Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 505: Challenge

The fifth chapter of the so-called challenge

"But, if I wait for the two to come forward, the internal forces of the two of them must not be at the same time! So which internal force is out early, the person he wants to disassemble will be seriously injured!" Lei Huming touched his bald head loudly Said.

The yin and yang Wang Chong’s face is uncertain, his internal strength is the highest, but... is it better than the water jade and Ma Ming in the field? The question is, if he is not... Who can get it?

Moreover, if he is not, he will be the first name of the martial arts, as well as all the previous auras... I am afraid that it will be discounted! And this year's Luofengshan sword will become a laughing stock!

"But it!" Wang Chong felt a bitter smile, and he would go out as soon as he lifted his leg.

"Wang Daxia!" Lei Huming is holding him: "You... if you are going forward, but your life is worrying!"

Wang Chong smiled a little, and he slammed his sleeves. He shook his hand and bounced Lei Huming’s hand. He smiled and said: "I know this can’t be done, but if I don’t, who can I don't go to hell, who is going to hell?"

"Wang Daxia!" The audience heard it, and all of them showed the color of admiration.

"Hahaha~ Who said that you can only be a good person? Can someone else do it?" A laugh came out from the crowd, and everyone saw a flower in front of him, and saw a tall and thin young man performing a light-cut like a smoky pass. The heads of the people fell on the open space in the field!

"Hey, you little hairy child, the milk is not dry, the hair is not retreating, actually dare to swear in front of Wang Daxia!" A gray-haired old man immediately yelled.

However, seeing Xiao Hua standing in the wind, the body of Wang Chong and Xu Bingyi was bright, and Xiao Hua’s internal strengths were still not visible, but the light work that was just revealed was far from Xu Bingyi’s. of.

"This little man, I don't know how to call it?" Wang Chong said with a fist.

Xiao Hua did not answer. He took a look at Shui Yu and Ma Ming and smiled: "This is not a moment of chat, or it is better to separate the two together!"

"Young man, this matter... or the old man is coming!" How can Wang Chong rest assured that Xiao Hua came forward.

"Oh, it’s still coming down!" Xiao Hua smiled, his body was slightly moving, and in the blink of an eye he walked up to the front of the two men. He only stretched the **** of his right hand and picked it in the palm of the joint between Shui Yu and Ma Ming. The two suddenly felt that a suction came out of the palm of their hand, and the two men's palms could not help but turn to Xiaohua's body at the same time!

"Small man flashes!" Wang Chong sees Xiao Hua is a "slamming" solution, but still do not know how to avoid, the heart is long ago sigh, and quickly reminded, even when his voice just gave birth, that south wind Xu Bingyi body shape It was also shaking, and when he reached out, he pulled Xiaohua’s shoulder and tried to pull him away.

But when Xu Bingyi’s hand just fell on Xiao Hua’s body, he heard “squeaky” two muffled sounds, and Shui Yu and Ma Ming’s palms were all in the same place on Xiao Hua’s body!

Shui Yu and Ma Ming naturally know that things are serious, but they can't talk at the moment. At this time, the internal forces are unloaded on Xiao Hua's body. Both faces are ugly, not only because the body has been injured, but also because of the two. I felt that my palm touched the dead wood, and there was no internal force to counterattack!

"Young man..." The two men were about to speak, and at the same time, a sweet rush came up. The two did not dare to neglect. They took the opportunity to sit down and sit down and run their own internal exercises to adjust their interest.

Wang Chong is also going forward. The explorer will seize Xiaohua’s wrist and say, “Small man, could it have been seriously injured? Let the old man see!”

How can Xiao Hua let him hold his wrist and lift his hand to block it? He smiled and said: "Thank you, Wang Daxia, there is no injury!"

"Young man, still take a look at the sports." Xu Bingyi, who is next to him, took back his hand and took out a jade bottle from his arms and said: "This is the healing medicine that was obtained before. If it is needed, please take it!"

Xiao Hua shook his head: "No problem, no problem!"

"Xiao Engong!" Zhang Xuyang jumped out in time and shouted.

"Oh, Xiao Shaoxia!" Wang Chong heard, holding the fist: "The young man is strong, and he is really admired. I don't know what Xiao Shaoxia is?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is the reason why down the Fengshan Mountain today!"

Wang Chong did not understand, asked: "What is Xiao Shaoxia's words?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Oh, without him, just come and talk to the heroes!"

Wang Chong smiled: "Xiao Shaoxia's internal skills are superb, I am afraid that the old man can't compare..."

“Wang Daxia is laughing!” Xiao Hua smiled and held a fist to Xu Bingyi: “I want to compare with Xu’s predecessors and try to do it!”

"Oh, Xiao Shaoxia, I have seen your skills in the next time, and I am not as good as myself!" Xu Bingyi is very interesting.

"Youna kid, the five predecessors have spent a lot of internal forces these days. You are better than others at this time, and you won't win it!" The old man with white hair leaned on the old road.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was greasy in his heart, and the cold side of the micro-sweeping eyes glanced at the old man.

"Hey!" The old man suddenly felt a breath like the pressure of the mountain, the end is a black, almost to sit down on the ground.

"Oh, if Xiao Shaoxia is only trying to do light work, he can also accompany him in the next!" Xu Bingyi apparently thought that Xiao Hua would take this opportunity to show his head on the rivers and lakes and smiled.

"Please!" Xiao Hua did not say much, and he stretched his hand: "Xu Daxia is in front, in the back, if a scent of the scent can not catch up with Xu Daxia, it is losing!"

"Well, Xiao Shaoxia is really refreshing!" Xu Bingyi was slightly stunned, and then his figure was unfolding. It was also a shadow that flashed through the air and swept away from other places in the sunset.

"Good!" Xiao Hua praised and stalked in the back!

However, the physiques of the two men ran around the top of the mountain in the sunset. Xiao Hua’s figure was just hanging behind Xu Bingyi, and he did not look ahead. It was not like a test.

Xu Bingyi is also a Nahan. After waiting for a scent, the two have fallen on the court. At this time, Xu Bingyi has a flushed face and ups and downs of his chest. It must have been the image of internal exhaustion. You can look at Xiao Hua again, and look as usual, just like never doing a light job.

"Appreciate, admire!" Xu Bingyi hugs his fist: "Xiao Shaoxia's light work is amazing, and the style is restrained. Just gave the old man a lot of face, the old man... I am afraid it is better than Xiao Shaoxia!"

"Silk ~" Until this time, all the people who have been scorning Xiao Hua’s light work in the heart have been taking a breath!

"Lei heroes, can you ask for advice under you?" Xiao Hua did not directly find Wang Chong.

"Oh, of course, Xiao Shaoxia saved the water woman and Ma Daxia, just defeated Xu Daxia, this game should be a battle with the old man!" Lei Hu smiled and put up the posture: "The old man used the hard work, Xiao Shaoxia is careful!"

"Hey!" Seeing Lei Huming's posture, Xiao Hua's eyes brightened: "This posture seems familiar!"


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