Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Have a change

~ Date: ~ October 06~

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Zhong Rong’s gaze turned around in the face of Yan and Dry Di Heng. Both of them were older than Xiao Hua. The three men’s cultivation is the same, and they must all be Xiao Hua’s brothers.

But the two did not answer, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The poor road Xiaohua, this is the poor brother of the poor, Di Heng, this is the poor teacher, I am the Xi Guo Yu Leizong disciple!"

Seeing Xiao Hua’s opening, I thought that Xiao Hua was the first to go, knowing that the three of them were headed by the youngest Xiao Hua, and Zhong Yan’s face was amazed. He said: “It turned out that Yu Leizong’s high foot, his disciple admired Long!"

"Oh, they are the monks of Xiaoyu mainland, and they are also polite!" Xiao Hua waved: "I will tell the things that the friends have encountered with the poor roads. Zhong Daoyou, I am not curious, just because I wait. I also travel here, if I know what happened to you, I can do it in my heart!"

Zhong Rong nodded and said; "Things are so!"

Later, Zhong Rong said the incident of two people being injured. Xiao Hua and others listened and listened, but they didn't feel that their faces changed greatly. They really didn't expect that the encounters of Zhong Rong and Zhong Haoran were really related to them.

It turns out that Zhong Rong and Zhong Haoran also traveled to the Xi country. However, they did not have such a clear goal as Xiao Hua and others, but after they left a lot of places, they finally came to the vicinity. Of course, the meditation is one of the top ten dangers of Xiaoyu mainland. It is far from the place where two refining ten-layer monks can go. They started thinking just to get to know long, but when they got there, they found that... There are quite a few monks who know that these monks are not waiting for the opportunity to wait around the entrance. There are also many monks forming a battle, blocking the entrance! ! !

Zhong Rong and Zhong Haoran began to be only on the periphery. It has been seen for a long time. It has been understood that there has been a great change in this meditation. There are even treasures for the advancement of the refining monks, and the monks who hold the entrance to the entrance are the disciples of Shang Huazong, Qi Qiaomen and Yan Yan. They want to join hands to keep the other disciples out of their homes. When Zhong Rong saw it, he thought about the hardships of his own family. Naturally, he moved his mind. Zhong Haoran, who was not very happy with him, joined it in a conflict with Shang Huazong and other three factions. I want to rush into the world. I know, they are really shallow. Just approaching the entrance, he was discovered by a disciple of Shang Huazong, who actually gave up his own rivals and concealed the two people to do their best to resist. The body was attacked by the wounded, and the disciples of Shang Huazong did not intend to let go of the two. They were chasing after them, and they were also two people’s lives. Just as there were other monks rushing into it, that’s Shanghua. The disciples had to chase after a few miles and then retired.

and so. Zhong Rong became a bird of surprise, and when he saw Xiao Hua and other people, he thought that it was the disciple who was pursued by Shang Huazong that caused the so-called misunderstanding!

"Hey, the two friends... It’s really daring!" After listening to the portrayal of the two, Xiaohua’s face changed slightly, and smiled bitterly: "It’s just a treasure, you have to have life to enjoy it! Huazong, Qiqiaomen and Yanyan teach are the three major sects of my country, so you can get it?"

"It's all refining disciples... I... I don't have any chance to say what I want to say?" Zhong said unconvincedly.

"Cut~" Dry Diheng looked at the family of the family who was more arrogant than himself. He sneered: "If you don't wait for me today, if it is not the goodness of Xiao Shidi, you... Hey, I am afraid that it is a life-threatening danger!" ”

"The big deal is the body, the poor road... I have already realized this when I came out to practice!" Zhong Yu is still hard at the mouth: "The poor road has already said the matter, and the three Taoist friends can exchange the drug for us." ?"

"Oh, no hurry, there are two questions to ask in the poor road!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Isn't the entrance to the meditation not open for a while? How can it be entered at this time?"

"Where is the poor road known? It may be that there has been a change in the inside, and the entrance to the meditation has changed!" Zhong Rong shook his head. "The days of opening and closing the entrance to the entrance will always change. Now it may be time to change." ”

"Well, what is the treasure that can make the refining monk advanced?"

"This..." Zhong Rong’s face was embarrassed and whispered: "The poor road... I don't know!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, next to Zhong Haoran also said with embarrassment: "Those monks only said that there are treasures, but did not say what!"

Xiao Hua looked at her eyes, and her eyes were a bit confused.

"There is still a problem in the poor road~" Xiao Hua asked: "What are the disciples who are observing the entrance?"

"Nature is a disciple of the refining period, and most of them are twelve layers of refining!" Zhong Rong didn't have a good air: "If there is a predecessor with a foundation, how dare the poor road go forward?"

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded and rushed to Di Heng to make a look. He Diheng took a shot and took out the treatment of Yu Leizong. He gave it to Zhong Wei, and Zhong Xiao saw Xiao Hua said that he did it. He naturally opened his eyes and smiled. Zhong Haoran changed with Lingshi. Later, he lost his smile and said: "I don't know if the brothers will give more medicinal herbs? These are only enough for me to heal, so the journey back to Mongolia is far away..."

"Zhong Shimei, hello, no reason, just a bad talk when I met, now I have to ask for a poor road, I want to get a inch of it?" Dry Diheng did not have a good air: "My brother, I also came to travel, this medicine I also need to be tight. If Xiao Shidi wants to ask you something, I will not change it with you!"

Zhong Rong’s face rose red, and her teeth were not so thick and shameless. She could only bite her lip and whispered: "If that is the case... Thank you for your brother! This is the poor road!"

"Hey~" Xiao Hua looked at the two people. It was quite a bit scratching his head. He took out four bottles of medicinal herbs and threw them in front of Zhong Haoran and smiled. "You still have to hurry and heal the wounds. It’s the fate of my meeting, there will be a period!”

Saying, the figure flutters and flies in the direction of the meditation.

He and Dry Di Heng are not too slow, and they hand in the tunnel: "Farewell!", and then fly away.

"This..." Zhong Haoran held four jade bottles in his hand, his face was emotionally excited, and his mouth yelled: "Xiao Shixiong, don't go, don't go, the younger brother gives you Lingshi!"

"When" sounded, Zhong Rong looked up and knocked on his head and yelled: "You stupid goods, do you still want to send you something? I am not enough for Lingshi, I am afraid I can't pay for these four jade." The bottle of the drug!"

"But..." Zhong Haoran handed the jade bottle to the sister, and succumbed: "Yi, Yu Leizong is not inferior to Shang Huazong's self-cultivation sect. How are their disciples so humble and good? These are broad-minded The monk is the good friend you and I have handed over. How can it be cheaper for everyone? This is the four bottles of Royal Leizong!"

"Hey, what do you take for someone else's feelings? This medicinal medicine is very precious in your eyes. It is obviously worthless in the eyes of Xiao Hua, otherwise how can you give it to you easily?"

"Teacher, you can't say that! The saying goes, the grace of dripping water is reported by the spring, Xiao Daoyou, this person's feelings should be remembered, if there is a chance to change in the future! Also, do you care if people care?" "Zhong Haoran said, it is another face of worship: "And, have you not seen this Xiao brother? The age is so light, the cultivation is actually higher than his two brothers! The two brothers still have to listen to him." of!"

"Hey, look at the young, that is also taking the thing of the Yan Yan, otherwise how could it be refining the twelve layers and still look like 18 years old?"

"Teacher, even if he took the place of the Yan Yan, he couldn't see the specific age, but... the brother of the brother also called his younger brother, he... how big can he be? Maybe it is smaller than you and me!"

"Cut ~ how is it possible!" Zhong Shuzui, I don’t think it was impossible. I immediately turned to the topic: "I will continue to heal the wounds! After the injury, I will contact them with the three uncles and return to Mongolia!"

"Well, what the teacher said is!" Zhong Haoran nodded. "Don't you know that the three uncles have found a strange stone?"

"Don't mention anything to do with the strange stone. If it is not for it, can the spiritual stone that I wait for can be polarized?" Zhong said with enthusiasm.

"Don't mention it? This instrument of refining in the family is ready to be used as a vassal device. You don't have to work hard!"

"Not to heal!" Zhong Yan will look at the eyes, a jade bottle flies into the arms of Zhong Haoran, both of them are flying the flying character and flying into the cave.

In the distance, Xiao Hua frowned and looked at it. He also asked if he was thoughtful. "When you are a teacher, you said that the treasures that the two brothers and sisters said are related to what we are looking for... Is it the same? ”

It seems that after careful consideration, he shook his head: "As far as the poor road is concerned, it is two different things!"

Then I glanced at Di Diheng and said: "I have an appointment beforehand. When I get to know it, I can clearly explain the ins and outs of this matter. At this time, the teacher is not here, but it is inconvenient to explain. However, Xiao Shidi is relieved, I will wait. The things that are found are only effective for body sculpting, and are effective for practicing the Thunder. I have not heard that it is effective for all refining disciples to improve their realm!"

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded slightly, and I knew in my heart that it was one of the ten dangerous places in Xiaoyu’s mainland. If there is any treasure in the middle, it would be nothing unusual to raise the realm of the refining disciple. It’s just this. The treasures appear unfortunately, and they are somewhat in conflict with their plans. I am afraid that it is a little troublesome!

"Ha ha" dry Di Heng smiled at this time: "Isn't this just right? I can just do two things at a time, can get that thing and get advanced treasures!"

"Is the brother-in-law too confident and too greedy?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"There are Xiao Shidi, Shang Huazong has no predecessors who built the foundation, who is afraid of who?" Dry Di Heng smiled more than before.

"This..." Xiao Hua’s heart is also a move, but he still said in his mouth: "Will you wait for Kun to come back, you will take the ins and outs of things, and I will go and find out the reason for the treasure to make another decision!" ”

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