with black gas.

The "plop" sounded, the hazy body actually fell to the ground, and then did not move!

"Ah? The monk in the base period was so slain?" Xiaohua looked at him with a stunned look. Changhua didn't seem to believe it. But then, Changhua laughed: "The foundation monk is just like this. !"

Between the words, look at the blue Lizong disciples who are struggling in the dark, and look at Xiao Hua and Yan.

When he saw Xiao Hua, he was slightly stunned, but he immediately skipped him and said with a smile: "The royal sects of the sects are well-deserved, and the poor roads have only two people to escape." Fortunately, the Taoist friends are not among them, otherwise the layout of the poor road is not in vain?"

"I ???" 巽纾 Some 愣 的 看看 常 常 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ? ”

"Hey, this gangster doesn't have to know!" Changhuag said with a smile: "When the poor roads will be taken by the friends, you will know the people!"

"Looking for death!" Where can I ask again? I pointed my hand, and I have always sent a beautiful brilliance to the thunder lock that I have guarded with Xiao Hua. A thunder flashing is always in the ring.

The sound of "咔嚓嚓", Ray Light is of course the score of the black gas in front of the regular ring into a few strands, after the disappearance of the thunder, the black gas is gathered together, but the color is lighter.

"Haha ~ building a monk is not the opponent of this bloodline, can you refine the monk with a refining monk?" Changhua laughed, and waved the small flag in the hand, and the hall was again surging A lot of black air, not only to protect the ring, but also to flood the entire hall.

"This magical gas is not as powerful as the magical man on the Baizhang Peak. But the ordinary refining monk is afraid of powerlessness!" Xiao Hua secretly thought: "Even if the refining and perfection of Li Zongbao can not be broken! I can only use the town cloud print or the magic gun tip. And this is the ring .... Hey, there was a gap with the little master before, today, since it hits, how can he let him escape?"

Xiao Hua is now repaired in the middle of the building, although he is in the bloodline, but because he has seen a more powerful bloodline before, there is no half-hearted panic in his heart. At the time, I took a hand and the dust flew out of the space. I flew into the air and sprinkled a layer of khaki brilliance to cover myself and the cockroaches. Then, I screamed: "Changhuan, can you know Xiaoye?" ”

"You?" At this time, Changhuan was waving a small flag. He wanted to attack the black gas and listened to Xiaohua. He looked at Xiao Hua and smiled slightly. "Who do you care about?" Lei Zong disciples! Even if I have seen it with Lao Tzu, I have some grudges with Lao Tzu, I will never leave your life! Don’t be close to Lao Tzu!

However, his eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

"You remember! Xiaoye's name is Xiao Hua, but I don't know the name of Xiaoye." Xiao Hua sneered and said loudly.

"Xiao Hua?" Changhuan, the ring is a few years ago, the face of the refining layer and the appearance of the 12-layer refining monk in front of the eyes are merged together!

"Ah? Yes..." is you?" Changhuan was shocked, and at this time, Xiaohua’s mouth was awkward, and his hand was shot on his forehead. Zhenyunyin flew out of his mouth.

After all, this town cloud seal is a magic weapon. It just flew out, it is the momentum of the people, and the aura of heaven and earth is attracted by the town cloud seal. The bronze brilliance will push out the black gas around a foot, and vacate one. Large pieces are clean!

"Ah? Magic weapon?" At the same time, the ring was surprised, and the eyes flashed with greed. Some red eyes swept through Xiaohua and smiled: "I don't think you actually got into the royal sect, you can still get this magic weapon. Unfortunately, the last time I didn’t die in Laozi’s hands, today you still can’t escape the fate of the day!”

Subsequently, the small flag was swung left and right, and a cloud like a black lotus was frequently generated around the small flag. Under the constant force of the ring, the cloud printing in the town was flooding.

"Little Master wants to see who is going to die!" Xiao Hua sneered, the mana in his hands rushed, and a brain broke into the town of Yunyun, the town cloud printed under Xiaohua's urging, has become three feet The size, then, is slowly flipped, and the flashing red and yellow brilliance of the bottom of the town's cloud print is aligned with the regular ring.

"Go!" Xiao Hua pointed his hand, and Zhen Yunyin made a deafening sound of "嗡嗡", and it was going to the ring.

"Ah?" The innumerable karma force on the cloud prints in the town is on the way, and suddenly there is a kind of inability to avoid and even helpless in Changhua. After all, Changhua has done countless horrible things when doing the repairs. There are a lot of karma on the body, and the power of this karma is his nemesis!

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Changhuan panicked and waved the flag again and again, and finally he did not hesitate to put another piece of mouth again. Three pieces of blood were sprayed on the small flag.··························· The small black lotus, with red silk flashing on all sides, flew out from the small flag waving, hovering and flying to the bottom of the town cloud print, want to hold ·······


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