Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Good road, good faith, gold wire

Afterwards, Xiao Hua was also looking around and watching the people who fell in the field. He smiled and said: "There is no relationship between the two. There are no good things in the poor road. These medicinal herbs are given to you, and you should walk the rivers and lakes to remember the chivalrous two. Words, often take good for the first, don’t do anything to bully!"

Speaking, he waved his hand again. He used the remaining low-level medicinal herbs to be scored by him. He pointed his hand and flew out like a maiden flower, and there was one in front of each!

"Thank you Xiaozhen!" The people were overjoyed and shouted in unison, and the sound shook the entire sunset.

"The poor road is also gone!" Xiao Hua smiled and whispered, and at the same time, he waved his hand, and Bai Ming’s waist pocket and a storage bag were taken away by him. The big tiger’s body was also In the income storage bag, when Xiao Hua’s figure flies in the air, it’s a slap in the face of Bai Ming’s corpse, and it’s not a moment to burn it.

"Gongzhuo Xiaozhenren!" The people headed by Wang Chong are both hands clenched and punched in the direction of Xiao Huafei.

Waiting for Xiao Hua's body shape to disappear for a long time, Wang Chong and other talents recovered, Wang Chong looked at everyone, loudly: "All the martial arts fellows, I have always used force to win people, who has never done anything wrong before? Even It’s a veteran, and I don’t dare to say that all things are based on my own benignness. I am headed by goodness! Now I am waiting for Xiaozheng, it’s me who waits for a big chance, and I’m going back to reflect and re-find the way. Timing. Later, I will wait for Xiaozhen’s police training as a reminder to help the weak and walk the rivers and lakes with chivalry!”

"I waited but listened to Wang Daxia's instructions, and Xiaozhen people's police training for the Ming!" everyone shouted in unison.

"Well, I have to wait for the grace of Xiaozheng, this is really perfect!" Wang Chong took the jade bottle sent by Xiao Hua and said: "I don't have to go down the mountain, let me Xiao here. The medicinal remedy is taken by the real person. In case it is an accident, the old man has to swear before taking the medicinal remedy, and he will follow the example of Xiaozheng. Follow the example of Xiao Zhenren’s kindness and Xiaozhen’s good road! The old husband will eliminate the martial arts fellowship. Also made a vow!"

"Big good! I will wait!" At this time, everyone is boiling, how can they not be similar? Even if there is disagreement, I am afraid that I will not follow it!

Wang Chong will give the medicinal herbs in the jade bottle to Lei Huming and others, and Xu Xu is next to the five people, and there is no medicinal medicine in front of him. Chong nature also gave him this remedy!

When everyone else swears, take the medicinal herbs on the spot, and do not mention the internal forces.

I said that everyone is swearing. Xiao Hua has long been flying away. ■ The mood of good things is always very pleasant, but Xiao Hua still has some regrets about the life of the big man. The big man looks very fierce, but his heart is quite good, and Wang Chong The impression of Xiao Hua was also very good, so he gave them the remedies that they could not use. of course. Xiao Hua is also measured, and these remedies will only benefit them. Not harmful.

"Well, what is the secret that Bai Ming said?" Xiao Hua thought slightly: "It's a pity that he shot hot, as a monk, although there is a supernatural power, you can still treat others with charity, don't say It is a martial arts person who has internal strengths, that is, children who have no power to bind their chickens. They must also smile. With the secrets of these people’s lives, Xiaoye dismisses them!"

"Oh, unfortunately, the little master will not have any way to search for the soul, otherwise it can be used on this body!" Xiaohua’s mouth hangs sneer: "This is so fierce, I don’t know how many souls are on my hands. God is happy with the method of searching the soul!"

At this time, a feeling of extreme comfort suddenly came from the Buddha relic, Xiao Hua did not feel shocked, no longer dare to think, immediately fell from the sky, looking for a secret point to explore.

When Xiao Hua checked the Buddha's heart in the Buddha's relic, he felt stunned. The Buddha's heart was originally a kind of brilliance similar to the fire, but these brilliances are different, the colors are different, but at this time, this Guanghua How much more than a hundred times? And it’s already colored, it’s really like a lively Buddha fire!

The nightmare, the town cloud print, and eight borrowings, as well as the dilapidated little buckets that were thrown beside them, were under the cover of the Buddha.

What surprised Xiao Hua most was that the roots of the Buddha’s fire had a glimpse of the golden silk that was hidden when it was hidden!

"This...how does the infinite amount of fire suddenly change so much?" Xiao Hua sat on his knees and pinched his chin. He was puzzled: "And, what is this gold wire? This gold wire seems to be in the hands of the fire." Inside, it seems that it is not in it, should... should it be just generated?"

"Oh, I am afraid that I will have time to go to the site of the Buddha. I don’t know if it is a good thing. It’s not a good thing in the Buddha’s relic. I need to find a proper way. I will understand the secrets of Buddhism!" Xiao Hua thought to himself, and then thought for a long time, and did not find anything useful in "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing", Xiao Hua had to fly out from the secret, toward Continue to fly in the west.

Xiao Hua is ignorant. The generation of this incomparable karma is related to the specific causality. It is not related to the cultivation of the monk. Xiao Hua saves a nine-layered monk and is the same karma as a common man. Kill one. The cause and effect of building a pre-foundation and killing a common man are the same. He has saved so many martial arts people from Bai Ming’s hands. Is this kind of good fruit small? What's more, Xiao Hua's charity has influenced these heroes who are powerful in the martial arts. Their charity is also the cause and effect of Xiao Hua. These karma also have a huge impact! In particular, Wang Chong is afraid of the medicinal pearls donated by Xiao Hua, letting others do bad things, and actually wants everyone to swear, what is this pledge? It is the condensation of the mind; Wang Chong wants everyone to use Xiao Hua as a model. Xiao Hua is the identity of the immortal in the eyes of everyone. This is the condensation of faith. Under these coincidences, in the Xiaohua Buddhism Under the effect of causal reincarnation, there is a glimpse of the heart of the Buddha... gold wire! ! !

As for what gold silk is, I am afraid that only Xiao Hua will be aware of it after he has arrived at the site of the Buddha.

It was a few hours before I flew forward. I saw that it was far away from Fengfeng Mountain. The sky was also bright. Xiao Hua took a shot and a light-sounding note was sent out. Huang Fufei was in the air and screamed at Lei Guang. The sound actually flies north?

"Hey, why is this?" Xiao Hua was a bit strange.

“Is it waiting here for a while?” Xiao Hua also remembered the agreement with Ai and others.

However, I only waited for a scent of incense, and did not see them coming in. Instead, the message was sent, and there were only four short words in the notes: "Come on!"

Xiao Hua was shocked, and the voice inside the voice was very scared, apparently at a critical moment. Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and the screaming thunder was displayed. Just flew hundreds of miles north, and I heard the sound of thunder and fireball bursting in the distant forest.

Xiao Hua’s knowledge of the Buddha swept away, not frowning.

I saw the two mountains in the valley of the two mountains, and the three men were surrounded by six monks who were also twelve layers of refining. The six monks were also dressed in the same shape, like the sword, the sword, and the copper furnace. The instrument took turns to the three people, and there were high-order yellow characters such as fireballs thrown out.

Look at the three people, the thunder locks and the smashing thunder beads of Kun and the smoke are all sacrificed on their respective heads. The brilliance of the defense will protect them, and the dry dynasty will have a slight brilliance around him. Obviously he The magic weapon of the defense, the brilliance of these defenses has been fainted under the attack of many implements, and the attacks of the crickets are also reluctant. The fireballs and the ice thorns are also played in the gap of defense. Can't pose a threat to the other three!

What surprised Xiao Hua most was that in the valley, in addition to the three disciples of Yu Leizong and the six disciples who were hostile, there was a cockroach-like worm in midair, flying with claws and claws, flying from time to time. Di Heng’s attack on the side, the magic weapon of Di Diheng’s body protection is very powerful, but before it flies to Guanghua, it is from the body that it emits thick black water. This black water is obviously very corrosive and always The brilliance of the magic weapon is eroded.

"Grandma's, these six monks are difficult to be the spirit of the sect?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the Ling Ling Zong Bai Ming met last night: "Hey, there is a beast of the spirit beast!"

Xiaohua’s knowledge of the Buddha, in the notion of the nine people fighting, there is a monster body size of one foot, this beast looks like a rhinoceros, the head has been slanting into the stone wall, the whole body They all hang on the stone wall, and the dark part of the back of the corpse is obviously caused by the killing of the lightning attribute.

Xiao Hua’s knowledge of the Buddha saw the situation of the corpse, and he already understood the reason. At this time, several gods swept from the valley, and it must have been a vigilant disciple.

So Xiao Hua’s mouth hangs sneer, his body slammed down, and he plunged into the soil.

"Ha ha ~" only listened to the valley, a disciple of Ling Lingzong laughed loudly: "Several tyrants of the Royal Leizong, do not do anything to fight, it is useless! Look at the message you wait for How long did it take for you to come to the same door! I am afraid that I will wait until I see them, they have already escaped?"

"呸~" 巽纾 巽纾 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧When I got the chance, I changed my face? I knew it was so poor,..."

A distraction, her thunder locks could not be supported at once, the brilliance of the defense flashed, and the entire thunder lock had to fall from the air. The monk of Ling Lingzong obviously wanted her distraction. Immediately, a monk was separated from the dry Diheng, and the hand was pointed, and a cone-shaped implement was rotated and stabbed on the thunder lock...


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