Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 514: A missing piece of Lingyuan’s nine days

The 514th chapter of the Lingyuan nine days is missing

Xiao Hua was in a good mood, and he took out the jade. When he used the mind to read it, he felt that it was wrong. Because the last life of the soul-hunting technique was cut off, it seems that it is not over. There should be other content, Yu Jian. It seems that there is also a ban, but he is not enough to repair it. At this time, thinking of the Buddha, it is natural to use the Buddha to see it again!

That is Xiaohua’s Buddha’s knowledge has just penetrated. I only think that there are many black-like bans in this jade. This prohibition is not the same as his usual view. The place where the Soul Soul is located is A piece that was broken.

"Hey, Xiaoye got the control method of Buddhism, and he hasn't had time to practice. This is good. While practicing Buddhism, he cracked the ban!" Xiaohua’s mouth showed a smile and temporarily saved Yu’s space. The golden dragonfly that was given to the cold night was taken out, and the Buddha’s knowledge was viewed and the manipulation of the Buddha’s knowledge was drilled one by one.

I don’t think it’s a few days. Xiao Hua is practicing. I saw a messenger flying to my own eyes. It’s what I left for you. Xiaohua knows that the three people should finish their work and earn Jin Hao and Yu Jian. Within the space, the open law broke out of the cave.

Sure enough, Gan Diheng and other three people were waiting in front of the cave to see Xiao Hua coming out, laughing: "Xiao Shidi, I am ready, can I get on the road today?"

"Nature, nature!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The brothers are very good, I can naturally go on the road!"

"Unfortunately, after fighting with the disciples of Lingzong, there is no breakthrough in building the foundation!" Dry Diheng said with great regret.

"Building the foundation?" Kun said: "If you are building a foundation, the six disciples of Ling Lingzong are all building a foundation. Do you say that you have escaped your life?"

Then, I took a look at Xiao Hua and said with a smile: "If this happens, even if Xiao Shidi arrives in time, I am afraid that the consequences will be serious!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "I will wait to see it!"

Then Xiao Hua said to the martyr: "I am a teacher, do I have to cover up the traces?"

"What does Xiao Shidi think?"

Xiao Hua thought a little and smiled: "Since it has already arrived, it is not afraid of others knowing it? Or you don't have to cover it up!"

"Well, Xiao Shidi doesn't think it's necessary, then it's not needed!" Gan Diheng laughed and said: "Always hide and hide, it seems that my Royal Leizong disciple is stingy!"

"Big good!" Both Yan and Kun were not smothered, and then the three men flew toward the meditation under the guidance of 巽纾.

I don’t think it’s a few months. When I see the climate, it gradually turns cold. When the autumn arrives, the autumn and autumn rains are very strong.

Looking at the red leaves in the mountains and plains, Xiao Hua will hand a little and smile: "It’s not far from seeing the distance, and the best time to enter can be reached. I can’t go down and enjoy the autumn. What is the intention?"

"Very good!" He smirked his face and said, "Stolen for half a day, it should be!"

Dry Di Heng is also a second opinion. Only Kun is not hesitant. He whispers: "Xiao Shidi, the poor road needs to be prepared in order to get into the front, and see if the time is almost the same. If it is delayed again..."

"That's okay!" Xiao Hua glanced at the mountains where the red frost was dyed. It was a pity.

I am not happy at all.

Dry Diheng’s eyes turned and said: “Well, since Kun’s teacher is going to prepare something, I’m not afraid to wait for it. If I wait for a day, how can the teacher go alone?”

"Big good!" Kun is not a smoker: "The poor road is waiting for you in front!"

"Kun Shi is careful!" Xiao Hua worried: "If there is any danger, I will follow the past and be guarded by the side!"

In the eyes of Kun Feiyan, there was a slight complex look in his eyes. He smiled and said: "No, no, it’s a familiar friend, and there is no danger!"

Then Kun non-smoke and the three farewell trails flew away from the original direction, while Xiao Hua and others fell under the maple forest.

"Kun Shi is a bit weird!" Dry Diheng has just fallen down is the strange road: "This road has never heard her talk about what is prepared! And thus there is no market town to know, who is she looking for exchange?"

I don't think it is right: "Maybe she didn't find something to pick up at the Yiji meeting last month, and sent a message to other familiar friends!"

"That would be even worse. I am going to sneak into the book to avoid people. I don't want others to know the place. She is so okay, does everyone know that I am going to see it?" .

Subsequently, both of them looked at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Everyone has their own secrets. Did the younger brothers differ from each other for a few days? With the younger brother's precedent, I am afraid that I can't blame Kun. !"

The two listened slightly and nodded.

Xiao Hua took the two people on foot and went to the mountain to watch the strange stone scorpion. The odd trees were hidden. The red leaves of the palm of the hand really had the same five tips as the palm. The wind swayed like a lot of hands. .

"Oh, yes, 巽师姊!" Seeing what was like Xiao Hai’s hand in the **** sea, he took the hand and took the jade that he had loaned him to him. He handed it over and said: "This Yu Jian’s younger brother has already seen it, and the soul search technique has been well documented.”

"Well," I am obviously confident in Xiao Hua’s memory. I will take it if I don’t say anything.

"However, Yan Shizhen, this jade seems to have a ban..." Xiao Hua glanced at the unintentional embarrassment and whispered.

"Well, this is what Master got from a meeting of Yi Market!" He took the jade brief and smiled and said: "It is said that it is a million whimsy. Xiao Shidi is aware, million 蒙山那It is a soul repair, they are very proficient in the cultivation of the soul, so it is the way to search the soul of the law alone, even if I can master the disciples, it is very different from the magic of my Royal Lei Zong."

Xiao Hua nodded: "This is the case!"

Said, the dried Jane will also return the jade.

"To say that the soul of the soul is still a million mega-mountain." Dry Di Heng retracted Yu Jian said: "Unfortunately, I am the Taoist, the primary method of soul repair is nothing, too advanced , affecting the heart!"

"It’s just that it affects the heart!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "It’s just different from my practice!"

Gan Diheng and Yan are the descendants of Yu Leizong. They naturally see a lot of knowledge. After listening to them, they nodded frequently. They don’t know. In these few months, Xiao Hua is practicing the manipulation of Buddhist knowledge every day. How to crack the prohibition in the soul repair jade, but at the end, Xiao Hua found that his own cultivation is limited, and his understanding of the soul repair system is limited. He can't crack this prohibition at most. Forbidden to read the contents of the jade.

At this point, Xiao Hua has been extremely satisfied. Isn't his purpose to read the contents? It is also weird to say that this jade is a million meters away from the mountains. The text recorded in it is not that Xiao Hua sees the similar words in the green essays above the bidding secrets, but the words that are universal in comprehension. It is the same as the so-called soul-hunting technique that has been cracked, and there is still a lot of content in the post-surgery face. Although Xiao Hua can't practice now, it can be remembered in the heart.

Of course, in addition to the Soul of Soul, there is also a set of exercises for the soul, which is the common practice of cultivation to the human level, and Xiao Hua does not understand what is the order method. The explanation behind Yu Jian was only understood.

It turns out that the soul cultivation is the three souls of the human beings, the soul has three, one is the soul of the heaven, the second is the soul of the earth, and the third is the soul of life. There are six, one 魄天冲, two 魄 慧 慧, three 魄 魄 force, four 魄 center, five 魄 for fine, six 魄 for English

According to the three souls and six hexagrams, the soul repair divides the realm into four stages: human, earth, heaven and holy, and it is called the spiritual yuan nine days, of which the six days of the spirits: the ring of the sky, the **** of the gods, the sky of the gods, the sky of the sky, the sky of the sky, Condensed in the sky, the heart and the sky are cultivated relative to the English, fine, central, force, spiritual, and Tianchong of the six hexagrams; the soul of three days: the soul of the heavens, the emptiness of the heavens, the cultivation of the silent sky relative to the soul of life, earth Soul and the soul of the heavens.

Among them, the ring-shaped sky and the Qingshen days are called the human ranks; the Mingruotian and the Yingshitian are called the order of the earth; the condensed sky and the heart of the heavens are called the heavenly steps; the souls are heavenly, the yuan is empty, and the heavens are called the holy Order.

Moreover, it is also very clear in the jade slips that the human rank is equivalent to the refining of the Taoist sect. The ground level is equivalent to the foundation of the Taoist sect and Jindan. The heavenly order is equivalent to the Yuan Ying and the distraction. The fit, the robbery and the Mahayana.

Seeing here, although there is no explanation in the jade, Xiaohua already knows that the fear of writing this jade is not an ordinary soul repair, but a predecessor of Daozong. This predecessor should be stealing from a million Mengshan. The teacher studied art and wrote this practice as a text of cultivation. Naturally, the fate of this predecessor, Xiao Hua did not know, but the method of repairing from the soul did not spread on the Xiaoyu continent, which shows that his actions were unsuccessful.

"Right, it seems that Master said that people have three souls and seven sorrows. How can the soul repair only cultivate the three souls and six scorpions? What is missing?" Xiao Hua had some doubts when he saw this. When the jade is returned to the 巽纾 just ask.

"Who knows!" 巽纾 巽纾 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾 巽纾

Dry Di Heng is also scratching his head: "Since the soul repair is specialized in the soul, presumably they are right? This person has only three souls and six hexagrams? This thing does not work with me and other cultivation, ask what is the meaning?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but laugh. This thing really has nothing to do with himself. He didn't plan to practice this soul-only practice. It is the soul of the three souls or the soul of the three souls.

“Hey? There seem to be two injured monks in front of the mountain!” As I said, there was some movement between the peaks in front. Xiaohua’s Buddhist knowledge swept away and found that two injured monks rushed from the sky, not too late. The inspection will be drilled into a cave.

Ps: How can it be missing? Oh, it will be related to Xiao Hua’s great merits. Who can guess?


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