Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 515: Zhong Rong, Zhong Haoran

~ Date: ~October 05~

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Chapter 518, Zhong Rong, Zhong Haoran

"Hey? What is going on here?" He and Di Diheng apparently also found out, looking at each other and looking at Xiaohua.

"Does the two brothers start the thought of winning the treasure?" Xiao Hua glanced at the two people, quite intriguing.

"Haha, see Xiao Shidi said, I am a disciple of Yu Leizong. Can you compare it with the scum of the spiritual realm?" The face of my Royal Leizong is still scrupulous! The ten-story monk, even if it is the first stage of refining, the poor road is not ruined!" Dry Di Heng will split his mouth and say awkwardly.

Just as Xiao Hua’s heart was said to be good, Gan Diheng unexpectedly said: “I don’t know what magic weapon in their storage bag!”

"Hey~" Xiaohua didn't have a good look at him. He smiled and said: "There are some good thoughts in the heart. Why do you have any excuses for yourself? If you are the same killer of the sorcerer, the younger brother still disdains. I am with you!"

"嘿嘿" Dry Diheng is also showing a sly smile: "Today's comprehension, killing people is a common thing. If you don't kill a few monks and win a few pieces, you are embarrassed to say that you are Xiaoyu. The comprehension of the righteous. For the brother is also helpless. For the face of my Royal Leizong, in order to be the background of the brother ... can only be with the others 'same pollution"!

"If you have the same pollution, you can still get out of the mud and not dye it!" Grinning, her heart is also kind, naturally agree with the meaning of dry Di Heng.

"Of course it is muddy and not stained. But if someone encounters someone to bully me, I will wait for the Thunder to cope with it. Although the rainy continent is big, it will be chased to the end of the mountain and kill its people! Take the treasure!!" Xiao Hua seems to think of something, eyes slightly, cold and cold.

This voice actually had some shocking power. Dry Di Heng heard a slight tremor in his heart, and looked up and saw that he also had the same feeling, but he did not know how to respond.

In the blink of an eye, there was a glimmer of eagerness, and whispered: "So the mountain view is pleasing, I am still free to play, Modo said the language of defeat!"

"Oh, yes, it is!" Xiao Hua laughed, and when he left, he looked at the joy of a heart full of red leaves.

The three men walked slowly. After two hours, they were close to the cave where the two had escaped. At this time, two weak gods swept through the three men, and then they saw two men and one woman. Flying out of the cave, the woman’s crossbrows were cold, and a yellow scream in her hand screamed: “You wait for the deception to be too much. The poor road just wants to enter, but it’s not offensive. Killing this? Is it difficult for me to wait for my life?"

Although the words of the female repairs say this, we can see that the three monks in the front of the three refining airs are far from being able to compete with each other. Where can the yellow characters in the hands dare to throw them out? However, the male repair next to the female repair, although with grief on his face, can bite his teeth and not open, his body shape is slightly sideways, it seems to protect the female repair.

"Youna monk!" Dry Diheng was furious and stretched his finger at the woman to repair and swear: "How do you say that Laozi is also a twelve-layer monk. How do you know that this ten-layered monk does not know respect? It’s just here to visit the mountains and play with water. How can you be scolded for being plain?"

"Walking the mountains and playing with water?" The woman repaired her grandmother and looked at the male repairs next to her. Both of them were full of unbelief.

"Oh, this younger sister is flustered!" He first comforted the female repair, and then glanced at the dry Di Hengdao: "The younger brother, the two younger brothers have injuries, it is scared, see me, etc. The reaction is normal, you are evil, and who is not afraid?"

"Three brothers ... really is ... come here to swim in the mountains?" The man repair finally opened, it seems very loyal.

Xiao Hua was helpless and smiled at his nose: "Nature is, lie to you and wait for it?"

"Haha, teacher, three brothers are not..."

"You shut up!" The woman repaired and shouted: "As far as you are honest, what people say is what they are being deceived and sold to help others count the stone!"

"Oh...oh..." The man was shackled and his face was not obvious.

"Haha, no, if the sister does not believe, I will go somewhere else!" Xiao Hua did not think it was strange, he waved his hand and went elsewhere.

Seeing Xiao Hua and others turned away, the woman repaired her, but Huang Fu in her hand could not relax.

"Teacher..." The man repaired the whisper: "It seems... they really aren't..."

"Shut up, they are trying to make a decision. When we relax, we give us something unexpected..." The woman repaired him with a look...

After a while, the figure of Xiao Hua and others disappeared and disappeared. The man repaired his feet and said: "Sister, they are really not. Hey, I have not enough medicinal herbs, so it is easy to meet such a good-speaking monk. Is it so plain?"

"Hey, who knows it's true and false!" The female repair is still hard, but the face is obviously very unexpected.

"Teacher, if they are the sultry disciples of Shang Huazong, how can they say that they are leaving? People say that the twelve-layered monks can kill us!" The male disciple could not help. argue.

"Oh? It is also!" The woman repaired the yellow character in her hand and suddenly realized that the 12-layer monk in the refining can control the instrument. How can this yellow character be able to compete?

"哼~" The woman repaired her feet and argued: "I just think these people are not good!"

"That... then I want to think about it!" The male repairer did not speak, and lost his smile: "I will still heal!"

"Healing ... how to heal, the medicinal herbs that were taken from the family have long been used up, and there is no easy place around them. Where can I get medicinal herbs?"

"Since you know... why don't you..."

"I am not vigilant!" The woman repaired him with a look: "I don't go, I didn't say I won't let you go!"

"Ah?" The man repaired the big man.

"Not too fast!" The female repair urged.

"唉~" The male is smiling and very helpless. He is very helpless to spur the flying character and flies in the direction of Xiao Hua and others disappearing.

However, for a long time, Xiao Hua and others looked back with the unspeakable look.

Seeing that Xiao Hua and others actually came back, the woman repaired her face very embarrassed, and stunned the man to fix it. Although he did not speak, the gaze seemed to have a piece of meat from the man's face.

"Teacher, I can't do anything. The three brothers said that if I don't say why I was injured, and I have to wait for them, they will not give me the medicine, I... I have to bring them over!" Scratching the head, very helpless.

But immediately, the woman repaired her face with a positive look and said: "The disciple Zhong Rong, this is the disciple's younger brother Zhong Haoran, I am a disciple of Meng Guo Xiuzhen, I have seen three brothers. I don't know which three brothers are. High enough?"

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