Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Beidou Shenquan vial

~ Date: ~ October 01~

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And said that Lei Huming's posture makes Xiao Hua look familiar, Xiao Hua's eyes are bright, and he does not answer, double fists are followed up, and Lei Huming fights in one place. (, to force literature network

"Ah?" The crowd was horrified. It was also the color of Wang Chong’s eyes. He thought that Xiao Hua’s internal strength was deep and it was a rare boy in the martial arts. At this time, he saw him and Lei Huming’s fists. The appearance of tigers and tigers is obviously a hard work of cross-training.

"There are rare internal and external double repairs in the rivers and lakes. This... Which is this disciple?" Wang Chong did not feel his eyes on the martial arts people who had swept the sunset.

Surprisingly, Xiao Hua ignored him. He was filled with joy at this time. This Thunder Tiger’s boxing method really has its own merits. Xiao Hua will repair it as a cover, only by the flesh and some memories. The boxing method is fighting with him. At the beginning, it is still frequent, and it falls in the downwind. It can be seen with the appearance of the boxing tricks from time to time with Lei Huming. It also awakens Xiaohua’s memory. Some familiar moves are also slow. Slowly flashing in my mind!

With the recall of Xiao Hua's move, Lei Huming was gradually equalized by Xiao Hua, and then it was in a disadvantage!

"Hey, it’s a new generation of rivers and lakes for the old man!" Lei Huming’s heart was slightly sighed, and the boxing style began to weaken. It seemed to be the end. How can Xiao Hua make him succeed? A punch is like a punch, a move and then a move, each move is slightly different from what Lei Huming sees, but each move is wonderful.

"Hey, let you see the power of the old man!" Lei Huming also played a triumphant heart, the boxing style changed, a set of his broken boxing method that he had in his early years.

"Ha ha ha" Xiao Hua sees it, but it is even more familiar with the slapstick style. Xiao Hua just remembered something, and more moves are coming out of his mind!

"Look at the way of poverty!" Xiao Hua screamed and closed his fists. Immediately after a complete boxing method, this boxing method is as flawless as mercury and diarrhea, forcing Thunder Tiger Ming to only parry and parry, without the slightest effort to fight back! And a warm current also appeared from Xiao Hua's left toe, and began to temper his bones with the boxing!

After waiting for the one-hundred and eight-eighth boxing method, Xiao Hua followed the trend of closing, and played against it again, which only closed. A lively piece of heart.

"Beidou Shenquan! Hahaha, this boxing method is the Beidou Shenquan!" Xiao Hua was ecstatic.

Lei Huming saw Xiao Hua's gains and held a fist and smiled: "Xiao Shaoxia, this set of boxing methods is like an antelope hanging corner. You can find it as if you are outside the galaxy. It is natural and there is no trace. Although the old man knows that you are from beginning to end. The display of the show, but you can not find the flaws, only this ... the old man is not your enemy. Cheng Cheng!"

"Ha ha ha" Xiao Hua is very happy. How would you care about this fame, and waved: "Lei heroes, you and I are just flat, never split or lose. Why not talk about rivals?"

Lei Huming glanced at Wang Chong and smiled without a word.

"Xiao Shaoxia. It seems that the old man must be shot!" Wang Chong laughed. "Although I have been fighting for too many days here, the people who have challenged before have already lost. However, since Xiao Shaoxia can beat me three times in succession, The first old man in this world is also convinced to you!"

"You don't have to..." Xiao Hua waved: "I just want to ask Wang Daxia a question. As for the fight, don't mention it!"

Wang Chongqi said: "What? Xiao Shaoxia please speak!"

"In the next step, I don’t know if Wang Daxia has seen it?" Xiao Hua said, very much looking forward to Wang Chong.

Wang Chong’s eyes flashed a trace of confusion and shook his head: “Xiao Shaoxia’s exhibition, the old man has never seen it, it seems to be similar to the thunder method of Lei Daxia, but it is completely different, and the old man’s eyes are!”

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua looked at the crowd and said, "Which hero has ever seen this boxing method?"

Everyone on the field was whispering, but no one promised.

"Forget it, Wang Daxia, let's say goodbye!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and was about to leave.

“Where does Xiao Shaoxia go?” Wang Chongqi said: “Xiao Shaoxia still has a fight!”

"It’s not worth mentioning. In the next place, I want to come here to find the teacher!" Xiao Hua is somewhat interested.

Wang Chong’s face showed a trace of anger, and he smiled extremely: “Xiao Shaoxia, the old man knows that you are a martial artist, I am afraid that it is the first person in the rivers and lakes! However, I am now a sword in the Fengfeng Mountain. If you don’t come Whether it is here or not, it is necessary to fight against the sword in the end! You turned away, what is the face of the old man, what is the face of the hero in this world? You let me wait for the future on the rivers and lakes?"

"Oh, no!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized, and grew up to the tunnel: "Thank you for the reprimands of the predecessors, the younger generation understands that this is the fault of the younger generation!"

Said, Xiao Hua is to open the posture, or that set of Beidou Shenquan.

"Big good!" Wang Chong's face was gratified, his body was fluttering, his palms were unfolding, and the internal force of Jiuyin and Jiuyang was displayed.

Although Wang Chongwugong is high, it is only a congenital master after all. Compared with Xiao Hua, it is really a lot worse. Xiao Hua is only using Beidou Shenquan, but his skin is thick and thick. How can Wang Chong’s internal strength be able to Wounded? Xiao Hua has been fighting with him for a while, and he has not recalled anything. He just put his shoulders on his back, just like the warriors of the city, his shoulders are on the chest of Wang Chong.

This top is very clever. It is the two palms that have escaped from Wang Chong. Wang Chong only feels that there is no unrivalled force coming from it. Just like a boulder pressing, no matter how the internal force is, it can’t resist. Going back, I want to remove this strength. Unfortunately, this strength is really big. Wang Chong’s body shape is unbalanced, and it is very embarrassing to fall down.

Wang Chong was anxious, and immediately rushed to the midst of wisdom. He reached out and raised his hand. One hand grabbed the ground casually, grabbed the gravel on the ground and transported the internal force. He called it backwards and shouted: "Look at my hidden weapon!"

Although the gravel and other things thrown by Wang Chong are full of strength, they are comparable to bows, but they are not worth mentioning in Xiao Hua’s eyes. Xiao Hua’s mouth is full of laughter, and he will lift his hand. However, when he looked at him, he saw a green bottle in the middle of the gravel. The top of the vial was tightly covered with a stopper, and there were some delicate, dark green leaves on the bottle. Pattern.

"Hey? What is this? It looks weird!" Xiao Hua thought, and he would grab it when he stretched his hand.

But as he reached out, the green and shining bottle suddenly fell down, and the sound of "啪" sounded and disappeared on the ground!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked. He quickly released the thoughts and chased the place where the bottle disappeared.

It is a pity that the bottle disappeared like a ghost, and there is no sign anymore. Even if Xiao Hua grabs the gravel again, he will try his best to release the Buddha, and there is still no discovery!

"Quirks, is it something that is a god?" Xiao Hua secretly sighed, and at this time on the top of the mountain, there was a burst of joy and thunder. When Xiao Hua came back to see God, it was actually everyone cheering for himself.

"Oh, Xiao Shaoxia, it really is a dragon in the human!" Wang Chong jumped from the ground and smiled: "The old man has the last hand flying sword, if Xiao Shaoxia can solve it, the old man's first name of the martial arts It’s falling on Xiao Shaoxia’s body!”

Xiao Hua saw that the mysterious little bottle disappeared, and some of his heart was lost. He knew that he and Wang Chong and others were not all the way. It was useless to stay here. So he said, "Wang Daxia’s internal strength is deep, and it’s not an adversary. It’s just Concession!"

Then, raise his face and shouted: "The heroes present, who of you have seen Xiaomou before?"

It is a pity that everyone in the field has no envy, jealousy, enthusiasm, etc., and no one has promised, even though Xiao Hua has repeatedly called three times.

Just as Xiao Hua sighed and was about to leave, a rough voice came from the mountain road: "The poor road knows who you are!"

"Hey?" Xiao Hua was a big joy, but when he was swept away, his face turned from anger and anger, and the voice said: "You are the one who doesn't know the height of the sky. After practicing a few days, he thinks he is the best in the world. A frog at the bottom of the well!"

"Who is you?" Xiao Hua did not speak, and Wang Chong screamed coldly.

"The poor road is to come and teach you to know the people of the big land, let you know what is the real magical power!" The voice said that it was out of the mountain road.

"Ah?" The people who saw the voice did not feel the sound of horror.

I saw a big tiger hanging from the mountain road. This big tiger seems to be hanging on the ground, and the big tiger is sitting on a pale old man. The old man has seven layers of refining. The cultivation is very good, the hair and the beard are white, but the kind face can't hide the disdain of the old man and the thick scorn in his eyes!

The most surprising thing is that the old man is holding a few **** heads in his hand. One of them is the big man who Xiao Hua has just seen in the mountains!

"You are a singer, where are you, the ghosts and ghosts?" The people of the rivers and lakes are of course chivalrous, and even more daring. There are already a few heroes standing on the periphery who put their weapons in their hands and block the old man. In front of him, he screamed with anger: "This is where my martial arts fall in the Fengshan Mountains. How can you arrogate the sunset, and kill me and wait for the mountain?"

"Ha ha ha, but a group of self-righteous poor insects ..." The old man sneered, sweeping the audience with cold eyes, very casually shot a hand, a few fireballs hit out.

"Bad!" Xiao Hua was shocked. He quickly shot his forehead and wanted to sacrifice the fastest flying sword. But he still stayed far away. Feijian didn't wait to fly out, he heard "rumbling". A series of sounds, those fireballs have been hovering in the few men who are in front of the old man.

"Ah" counted a few screams, not to mention, these people were killed by the fireball, and the broken arm flew to the ground!

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