Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Magic repair haze

The fifth hundred chapters of the magic repair haze

And said that Xiao Hua secretly released a trace of Buddha's knowledge, actually can detect the virtual reality of the bloodline, the blood of the bloodline has a corrosive effect on the mind, has no effect on the Buddha. So Xiao Hua’s heart was overjoyed, and the magical power of King Kong’s body was displayed. Sure enough, this Buddha's body is the nemesis of the magic repair, just a very powerful black gas, actually was broken by the fist of the King Kong body is not fully formed, simply can not be close to Xiao Hua's body!

Zhang Qingxiao saw this situation that he had never encountered before. He was even more surprised and stayed with his mouth for a moment. It was this moment that Xiao Hua was shaped like a lightning bolt across the hall and deceived under Zhang Qing’s Xiao Jing Ming Zhong.

Although Zhang Qingxiao knows that Xiaohua uses the flying character very fast, he can't think that Xiao Hua's flying technique can be fast enough at this time, and almost no action is taken. Seeing Xiao Hua is very surprised to come up. A dark giant, can not help but say that it is continuously hitting Jingmingzhong's defensive mask!

"Ah~~~" and other Zhang Qingxiao can see the giant things in Xiaohua's hands. I don't think it's a dumb laugh. It's a troll hammer. "砰砰砰" has a few sounds, the troll hammer is in Xiaohua. It is like a paper paste in your hand! However, this is something that looks like a paper paste. Actually, every time you hit the light curtain of Jing Mingzhong, the light curtain will vibrate violently! After several times, Jing Mingzhong actually sounded like a sorrowful sound, and the glory that was sown gradually faded!

"Hey, this is actually a magician!!!" Zhang Qingxiao couldn't help but pick it up. He knew how much Xiaohua's strength was, and now it seems that Xiaohua is still more powerful than his own impression. It’s going to be a lot bigger!

Xiao Hua saw the Troll Hammer effective, and his heart was overjoyed. After all, the town cloud printing needs mana, it needs the aura of heaven and earth to drive, and this troll hammer can only eliminate the effort, and you have nothing to lose, but it is a lot of strength!

"Go!" Xiao Hua then waved the Troll Hammer, while at the same time it was the place where the gods read the town cloud to print the troll hammer.

The rumbling sound of the rumbling, the tough jingming jing defensive mask, was finally shattered by a large hole under the attack of the town Yunyin and the troll hammer, and the big hole quickly expanded toward the four sides...

"***, you are so powerful!" Zhang Qingxiao couldn't help but sigh, but also waved his hand, spurred the flag, and the black gas like a fishing net sprinkled from the top!

"Who?" just waving the flag, Zhang Qingxiao suddenly changed his face, shouted, turned his head and looked in one direction...

Xiao Hua, opposite Zhang Qingxiao, saw Zhang Mingxiao’s Jing Mingzhong broken, his heart ecstatic, a sledgehammer wave, blocked in front of himself, wake up thunder and instantly make it out, toward Zhang Qingxiao’s chest. Just fly away! While flying in, the consumable instrument has been included in his mouth, just after the close, through the attack of the troll hammer, the instrument is played!

According to Xiao Hua’s thoughts, this instrument flies out. It can’t kill the sorcerer who doesn’t know the name. It can also seriously hurt him. With his troll hammer and nightmare flying sword, he may not be able to break this bloodline.

But in Xiaohua's driving town, Yunyin flew to the top of his head. He wanted to block the black gas that was sown, and when he spewed out the rituals in his mouth, he heard the anger of Zhang Qingxiao!

Xiao Hua thought that this was Zhang Qingxiao's plan to lure the enemy, but his Buddha's knowledge is very natural to sweep away from Zhang Qingxiao's direction!

This sweep does not matter, Xiao Hua heart shock! ! !

I saw the corpse of the previous haze, and there was a lot of black gas flowing from the positive speed. This black gas is very similar to the black blood of the bloodline, and it is more intense. This black gas quickly wraps the haze, one The doubtful, cold voice sounded: "This... this is the body of the Buddha..."

"***, another disciple of the Demon sect!!! Little priest is hard to protect today!" With the sound of this sound, a powerful **** read from the black air, and a comparable to the mid-term foundation The pressure is also pressed! Xiao Hua couldn't help but secretly complained, and the instrument in the mouth was hesitant. I don't know if it spewed out.

"Who are you?" Zhang Qingxiao sneered, and there was no pressure to release it. At this time, it was released, and the pressure was blocked. The pressure of the two mid-term monks collided with each other and will be inside the hall. The aura of heaven and earth are all disturbed, and even the black gas from the sky is also broken!

Of course, the pressure that has just been pressed on Xiao Hua is also blocked by Zhang Qingxiao!

"Hey? These two people don't know??" Xiao Hua, the instrument in that mouth is retreating.

Later, Xiao Hua’s knowledge was swept away, and the two men’s pressures collided together, and the black blood of the bloodline was disturbed. When the eyes were bright, the body shape suddenly turned, and the speed was several times faster than the speed of the two. The top of the pressure impact is flying.

Zhang Qingxiao’s eyes stared at the black air on the corpse of the yin, and he kept his eyes open. He did not see Xiao Hua’s escape, but in the black air, in addition to the previous sentence, there was a pressure to release, and again Nothing is moving, just the black gas rolling like boiling water.

"Oh..." A dozen sounds, Xiaohua made a lot of milk this time, rounded his arm, and the troll hammer hit a dozen shadows in the blood that had just been smashed by the pressure. Above the array, followed by the sound of "banging up", the town Yunyin finally flew, also hit the place where the troll hammer hit.

The sound of "哗~", like the blackness of the water surface, was hit by several cracks. Xiaohua laughed and spurred the vigorous King Kong body. One punch was the place where the crack was hit. The sound of "Peng", one A hole of one size is played.

Xiao Hua said nothing, his body shape, wake up and thunder, and he showed it in the hollow.

"Where to go!" A cold voice came from the tumbling black gas. Similarly, a dark black gas was separated from the black gas of the group and quickly shot at Xiaohua.

"***, Laozi's bloodline is naturally Laozi's master, Laozi does not let him go, naturally let him go, who let you worry? You want to keep him, Laozi just let him!" Zhang Qingxiao face Sneering, shouting, the flag is set, the blood hole is placed bigger, and several black air are also flying out, condensing into a cloud-like group behind Xiao Hua, it is blocking the black gas.

The sound of "Boom" was muffled, and the black gas was like a spike, and it was pierced into the black cloud. The black clouds burst into flames, and then it was shaken by the black gas...

"Hey?" Zhang Qingxiao's face is even more weird. He said: "You are not a disciple of Lan Lizong, you...what is the magic?"

Although the black gas passed through the black cloud, it could be blocked by the black cloud, and how fast Xiaohua wakes the thunder, when the black gas flies to the empty hole of the blood, Xiao Hua’s figure has disappeared beyond the hollow. !

"嘎嘎嘎嘎" makes a weird sound from the tumbling black air: "Who is this person who knows what you know? You are this little magic repair, and where did you get the magic practice? Actually pure?"

"Where are you the magic repair? Laozi's Tianmo Zong is the only magic gate of Xiaoyu mainland. Are you a lonely ghost and a ghost don't hurry to rely on this sect?" Where will Zhang Qingxiao answer him? With a wave of his hand, the flag will fill the bloodline, and the other hand will shoot the forehead, and an inch of long flying will spurt out in his mouth. The color of blood red is suspended in front of him.

"The only magic door of Xiaoyu mainland? Hahahahaha" With the sound of this sound, a person who is twice as ordinary as a monk slowly stands up from the black air, waiting for this person to stand still, just boiling. The black gas has gradually been absorbed into his body. The infiltration of these black gas actually reveals a dark magical armor. This magical armor has some fascinating runes, and the rune is in the faint blood red. It seems to be smeared with blood. The magic arm covers most of the person's body, and the muscles are exposed on the arms and shoulders outside the magic armor.

"You... are you a haze?" Zhang Qingxiao looked at his face already blue, but still can still see the previous face, not knowing the slightest way.

"Is it a heavy haze?" The yin said with a smile, the voice is still sharp: "The deity only knows that you are a frog at the bottom of the well. In this country, he has made a demon and claimed to be the best in the world! Hahaha, Really ridiculous. Originally, the deity still wants to find the lord of the magic sect of this day, and the business plan of my magical development is now unnecessary!"

Zhang Qingxiao's face changed slightly, his eyes glanced at the yin for a long time, and said coldly: "Then tell you this, what is the magic door of this rainy continent?"

"Cathedang, Hehuanmen, Liujizong are not all famous magic gates? Not to mention other small sects that are worth mentioning!" The yin mouth hangs and smiles, it is very contemptuous.

"What? So much??" Zhang Qingxiao was awkward, but then he immediately thought of something. The eyes of the two eyes hurriedly said: "The ** friends said that it is difficult to be... a million mega-mountain..."

Listening to the hesitation and temptation in Zhang Qingxiao's tone, the yin laughed and said: "The original Taoist friend did not know anything! The old man thought that you are the same as the old man, but unexpectedly... hahaha, Daoyou Actually, I was able to form the Tian Mo Zong, and I did what the old man and others could not do. I really admire the old man!"

"You wait?" Zhang Qing Xiao brows slightly wrinkled, arched: "This sect... Qing Fengmin, do not know how friends call it?"

"This is naturally a haze!" The yin smiled, and then looked around: "Why did the Qing Zongzhu not put this bloodline back, it is hard to be..."

The magic armor in the yin and screaming flashed a brilliance...

"Hey, ** friends have more thoughts!" Zhang Qing Xiao Wei Shen Shen, the flag in his hand swayed, a black blood black gas emerged from the four walls of the hall, all flew toward the flag, Zhang Qing Xiao said: "This bloodline is the deputy of the deputy lord, in order to report his former enmity. This sect is just to come and see it, there is no other meaning. I can't think of it... I can meet friends here. It’s really the big magic of my gods!”


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