Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 501: escape

~ Date: ~09月28日~

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Chapter 501 Escape

"When the old man knows the demon, he always wants to find an opportunity to contact the Qing dynasty. Today, the old man is also a coincidence. I don’t think it’s true that the old man’s thoughts are also the honor of the old man!” The sorrow saw Zhang Qingxiao’s blood collection. From then on, so I also read the strange law, the demon world is slowly turned into a black air, quickly spinning into the body of the yin, and his body shape is slowly shrinking, waiting for the whole body black The gas disappeared, and a normal haze appeared in front of Zhang Qingxiao.

"I don't know if a friend is... Which martial art is born?" Zhang Qingxiao thought for a moment and asked softly.

"Oh, no hurry, no hurry, the old man came out with other official duties this time, and now the disciples around him are all dead. The old man just has time to discuss with the Qing lord, these things can be slowly talked for a while!" The haze said with a smile.

"Big good!" Zhang Qingxiao said: "It is precisely for the ** friends to give pointers!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, the old man is just having something to trouble the Qing lord!" The yin yelled: "If the Qing dynasty can complete the old man's affairs, it is the chief hero of the mainland. ”

“Is it a rainy continent?” Zhang Qingxiao frowned, and said: “The magic of the millions of Mengshan...”

"Oh, this is the purpose of the old man and others!" The yin only said one more words, just look at the hole in the hall, and look confused: "Which disciple is the disciple who escaped?" Is it so powerful? The old man remembers that the hall is a blue Lizong disciple, and it is also a refining period of cultivation. This disciple can not only drive the magic weapon, but also... still bear the legendary Buddhism Magical!"

"What Buddha Buddhism?" Zhang Qingxiao was surprised to say: "Is it difficult to achieve the Buddha of my demon?"

"This ... the old man can't be more sure!" Haze said: "The old man is just showing the secret of this door, the eyes and ears are not clear, just look at it, and can not be very sure! If the Qing dynasty did not talk to the old man Keep your breath, leave it, and use the Soul Method to know something!"

Zhang Qingxiao’s face flashed coldly and sneered: “Is this loyal to the blame?”

"Ha ha ha, don't dare, don't dare!" Haze swayed again and again: "It's all the fault of the old man! The old man saw that there is a **** battle of the magic, and this is the idea of ​​waiting for the rabbit, if it is the body at that time. Where do you and me have previous misunderstandings? There are disciples of Buddhism's cultivation... The Qing lords will not let them escape at will!"

"Oh, no wonder ** friends, are the ideology!" Zhang Qingxiao changed his face and said: "This monk has a very strict tone, a word is not revealed. Moreover, the disciples in the hall are killed, this Lingbi Villa The disciple...hey, it doesn't exist anymore, the origin of this disciple is not easy to find!"

"Whether, the Buddha has been dying for tens of thousands of years. Even if there is a Taoist disciple who has left a little legacy, it will not be a big climate. And, is it that Daozong wants to annihilate the Buddha more than I do?" Smiled.

Zhang Qingxiao’s eyes turned and shook his head: “This... I don’t know this, but please ask the friends!”

"Haha, let's just say, let's just say..." Haze looks at the door of the hall that has been opened, and smiles: "The old man knows everything and says nothing!"

"Please..." Zhang Qingxiao raised his hand and pointed his eyes. It was the hole in the hall, and there was a thoughtful expression in his eyes.

And said that Xiao Hua, just out of the bloodline of the hall, did not dare to delay, do not look at it, in a direction to show the thunder and thunder is to take away, but the bias, the two voices at the same time he screamed: "Where is the kid!"

With that voice, under the starlight, a scorpion disciple holding a long scorpion waved his long scorpion in his hand, and a **** stench was swept away. Beside the Mozong disciple of this day, there is a taller one. There is a thick black stick-like implement in his hand. It is also the face of the skull. It is the face of the stick, and there is a soulless soul. The sound is obviously made from the soul of the living.

With the resentment of these two people, there are also many figures in the distance. Xiaohua’s knowledge of the Buddha has not been seen, and he has never seen the traces of 巽纾, so the eyes are cold and the left hand has no income. The space's troll hammer slammed into the stick-like implement with lightning speed. At the same time, it flashed a mouth, a blue-green brilliance, and the nightmare flying sword flew out, toward the **** place. Just fly away!

The two days of the Mozong disciples saw the situation, not shocked and rejoicing, their magical instruments are the soul of the living and the blood of the sacred, but ordinary ordinary instruments have been contaminated immediately will be corroded, lost the effect, this monk I don’t know how to make a ritual of the rituals, is it not falling into their palms?

I know, I heard the loud sound of "Peng". The turbidity on the stick-like implement not only did not smash the troll hammer, but instead slammed the body under the troll hammer. Not only that, but the Troll Hammer is still inexhaustible. Not only is the hammerhead squatting on the disciple's body, but half of the stick-like device is also inserted into his body.

Another disciple is even worse, the ear has just produced a loud noise, the nightmare flying sword is through the blood, an unspeakable chill is born from his heart, not waiting for him to scream, nightmare from his throat Go through and fly into the night sky!

With the nightmare flying over the body of this disciple, there is also the shape of Xiao Hua’s hand holding the town cloud print!

Since the two disciples were easily killed, Xiao Hua reached out and took the long scorpion from the air to catch it in the hands. Then he urged the remaining mana to wake up the thunder and push it out, like a shadow under the starlight. Flashing away. Waiting for other days, the Devil's disciples are looking for, where can you see Xiao Hua's trace?

"This time the Emperor of the Mozong... is very strange, he... How can he let me escape?" Although Xiao Hua escaped from the Lingbi Mountain Villa, the fear of the heart and the doubts did not go half way, still secretly thought : "Even if it is because of the yin and casually intervening, I am afraid that I can't let me go lightly?"

"Hey, what do you want to think? Even if he doesn't let the young man, can he still keep the young master?" Xiao Hua immediately took a sip: "The blood of the Tianzongzong is broken by the little master! Just, I didn't expect that the haze didn't die, and... it was also the magic repair! ***, the little master said his life to the lord of the demon sect, and in the end did not know who the surname is famous! How is Xiaoye so unlucky, this **** mountain of Lingbi Villa is obviously not rushing to Xiaoye, it seems to be rushing, how can Xiaoye become a scapegoat? The lord of the Tianzongzong... Will you send any sovereign? Let's take the young master?"

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