Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 499: Xiao Hua vs. Zhang Qing Xiao Fo Zong

What Zhang Qingxiao said is that the town cloud seal is a magic weapon, and the mana used to drive it is very much. The heaven and earth aura absorbed by the town cloud print is more, which is also the root of the magic weapon. If it is really impossible to extract the aura from the outside world within this bloodline, Xiao Hua can only use his own mana to fill the town cloud printing. Otherwise, the town cloud printing can only be used! It's not like the ruler! And Xiao Hua’s mana is not as small as Zhang Qingxiao’s, but can he support it?

"But, since you don't want to say more, the old man will ask you the last question again!" Zhang Qingxiao saw Xiaohua's face change and smiled: "Your origin is in the direction of Xiaoyu mainland? For example, the east of Xiguo , South, West, North, which place?"

Xiao Hua eyes looked at Zhang Qingxiao, looking at this extremely strange face, thinking in the mind, he really couldn't remember where he had seen the lord of this day!

"Hey, seniors, if the younger generation said they don't know their origins, can you believe?" Xiao Hua bit his lip and stared at Zhang Qingxiao's eyes.

Zhang Qingxiao’s eyes flashed a hint of indescribable expression. It seemed to be gratifying. It seemed to be pity, but it seemed to be anger. Seeing Zhang Qingxiao’s expression changed, Xiao Hua’s dark road was not good. Waving is to fight on the town cloud printing, the body mana flow, the town cloud printing is to fill, and the town cloud printing sounds, the sound of "嗡嗡", the bronze brilliance flashed, gradually expanded.

Sure enough, Zhang Qingxiao smiled coldly: "How can this be trusted if you are deceiving? And let this sect see what the Royal Leizong disciple is!"

Zhang Qingxiao said that he would shoot a hand and a golden light flew out of the storage bag, flying to Zhang Qingxiao's head and standing still, it is his magic treasure Jingming Zhong. With Zhang Qing Xiaofa beaten on Jingmingzhong, a brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance, like Xiaohua’s Zhenyunyin, will protect Zhang Qing’s

"Hey? It's also a magic weapon? It's not a magic weapon!" Xiao Hua saw it.

However, he didn't think too much, he would have a little hand, and the town cloud seal roared toward Zhang Qingxiao. At the same time, Xiao Hua did not dare to carelessly, he waved his hand, and he flew out like dust. stand up.

"Hey, Benzong is also amazed. A kid in the refining period can actually drive the magic weapon." Zhang Qingxiao showed a hint of excitement on his face. Although he held the flag in his hand, he did not wave, so he really wanted to see The power of the town cloud printing.

"Okay, and let you know the power of my Royal Leizong!" Xiao Hua sneaked in his heart, trying to push the town cloud to print like a slow and fast, and his eyes were tumbling, looking around the hall. · Want to find the flaws of the bleeding array.

At this time, the black gas of the bloodline has converged to the four walls of the hall, and all the black gas is overflowing in it. It seems that the four walls are a black water, and there are numerous swirls inside.

Xiao Hua looked at the four walls are the same, they will release a trace of God, knowing that this **** has just touched the black gas, the black gas actually entangled his gods. It seems to corrode God!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was shocked and quickly took back the thoughts of God. He said: "I can't think of it... This **** line is so wonderful--in this day, the Emperor of the Emperor is actually more powerful than the hand of Changhuan!"

Zhang Qingxiao seems to know that Xiao Hua’s thoughts were shocked back by the bloodline, and the corner of his mouth actually showed a smile.

"嗡嗡!" The sound of the sound, the town Yunyin finally flew to the front of Zhang Qingxiao, I saw Xiaohua slightly lifted his hand, the bottom of the town cloud print gently tilted, aimed at the Jingming Zhong Zhang Qing Xiao.

"Hey, a burst of heart from the bottom of my heart, the tremors that infiltrated my heart, gave Zhang Qingxiao a face: "What is this magic weapon?" How is it so weird? ”

Zhang Qingxiao did not dare to neglect, the flag in the hand, a faint black gas falling from the sky, will be wrapped around his body, using the power of the bloodline, Zhang Qingxiao will be sent from the town of Yunyin karma The force is blocked.

"Bang Long" a loud noise, the town Yunyin has been kneeling, it is just above the golden brilliance of Jing Mingzhong.

Like a big stone falling on the koi, the brilliance of Jingmingzhong is extremely invaginated.

"Hey?" Zhang Qingxiao was surprised again. He didn't expect Xiao Hua to have such mana. The left-handed method was beaten, the sound of Jing Mingzhong's "When", the golden Guanghua Dasheng, a huge rebound force from Guanghua Produced inside, suddenly the town cloud prints.

"Silk!" Xiao Hua took a deep breath and was shocked: "The monk in the middle of the foundation... is really powerful. The magic weapon of this golden bell... I am afraid that the town cloud printing can not resist! And ····· · This magic repairs the treasure to protect the body, I can not be close, the consumable device has only one chance, before you can not break this defense, can not be used!"

Immediately, Xiao Huawei sank, once again pointing his hand, the mana once again poured into the town cloud printing, the town cloud printed the magic of Xiao Hua, once again violent roar, but the town cloud printing shrinks more and more, shrinks into one Ruler size.

"Go!" Xiao Hua shouted, and then secretly released the Buddha's knowledge and explored under him.

"Banglong" is another sound, this time the sound is much smaller than just now, but the power is much bigger, Jingming Zhong's Guanghua was rushed into a lot!

"Grandma's, Lao Tzu is a little stunned you!" Zhang Qingxiao smiled very brightly on the face, and the law was moved again. Jing Mingzhong was also the "squeaky" sound, and actually swayed violently, several brilliance Next, this will block the town cloud.

"Let you see the means of this sect!" Zhang Qingxiao will stabilize Jingming Zhong, the flag waving on the right hand, from the top of the hall, a few black gas is like a sword, and it is stabbing toward Xiao Hua.

At this time, Xiao Hua, his face was not shocked and rejoicing, Lang smiled: "Then let you see the means of Xiaoye!"

"Hey?" Seeing Xiao Hua, Zhang Qing Xiao’s heart is slightly stunned. He can’t think of any powerful means that Xiao Hua has already sacrificed the magic weapon!

However, the subsequent scene made him completely stunned!

I saw Xiao Hua’s figure swaying between him. A strong King Kong body with a height of two feet was born from his body. This body is full of golden light. Although many parts are empty, the edge of the figure has gradually The clarity, especially in the front of the two arms, the two fists and wrists have been solidified.

"This is ······" Zhang Qingxiao half-opened his mouth, holding the flag in his hand, he seemed to know what it was, but he couldn’t think of it for a while!

Just when Zhang Qingxiao was surprised, Xiao Hua’s figure flew up and flew toward Zhang Qingxiao, completely ignoring the black gas!

"啪啪啪" has been repeatedly counted, and it has been extremely powerful. Even the black qi that can be strangled by the shackles of the foundation can be smashed by the fists of the powerful King Kong body.······


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