Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 507: Two people like ants

Chapter 507, two people like ants

Seeing that several people were raised by this old man like a fairy, they were killed. The people around him were screaming, and they couldn’t help but step back and give up a piece of open space.

"Hello is...the legendary immortal?" Wang Chong saw it, his face was extremely angry, but he was still very careful to ask.

"Hey, the poor road is exactly what you said, the immortal!" The old man smiled and spurred the tiger, slowly entered the field, and everyone around them rushed to give up a spacious passage.

"Since it is a fairy, don't talk to me about the ordinary people. The corpses in the hands of the immortals are all living people with flesh and blood. How can the immortals easily take human life?" Wang Chongqiang said: "And just a few martial arts colleagues are only Ask the origin of the immortal, will it be killed by the immortals?"

"Big good!" Xiao Hua blinked his eyes, almost rushing to Wang Chong to erect his thumb, the big man made a living, when he was afraid of being afraid of it, even if it was a power under justice, he would ask a question!

"Ha ha ha, in the eyes of this fairy, you are just waiting for the ants, this fairy can be crushed and killed a few things?" The old man still replied with a smile, then looked at Xiao Hua: "I just heard you shouting Are you the highest martial arts here?"

Not waiting for Xiao Hua to open, Wang Chong hurriedly said: "The old man is the middle yin and yang, it is the first person of the martial arts, Xiao Shaoxia just challenged the failure..."

"Hey, since it’s not what you are sneaking here?" Then he took a shot and took a flying sword from the storage bag.

Seeing a veteran monk with seven layers of refining gas in front of himself, Xiaohua’s face was only sneer, and his hand was lifted...

"I know that the old man is the first person in the martial arts. Does the immortal have to enlighten me?" Wang Chong walked quickly to the chair he was sitting on, took the sword from above, and looked at the old man coldly.

"Hey, you?" The old man’s mouth was disdainful, his hands swaying the law, and he was urging the mana. The flying sword flew in the air and turned into a flying sword, floating in midair.

When Wang Chong saw it, his mouth was bitter, and he quickly urged the infuriating body. He only heard a sword, and a sword like a dragon flew out of the scabbard in his hand. It also flew away in the air.

"Haha, I don't think you know Feijian too?" The old man smiled and pointed his hand. The flying sword crossed a brilliance in the air, and the flying sword toward Wang Chong was flying away.

And Wang Chong is also trying to push the internal force, and his flying sword actually swayed and flew toward the old man.

The sound of "咔" is light, and the flying sword is just above the sword, and the sword is divided into two!

"Hey~" The old man laughed aloud: "You are also called Feijian?"

Saying, the hand is another finger, the flying sword symbol is like a lightning bolt to Wang Chong's throat.

"Oh, nothing! Sigh..." Wang Chong knew that he could not escape, and had to close his eyes and sigh.

"Hey, you are also called Feijian???" Just when Wang Chong was desperate, Xiao Hua’s voice sounded, and I saw Xiao Hua’s mouth, a little red and blue sword toward the flying sword. Just chase it!

This little sword is very weird, and it is long in the wind. It takes a long time to grow a foot. The sound of "呲" sounds, the nightmare catches up with the flying sword, and the flying sword symbol is turned into two yellows. symbol.

"Which martial art do you belong to?" The old man immediately exclaimed: "The poor road, Lingzong Bai Ming!"

"Small lord is what martial art you are! Since you think of others as ants, you don't know, you are the ants in the eyes of Xiaoye!!!" Xiao Hua sneered, ignoring the old man's forgiveness, driving the flying sword is to Bai Ming stabbed.

With a burst of heartfelt feelings from the bottom of Bai Ming, Bai Ming suddenly changed color, did not dare to neglect, throwing his head in the head, taking a storage bag, a few yellow characters to take out, and at the same time, it is another shot The big tiger, the big tiger is also screaming toward Xiao Hua, a hurricane rises!

"Looking for death!" Where will Xiao Hua see this person and a tiger in his eyes? The nightmare is turned into two in the air, one stabs to Bai Ming, one stabs to the big tiger.

"Go ~" Bai Ming resisted the unspeakable heart, and the yellow symbol in the hand, a number of fireballs were born, blocked in front of the flying sword, they will hit a flying character on the body, urging the mana to escape.

"Booming" has a few loud earthquakes, the fireball burst, but can this fireball block the nightmare? The cold light of the nightmare was pierced from the fire, and it was straight to Bai Ming. "啪" Bai Ming sees the nightmare piercing, and the hand is a wave, an ice block is blocked, but at this time the nightmare shakes again, and it is a flying sword that flies out, and the white figure is just flying. When Zhang is around, the path is stabbing his throat...

"Dao friends spared ~~" Bai Ming was shocked, and the face like a **** was also a frightening deformation. He shouted: "There is a secret in the poor road, which tells the Taoist friend, but also hopes..."

"Secret?" Xiao Hua's heart is fretting. I can think of a big man who was still squatting at the foot of the setting sun before the hour. Xiaohua's nightmare was only a slight meal, and it was swept away from the throat of Bai Ming. .

At the throat of Bai Ming, there is obviously a flash of brilliance. Under the nightmare, there is no resistance at all, and it is immediately annihilated!

At the same time, the big tiger that hangs on the eye, even the strength of a beast of the beast does not, naturally can not withstand the nightmare, Jianguang flashed, from the white spot of the forehead through, after the big bang is thrown down on the ground.

It’s easy, a monk with seven layers of refining, and his beast is being raised by Xiao Hua... annihilation!

The blue-eyed nightmare was turned into a circle on the setting sun. Although the nightmare did not target the people in the field, but the innumerable karma contained in the sword was so powerful that it was difficult for the monks to resist. People who understand martial arts simply feel the end of the day!

Seeing that the nightmare was swallowed by Xiao Hua, the pressure within the souls of all people disappeared.

At this time, everyone did not know how to face Xiao Hua!

"Xiao... Real people! Thank you for your help!" Wang Chong said in his mouth, he must fall to the ground. Wang Chong’s face was pale, apparently he was seriously injured in the display of Feijian, but his face was revealing a trace of ruddyness. It should be the excitement of Xiaohua’s immortality in their mouth.

Where does Xiao Hua let him fall, and wave his hand to block him from laughing: "Wang Daxia, don't want to be more gifted, you and I are the fellowship of the Wuhui friends, please, please!"

"Xiao Zhenren, I am waiting for the grace of the gods to save the life!" Lei Huming and Xu Bingyi next to them are also worshipped. Similarly, everyone in the field is also unanimous. They know that the sizzling shots of Bai Ming just now, if not Xiao Hua, they have no life to live!

"Hey ~ stop ~" Xiao Hua looked at this group is very bloody, and there is a chivalrous heart of the ordinary folk, a hand shot, took out a jade bottle and threw it into Wang Chong's hand, said: "You have good internal strength However, the meridians are detrimental, and the life limit is not far. This is the Taoist medicine for my Taoist family. It is useful for you."


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