Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Snail

"Since I have already joined hands here, I will not say anything extra!" Xiao Hua said with a smile: "This is the same brother and brother, some natural barriers can not block me and other common goals!"

"Oh, Dashan!" Gan Diheng smiled and smiled: "Hey, you can be prepared? Can that magic weapon be used?"

“Nature is ok!” grinned. “In a few days, Xiao’s younger brother has been injured, and the poor road has not been idle. He has adjusted his mana to the best state!”

In the eyes of Kun Feiyan, there was also a flash of surprise. He smiled and said: "In this case, doesn't Yan Shimei start to cast spells?"

"But listening to Kun’s instructions!" He took a hand and took a palm-sized conch-like magic weapon. She was different from the town’s cloud-printing. It seems that there is no savage power, but also No dazzling brilliance!

"This is a magic weapon for the ancestors of the poor sects. It is a name snail. It can be recorded in a place that has been visited before. It can be easily found in this place..."

Xiao Hua scratched his head and smiled: "This thing is suitable for the younger brother. The younger brother has never had any sense of direction, and it is easy to get lost..."

"Haha, Xiao Shidi, Mo Xiao smashed this snail!" Gan Diheng knew that Xiao Hua was puzzled and said with a smile: "This place...but what kind of method is included, what is dense, even...what space? Cracks!"

"What? Can it be separated by the array? There is a crack in the space?" Xiao Hua woke up like a dream, his eyes looked at the snail, and he was shocked: "It’s hard...the place where the bell is located...is in Inside the space crack?"

"Big good!" Dry Di Heng showed excitement on his face, and once again he said: "Haha, Xiao Shidi. For the brother, I want to see the shock of your face. I have been looking forward to it. I finally saw it today! Is it not at all? I thought that it was not only in the midst of the meditation, but in the cracks in the space of the meditation!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "I shook my head and said: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it! Even if the brother said that it was a space crack, the younger brother did not know the position. How can the younger brother find out the space cracks in this meditation? ”

"So, this depends on the blessing!" Grinning, and looking at the snail in his hand, said, "And, this snail is not only the function that the younger brother just said. According to the control The way of doing things. The poor road can also find a place that meets the needs of the poor road within a certain range! Of course, there is a chance that success in this range is related to the cultivation of the poor road!"

"Oh? It really is a ** treasure!" Xiao Hua nodded, and he knew in his heart that this function should be the precious thing of the snail!

"Please also ask the teacher to cast a spell!" Kun is not smoking his eyes, urging the road.

"Well," sitting on the knees, throwing the snails in the air, closing the eyes, the left and right hands are like holding an orchid, a seemingly elegant and very mysterious law. When the various methods are hit on the snail, the snail gradually emits a red brilliance. After the red brilliance, it is a light green brilliance... Xiao Hua pays attention to the count and waits for an extremely bright brilliance. Before the birth, the snail actually changed nine different colors! ! !

The brilliance of the brilliance was born, and it was transformed into a shape of a snail in front of the scorpion, but the phantom of the snail slid slightly along the thread of the conch. It seems to be overflowing!

When I saw the phantom, I was born with a long breath. The hanging heart was finally put down.

Then, seeing the different laws and tricks of the left and right hands is also inciting. This time it was a quick anomaly that almost flashed in front of the eyes! At the end of the day, it seems that there are four soft jade like jade flying in the air!

"Disease" but listened to a slap in the face, the four palms disappeared, only the remaining two hands's thumbs stagnate in her forehead! The two hands are magical to look like a pair of wings!

"噗", a red lips, a bit of blood sprayed on the phantom of the snail with the thumb pointing, the phantom still slowly rotates, the blood fog is evenly spread on the thread of the snail And, the strange thing is that after the blood fog is covered with the phantom, it still grows out of the phantom with the rotation of the thread, gradually forming two small wings on both sides of the phantom!

"唉" 巽纾 long export gas, pale face abnormal, strong laugh: "Xiao Shidi, fortunately not to be insulted! The poor road will finally smash the snail. Think about it... With Xiao Shidi driving town Yunyin's weightlifting is light It is too far apart!"

“巽师姊 has worked hard!” Xiao Hua said: “Come on taking the drug!”

A wonderful look, a flash of warmth, smiled: "Not in the way!"

That being said, you can still take a scarlet medicinal medicine from the storage bag, sit down in the face of Xiao Hua, and restore the mana!

After a while, the face of the skull was pink, and the eyes were still not open. Just put a hand on the snail, and saw that the snail did not move, and the phantom first moved. The **** wings on both sides of the phantom are slightly swaying, and the phantom flies from midair and flies toward the outside of the cave!

"Xiao Shidi, fast, quickly withdraw the squad!" He suddenly thought of something and hurriedly shouted.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua did not dare to sneer, said that the law was played, and the dozens of spirits around the cave were collected, followed by the figure of the 巽纾 and other people who flew out.

I saw your snail phantom flying out of the cave, first stopped in front of the cave, like a wave of thread flipping waves wave by wave, straight through a fragrant work, this slowly toward a Fly in the direction.

"Big good!" Seeing this scene, all four people understand that the snail has found the place where Zhong Rong's milk is. This trip is not empty.

"Dry brother, Kun Shi, I will wait for the instrument, etc.! There are a lot of monks with 12 layers of refining. Maybe their teachers will come over! I will protect the snails and sergeants. Let Yan Shizhen concentrate on driving the snail!” Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept away, and immediately he knew that God’s mind was restricted, and he told him.

"But listen to Xiao Shidi's instructions!" Dry Diheng and Kun Feiyan will each sing the singer and sleepy Leizhu, flying on the left and right sides of the shackles, Xiao Hua will take the town cloud printing in his hand, slightly behind Fly next to the three!

The snails fly fast and slow, and the flight route is also tortuous, like in a circle, and it seems that the things you are looking for are constantly changing direction! At the beginning of the snail is still in the periphery of the meditation, after the half-column incense, the wind column that you see is gradually thick, Xiao Hua knows, to deepen the meditation!

At this time, a fierce wind rang from the top of Xiaohua’s head... (to be continued).


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