Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 522: Eyes awaken

And said that Xiao Hua had just taken Zhen Yunyin in his left hand. Suddenly, a violent feeling of exhaustion was born from his Buddha's relic, and an inexplicable beating was also in the stomach of Buddha's relic, which should be mud. The location of Maruyama appears.

"This is..." Xiao Hua is surprised, his left hand is involuntarily twitching, a sense of presence comes from the palm of his left hand!

"Oh, it turned out to be this thing!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that when he saw Xiao Huang’s forehead’s eyes, he felt in his memory that his left hand should also have it. The scar on the palm should be Xiao Huang. The eyes are similar to things. But for so many years, the left hand seems to have no movement, that is, there is no wake-up in memory, Xiao Hua almost forgot this thing!

Who knows that it is time to observe, to the so-called eyes of the Nether, the left hand actually has a weak movement?

Xiao Hua’s thoughts have just been born, and the scar from the left hand suddenly gave birth to a great attraction. This suction path is rushed to Xiaohua’s mudball palace. Unfortunately, the mudball palace was smooth after it was beaten. The Buddha's knowledge of the Buddha's relics, as well as the gods of the Buddha's Golden Body Muscle Palace, were sucked away by the suction, and ... also continually absorbed the Buddha's knowledge, and the Buddha's relics of Xiaohua's relics quickly disappeared. dim!

"Hey!" When Xiao Hua’s head was on the road, there was a pain in the crack, and the body shape was a swing, and it would be planted from midair!

"Xiao Shidi!" I have already noticed Xiaohua's every move, lest Xiaohua be injured in the battle with a dozen disciples. At this time, seeing Xiaohua is different. Nature is the first discovery, and immediately flies in shape, desperate to take care of it, it is to hold the waist of Xiao Hua!

"Xiao Shidi!" Dry Diheng is yelling again. He quickly flew down and held one arm of Xiao Hua with his hand.

But seeing Xiao Hua's face pale, it seems that there is no blood, it is a tired abnormal.

Without the traces, the hand was shrunk back. It was also the support of Xiao Hua’s arm. A pair of worried autumn water stared deeply at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua fully operated "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing", resisting the unspeakable pain on his head, his face appeared bitter, whispered: "The younger brother is afraid that he can't fly. Trouble with the younger brother, hurry, don't Let Shang Huazong disciples see the clues!"

"For the brother to understand!" Dry Diheng, La Xiaohua's arm, will fly away. Where will he let him pull alone? While holding the other arm, I still blame: "Teacher, really can't do it... oh..."

I want to blame, but when I get to the mouth and I don’t know how to say it, I have to look at Xiao Hua’s pale face. Together with Gan Diheng, I rushed to find a direction and flew in.

Kun Feiyan looked at the back of the cockroach with some unusual eyes. He bit his teeth slightly and chased it up.

Xiao Hua is "injured". It is natural to stop looking for Zhong Rong's milk and even looking for advanced treasures, and there is no support from Xiao Hua. The three people of Di Diheng are really not sure what to look for alone!

He and Dry Diheng flew with Xiao Hua for a moment, seeing the many wind pillars in front of them getting bigger and bigger. There was a slight space crack in the front, and I didn’t dare to fly forward. However, the terrain was very special, and there were no mountains that were too tall. They were all hills and wanted to find a rest. The caves are all tough. Moreover, he and others understand that because the space of the meditation is unstable, the ground does not know the situation, and it is not possible to use the scorpion sign, otherwise it is easily damaged by the space crack, and the damage is lightly injured* *, heavy life is not guaranteed!

Look at the dry Di Heng, whispered: "Dry younger brother, or not..."

Dry Diheng knows what he wants to say, and quickly shakes his head: "Hey, I don't want to go to that place now! The situation is different from our pre-estimation. There are a lot of comprehension disciples, and they are all It’s not worse than ours. If Xiao’s younger brother can’t recover before they get it, they’re not only unable to get the bells, but their lives are hard to protect!”

Xiao Hua seems to be extremely weak, whispered: "First fly along the other side to the other side, do not go inside, wait for the younger brother to raise the wound and say!"

"But..." Dry Diheng still has some hesitation. It is really not the place where the refining monks come. The reason why they dare to come, of course, is to prepare in advance, and also know that there is a road that is safe. Although Xiao Hua’s words are only flying to the other side, they are not deep, but they are actually dangerous.

"Listen to Xiao Shidi’s instructions!" Although he was hesitant in his face, he nodded resolutely.

"Don't stop", Di Diheng sighed, and God swept away from the place, but this sweep was a horrible face, and God could only use it around a mile, and then could not go out.

Fortunately, it was about half an hour. I found a half-light cave in the low places between the two hills. At this time, Xiao Hua’s severe headache slowed down a little, and the headache was put on the law. Four people are hiding in it!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s five-hearted meditation, the muscles between the eyebrows and the pains of the eyebrows twitched from time to time. Although he was sitting far away from him, his heart was still stunned. After several hours, Xiao Hua’s face gradually became bloody... ...

Three days later, Xiao Hua finally stopped the speeding operation of the "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing". The glory of the Buddha's relic has restored its previous appearance. Not only that, but after the suction extraction, Xiao Hua has been sleeping for three days. Practice, the Buddha relics appear more vivid, the surface of the relics faintly "卍" appears, but has a more beneficial! What is even more bizarre is that in the eyebrows of the Buddha's relic, under the "卍" graphic, there is a erected crack, the same as the third eye!

"Don't open the eyes!" Although Xiao Hua did not open his eyes, his left hand slightly spread out, and the crack in his hand was slightly opened. A silver-colored scorpion stared in the crack for a long time in the cave.

"My eyes in this hand are actually called the smashing eyes!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but pick up the shocking waves. After all, everything he saw just after breaking the eyes of the smashing method surprised him, breaking the cave and the naked eye in the eyes of the law. Seeing is not the same, he only sees a glimpse of the gap between the hair, and the different brilliance of the brilliance next to the gap. As for the stone, what the ground is a piece of cockroach.

Combining with what is remembered in my mind, Xiao Hua understands that this little bit of fluorescence should be the aura of heaven and earth, and the gap between the fine hairs should be the so-called space crack.

"This method of breaking the law is controlled by Buddha. It should have been sleepy before. If it is not here, because it is unknown, it is afraid that it will not wake it up. However, at this time, the Buddha relic is too low. Order, you can't control the broken eyes, this is a little tired to look at, but let it rest more!" Although Xiao Hua knows that the law is a good thing, can do anything or not, and, every When you open your eyes, Xiao Hua’s Buddha relics will feel exhausted. They can only close their eyes and slowly rest.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at the people who were in the low eyebrows and patrols in the distance. They still didn't wait for him to talk. He was already very sensitive and opened his eyes. He was very pleased and shouted: "Xiao Shidi, you... ...your injury is good?"

Xiao Hua screamed, and his mouth smiled: "Thank you for your concern, the younger brother is no problem!"

"Hey, Xiao Shidi, knowing... forget it, I won't say it. In the future, I can't do anything to control the magic weapon. The magic weapon is easy to use, but it is far from being a refining monk like you and me. Wishful use..."

Seeing the concern of Gan Diheng, Xiao Hua stunned and laughed: "Is this younger brother not forced? If not, how can we come in? Well, yes, I don't know how they are?"

"Take them!" Dry Di Heng pouted, very disdain, said with a wave: "I think it is uncomfortable to think of Kempeng! Why do you lie on it? If he has a supernatural master of Xiao Shi, 80% Just listen to him!"

"Don't" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand: "Maybe the overall situation should be heavy! I am a bit of a wayward!"

Kun Feiyan smiled and said: "Nothing, seeing the poor road, I can wait for a few people to rush into the battle of Shang Huazong's disciples. One highlights the prestige of my Royal Leizong, and the other two disciples can also attack. If this is a good time, if they can't use it, then..."

"That is a group of pigs!"

Despite the more nonsense of Di Heng, I almost felt that he was a younger brother. Xiao Hua touched his nose and said: "I have been resting for a few days, still feel that I want to go to that place! The younger brother can’t help but want to see Zhong Rong. What does milk look like!"

"Hey, Xiao Shidi, since I am here, I don't have to do more concealment!" Gan Diheng glanced at him and smiled. "This is something that should have been explained to the younger brother. After all, I can come here." It’s all Xiao’s credit!”

Xiao Huaqi said: "Dear brother, how do you say something useless? Is there any twist in it?"

"Oh, it's not a twist!" He smiled bitterly: "After all, when the poor road was negotiated with Kun Shi and the younger brother, he had already agreed not to tell Xiao Shidi in advance. Of course, this is not... Deliberately concealing anything, because this place is too important, only the ancestors of Yu Leizong can know. If you can't enter the meditation, the news will be leaked. Oh, the poor road is not afraid that Xiao Shidi will leak the news..."

Hey, what he thought of, he explained quickly.

"Oh, don't worry!" Xiaohua himself has a lot of secrets, how can he care about the prevention of others? And... Xiao Hua is not a blind man, not a ignorant teenager. How can he not know how to perform along the way? How is his mind unclear? If it is said that Kun is not a smoke or that Di Di will deliberately conceal himself, people will never.

Ps: Hey and Xiao Hua... Is it the legendary embarrassment? . .


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